So frustrated! Need help positioning of image...

Hi people...

I'm learning CSS fitfully, and well I don't have a pretty good understanding on this subject. I hope someone can help me.

I created this page and tried to place an image in the large 'essential' to the right of the slideshow area. It did not work, kept be moved elsewhere. Then I specified it as background image for this div instead... It looks fine in Firefox and Safari (I'm on a Mac), a colleague with Internet Explorer 7 on a PC however, it appears way down at the bottom of the page after the slide show

I looked at all the ways to insert the image, but none of them work. I know I must be missing something very simple. Can anyone help?

Here is the URL...

and the source code:

< ! DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional / / IN" "" > ""
" < html xmlns =" ">
< head >
< meta http-equiv = "Content-Type" content = text/html"; Charset = UTF-8 "/ >"
< title > Grand Canaria Diamond, Diamond Cove, Great Diamond Island, Maine < /title >

" < script src =" "> < / script > .
< script type = "text/javascript" >

Google.Load ("jquery", "1.3.2");

< /script >
"< script type =" text/javascript"src="js/jquery.cycle.js "> < / script >

< script type = "text/javascript" >
$(document) .ready (function () {}

$('#slideshow').cycle ();

function MM_preloadImages() {//v3.0
var d = document; If (d.images) {if(!d.MM_p) d.MM_p = new Array();
var i, j is d.MM_p.length, a = MM_preloadImages.arguments; for (i = 0; i <.) Length; i ++)
If (a [i].indexOf("#")! = 0) {d.MM_p [j] = new Image; d.MM_p [j ++] .src = a [i] ;}}

function MM_findObj (n, d) {//v4.01
var p, i, x;  if(!d) d = document; If ((p = n.IndexOf ("?")) > 0 & & parent.frames.length) {}
d = parent.frames [n.Substring(p+1)] .document; n = n.Substring (0, p) ;}
If (!) () x = d [n]) & & copyrights) x = d.all [n]; for (i = 0;! x & & i < d.forms.length; i ++) x = d.forms [i] [n];
for (i = 0;! x & & d.layers & & I < d.layers.length; i ++) x = MM_findObj (n, d.layers [i] .document);
If (! x & & d.getElementById) x = d.getElementById (n); Return x;

function MM_nbGroup (event, grpName) {//v6.0
var i, img, nbArr, args is MM_nbGroup.arguments;
If (event == "init" & & args.length > 2) {}
If ((img = MM_findObj(args[2]))! = null & &! img.) MM_init) {}
IMG. MM_init = true; IMG. MM_up = args [3]; IMG. MM_dn = img.src;
If ((nbArr = document[grpName]) == null) nbArr = document [grpName] = new Array();
[nbArr.length] nbArr = img;
for (I = 4; I < args.length - 1; i += 2) if ((img = MM_findObj (args [i]))! = null) {}
If (! img.) IMG MM_up). MM_up = img.src;
IMG.src = img. MM_dn = args [i + 1];
[nbArr.length] nbArr = img;
} }
} Else if (event == "over") {}
document. MM_nbOver is nbArr = new Array();.
for (i = 1; I < args.length - 1; i += 3) if ((img = MM_findObj (args [i]))! = null) {}
If (! img.) IMG MM_up). MM_up = img.src;
IMG. SRC = (img. MM_dn & & args [i + 2])? args [i + 2]: ((args[i+1])? args [i + 1]: img.) MM_up);
[nbArr.length] nbArr = img;
} Else if (event == 'out') {}
for (i = 0; i < document.) MM_nbOver.length; i++) {
IMG = document. MM_nbOver [i]; IMG. SRC = (img. MM_dn)? IMG. MM_dn: img. MM_up; }
} Else if (event == 'down') {}
nbArr = document [grpName];
If (nbArr)
for (i = 0; i < nbArr.length; i ++) {img = nbArr [i]; img.src = img. MM_up; IMG. MM_dn = 0; }
document [grpName] is nbArr = new Array();.
for (i = 2; I < args.length - 1; i += 2) if ((img = MM_findObj (args [i]))! = null) {}
If (! img.) IMG MM_up). MM_up = img.src;
IMG.src = img. MM_dn = (args [i + 1])? args [i + 1]: img. MM_up;
[nbArr.length] nbArr = img;
} }
< /script >

