Start a variable to a percentage of the total time?

Hi all

I am trying to find a way to call a function in the last 30 seconds of the film. The problem here is that the total duration of the video is changing because it is connected to a database that imports different clips depending on the situation. So basically, I need code to call a function to START with 40 seconds in the video or a certain percentage of the video.

This is where I am with the code:

var songLength:Number = oasisFlashDuration/1000; It of shooting some video and determines the length of the film

Then: What I tried to use to start this variable 40 seconds from the end.

var startCredits:Number = songLength - 40;  //


var startCredits:Number = oasisFlashDuration/1000-40; / /

Could someone help?

Thank you!

If you know how long that you want something to happen from a different starting point, you can use the Timer class to wait for time to pass before acting.  The basic menu would be...

var: timer = new Timer (startCredts * 1000, 1);  time is specified in msec

timer.addEventListener (TimerEvent.TIMER, triggerCredits);

function triggerCredits(evt:TimerEcvent):void {}

start what you intend to start


Timer.Start ();  run this line when you want to start the song

Tags: Adobe Animate

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  • Need a Script to the space of images on a total gap, then tag each image with the percentage of the total image space

    By editing the other scripts, I found here and other sites (including the labels size rorohiko), I worked on a script that will each image with the dimensions of the label and calculate the percentage of the spread of everything (including the text, white space).

    Now, I was invited to a script that tagged the images with the percentage of total image on a gap space. This script is so space images on a total gap, then tag each image with the percentage of the total image space. For example if there is an image that is 10 x 10 inches and four pictures that are images of 2.5x2.5, 10 x 10 would be tagged with 50% and the 2.5x2.5 would be tagged with 12.5%.

    This is the script that does the percentage of total circulation. Can some clever person get to do what I need?


    (Sorry, I don't know how to post the script here with line numbers!)


    This script adds printing of information labels to each graphic image. The labels are on a separate layer

    named "PercentageLabels" so that all these added labels can be removed again by simply removing

    the layer.


    If you move or resize items, simply re-run the script to update the labels.


    Before (re) start the script, you can define a paragraph style "SizeLabelStyle".

    This style will apply to all content on labels.


    Before (re) start the script, you can set a style of object 'SizeLabelObjectStyle '.

    This style of object apply to all executives of the label - so if you want a specific background

    fill out or frame, do it through this object style.


    You can change the units of the size label. I put in inches. Change the line below that has

    kUnitToUse - you can use:









    By default the script will not attempt to label the "nested" images If you also want to label

    nested images (for example inline images, anchored frames, pasted images in the images,...) to change the line

    below to read:

    kLabelNestedItems = 1


    If you want a specific image to stay without a label, you can use the Script label palette for

    assign a script called 'ignore' for this frame. The script will then not label this framework to the

    the title of the script is removed again.


    Change the lines with kDontLabelImageFrames, kDontLabelTextFrames, kDontLabelOtherFrames

    below if you want to restrict labelling to only certain types of images: replace the '0'

    in "1" to enable these options.


    Change the line with kShowImageFileName if you also want to display the names of the image in the

    size for the picture frames.


    Small frames are not labelled - the cutoff point is currently a less than 0.1 inch high framework

    or 0.1 inch wide. You can change the cutoff point by adjusting the lines with kDontLabelBelowWidth

    or kDontLabelBelowHeight below.


    var Girard;

    var gScriptFile;

    var gCaches;

    // ****************

    That's cheating spread automatically calculated

    var doc = app.activeDocument;

    doc.viewPreferences.horizontalMeasurementUnits = MeasurementUnits.inches;

    doc.viewPreferences.verticalMeasurementUnits = MeasurementUnits.inches;

    PageWidth = doc.documentPreferences.pageWidth var;

    stucture var pagewidth = * 2;

    var spreadheight = doc.documentPreferences.pageHeight;

    var spreadsquinch = stucture * spreadheight;

    Alert ("the total measure of square inch of spread is:" + spreadsquinch);




    If (app.activeScript instanceof file)


    var gScriptFile = app.activeScript;



    catch (Girard)



    If (typeof (kLogLevel) is "undefined")


    const kLogLevel = 5;

    const kMaxLogNestLevel = 5;

    const kLogToMessageBox = 0;

    const kLogToConsole = 0;

    const kLogToFile = 0;

    const kLogFileName = "PercentageLabels.log";

    const kIgnoreFrameLabel = "ignore."

