Sort free space data warehouses in a cluster

Hello, I am trying to sort data warehouses on a cluster of the amount of free space available, so I can return the cluster and the data store to a virtual machine on so far, I have this:

Var data center is Server.findForType ("VC:Datacenter", "");.

clusters of var = datacenter.hostFolder.childEntity;

var host = new Array;

warehouses of var data = new Array;

var dataStoreMostFreeRank = new Array;

System.log (clusters);

for each {(VcComputeResource in clusters)

var clusterName =;

data var store = VcComputeResource.datastore;

dataStores.push (datastore);

System.log (NOMCLUSTER + "" + data warehouses);

for each (var I in the data store) {}

var dataStoreName =;

var dataStoreFreeSpace = i.summary.freeSpace;

function sortDataStores(a,b) {}

Back to a.dataStoreFreeSpace - b.dataStoreFreeSpace


var dataStoreRank = new Arrary;

dataStoreRank.push (dataStoreFreeSpace);

dataStoreRank.sort (sortDataStores)




but I get a syntax error when I run it in cli vco

Rather than to troubleshoot your code, I thought I should share the code, I've had for a few years. I just he added to the tab documents of this community here: Action of storages of data sorting and workflow example

Tags: VMware

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    Each host is connected to its own data store, but not the other host data store. This effectively disables most of the HA/DTS features, and connection status of host for each data store is marked with a warning for missing connections. We have desire of VM migration and load balancing between the two hosts and the warehouses of data to be as homogeneous and transparent as possible.

    My question is simple: what is the most practical and effective way to establish the necessary connections to reach a State fully connected to hosts and data warehouses?


    in this case you need something like a virtual appliance that uses your local storage to make it a shared storage. Your hosts can then access the storage via iSCSI/NFS. At the end of the day, you will have the space of a single node left (CT ~ 5.46), because the device (s) will reflect your data for more security against failure of the host.

    The easiest way would probably be the vSphere Storage Appliance

    But there are also other solutions as a virtual of DataCore and HP StoreVirtual VSA facility.



  • Find the store of data with more free space.

    So I'm trying to build a script to configure the virtual machine.

    I'll have it retrieve the node to keep newly available vm out based on the cluster, I said to use. I'm just using the Random function to do that then I select a node in the cluster.

    Where I have questions, how can I

    find the data store less used, based on a particular data store naming scheme.

    I want to say is:

    Hypathetically, I for example named data warehouses:

    store data-prod-01 200 GB free

    store data-prod-02 500 GB free

    free data-prod-03 10 GB store

    free data-qa-01 200 GB store

    free data-qa-02 1000 GB store

    I want to throw in a piece of code to tell him to watch data warehouses "datastore-prod *" and place the virtual machine on the store of data with the most space. (that's assuming that the vm will agree on the DS and let fresh generals)

    I guess I want to know if it is possible?

    I would also be concerned about scenario that perhaps the vm should I build just will not match on any of my other data store. I guess I need a logic to check if it is still possible.

    This is more than a wish rather than a necessity. I'm thinking if I just read the info, or use a cvs file after running the script. Any recommendations would be greatly appreacted.

    Hello, drivera01-

    You should be able to do this with a very small amount of code.  Download all data warehouses that correspond to the model name, sort free space (in descending order) and select the top one.  As:

    ## get the datastore matching datastore-prod* that has the most freespace$oDatastoreWithMostFree = Get-Datastore datastore-prod* | Sort-Object -Property FreespaceGB -Descending:$true | Select-Object -First 1
    ## if the freespace plus a bit of buffer space is greater than the size needed for the new VMif (($oDatastoreWithMostFree.FreespaceGB + 20) -gt $intNewVMDiskSize) {<# do the provisioning to this datastore #>}else {"oh, no -- not enough freespace on datastore '$($oDatastoreWithMostFree.Name)' to provision new VM"}

    The second part, where it checks for sufficient freespace on the data store that has the most free, can be updated to behave as you need, but that should be the basis.  How does this look?

  • Get cluster data warehouses in VC

    Hi all

    I've been trying to write a code that lists all data warehouses in use by each cluster but little progress with it (I know that data warehouses are not a property of the bunch and I need to interogate each vmhost cluster for the info to store data but imreally+ bad)... Ideally I am looking for a similar to the following output in a CSV file:


    clustertest1 new 88 150 GB 100 GB 50 GB data store

    clustertest1 another datastore 88 70 GB 10 gb 60 gb

    Has anyone known this before - or even something similar?

