SPLIT function

I have a background of table which is:

Values inserted INTO THE TRAINING (D, 0, 10, SOFTECH, 2000000, sysdate),.
(G, 0, 12, SOFTECH, 3000000, sysdate), (G, 1, 19, TECHNOLOGY, 60000, November 10, 10)
Here, I lead a dynamic search that will allow the front-end on PHP receive the string in this form:
(STATUS = G; statut_option = 2; LABEL = SOFTECH; COUT_PREVISIONNEL = 2000000) this chain of values represents the State requests and return the result as shown below:

D 10 SOFTECH 2000000
G 12 SOFTECH 3000000
I'm under 10 gr 2 on Windows Server.
Kind regards

Yet another example:

 params varchar2_table;
 l_pair varchar2_table;

--getting param=value pairs
 params:= xt_regexp.split(
--for all pairs
 for i in params.first..params.last loop
--splitting param name and param value
-- just printing it
   dbms_output.put_line('Param name = '||l_pair(1));
   dbms_output.put_line('Param value = '||l_pair(2));
 end loop;


Param name = STATUT
Param value = G
Param name = SUPPRIM
Param value = 0
Param name = PLAN_ID
Param value = 12
Param name = LIBELLE
Param value = SOFTECH
Param value = 3000000
Param name = DATE_CREATION
Param value = 16/11/2010

Tags: Database

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        TYPE T_ARRAY IS TABLE OF VARCHAR2(255) index by binary_integer;
        FUNCTION get_array_from_string(p_string    IN VARCHAR2,
                                       p_separator IN VARCHAR2) RETURN T_ARRAY;
    END pack_test;
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            v_position    NUMBER(9) := 1;
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            END LOOP;
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      lv_elements   t_array;
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    PLS-00382: Uitdrukking heeft onjuist type..
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    The t_array type defined in the package is not the same as the t_array type defined in your anonymous block. They may have the same name and the same characteristics, but they are both distinct and non-interchangeable.

    Change the call block so that it uses the type declared in the package:

     TYPE T_ARRAY IS TABLE OF VARCHAR2(255);     -- Not needed, you can delete this line
      lv_elements   pack_test.t_array;          -- This line has been changed
      lv_elements := pack_test.get_array_from_string('1,2,3,4', ',');
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    See you soon


    I wasn't talking about the script file extension, as you say is irrelevant, your file name of the script was eGRCcISPA (without the extension) and your function called eGRCsISPA (in the body of the script). They were different and should be the same. They are the same today? Also when you say that this does not work, what do you mean?

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    RIP Noel


    Is it using specific tools such as the ADJUSTMENT tool?

    Try this:
    Disable "Composite overview for Trim ' under 'timeline view settings.

    Thank you


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    1. Make sure that you are in split view (Code from Split or split design/Live view).

    2. To split vertically to view, choose View > split vertically. To split the view horizontally, deselect view > split vertically.

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    What is the iPad 12.9 inches Pro? If it is then it will not have the option: https://help.apple.com/ipad/9/#/iPad997da62f

    Note: The keyboard split option is not available on iPad Pro (12.9 in).

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    What version of LabVIEW are you using?  You can post your VI?

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    And what I want is:

    1234 5678 1234 5678

    1234 5678 1234 5678

    1234 5678 1234 5678

    1234 5678 1234 5678

    I've been looking for a solution for a long time, any suggestions?

    Charles_CLD wrote:

    If you are dealing with types of integers, you can use the split function on the pallet of data Conversion.

    Woah... what?  That the split function is not going to work.  If you have the value of base 10 12345678, split, it will not produce 1234 and 5678.  Of course, you could argue that the 10 core values are actually base 16 to make the separation, but that will require a conversion of string, and at this time it's easier to cut the string, like this:

  • How to split strings?


    I'm using action made by Christophe (http://www.vcoteam.info/learn-vco/code-snippets-cancel-one-of-your-running-workflows.html) in order to cancel some workflows.

    Since the selection for tokens window does not display the parameters of the token, I created another entry for my workflow that is supposed to contain the name of the virtual machine, only for infomational purposes.

    I created an action to do this. When I use just "return myWorkflowToken.getInputParameters ();" then all settings are written to the input box.

    In my case, it looks like this:

    {ram = 3000.0, date = Mon Jan 24 16:25:16 THIS 2011, vm = < @id = FinderResult' VC:VirtualMachine/si0vm271/vm - 852' @name = "si0vm562" >, UC = 3.0}

    Since I need only the name of the virtual machine, in this case the part after @name (si0vm562), I need to retrieve it somehow off the chain.

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    var params_s = myWorkflowToken.getInputParameters ();
    var params_a_s = params_s.split ("name");
    return params_a_s [1];

    But when I run the workflow, the input dialogue tells me that the "split" function cannot be found.