< style type = "text/css" >
text-align: center; / * This centers the container in IE 5 * browsers. The text is then set left aligned by default in the #container selector * /.
Color: #000000;
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do-size: 100%;
top of the margin: 20;
right margin: 0;
margin-bottom: 0;
left margin: 0;
padding: 0;
background-image: url(images/gradient900.jpg);
background-repeat: repeat-x;
.twoColFixLtHdr #container {}
Width: 940px;  / * using the less than a width 20px full 800px allows for chrome browser and avoids a horizontal scroll bar * /.
background: #FFFFFF;
text-align: left; / * This setting overrides the text-align: center on the body element. */
margin-top: 0;
margin-right: auto;
margin-bottom: 0;
left margin: auto;
height: 660px;
border-top-width: 1px;
border-right-width: 1px;
border-bottom-width: 1px;
border-left-width: 1px;
border-top-style: solid;
border-right-style: solid;
border-bottom-style: none;
border-left-style: solid;
border-bottom-color: #006;
border-right-color: #006;
border-bottom-color: #006;
border-left-color: #006;
.twoColFixLtHdr #header {}
padding-top: 0;
padding-right: 0px;
padding-bottom: 0;
padding-left: 0px;
Width: 940px;
height: 30px;
background-color: #7092 c 3;
.twoColFixLtHdr #header h1 {}
margin: 0;
{.twoColFixLtHdr #sidebar1}
float: left; / * because this element is floating, it takes a width * /.
Width: 380px;
height: 600px;
padding-top: 0px;
padding-right: 0px;
padding-bottom: 0px;
padding-left: 0px;
{.twoColFixLtHdr #mainContent
height: 579px;
Width: 940px;
margin-top: 0;
right margin: 0;
margin-bottom: 0;
padding-top: 0;
padding-right: 0px;
padding-bottom: 0;
padding-left: 0px;
left margin: 0px;
background-image: url(images/GDRmaincontent.jpg);
background-position: right top;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
.twoColFixLtHdr #footer {}
Width: 940px;
top: 630px;
height: 30px;
do-family: Arial, Helvetica, without serif.
do-size: 12px;
make-style: normal;
Police-weight: 600;
do-variant: normal;
text-transform: none;
color: #FFF;
background-color: #7092 c 3;
text-align: center;
border-top-width: 1px;
border-right-width: 1px;
border-bottom-width: 1px;
border-left-width: 1px;
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border-bottom-style: solid;
border-bottom-color: #006;
border-right-color: #006;
border-bottom-color: #006;
border-left-color: #006;
padding-top: 5;
padding-right: 5;
padding-bottom: 8;
padding-left: 5;
.twoColFixLtHdr #footer p {}
margin: 0; / * zero setting the margins of the first element in the footer will avoid the possibility of the collapse of the margin - a space between the div tags * /.
padding: 10px 0; / * padding on that element will create space, just as it would the margin, free margin collapse question * /.
do-family: Arial, Helvetica, without serif.
do-size: 12px;
make-style: normal;
make-weight: normal;
color: #FFF;
vertical-align: middle;
.fltrt {/ * this class can be used to float right to the item in your page.} The floating element must precede the element it should be next to the page. */
float: right;
left margin: 8px;
.fltlft {/ * this class can be used to float an element on your page to the left * /}
float: left;
right margin: 8px;
.clearfloat {/ * this class must be placed on an element div or break and should be the last item before closing a container should completely contain a float * /}
Clear: both;
height: 0;
font size: 1px;
line-height: 0px;
a: link {}
text-decoration: none;
color: #FFF;
a: visited {}
text-decoration: none;
color: #FFF;
a: hover {}
text-decoration: underline;
color: #600;
a: active {}
text-decoration: none;
color: #CCC;