    const kSizeLabelLayerName = "PercentageLabels";

    const kLabelNestedItems = 0;

    const kDontLabelImageFrames = 0;

    const kDontLabelTextFrames = 1;

    const kDontLabelOtherFrames = 0;

    const kUnitToUse = MeasurementUnits.INCHES;

    const kShowImageFileName = 0; This set to 1 to precede the name of the image file in the tag

    Below all of the measures are expressed in kUnitToUse (e.g. inches if MeasurementUnits.INCHES is used)

    const kRoundToDecimals = 2;

    The separator to use between objects - for example MyImage.jpg - 7.22 x 9,34

    const kSeparatorBetweenNameAndSize = "-";

    const kSeparatorBetweenHeightAndWidth = "H x"; "

    const kSeparatorAfterWidth = "W";

    const kDontLabelBelowWidth = 0.1; In kUnitToUse

    const kDontLabelBelowHeight = 0.1; In kUnitToUse

    const kLabelStyleName = "SizeLabelStyle";

    const kLabelObjectStyleName = "SizeLabelObjectStyle";

    const kLabelHeight = 0.6; In kUnitToUse

    const kLabelWidth = 2.5; Expressed in kUnitToUse (e.g., inches).


    var gRunState =


    logToMessageBox: kLogToMessageBox,

    logToConsole: kLogToConsole,.

    logToFile: kLogToFile,.

    functionNestLevel: 0,

    logFunctionEntry: true,

    logFunctionExit: true,

    logLevel: kLogLevel,.

    logFileName: kLogFileName



    // ****************

    function ConvertToFrame (thePageItem)


    / * / / / LogEntry ("ConvertToFrame");

    var retVal = thePageItem.getElements () [0];

    / * / / / LogExit ("ConvertToFrame");

    Return retVal;


    // ****************

    function CollectionToArray (theCollection)


    / * / / / LogEntry ("CollectionToArray");

    var retVal = theCollection.everyItem () .getElements () .slice (0);

    / * / / / LogExit ("CollectionToArray");

    Return retVal;


    // ****************

    function GetImageFile (pageItem)


    / * / / / LogEntry ("GetImageFile");

    var imageFile = null;





    pageItem = ConvertToFrame (pageItem);

    If (!) (("allGraphics" in pageItem))




    var allGraphics = pageItem.allGraphics.slice (0);

    If (allGraphics.length == 0)




    var chart = allGraphics [0];

    var graphic.itemLink = link;

    imageFile = new File (link.filePath);


    catch (Girard)




    While (false);

    / * / / / LogExit ("GetImageFile");

    return imageFile.


    // ****************

    function GetImageName (pageItem)


    / * / / / LogEntry ("GetImageName");

    var imageName = "";



    var imageFile = GetImageFile (pageItem);

    If (imageFile is nothing)




    imageName = imageFile.displayName;


    While (false);

    / * / / / LogExit ("GetImageName");

    return imageName;


    // ****************

    function GetOuterPageItem (pageItem)


    / * / / / LogEntry ("GetOuterPageItem");

    var retVal = null;





    retVal = pageItem.parent;

    If (retVal instanceof spread | retVal instanceof Page)


    retVal = pageItem;



    If (retVal instanceof character)


    retVal = GetOuterPageItem(retVal.parentTextFrames[0]);




    catch (Girard)


    retVal = null;



    While (false);

    / * / / / LogExit ("GetOuterPageItem");

    Return retVal;


    // ****************

    function LogMessage (message, collapseLines)


    If (gRunState.logToConsole)


    $.writeln (message);


    If (gRunState.logToFile)


    var logFile = new file (gScriptFile.parent + "/" + gRunState.logFileName);

    var now = new Date(); ("a");

    logFile.write (now.toString () + ":"+ message + "\n" ');

    logFile.close ();


    If (gRunState.logToMessageBox)


    Alert (message);



    // ****************

    LogEntry (message) function


    If (gRunState.logFunctionEntry)


    If (gRunState.functionNestLevel < kMaxLogNestLevel) {}

    for (var idx = 0; idx < gRunState.functionNestLevel; idx ++)


    message = "" + message;


    Filled (message + "<", true);



    gRunState.functionNestLevel ++;


    // ****************

    function LogError (message)


    If (gRunState.logLevel > = 1).


