Site Web along the left edge of the moniter, fine on large 32 ", assistance if you want to be so sweet?

When I change style sheet to focus totally mess up alignment in Internet Explorer.

Is there a solution that I'm missing, what would you do?

Also logo showing following left on I.e. sigh

Thank you very much

Script below:

@charset "iso-8859-1";


background: high #ffffff horizontal;

text-align: center;

do-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, without serif.

font size: 0px;

Color: #333333;

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top of the margin: 7px;

border-color: #FFFFFF;



background: high #ffffff horizontal;

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do-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, without serif.

font size: 0px;

Color: #333333;

margin: 0;

cursor: default;

top of the margin: 7px;


. Clearfix: after {"content:".} » ; Display: block; height: 0; clear: both; visibility: hidden ;}

. Clearfix {* zoom: 1 ;}}

. ClearAll {clear: both ;}}

.pointer {cursor: point ;}}

a: link, a: visited, a: active {color: #d50101; text-decoration: none ;}}

a: hover, a: visited: hover {}

color: #FFFFFF;

text-decoration: underline;

margin-right: 0px;

padding-right: 0px;


: selection {background: #0066CC; color: white ;}}

. Clear {clear: both; height: 0px; overflow: hidden ;}}

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. FL {float: left ;}}

. PV {height: 10px ;}}

. Top {}

Width: 1000px;

height: 2px;

top center background: url("") repeat-y;

Auto margin: 0;


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height: 160px;

Width: 1000px;

Auto margin: 0;

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.logo {}

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do-family: 'ArimoRegular ';

SRC: url('Arimo-Regular-Latin-webfont.eot');

SRC: url('Arimo-Regular-Latin-webfont.eot?#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'),

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URL('Arimo-Regular-latin-webfont.ttf') format ('truetype'),

URL('Arimo-Regular-latin-webfont.svg#ArimoRegular') format ('svg');

make-weight: normal;

make-style: normal;


.quote {}

make-weight: normal;

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.menu {}

Width: 781px;

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top of the margin: 38px;

margin-right: 0px;

margin-bottom: 1px;



Width: 781px;

float: center;

margin-left: 0px;

top of the margin: 38px;

margin-right: 0px;

padding-bottom: 11px;


. Home {}

Width: 122px;

height: 43px;

background: url ("") at the bottom left no-repeat;

float: right;



Width: 122px;

height: 43px;

background: url ("") at the bottom left no-repeat;

float: right;


.à {}

Width: 201px;

height: 43px;

background: url ("") at the bottom left no-repeat;

float: right;



Width: 201px;

height: 43px;

background: url ("") at the bottom left no-repeat;

float: right;



Width: 146px;

height: 43px;

background: url ("") at the bottom left no-repeat;

float: right;



Width: 146px;

height: 43px;

background: url ("") at the bottom left no-repeat;

float: right;


. News {}

Width: 122px;

height: 43px;

background: url ("") at the bottom left no-repeat;

float: right;



Width: 122px;

height: 43px;

background: url ("") at the bottom left no-repeat;

float: right;


.contact {}

Width: 190px;

height: 43px;

background: url ("") at the bottom left no-repeat;

float: right;



Width: 190px;

height: 43px;

background: url ("") at the bottom left no-repeat;

float: right;



Width: 100px;

float: left;

margin-left: 100px;

top of the margin: 20px;

margin-right: 0px;



Width: 99px;

height: 18px;

background: url ("") at the bottom left no-repeat;

float: right;



Width: 99px;

height: 18px;

background: url ("") at the bottom left no-repeat;

float: right;



Width: 560px;

float: left;

margin-left: 0px;

top of the margin: 8px;

margin-right: 0px;

margin-bottom: 2px;



Width: 782px;

float: left;

margin-left: 0px;

top of the margin: 5px;

margin-right: 0px;

margin-bottom: 5px;



Width: 176px;

height: 18px;

background: url ("") at the bottom left no-repeat;

float: left;



Width: 176px;

height: 18px;

background: url ("") at the bottom left no-repeat;

float: left;



Width: 176px;

height: 18px;

background: url ("") at the bottom left no-repeat;

float: left;



Width: 178px;

height: 18px;

background: url ("") at the bottom left no-repeat;

float: left;