    Any help would be appreciated.

    See you soon

    This should get you.

    $report = @()
    $clusters = Get-Cluster | Get-View
    foreach($cluster in $clusters){
      $esxImpl = Get-VIObjectByVIView -MORef $[0]
      $VMnr = (Get-VIObjectByVIView -MORef $cluster.MoRef | Get-VM).Count
      $datastores = $esxImpl | Get-Datastore
      foreach($ds in $datastores){
          $row = "" | Select ClusterName, DatastoreName, VMnr, DScapacity, DSused, DSfree
         $row.ClusterName = $cluster.Name
         $row.DatastoreName = $ds.Name
         $row.VMnr = $VMnr
         $row.DScapacity = $ds.CapacityMB
         $row.DSused = $ds.CapacityMB - $ds.FreeSpaceMB
         $row.DSfree = $ds.FreeSpaceMB
         $report += $row
    $report | Export-Csv ".\Cluster-Report.csv" -noTypeInformation

    Note that the script assumes that all ESX servers in a cluster of see same data warehouses.

  • Script of VM inventory for VM name with the location, the name of the Cluster and data storing total size and free space left in DS.


    I wanted to collect script inventory VM VM name with location, name of the Cluster and data store total size and free space left in Datastore.I have script but his mistake of shows during its execution. Any help on this will be apreciated.

    Thank you


    Error: -.

    Get-view: could not validate the argument on the parameter "VIObject". The argument is null or empty. Provide an argument that is not null or empty, and then try
    the command again.
    E:\script\VM-DS-cluster.ps1:7 tank: 20
    + $esx = get-view < < < < $vm. Runtime.Host - name of the Parent property
    + CategoryInfo: InvalidData: (:)) [Get-view], ParameterBindingValidationException)
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId: ParameterArgumentValidationError, VMware.VimAutomation.ViCore.Cmdlets.Commands.DotNetInterop.GetVIView

    Get-view: could not validate the argument on the parameter "VIObject". The argument is null or empty. Provide an argument that is not null or empty, and then try
    the command again.
    E:\script\VM-DS-cluster.ps1:8 tank: 24
    + $cluster = get-view < < < < $esx. Parent - the name of the property
    + CategoryInfo: InvalidData: (:)) [Get-view], ParameterBindingValidationException)
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId: ParameterArgumentValidationError, VMware.VimAutomation.ViCore.Cmdlets.Commands.DotNetInterop.GetVIView

    Get-view: could not validate the argument on the parameter "VIObject". The argument is null or empty. Provide an argument that is not null or empty, and then try
    the command again.
    E:\script\VM-DS-cluster.ps1:9 tank: 24
    + += get-view $report < < < < $vm. Store data-name of the property, summary |
    + CategoryInfo: InvalidData: (:)) [Get-view], ParameterBindingValidationException)
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId: ParameterArgumentValidationError, VMware.VimAutomation.ViCore.Cmdlets.Commands.DotNetInterop.GetVIView

    It seems that your copy/paste lost some.

    I have attached the script

  • Cannot filter Cluster using PowerCLI data warehouses

    Hi, I am trying to retrieve information from a data store and I need the cluster, the data store is associated. I have to, reason or another, can't use the clusters in the searchroot as parameter:

    $cluster = get-Cluster-name "mycluster.

    Notice-EEG - ViewType Datastore SearchRoot - $

    It does not return anything for me, where as if I replace the module in a data center, I get all data from the data center storage, even if I need the cluster as well. So I found another way to get the cluster through the host by using this code snippet that I whipped:

    $vmhosts = $datastore. Host

    $cluster = get-view-id (Get-View-Id $vmhosts [0].) Key | Select - Parent property). Parent | Select - the property name

    Write-Host $cluster. Name

    .. .or $datastore is a view of the data store. This gives me the name of the cluster, although the script works very slow and takes a long time to run. Our environment contains several thousand data storage so you can see why the time of execution of the script is a big concern for me. Here's the complete function to give the context of my question.


    # Crosses all vCenter and gets the individual data of SAN

    Function Get-AllSANData ($vcenter) {}

    $WarningPreference = "SilentlyContinue".