    How can I retrieve the VM name on the report of a running workflow?

    Thank you



    Hi Andreas,

    I don't think that splitting strings works for your case.

    In fact workflowToken.getInputParameters () does not return a string. It is ch.dunes.scripting.jsmodel.JSProperties instead (you can check this of the Orchestrator client tools-> API Explorer). The split function is not found on the params_s variable.

    In order to achieve your goal, you can try the following:

    get the vm parameter

    Use the parameter name. This is the vm used according to the result of your message

    VM var = workflowToken.getInputParameters () .get ("vm");

    You can check for safety if the virtual machine is defined, except that the virtual machine is the required parameter

    If (vm! = null) {}

    return vm.name


    The code snippet above you should return the value set for the parameter of the virtual machine.

    Hope this helps,

    Martin Marinov

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    Thank you!



    I had too many problems to use the replaceVariables() function in myTBEDefaultTextAsVariable widget.  The task was to read an existing user Cp variable and use it as default text with another text entry area.  I gave up on the Widget API and thought it would be easier to write my own funciton.  Nothing fancy... just a standard split function, then using cpGetValue to get the value of the variable.

    if (myString.indexOf("$$") != -1)  {
         ary = myString.split("$$");
         varValue = mainmov.cpGetValue(ary[1]);
         // suffix or append any text the user might have put in the Second TEB field besides the variable
         if (ary[0].toString().length != 0 && ary[2].toString().length == 0) {
              varValue = ary[0].toString() + varValue;
         else if (ary[0].toString().length != 0 && ary[2].toString().length != 0) {
              varValue = ary[0].toString() + varValue + ary[2].toString();
         else if (ary[0].toString().length == 0 && ary[2].toString().length != 0) {
              varValue += ary[2].toString();
         // Set the text of the TBE field
         curSlide.getChildByName(itemName).EditField_txt.text = varValue; //movieHandle.replaceVariables();
         //set variable attached to TBE field
         mainmov[ItemXML.m_associatedVariableName.toString()] = varValue;


    Jim Leichliter

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    Yes split is supported...

    var str = "This_is_a_test";
    Str = Str.Split ('_');
    alert (str [3] + "" + str [0] .toLowerCase () + "" + str [1]);

  • Hide/show elements based on the result of the existing function


    I have a function that returns two values that are drawn from a process of application On Demand (thanks Shijesh!):
    function myAjaxCall()
       var ajaxRequest = new htmldb_Get( null , &APP_ID. , 'APPLICATION_PROCESS=getStatus',0);
       ajaxRequest.add('P11_PATIENT_ID' , $v('P11_PATIENT_ID'))
       //notice the below line.. use of split function
        ajaxResult = ajaxRequest.get().split(',')
       $s( 'P11_CCSS_STATUS' , ajaxResult[0]);
          $s( 'P11_COPAY' , ajaxResult[1]);
    I'm trying to hide/show the other two items (P11_COPAY_COLLECTED, P11_NO_COPAY_REASON) based on the return value for P11_COPAY.

    Is it possible to add an IF statement for the function to show the two elements only if the value is equal to 'Yes'?

    I tried this, but then the two values (P11_CCSS_STATUS, P11_COPAY) are not returned, much less any hide/show:
    function myAjaxCall()
       var ajaxRequest = new htmldb_Get( null , &APP_ID. , 'APPLICATION_PROCESS=getStatus',0);
       ajaxRequest.add('P11_PATIENT_ID' , $v('P11_PATIENT_ID'))
       //notice the below line.. use of split function
        ajaxResult = ajaxRequest.get().split(',')
       $s( 'P11_CCSS_STATUS' , ajaxResult[0]);
          $s( 'P11_COPAY' , ajaxResult[1]);
    if ( $v ('P11_COPAY' == 'Yes' ) { 
      // Show Items 
    $x_HideItemRow( 'P11_COPAY_COLLECTED');
    $x_HideItemRow( 'P11_NO_COPAY_REASON'); 
    Any suggestion on how / if possible?

    Thank you
    if ( $v 'P11_COPAY' == 'Yes' )
    should be
    if ( $v ('P11_COPAY') == 'Yes' ) 


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    Other wise, is there another way to get the min of comma-separated string value?
    FROM    TABLE(get_string_comma('956.23,1002.56',','));


    I understand your situation, try:

    SELECT  MIN(to_number(COLUMN_VALUE))
    FROM    TABLE(get_string_comma('956.23,1002.56',','));

    Kind regards

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    I need to have the columns and separate data. How can I do this? I guess I need something like split function.
    Thx for the answers

    You must process the pipeline in a table for example function

    select *
    from table(fnk());

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