< / style > <!-[if IE 5] >
< style type = "text/css" >
/ * Place corrections for IE 5 css box model * in this conditional comment * /.
.twoColFixLtHdr #sidebar1 {width: 230px ;}}
< / style >
<! [endif]--> <!-[if IE] >
< style type = "text/css" >
/ * place patches css for all versions of Internet Explorer in this conditional comment * /.
.twoColFixLtHdr #sidebar1 {padding-top: 30px ;}}
.twoColFixLtHdr #mainContent {zoom: 1 ;}}
/ * the owner above zoom gives IE the hasLayout property, avoid several bugs * /.
< / style >
<! [endif]-->
< meta name = "Keywords" content = "' Maine, vacation, rentals, Great Diamond Island, Diamond Cove, houses vacation, island, Casco Bay, Portland, Maine coast, Atlantic ocean, Oceanside, seaside, family, New England, lobster, beach, beaches, Islands, rental, hotel, hostel, bed and breakfast, holiday, ferries, strong, historical" / > "
< name meta = "Description" content = "vacation on an island in Maine! Beautiful historic houses available for rent at Diamond Cove on great Diamond Island in the Bay of Casco near Portland, Maine. "/ >
< / head >

< body class = "twoColFixLtHdr" onload = "MM_preloadImages (" images/visited_homes.jpg','images/visited_about.jpg','images/vi sited_amenities.jpg','images/visited_map.jpg','images/visited_faq.jpg','images/visited_con tsact.jpg'") ' >

< div id = "container" >
< div id = "header" >
< table border = "0" cellpadding = "0" cellspacing = "0" >
< b >
" < td > < a href =" "' 'target = '_top' onclick =' MM_nbGroup('down','group1','viewhomes','images/visited_homes.jpg',1) ' onmouseover =" MM_nbGroup ('more', images/visited_homes.jpg','images/visited_hom es.jpg ', the 'viewhomes' 1,') "onmouseout ="MM_nbGroup ('out')"> < img src ="images/nav_viewourhomes.jpg"alt ="View Our Homes"name ="viewhomes"width ="186"height ="30"border ="0"id ="viewhomes"onload =" "/ > < /a > < table >
"" "< td > < a href ="about_the_island_2010.html"target ="_top"onclick =" MM_nbGroup('down','group1','about','images/visited_about.jpg',1) "onmouseover =" MM_nbGroup ('more', 'subject', 'images/visited_about.jpg','images/visited_about.j pg', 1) "onmouseout =" MM_nbGroup ('out') "> < img src =" images/nav_about.jpg "alt ="images/visited_about.jpg"name ="about"width ="192"height ="30"border ="0"id = 'about' onload =" "/ > < /a > < table >
"" < td > < a href = "amenities.htm" target = "_top" onClick ="MM_nbGroup('down','group1','amenities','images/visited_amenities.jpg',1)" onMouseOver = "MM_nbGroup ("over", images/visited_amenities.jpg','images/visite _amenities.jpg', 1"equipment",)" onMouseOut = "MM_nbGroup ('out')" > < img name = "amenities" src = "images/nav_amenities.jpg" border = '0' alt = 'equipment and activities' onLoad = "" / > < /a > < table >
"(" < td > < a href = "map_2010.html" target = "_top" onClick ="MM_nbGroup('down','group1','map','images/visited_map.jpg',1)" onMouseOver="MM_nbGroup('over','map','images/visited_map.jpg','images/visited_map.jpg',1)"onMouseOut = "MM_nbGroup ('out')" > < img name = "map" src = "images/nav_map.jpg" border = '0' alt = onLoad 'map of the island' ="" / > < /a > < table >
"" < td > < a href = "FAQ_2010.html" target = "_top" onClick ="MM_nbGroup('down','group1','FAQs','images/visited_faq.jpg',1)" onMouseOver = onMouseOut = "MM_nbGroup ('out')" MM_nbGroup ('more', images/visited_faq.jpg','images/visited_faq.jpg',1 of "FAQ,' ')" "> < img name = 'FAQ' src ="images/nav_faq.jpg"border = '0' alt = 'FAQ' onLoad =" "/ > < /a > < table >
"" ("< td > < a href ="contact2009.html"target ="_top"onClick =" MM_nbGroup('down','group1','contact','images/visited_contsact.jpg',1) "onMouseOver ="MM_nbGroup ("over", "contact","images/visited_contsact.jpg','images/visited_co ntsact.jpg', 1)" onMouseOut = "MM_nbGroup ('out')" > < img name = "contact" src = "images/nav_contact.jpg" border = '0' alt = 'Contact us' onLoad = "" / > < /a > < table >
< /tr >
< /table >
< h1 > < / h1 >
<!-end #header--> < / div >
< div id = "sidebar1″" >
< div id = "slideshow" >
"< img src="/images/slide1.jpg "/ >
"< img src="/images/slide2.jpg "/ >
"< img src="/images/slide3.jpg "/ >
"< img src="/images/slide4.jpg "/ >
"< img src="/images/slide5.jpg "/ >
"< img src="/images/slide6.jpg "/ >
"< img src="/images/slide7.jpg "/ >
"< img src="/images/slide8.jpg "/ >
"< img src="/images/slide9.jpg "/ >
"< img src="/images/slide10.jpg "/ >