    LogMessage ("* ERROR *:" + message, false);



    // ****************

    function LogExit (message)



    If (gRunState.functionNestLevel < 0)


    LogError ("LogExit: unbalanced nesting of function");


    If (gRunState.logFunctionExit)


    If (gRunState.functionNestLevel < kMaxLogNestLevel) {}

    for (var idx = 0; idx < gRunState.functionNestLevel; idx ++)


    message = "" + message;


    Filled (message + ">", true);




    // ****************

    function LogNote (message)


    If (gRunState.logLevel > = 3)


    LogMessage ("Note:" + message, false);



    // ****************

    function LogWarning (message)


    If (gRunState.logLevel > = 2)


    LogMessage ("WARNING:" + message, false);



    // ****************

    function Main()


    / * / / / LogEntry ("Main");

    var savedUserInteractionLevel = app.scriptPreferences.userInteractionLevel;

    app.scriptPreferences.userInteractionLevel = UserInteractionLevels.NEVER_INTERACT;





    activeDocument var = app.activeDocument;

    If (!.) (activeDocument instanceof Document))


    LogError ("hand: activeDocument isn't a Document");



    var savedHorizontalMeasurementUnits = activeDocument.viewPreferences.horizontalMeasurementUnits;

    activeDocument.viewPreferences.horizontalMeasurementUnits = kUnitToUse;

    var savedVerticalMeasurementUnits = activeDocument.viewPreferences.verticalMeasurementUnits;

    activeDocument.viewPreferences.verticalMeasurementUnits = kUnitToUse;

    var savedRulerOrigin = activeDocument.viewPreferences.rulerOrigin;

    activeDocument.viewPreferences.rulerOrigin = RulerOrigin.PAGE_ORIGIN;





    ProcessFrames (activeDocument);


    catch (Girard)


    Alert ("the script encountered a situation that we don't know how to handle. "He received the error, says '" + Parker + "' in Main()"); "."



    While (false);

    activeDocument.viewPreferences.rulerOrigin = savedRulerOrigin;

    activeDocument.viewPreferences.horizontalMeasurementUnits = savedHorizontalMeasurementUnits;

    activeDocument.viewPreferences.verticalMeasurementUnits = savedVerticalMeasurementUnits;


    catch (Girard)


    Alert ("the script encountered a situation that we don't know how to handle. "He received the error, says '" + Parker + "' in Main()"); "."

    LogError ("Hand throw" + Girard);



    While (false);

    app.scriptPreferences.userInteractionLevel = savedUserInteractionLevel;

    / * / / / LogExit ("Main");


    // ****************

    function ProcessFrames (doc)


    / * / / / LogEntry ("ProcessFrames");

    var err;



    If (!.) (doc instanceof Document))


    LogError ("ProcessFrames: doc should be a Document");





    var existingLayer = doc.layers.itemByName (kSizeLabelLayerName);;

    existingLayer.remove ();


    catch (err)



    If (kLabelNestedItems)


    var pageItems = doc.allPageItems.slice (0);


    on the other


    var pageItems = CollectionToArray (doc.pageItems);


    var frameReferences = [];

    for (var pageItemIdx = 0; pageItemIdx < pageItems.length; pageItemIdx ++)




    var pageItem = pageItems [pageItemIdx];

    If ( is kSizeLabelLayerName)




    var pageItem = ConvertToFrame (pageItem);

    If (instanceof TextFrame pageItem)


    If (kDontLabelTextFrames)





    ElseIf (pageItem graphic instanceof)


    If (kDontLabelImageFrames)





    on the other


    If (kDontLabelOtherFrames)





    If (pageItem.label.toLowerCase () is kIgnoreFrameLabel)




    var width = pageItem.geometricBounds [3] - pageItem.geometricBounds [1];

    var height = pageItem.geometricBounds [2] - pageItem.geometricBounds [0];

    If (width < kDontLabelBelowWidth)




    If (height, kDontLabelBelowHeight)




    frameReferences.push (pageItem);


    While (false);


    var sizeLabelLayer = doc.layers.add ({name: kSizeLabelLayerName});

    for (var pageItemIdx = 0; pageItemIdx < frameReferences.length; pageItemIdx ++)




    var pageItem = frameReferences [pageItemIdx];

    var width = pageItem.geometricBounds [3] - pageItem.geometricBounds [1];

    var height = pageItem.geometricBounds [2] - pageItem.geometricBounds [0];

    var labelItem = doc.textFrames.add (null, LocationOptions.BEFORE, GetOuterPageItem (pageItem));

    labelItem.itemLayer = sizeLabelLayer;

    var boxsquinch = width * height

    var boxpercent = (boxsquinch / spreadsquinch) * 100

    var roundpercent = Math.round (boxpercent)

    var labelText = "";