    SE connect-VIServer $vcenter - ErrorAction SilentlyContinue - ErrorVariable ConnectError. Out-Null

    write-host "SAN data extraction of ' $vcenter '... »

    write-host "this will take some time, stop looking at me and go do something else... »

    # Loop in each datacenter in the vCenter

    {ForEach ($datacenter Get-Data Center)

    # Create view of data and store the loop through each store data in the cluster

    ForEach ($datastore in Get-View - ViewType Datastore SearchRoot - $ - filter @{"Summary.Type" ="VMFS"}) {}

    $vmhosts = $datastore. # This is a table of all hosts attached to this Volume SAN host

    $hostcount = $vmhosts. # Num armies length associated with this Volume of SAN SAN

    If ($hostcount - lt 2) {continues} # ignore boot Volumes

    $lunsize = $datastore | % {[decimal]: tour ($_.)} (Summary.Capacity/1Go)} # capacity in bytes is converted to GB

    $free = $datastore | % {[decimal]: tour ($_.)} (Summary.FreeSpace/1Go)} # free space in bytes is converted to GB

    $type = $datastore | %{$_. Summary.Type} # we know already that type will be VMFS but just in case

    $majorversion = $datastore | % {$_.Info.Vmfs.MajorVersion} # version major VMFS (5.blah = 5) you get the idea

    $cluster = get-view-id (Get-View-Id $vmhosts [0].) Key | Select - Parent property). Parent | Select - the property name

    write-host $datacenter. $cluster. Name. $datastore. Name. $lunsize. $free. $type. $majorversion. $hostcount



    Disconnect-VIServer $vcenter - force - confirm: $false | Out-Null

    write-host "Done with" $vcenter



    I found a solution for a long time. Thank you for following it upwards. That's what I ended up doing:

    # Crosses all vCenter and gets the individual data of SAN

    Function Get-AllSANData($vcenter, $fileName, $MyDirectory) {}

    $WarningPreference = "SilentlyContinue".

    SE connect-VIServer $vcenter - ErrorAction SilentlyContinue - ErrorVariable ConnectError. Out-Null

    write-host "SAN data extraction of ' $vcenter '... »

    write-host "this will take some time, stop looking at me and go do something else... »

    # Loop in each data center in the vCenter - MoRef corresponds to the ID

    ForEach ($datacenter in Get-View - ViewType Datacenter |) Name of the property, select - MoRef) {}

    # Loop in each Cluster in the data center

    ForEach ($cluster in Get-view ViewType - ClusterComputeResource - SearchRoot $datacenter. MoRef | Name of the property, select - Datastore) {}

    # Create view of data and store the loop through each store data in the cluster

    ForEach ($datastore in $cluster. Data store) {}

    $ds = get - views - Id $datastore | Select - property name, host, summary, Info # create the data store with the current Cluster data store

    $hostcount = $ds. Host.Length # Num of the armed forces associated with this Volume of SAN

    If ($hostcount - lt 2) {continues} # ignore boot Volumes

    $type = $ds | %{$_. Summary.Type} # the type must be VMFS, not interesting in SIN or any other type

    # Don't filter for VDT Recons - need storage NFS so

    If ($type - don't "VMFS") {continue}

    $lunsize = $ds | % {[decimal]: tour ($_.)} (Summary.Capacity/1Go)} # capacity in bytes is converted to GB

    $free = $ds | % {[decimal]: tour ($_.)} (Summary.FreeSpace/1Go)} # free space in bytes is converted to GB

    $uncommitted = $ds | % {[decimal]: tour ($_.)} (Summary.Uncommitted/1Go)} # storage uncommitted in bytes is converted to GB

    $provisioned = ($lunsize - $free + $uncommitted)

    $majorversion = $ds | % {$_.Info.Vmfs.MajorVersion} # version major VMFS (5.blah = 5) you get the idea

    $upperVC = $vcenter. ToString(). ToUpper()

    $upperCL = $cluster. Name (). ToUpper()

    $upperDS = $ds. Name (). ToUpper()

    write-host $datacenter. Name. $upperCL. $upperDS. $lunsize. $provisioned. $free. $type. $majorversion. $hostcount

    # Data to CSV output (file is located in the same directory that the script is running from)

    $record = $datacenter. "Name +", "+ $upperCL +", "+ $upperDS +", "+ $lunsize +", "+ $provisionné +", "+ $+ free ', ' + $+ type", "+ $majorversion +", "+ $hostcount

    $record | Out-file - add $MyDirectory\SANpulls\$ fileName-encoding ASCII




  • Low free space on the data store.

