Size of SSD for Photoshop CS5, LR3, Windows 7

Glancing configurations to build a new office, I read so many articles on the use of SSDS for PS CS5 I am now confused.

I would use a disk for OS & programs and a 2nd for a working PS disc.  I'm looking at 80 GB or 120 GB to fit my budget.  Or the other of these sizes will be suitable for both drives. I noticed that Intel just lowered their price today and added the 120 GB drive.

I use WD hard drives to a storage drive and another for a scratch disk (4 internal drives total) that the functions of the computer for the Internet, the family also.  Now, I store my main Lightroom catalogs and photos on an external drive so I can move them between my desktop and laptop.  My interests of PS are usually 6-8 photos (layers) and string photos together collages for landscapes.  Lightroom did a lot of my settings other than editing.  I'm looking at 8 MB of RAM for now, once again for the budget.

What do you suggest me?

OK, SSD and photoshop...

There are a lot of ways differnet to manage this issue none of them are easier than the other...

I just did this like a month ago and here's what I did. Note * I do not mean you follow my steps, but you can do something similar in price range much lower

I have an OCZ RevoDrive 110 GB SSD as my main operating system drive and program files directory.

second round of reader is a pair of 10krpm 300 GB raptor disks striped for a gd 600 data drive.

I have a 2 x 2 TB hard drives that are my archives, but I keep them offline.

Now, here's where things get complicated.

You want to write to your as little as possible for the longevity of SSDS for most. so the first thing is that you don't want no swapper, no defrag automatic and several other parameters of spacific SSDS like hibernation etc, if you have been doing research, you already know all this.

Now, I took that and went one step further and this is not something you want to do unless you are comfortable and extreeeemly with playing with the operating system configurations.

I have during the BONE building put all my user data from the program directories, set the swap the hard drive Assembly of physical data as well as the drive working PS, caches Internet etc...

This make sure my boot and main program files drive never gets written at least that there is an update or I install something.

The second physical disk manages all the changing data. Profiles user, personal settings, desktop, etc.

Does a number of things for me, everything launches and runs extreemly quickly it takes seconds for the start on dektop apps launching with hesitation. It allows me to use a smaller SSD to house all my OS and applications while limiting does not my amount of data I can keep on my desktop or documents folder.

I've only used 35 concerts out of the ssd 110 gig install all my apps and the os, including several very big games.

If I had to do it again I would do it exactly the same way.

Now, if you're not so much confidence in the skills of your OS and simply want an SSD for extreme speed, it will provide you.  I suggest to use only a single SSD again and use a second physical drive.

Several reasons, it's a heck of a lot cheaper.

Place your scratch, your file swapper OS disk (ssd doesn't have a swap file, but unless you have a godless ammount of memory, you should always have a certain place), temporary and internet directories explore cache locations on the physical disk. Also to store your data on it.

SSD are too expensive to use for data storage or swap/scratch readers at this point and he does not buy you anything wise speed to use it as a cache or temp files. also when you simply store images you don't need than extreemly fast you will not see a difference notable opening physical photo hd or SSD just not that much data.

One last thing, unless your in a rush extreem, I wanted to wait 6 months.  with SATA 3 and USB 3 come around and watch already on most of the new cards mothers, new faster SSD and physical disks will be making their way to the market fast enough.

Tags: Photoshop

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