Width: 178px;

height: 18px;

background: url ("") at the bottom left no-repeat;

float: left;



Width: 137px;

height: 18px;

background: url ("") at the bottom left no-repeat;

float: left;



Width: 149px;

height: 18px;

background: url ("") at the bottom left no-repeat;

float: left;



Width: 148px;

height: 18px;

background: url ("") at the bottom left no-repeat;

float: left;



Width: 148px;

height: 18px;

background: url ("") at the bottom left no-repeat;

float: left;



Width: 148px;

height: 18px;

background: url ("") at the bottom left no-repeat;

float: left;



Width: 148px;

height: 18px;

background: url ("") at the bottom left no-repeat;

float: left;



Width: 148px;

height: 18px;

background: url ("") at the bottom left no-repeat;

float: left;



Width: 149px;

height: 18px;

background: url ("") at the bottom left no-repeat;

float: left;



Width: 149px;

height: 18px;

background: url ("") at the bottom left no-repeat;

float: left;



Width: 165px;

height: 18px;

background: url ("") at the bottom left no-repeat;

float: left;



Width: 165px;

height: 18px;

background: url ("") at the bottom left no-repeat;

float: left;



Width: 147px;

height: 18px;

background: url ("") at the bottom left no-repeat;

float: left;



Width: 147px;

height: 18px;

background: url ("") at the bottom left no-repeat;

float: left;



Width: 147px;

height: 18px;

background: url ("") at the bottom left no-repeat;

float: left;


Lomagne {}

Width: 147px;

height: 18px;

background: url ("") at the bottom left no-repeat;

float: left;



Width: 147px;

height: 18px;

background: url ("") at the bottom left no-repeat;

float: left;



Width: 147px;

height: 18px;

background: url ("") at the bottom left no-repeat;

float: left;



Width: 147px;

height: 18px;

background: url ("") at the bottom left no-repeat;

float: left;



Width: 147px;

height: 18px;

background: url ("") at the bottom left no-repeat;

float: left;



Width: 147px;

height: 18px;

background: url ("") at the bottom left no-repeat;

float: left;


. Master {}

Width: 128px;

height: 18px;

background: url ("") at the bottom left no-repeat;

float: left;

} .master:hover {}

Width: 128px;

height: 18px;

background: url ("") at the bottom left no-repeat;

float: left;



Width: 128px;

height: 18px;

background: url ("") at the bottom left no-repeat;

float: left;



Width: 700px;

float: left;

margin-left: 0px;

top of the margin: 8px;

margin-right: 0px;

margin-bottom: 1px;



Width: 600px;

float: left;

margin-left: 100px;

top of the margin: 2px;

margin-right: 0px;

margin-bottom: 1px;



Width: 250px;

float: center;

margin-left: 20px;

top of the margin: 5px;

margin-right: 0px;



Width: 400 PX;

float: left;

margin-left: 100px;

top of the margin: 5px;

margin-right: 0px;



Width: 123px;

height: 18px;

background: url ("") at the bottom left no-repeat;

float: left;



Width: 123px;

height: 18px;

background: url ("") at the bottom left no-repeat;

float: left;



Width: 123px;

height: 18px;

background: url ("") at the bottom left no-repeat;

float: left;


otherwise {}

Width: 110px;

height: 18px;

background: url ("") at the bottom left no-repeat;

float: left;



Width: 110px;

height: 18px;

background: url ("") at the bottom left no-repeat;

float: left;



Width: 110px;

height: 18px;

background: url ("") at the bottom left no-repeat;

float: left;


give credibility to {}

Width: 110px;

height: 18px;

background: url ("") at the bottom left no-repeat;

float: left;



Width: 110px;

height: 18px;

background: url ("") at the bottom left no-repeat;

float: left;



Width: 110px;

height: 18px;

background: url ("") at the bottom left no-repeat;

float: left;



Width: 87 x;

height: 18px;

background: url ("") at the bottom left no-repeat;

float: left;



Width: 87px;

height: 18px;

background: url ("") at the bottom left no-repeat;

float: left;



Width: 87px;

height: 18px;

background: url ("") at the bottom left no-repeat;

float: left;



Width: 139px;

height: 18px;

background: url ("") at the bottom left no-repeat;

float: left;



