Why firefox did ask to make changes to my computer whenever I open the browser. Why is the screen pixelated all?

When click on firefox on my desktop that a message appears to ask me if I will allow firefox to make changes to my computer. It happens every time. each page is also all pixelated and barely visible. the Explorer IS NOT to do THIS.

Firefox started running slow after the removal of my story. I tried to reinstall a new profile, and finally a new installed Windows. Now, I have the same problem

I have tried everything I can think of, even to reinstall windows to correct the problem. Nothing solves the problem. It all started after clearing the cache of the browser. Text appears at least 15 seconds after I start typing, pages take a long tim

After 36.0.3, address bar of update shows only address tabs.

Before the update, the address bar has links to pages that I used the most. Now it only shows the address of tabs I have currently open (through several sessions). Possible clue is that each address is preceded by "moz-action: switchtab,"and then the

I'm looking for something, or even click on a link "for you", that he - and nothing else than the spinning wheel.

I'm looking for something, or even click on a link "for you", that he - and nothing else than the spinning wheel. It is easier to go to YouTube, which I prefer not to do. < published by host >

Equium M37 - 337 guard list blue screen and breaking fault as - igxprd32

Hello The model number of the laptop is Equium M37-337 PSM77E-00L00MAV the research on the web I see that it is a graphics problem.When the laptop starts it will go int Windows and then crash with a blue registration screen above. It lasts only about

When I hit + to open a new tab, I always get Yahoo. How can I stop this?

When I click on the sign plus (+) symbol to open a new tab in the Firefox tab bar I always get the homepage of Yahoo and impossible to get a blank tab. No matter what I do, I always get from Yahoo. How can I get Yahoo go away? Or better yet, how can

Video clips gel and green screen after update Toshiba PC health

Recently, I answered a message from my PC Health Monitor utility to download and update software. After that I can no longer to watch video clips online (for example clips youtube freeze and picture Gets Green and freezes internet becomes insensitive

Find the ipod but do not know how to find the owner

An ipod has been transformed into the lost where I work a few weeks ago. I want to find the owner because the L & F will be thrown in a week and it's more than a loss of pair of mittens or a thermos. Unfortunately I can't find the details of the owne

PID autotuning on CRIO

Hello I'm working on a cRIO, and I want to use the PID AUTOTUNING vi in real-time. I got an error when I tried to start the automatic setting. I know the autotuning to start a wizard with a pop-up window, but I can't get the window pop up on RT. How

How can I set the focus to an external application?

Hello I am to activate an external .exe application through Labile. When the application is activated a GUI opens and I can use the properties of this application automatically. The problem is, whenever the user presses the screen outside the window

How to find the product key on a pre-installed version of Windows 8?

Hello I bought a W530 with preinstalled Windows 7 and I have improved the system of Windows 8 using the discs. Now, I discovered that I do not have Windows 8, and I would go back on Windows 7. But I can not find the product key of windows 7 on the bo

copy of photo files

When I click with the right button on any image file and then drag it to the external hard drive, I do not receive the copy of the message to what ever storage disk is inserted into the laptop can help please

Had a virus, now when I click on a site to go to Google page appears and I can not go on the site, except if I click on "cache".

I had a virus on my computer and now when I click on a site to access Google page appears and I can't go to the website of Norbert I click on 'cache '.  Help. Please, I beg you. * original title - frustrated *.

Media Player won't play music

My windows media player no longer plays my music, it brings in dowry rd x next to songs and says driver update but I did and even uninstalled and reinstalled and still does not please help, what should I do now? Thank you

8 GB Clip fuel not or be recognized by the computer...

I had music playing music for a few hours, so it is quite possible that the battery had just run... After reading a number of discussions about similar problems, I tried the "soft reset" and then turn on option several times, with no sign of life...

I did a system restore to recover an uninstalled program and now my computer will not sleep.

I tried to fix it when you restart the computer, and that doesn't seem to work. Running out of ideas! Help, please!

Copy of the file to Mobile to PC device on a machine Vista

In our Application, we use a mobile device called a scanner. We use ActiveSync on windows XP and windows mobile device center on Vista machine to connect the scanner. We connect it to the PC by USB and copy the files of devices for PC. It works fine

scanning with Gmail from Dell C2665dnf Color MFP

Hello I try to configure the scanner to post the scan via gmail tried everthing (the IP address of the server name servername) it still does not work. I found (old Can someone help me?

battery 9 cells X 220: Sanyo or LGC?

Hi all! I tried to search past issues by comparing the battery 9 cells Sanyo and LGC, but were unsuccessful. In our office, I made the choice to get a new Sanyo 9 cells (Japan made, completed in China) or LGC (Korea, completed in China) battery. Whic

3rd themes part, sometimes does not work on Windows 7?

Basically, that's what my theme looks (custom made by someone, credits to them) and it all works now, everytime I try to change it, it gives me the appearance of original windows, something like that in the .gif http://support.kaspersky.com/images/su