< / div >
<!-end # sidebar1″--> < / div >
< div id = "mainContent" >
< h1 > < / h1 >
<!-end #mainContent--> < / div >
<!-this element of compensation should immediately follow the #mainContent div in order to force the #container div to contain all the child-> fleet
< div id = "footer" >
< p > large diamond rentals, c/o Phoenix Management, P.O. Box 759, Saco, Maine 04072 - (207) 766-3005-fax (207) 571 - 3066 - < a href = "mailto: " [email protected] "> [email protected] < /a > < /p > "
<!-end #footer->
< / div >
< br class = 'clearfloat' / >
<!-end #container->
< / div >
< / body >
< / html >

Add clear: both; to the #footer

as shown:

.twoColFixLtHdr #footer {}
Clear: both;
Width: 940px;

top: 630px;
height: 30px;
do-family: Arial, Helvetica, without serif.
do-size: 12px;
make-style: normal;
Police-weight: 600;
do-variant: normal;
text-transform: none;
color: #FFF;
background-color: #7092 c 3;
text-align: center;
border-top-width: 1px;
border-right-width: 1px;
border-bottom-width: 1px;
border-left-width: 1px;
border-right-style: solid;
border-bottom-style: solid;
border-bottom-color: #006;
border-right-color: #006;
border-bottom-color: #006;
border-left-color: #006;
padding-top: 5;
padding-right: 5;
padding-bottom: 8;
padding-left: 5;

Also, you can get rid of background-color: #609; right will move it to the #mainContent

CSS (I've just included which while test)

.twoColFixLtHdr #mainContent {    height: 579px;    width: 560px;    float: left;    margin-top: 0;    margin-right: 0;    margin-bottom: 0;    padding-top: 0;    padding-right: 0px;    padding-bottom: 0;    padding-left: 0px;    margin-left: 0px;    background-image: url(images/GDRmaincontent.jpg);    background-position: right top;    background-repeat: no-repeat;  background-color:#609;}

Tags: Dreamweaver

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    script to place images on separate layers


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    get the path to the folder, select the folder in which

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    If the folder is empty, tell the user to select another folder

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    selectDiaglog ("folder empty, select new folder");


    else {}

    Select each file in MyFolder and place it on the new layer in the active document

    var myImage = myFolder.item;

    newLayer = doc.layers.add (+ 1); (newLayer);


    Alert ("Done")


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    function Main(){
         // get path to folder, ask to select which folder
         var myFolder = Folder.selectDialog("Select folder containing images");
         // use open document
         doc = app.activeDocument;
         // if folder is empty, exit
              alert("no Folder selected, I am quitting"); exit();
         // place each file in myFolder on new layer in active document
         // files are filtered by their extension
              myImages = myFolder.getFiles(/\.jpg$|\.tiff$|\.pict$|\.bmp$|\.eps$|\.pdf$/i),
              len = myImages.length, currImg,
              mAngle = 270,
              mX = -6.41,
              mY = 9.9955;
              while (len-->0) {
                   currImg = doc.pages[0].place(
                        myImages[len],     // current file
                        [0,0],     // initial place point
                        doc.layers.add({name: myImages[len].displayName}),          // rename layer as filename
                        {absoluteRotationAngle: mAngle}          // rotate image 90 CCW
         ;     //  fix frame to content
                   currImg.move([mX,mY]);          // move image at x-6.41, y9.9955 on page

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    Good help is served here:

    Each object has properties and methods.

    Above: the folder.getFiles (), (), () and rectangle.move () methods.


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        height: 800px;
        margin-left: auto;
        margin-right: auto;
        top: 0px;
        left: 0px;
        z-index: -1;
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    Spindrift wrote:

    Basically, what I want to do, is to have a skin of advertising that the background (maybe just a dummy container div to serve in the background) of my site, while he fills the area outside the container div of my sites and opens a link if clicked.