Width: 139px;

height: 18px;

background: url ("") at the bottom left no-repeat;

float: left;



Width: 139px;

height: 18px;

background: url ("") at the bottom left no-repeat;

float: left;



Width: 265px;

float: right;

margin-left: 0px;

top of the margin: 6px;

right margin: 0;

margin-bottom: 2px;



Width: 265px;

float: left;

margin-left: 0px;

top of the margin: 8px;

margin-right: 0px;

margin-bottom: 2px;

padding-bottom: 0px;



Width: 195px;

float: left;

margin-left: 0px;

top of the margin: 4px;

margin-right: 0px;

margin-bottom: 2px;



Width: 260px;

float: right;

margin-left: 0px;

top of the margin: 40px;

right margin: 122px;


. Arrow {}

Width: 32px;

height: 18px;

background: url ("") at the bottom left no-repeat;

float: right;


. One {}

Width: 34px;

height: 18px;

background: url ("") at the bottom left no-repeat;

float: right;



Width: 34px;

height: 18px;

background: url (" roll.jpg") at the bottom left no-repeat;

float: right;


.two {}

Width: 32px;

height: 18px;

background: url ("") at the bottom left no-repeat;

float: right;



Width: 32px;

height: 18px;

background: url (" roll.jpg") at the bottom left no-repeat;

float: right;


.three {}

Width: 32px;

height: 18px;

background: url ("") at the bottom left no-repeat;

float: right;



Width: 32px;

height: 18px;

background: url (" roll.jpg") at the bottom left no-repeat;

float: right;


four {}

Width: 32px;

height: 18px;

background: url ("") at the bottom left no-repeat;

float: right;



Width: 32px;

height: 18px;

background: url (" roll.jpg") at the bottom left no-repeat;

float: right;


. Five {}

Width: 32px;

height: 18px;

background: url ("") at the bottom left no-repeat;

float: right;



Width: 32px;

height: 18px;

background: url (" roll.jpg") at the bottom left no-repeat;

float: right;


.six {}

Width: 32px;

height: 18px;

background: url ("") at the bottom left no-repeat;

float: right;



Width: 32px;

height: 18px;

background: url (" roll.jpg") at the bottom left no-repeat;

float: right;



Width: 34px;

height: 18px;

background: url ("") at the bottom left no-repeat;

float: right;



Width: 781px;

height: 427px;

float: center;

margin-right: 0px;

background: #6e6e6e;

margin-top: 3px;

text-align: left;

left margin: 0px;

background-image: url (.. / images/Indexbackgrounds.jpg);

border-color: #FFFFFF;



height: 550px;

Width: 900px;

/ Background: URL("..) ("/ peaks/gray.jpg") high repeat-y; * /

overflow: visible;

top of the margin: 2px;

margin-right: auto;

margin-bottom: 0px;

left margin: auto;



Width: 781px;

height: 427px;

float: left;

margin-right: 0px;

background: #6e6e6e;

margin-top: 1px;

text-align: left;

left margin: 0px;

background-image: url (.. / images/Indexbackgrounds.jpg);

border-color: #FFFFFF;



Width: 781px;

height: 427px;

float: left;

margin-right: 10px;

background: #6e6e6e;

margin-top: 1px;

text-align: left;

left margin: 0px;

background-image: url (.. / images/Indexbackgrounds.jpg);

border-color: #FFFFFF;



Width: 781px;

height: 427px;

float: left;

margin-right: 10px;

background: #6e6e6e;

margin-top: 1px;

text-align: left;

left margin: 0px;

background-image: url (.. / images/Indexbackgrounds.jpg);

border-color: #FFFFFF;



Width: 781px;

height: 416px;

float: left;

margin-right: 10px;

background: #6e6e6e;

margin-top: 1px;

text-align: left;

left margin: 0px;

background-image: url (.. / images/Indexbackgrounddesign3.jpg);

border-color: #FFFFFF;



Width: 781px;

height: 562px;

float: left;

margin-right: 10px;

background: #6e6e6e;

margin-top: 1px;

text-align: left;

left margin: 0px;

background-image: url (.. / images/Indexbackgrounds3.jpg);

border-color: #FFFFFF;