    Hi ladies and gentlemen

    I have 3 connected to my server from Vsphere data warehouses, data warehouses are a Terrabyte each but only have about 65 concerts on the free space on each of them.

    How this small space affect my ability to take pictures? Take a snapshot potentially cause data warehouses to run out of space?

    Thank you very much for all the tips...



    Dear Sir.

    Snapshot response potentially cause data store run area is YES.

    The explanation is dependent on the setting of the snapshot, configured manually, automatically configured (by any agent backup) or?

    Sorry, I'm not explain in detail here.

  • Disk space reduced after deleting and creating SATA data warehouses

    I was experimenting with measurement feature multiple with a host ESXi 5.0 (build 515841), which has two 2 TB SATA drives connected to the motherboard SATA controller. For the test, the first hard drive was installed with a VMFS5 data store and the second disc was added as an additional measure. The ability to store data went up 3.62 to as expected (individual drives show up 1.81 TB in VMware). After the test, I deleted the data store to configure the drives as of separate data warehouses. The second disc correctly displays a 1.81 TB of available space, but the first drive shows only a maximum of 256 GB of available space. The structure of the disc shown before creating the data store on the first hard disk shows 1.81 TB of free space. Additional free space can be recovered without having to reinstall ESXi? Thank you.

    I didn't not experiment a lot with VMFS-5 me yet, but I have had a few discussions with other users. What they say, you can be able to increate the VMFS partition of size (in stages) by using partedUtil, and then run vmkfstools to cultivate the datatore. See for example Re: cannot increase the capacity of VMFS 5.54 data store

    With your layout of the partition, it would be as these two commands:

    partedUtil resize "/vmfs/devices/disks/vml.01000000002020202020204d4e313232304633304d41553544486974616368" 3 10229760 3907029167
    vmkfstools --growfs "/vmfs/devices/disks/vml.01000000002020202020204d4e313232304633304d41553544486974616368:3" "/vmfs/devices/disks/vml.01000000002020202020204d4e313232304633304d41553544486974616368:3"


  • Free space in the data store is lower we shouldn't


    I'm under VMware ESXi on HP Proliant DL380 G5 server - the data store has a global capacity of 678 GB, with now 34 GB free. I have 5 VMs running:


    (1) Win2k3: 50 / 100

    (3) Win2k3: 50 / 50

    (1) Windows XP: 10

    Oh - and the two models, one for the server (50) and a XP (10)

    Yesterday, I created a couple of clones of the XP, 1 with Vmkfstools - i and the other with vConverter - especially for the practice, but they are only 10 GB. Before my creations, free space read about 115 GB - then she got at the moment, I noticed 34GB. I deleted the two new virtual machines thinking I came home back from space, but no dice. Math is not my best subject, but this does not seem to add up. Do something wrong, I missed something?

    Is it possible to reclaim that space? Before I thought to check with you guys, it dawned on me that I could stop all VMs and restart the host, but if there is another way, I want to know it.


    Browse the data store - go to the "Home" view - inventory - data warehouses, click a data store, and then select Browse.

    Look in the subdirectory for each virtual computer and determine that seem abnormal large size files and total size of all files that exceed the size of the virtual disks assigned to the virtual machine.  If you specify then what are the names of the files a plan for how to get rid of them.

  • I want to delete data from my i cloud storage for the little free space without increasing the storage capacity. How to do?

    I want to delete data from my i cloud storage for the little free space without increasing the storage capacity. How to do?

    Storage of parameters/iCloud/Storage/manage or delete some of the data being synchronized with iCloud, such as photos.

  • Apps aren't up-to-date on my iPhone 5 with iOS 9.1 and 700 MB of free space. Help!

    I have three apps that are not up-to-date. They is xfinity account, Star walk & MS OneNote. I clicked on them and they start then stop immediately. I rebooted my phone twice. Still no change. I have to reset it to factory and start over?

    Title of your post says you have 700 MB of free space on your iPhone.  It is a small amount of free space!  You need a lot more free space for your iPhone work properly.

    Go to settings > General > storage & use iCloud > Storage manage and release at least 1 GB of additional storage (if not more).

  • How much free space should I leave on a DATA partition?