    Anyone know how I can do this?

    This can be done relatively easily, but it's not very pretty. You will need to use a full great for the background image, unless you plan to repeat, and then assign the clickable containing exactly this size. See code and screenshot below. Tested in FF, Chrome and IE9.

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    1. you are an administrator of this computer?
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    I suggest you change the order of layers autour i.e. have the images scroll BELOW the menu instead of on top of it, but it's your companion site.

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    Already thank you very much for your help.

    Best regards


    Alongside the Mylenium suggestion, you can do it in first (the Pro, or the Elements version), BUT you'd end up with an AV file and NOT a file 'image', as such.

    An additional step using a NLE (of Non-linear editing) would be that your animated GIF would work better, if it has been converted into file AV with Alpha for transparency. Then, like layers in Photoshop, one would put the image on the video from track 1, with the converted GIF AV file on video Track 2. Export to a format/CODEC selected AV. Fact. Don't forget, this exported file would be an AV file, NOT an image.

    Rather than use the animated GIF, I would rather choose export as a file of my 3D application AV. Most allow several formats/codecs. For material from SD (Standard definition), the ultimate choice would be DV - AVI Type II, using the MicroSoft DV CODEC, or on a Mac, like. MOV with the CODEC of Animation. In these cases, you want to export in million + colors. This + is important, because it will be the Alpha channel for transparency.

    Good luck


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    This article gives to think the matte color change Transparent gif in Photoshop tutorial - PhotoshopCAFE

    See if that helps.

  • Need help with tutorial images Gallery.

    Hi all

    No response from Apex listener Forum... moved here...

    Headset - apex

    Apex -

    When you run the image gallery application according to the tutorial, page just show a blank screen with no image upload button.

    Use 22.0 Firefox and Chrome 28.0.1500.72.

    Firebug does not display a script error.

    Has recreated the tutorial on with the same result as above.

    Workspace: HANAMIKE

    User name: [email protected]

    Password: yesla

    Using the user name = resteasy_admin password = resteasy_admin on

    Had changed the JS tutorial below:

    var workspace_path_prefix = "resteasy";     = > var workspace_path_prefix = "hanamike";

    Another strange problem was when to try the RESTFUL according to the tutorial service when you click on the button 'TEST', has detected the error 404

    Problem on behalf of space of overtime in the URL as below:

    Had to manually change:

    Note that the version of the listener on is:


    Thanks in advance.


    Post edited by: Zack.L

    Hi Zack,

    Please provide the credentials to connect to your workspace.  I took a quick glance to your RESTful Service and applications associated and noticed that he was missing something - the "Upload Image" button! It seems therefore that the section "Create the gallery app" is not a step to create an HTML region, with the model "Button region without title" of the region and with its region defined as source:

    Download Image

    You will see in the JS that there is a reference to #upload - btn, but there is no object on your page.  I created a copy of your application, which includes this new area of HTML, and you'll see I downloaded an image as a demo.  I contacted the team APEX listener re missing instructions, for which I hope will be fixed in the next version.  My apologies for the confusion, but I hope that you are on the right track now.  Regarding the behaviour you noticed with the URL generated by the 'Test' utility, thanks for that bring to our attention.  I'll do some additional research it and log a bug if necessary.

    Kind regards


  • Need help with an Image very destroyed

    So I scanned a picture someone wants me to restore and realized that everywhere WHERE there are traces of fingers that is apparently impossible for me to make decent looking. I tried to use the clone brush, as well as strong overlays, but without success. Any advice or help that you can give?

    Thank you!

    Clarlie Parks 1973.JPG

    It will be difficult to do, but it's doable.

    Here's a partial retouching, which has involved the color range selections, Desaturate, applying the median filter, paint, etc.  It is absolutely not a year ended, just a proof of concept in progress.

    Toning can be applied afterwards, of course.

    Do not give up.

    Photoshop is very powerful, but nobody said it's easy.

  • Lightroom5 - need help with importing images

    I have read the manual and looked at the videos and my pictures won't still import. The source is recognized in the left menu.

    Lightroom5, SanDisk card and reader, Leica M.

    Any suggestions?

    In a different search, someone recommended an update of Adobe, who has travelled by train.