Width: 750px;

height: 395px;

float: left;

margin-right: 10px;

background: #6e6e6e;

margin-top: 1px;

text-align: center;

left margin: 0px;

background-image: url (.. / images/Indexbackgrounddesign.jpg);

border-color: #FFFFFF;



Width: 781px;

height: 312px;

float: left;

margin-right: 10px;

background: #6e6e6e;

margin-top: 2px;

text-align: center;

left margin: 0px;

background-image: url (.. / images/backcommerce.jpg);

border-color: #FFFFFF;



Width: 759px;

height: 458px;

float: left;

margin-right: 10px;

background: #6e6e6e;

margin-top: 2px;

text-align: center;

left margin: 0px;

background-image: url (.. / images/backindustry.jpg);

border-color: #FFFFFF;



Width: 372px;

height: 282px;

float: left;

margin-right: 5px;

background: #6e6e6e;

margin-top: 2px;

text-align: center;

left margin: 0px;

background-image: url (.. / images/backresidence.jpg);

border-color: #FFFFFF;



Width: 318px;

height: 282px;

float: left;

margin-right: 10px;

background: #6e6e6e;

margin-top: 2px;

text-align: center;

left margin: 0px;

background-image: url (.. / images/backresidence1.jpg);

border-color: #FFFFFF;



Width: 732px;

height: 427px;

float: left;

margin-right: 10px;

background: #6e6e6e;

margin-top: 1px;

text-align: left;

margin-left: 50px;

background-image: url (.. / images/Indexbackground3.jpg);

border-color: #FFFFFF;



Width: 783px;

height: 429px;

float: left;

margin-right: 10px;

background: #6e6e6e;

margin-top: 1px;

text-align: left;

left margin: 0px;

background-image: url (.. / images/Indexbackgrounds.jpg);



Width: 560px;

height: 450px;

float: left;

margin-right: 20px;

background: #6e6e6e;

margin-top: 1px;

text-align: left;

margin-left: 50px;

background-image: url (.. / images/work2background.jpg);



Width: 423px;

height: 364px;

float: left;

margin-right: 20px;

background: #6e6e6e;

margin-top: 1px;

text-align: left;

margin-left: 50px;

background-image: url (.. / images/workaboutusborder.jpg);



Width: 560px;

height: 365px;

float: left;

margin-left: 20px;

background: #6e6e6e;

margin-top: 5px;

text-align: left;

background-image: url (.. / images/work3bg.jpg);

right margin: 15px;



Width: 420px;

height: 355px;

float: left;

margin-left: 40px;

background: #6e6e6e;

margin-top: 5px;

text-align: left;

background-image: url (.. / images/work4bg.jpg);

right margin: 15px;



Width: 805px;

height: 450px;

float: left;

margin-right: 10px;

background: #6e6e6e;

margin-top: 1px;

text-align: center;

margin-left: 50px;

background-image: url (.. / images/Indexbackgrounds.jpg);



Width: 450px;

height: 448px;

float: left;

margin-right: 10px;

background: #6e6e6e;

margin-top: 1px;

text-align: center;

margin left: 273px;

background-image: url (.. / images/back6.jpg);



Width: 404px;

height: 56px;

float: left;

margin-left: 0px;

margin-right: 432px;

background: #6e6e6e;

margin-top: 5px;

background-image: url (.. / images/headerlogo.png)

width of the border; 1px

background-color: #FFFFFF;

border-color: #FFFFFF;



margin: 5px 5px 5px 0;

border-right: 0px;

border-color: #FFFFFF;

float: left;



margin: 0px 0 0 0;

border-right: 50px;

border-color: #FFFFFF;


Mehdi {}

Width: 820px;

margin: 30px auto;

margin-top: 1px;



background: url ("") repeat-y;

Width: 820px;

margin: 30px auto;

top of the margin: 150px;



background: url ("") repeat-y;

Width: 820px;

margin: 30px auto;

margin-top: 10px;

float: center;



Width: 820px;

margin: 30px auto;

margin-top: 10px;

float: center;



Width: 480px;

top of the margin: 5px;

text-align: center;

margin-right: auto;

margin-bottom: 10px;

left margin: 0px;

float: center;



Width: 480px;

margin-top: 10px;

text-align: center;

margin-right: auto;

margin-bottom: 10px;

margin left: 274px;


.footer {}

background-image: url ("");