    I can find discussions about why we should give adequate free space on a Windows 7 OS partition, but I can't find anything about the question to know if performance suffers if a partition used strictly for the * data * is too full.  For example, Windows 7 has a requirement to free space for Defrag to work properly?  If so, what is it?  I know that for XP defrag wouldn't even run with less than 15% free space in partition, but I don't see anything on such a restriction in 7.  And are there other aspects?  Thank you.  (Wasn't sure to put this question in "Performance and Maintenance" or "files and folders," so I chose the first.)

    AFAIK, the hard disk Windows fault detection mechanism, where the CHKDSK command is a part (the big cannon), which allows to cope with errors in small scale more or less on the fly. If the problem worsens, CHKDSK is called, and Windows stops and restarts to give a best shot at fixing the issue without distractions of CHKDSK.

    If you're lucky, CHKDSK will report the broken clusters as death, moving away from the dead zone data, and Windows will continue as usual. If the disk is full to the top, none of the foregoing can or will happen, there is no room for errors of any kind.

    So, let us free space on the disk... A data reader may not get the rigorous use that gets the C drive, but it's always a dynamic environment where files are read and re-writings on demand.

    Some bad clusters on a disk is no big deal, and the player works pretty well. The trouble begins seriously when the grapes begin to fail on a regular basis, and you will get WARNING that because Windows will appear to hang during playback of files. If you ignore this warning, CHKDSK will be finally called whenever the computer is started.

    So, no, you do not rush out and buy a new hard drive, all simply because a few bad clusters have been detected.

    Large free space reduces the loss of data? Just as much as Windows has a fairly reliable place to re - write files that had been a real struggle read less of good grapes. In this way, it also buys you time to do regular backups until you can plan to replace the drive

    Even if the 15% limit has been removed from the Defragmenter, you must always leave at least 15% free especially if you store large file sizes, but it is only a recommendation, not a hard and fast rule. Personally, I think it was a mistake to remove the limit that it just encourages computer users to fill the readers to the absolute ability to believe that everything will be fine.

  • Data ESXI free space consumption permanently store


    Please I need help, our ESXI 5.5 database have a total of 2 TB of space and have 2 virtual machine, virtual computers have 'Thick lazy provisioned to zero' hard drives

    but before we have 471 GB of free space, but since last week, our space free datastore continually dwindling I don't know why, after all you said 3minutes datastore is reduced by a few megabytes

    Please any help is greatly appreciated :-),.

    Definitely Yes. Snapshot files increases over time, according to the changed data in the virtual disk. They can grow up to the size of their basic disks provisioned.


  • Cluster data warehouses

    I would like to create a dashboard that displays a list of all VMWare clusters and for each handset display data warehouses that are used for each of them. Looking for a way to create the dashboard without slipping each store data in the dashboard.

    1 is it possible with a query of the user interface?

    Data > VMWare > centers > (name datacenter) > cluster > (cluster name) > ESX host > (host name) > storage > data warehouses

    If you want the names and what may not be a little cleaner that I would try this, it also removes the need for the additional query keep things all neat.

    cluster = server.get ("QueryService").queryTopologyObjects("!) VMWCluster')

    output =]

    (cluster in clusters)


    data warehouses = cluster.esxServers.datastores

    for (data in data warehouses store)


    map = [, VMWDatastore:]

    output. Add (Map)



    return output

  • Analytics data drive free space is less than 15% &gt; Vcops begin the deletion of data


    I'm new to vCOps, please bear with me.

    We have vCOps running in a configuration of test for about half a year now. Recently, he has been given these administrative alerts on the virtual analytical computer:

    «Storage disk (/ data) of free space is less than 15%.» vCenter Operations Manager will start the deletion of data to recover disk space. To avoid the automatic deletion of the data, add an additional drive.

    I was looking into that, but I can't understand what data are removed or how vCOps chooses to delete data.
    For example, VM Analytics metric history goes back only 3 weeks, some metric hosts history goes back to early August. Another metric story hosts return early September.

    So I guess that vCOps has been clear data to recover disk space, but...

    Is there a logic on what data are removed?

    Is there a documentation on that?

    We have 110 guests and about 1250 VM. What is the recommended size of the unit of storage/data?

    Thanks in advance.

    It will be cleaning older data of historical metrology.

    But if your installation is that fresh, more likely of allocated disk space is less than the recommended size.
    As far as I know, those appearing at the beginning of the administration guide.

    -Administrator's guide:

Maybe you are looking for

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