    I never would have guessed an update would be necessary or working day after you download the program from Adobe for the 1st time. :|

    Thanks for your help.

  • Z Index, overlay images, need help (crazy!)

    Need help on overlay images. As you can see, the "polaroid" a band on it - I want this band to overlap the menu bar.


    The menu bar is a Graphic (there is a slight slope for her) and above it are the real menu graphics.  If I remove the menu graphics, photography rides very well.  But if I insert the menu chart, they are on top of the polaroid.  Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.


    Here is the code for the page: < h1 > < / h1 >

    < img src = "images/menuBar.gif" / > "

    < ul id = "menu bar" >
    < li = 'listen' id > < a href = "songs.html" > listen < /a > < /li > ""
    < id li = "submit" > < a href = "submit.html" > submit songs < /a > < /li > ""
    < li id = "seals" > < a href = "seals.html" > help < /a > < /li > seals ' "
    < li = 'about' id > < a href = "about.html" > Our Story? ' " < /a > < /li >
    < li = 'sponsors' id > < a href = "sponsors.html" > Sponsors < /a > < /li > ""
    < /ul >

    < div id = "polaroid" >
    < img src = "images/band2_polaroid.png" width = "280" height = "354" / > "
    < / div > <! - polaroid - >

    Here's the CSS:

    height: 354px;
    Width: 280px;
    padding-left: 50px;
    height: 30px;
    Width: 960px;
    padding: 0px;
    do-family: 'Courier New', Courier, monospace;
    list-style-type: none;
    position: absolute;
    display: block;
    background-repeat: no-repeat;

    #menuBar a {}
    Width: 175px;
    display: inline-block;
    color: #2F3032;
    text-align: left;
    vertical-align: 0%;
    margin: 0px;
    list-style-type: none;
    float: left;
    height: 35px;
    padding-top: 0px;
    padding-right: 0px;
    padding-bottom: 0px;
    padding-left: 10px;

    {#menuBar #listen
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    position: absolute;
    background-image: url(images/titles/listen_bar_orig.gif);

    {#menuBar #submit}
    background-image: url(images/titles/submit_bar_orig.gif);
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    position: absolute;
    margin left: 150px;
    Width: 200px;
    z-index: 1;

    {#menuBar #seals}
    background-image: url(images/titles/seals_bar_orig.gif);
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    position: absolute;
    margin left: 375px;
    Width: 225px;

    {#menuBar #about}
    background-image: url(images/titles/about_bar_orig.gif);
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    position: absolute;
    margin left: 625px;

    {#menuBar #sponsors}
    background-image: url(images/titles/sponsor_bar_orig.gif);
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    position: absolute;
    margin left: 800px;

    Auggh, just figured it out.  Polaroid should be relative positioning!

  • Need help with moving around images

    I need help with moving images and images around the dreamweaver document window. My brother gave me his computer witch a dreamweaver MX (it is in Irag) so I can start building my own construction sites. I went to borders and bought a book on dreamweaver MX. Here's where I'm having a problem with: when ever I bring an image in the document window, I can't move the image around the document window. The book says "place the insertion point where you want the image to appear" but there is no insertion point. There is just a straight line as if I am trying to type something. It's almost as if I'm in microsoft word. If I take the mouse on the image, and then left click and try to drag the image to the location I want, it does not move. Can someone please help me with this problem. Thanks Jical

    Thank you for the answer to my question. This was really helpful.

  • Can't click on a Web site and images don't load, need help!

    I need to fill out a survey online, but I can't check the small boxes next to the images or the options. First of all, I noticed that on this site;
    Images has not been loaded, but I thought it was due to the slow internet connection. When I clicked on the links that were given as the source of all the images loaded. Then on the test I noticed that I can not click on options. To make sure that I had a problem, I tried some lame games such as:
    I tried some of the options on the support page as disabling add ons, restart firefox on SafeMode etc. I even updated my shockwave, java, etc. Later, because of the risks, I uninstalled java. Still nothing and need help!

    Thank you.

    Thank you guys for your interest. I solved the problem by removing mozilla file from my computer and reinstall. Now, everything is perfect. For the survey I have to fill out, well it turns which includes which cannot be opened with mozilla and chrome files. I could open it with my phone and noticed that the questions were all files to soundcloud.

    Thanks again.

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