Width: 100%;

do-size: 10px;

color: white;

make-weight: normal;

make-style: normal;

line-height: 1;

do-family: arial;

padding: 5px;

padding-top: 2px;

top of the margin: 5px;


.footer a: link, .footer a: visited, .footer a: active {color: #ffffff; text-decoration: none ;}}

.footer a: hover, .footer a: visited: hover {color: #ffffff; text-decoration: underline ;}}


Width: 300px;

float: left;

text-align: left;

margin-right: 10px;

top of the margin: 8px;

left margin: 0px;



Width: 200px;

float: right;

text-align: left;

right margin: 5px;

top of the margin: 8px;

margin-left: 5px;



Width: 200px;

float: right;

text-align: left;

right margin: 50px;

margin-top: 0px;

left margin: 1px;



Width: 450px;

float: left;

text-align: left;

top of the margin: 2px;

margin left: 33px;

margin-bottom: 0px;

padding-bottom: 0.5 cm;



Width: 450px;

float: left;

text-align: left;

top of the margin: 8px;

margin-left: 10px;

margin-bottom: 0px;

padding-bottom: 0.5 cm;


H1 {}

make-weight: normal;

make-style: normal;

line-height: 1;

do-family: "GoudyBookletter1911Regular", without the serif.

font-size: 26px;

color: #d50101;

margin: 0;



make-weight: normal;

make-style: normal;

line-height: 1.5;

do-family: verdana;

do-size: 12px;

color: #FFFFFF;

margin: 10px;

text-align: justify;



Width: 115px;

height: 115px;

margin-right: 20px;

margin-bottom: 10px;

float: left;

border: 1px solid #d9d9d9;


.picM {margin: 10px ;}}


Width: 100%;

height: 1px;

border-top: 1px solid #d9d9d9;

margin: auto 10px;

line-height: 1;

text p.Justified {text-align: justify}


Width: 50%;

height: 1px;

border-top: 1px solid #d9d9d9;

margin: 5px auto;

line-height: 1;

p.justifiedText {text-align: justify}



make-weight: normal;

make-style: normal;

line-height: 3;

do-family: arial;

do-size: 10px;

color: #484848;

margin: 0;

float: left;

padding-top: 0px;

p.justifiedText {text-align: justify;}


.SW {}

padding-left: 10px;

padding-right: 12px;

do-size: 11px;

Width: 70px;

float: left;

padding-top: 5px;

make-weight: bold;


.swp {float: left ;}}


border: 1px solid #D9D9D9;

float: left;

margin-bottom: 10px;

margin-left: 10px;

Width: 180px;



border: 1px solid #D9D9D9;

float: left;

margin-bottom: 10px;

margin-right: 20px;

Width: 180px;

top of the margin: 2px;



border: 1px solid #D9D9D9;

float: left;

margin-bottom: 5px;

margin-right: 5px;

margin-left: 5px;

Width: 150px;



border: 1px solid #D9D9D9;

float: left;

margin-bottom: 10px;

margin-right: 20px;

Width: 220px;

top of the margin: 2px;



height: 400px;

Width: 500px;


UL {}

margin: 10px 10px 10px 40px;

padding: 0;

do-size: 12px;

line-height: 2;

color: #FFFFFF;


.contact_left {float: left; width: 100px; text-align: left; do-size: 12px; padding-top: 4px ;}}

.contact_right {float: left; margin-left: 10px; background: white; width: 340px; height: 26px border: 1px solid #d9d9d9 ;}}

.contact_text {margin: 6px 10px;: white bottom; border: 0; do-size: 11px; width: 320px ;}}

.contact_right_area {float: left; margin-left: 10px; background: white; width: 340px; height: 160px; border: 1px solid #d9d9d9 ;}}

.contact_textarea {margin: 6px 10px;: white bottom; border: 0; do-size: 11px; width: 320px; height: 148px font-family: arial; line-height: 1.5 ;}}


Width: 790px;

height: 445px;

margin: 0 auto;


Add this to your style sheet-

Body {width: 781px; auto margin: 0 ;}}

(Check your widths - there are a few in there 1000px widths)

and see what happens.

And by the way, you have still some problems to be fixed- :// this

It seems important to this lack.

Tags: Dreamweaver

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