    If (kShowImageFileName)


    var imageName = GetImageName (pageItem);

    If (imageName! = "")


    labelText += imageName + kSeparatorBetweenNameAndSize;



    labelText += RoundString (height, kRoundToDecimals) + kSeparatorBetweenHeightAndWidth + RoundString(width, kRoundToDecimals) + kSeparatorAfterWidth + ' \r\n'+ roundpercent + '% ';

    labelItem.contents = labelText;

    xPos = pageItem.geometricBounds var [1];

    yPos = pageItem.geometricBounds var [0] + kLabelHeight;

    labelItem.geometricBounds is [Posy, xPos, yPos + kLabelHeight, xPos + kLabelWidth];.



    labelItem.parentStory.characters.everyItem () .appliedCharacterStyle = doc.characterStyles.item (0);


    catch (err)





    labelItem.parentStory.paragraphs.everyItem () .appliedParagraphStyle = kLabelStyleName;


    catch (err)





    labelItem.appliedObjectStyle = doc.objectStyles.itemByName (kLabelObjectStyleName);


    catch (err)




    catch (err)





    While (false);

    / * / / / LogExit ("ProcessFrames");


    // ****************

    function RoundString (numVal, decimal)


    / * / / / LogEntry ("Round");

    var retVal = Math.round (numVal * Math.pow(10,decimals)) + "";

    retVal = retVal.substring(0,retVal.length-decimals) + "." + retVal.substring(retVal.length-decimals);

    / * / / / LogExit ("Round");

    Return retVal;


    What do you mean?

    var myDoc = app.activeDocument;
    var mySpreads = myDoc.spreads;
    var myRectangles = myDoc.rectangles;
    var myImages = 0;
    for (var i = 0; i < mySpreads.length; i++) {
        var mySpreadWidth = 0;
        var mySpreadHeight = myDoc.documentPreferences.pageHeight;
        for (var j = 0; j < mySpreads[i].pages.length; j++) {
            mySpreadWidth += myDoc.documentPreferences.pageWidth;
        var mySpreadArea = mySpreadWidth * mySpreadHeight;
        var myImages = mySpreads[i].rectangles;
        var myTotalImageArea = 0;
        var myIndividualImageArea = [];
        for (var j = 0; j < myImages.length; j++) {
            var myImageGeometricBounds = myImages[j].geometricBounds;
            var myImageWidth = myImageGeometricBounds[3] - myImageGeometricBounds[1];
            var myImageHeight = myImageGeometricBounds[2] - myImageGeometricBounds[0];
            myIndividualImageArea[j] = (myImageWidth * myImageHeight);
            myTotalImageArea += myIndividualImageArea[j];
        for (var j = 0; j < myIndividualImageArea.length; j++) {
            alert("Image percentage of total images on spread " + (i + 1) + " = " + (myIndividualImageArea[j] * 100) /myTotalImageArea);
       alert("Total image percentage on spread " + (i + 1) + " = " + myTotalImageArea);
  • In the use of space Audit why are my fonts such a large percentage of the total size of the file?

    In the use of space Audit why are my fonts such a large percentage of the total size of the file?

    4 MB of an interactive file 6 MB (71% of the total file size).

    I'm only using Verdana.

    In this case the problem is not one of the fields have the police other than Helvetica. All fields are buttons, and all use the Verdana font in their appearances (icons), as opposed to their labels (aka Legend). This is how InDesign works when it generates the appearance for the buttons. As a result, that Verdana is incorporated several times as a subset, more than 300 times, once by button. This includes a lot of overhead, so that you get the size of large file.

    It would be much smaller than that you need to add buttons in Acrobat, even if you've used Verdana. In this case, the entire police would get embedded, but only once. It would take more work, but the process can be automated, if you need to do this sort of thing a lot.

  • I need a variable that I can use to display the total time spent in a course.

    I want to create a personalized certificate of completion that the learner can print at the end of a course.

    I would like to have the total time spent in the price that is displayed on it, but I'm not sure of the variable to use.

    Take a look at: time display information - Captivate blog

    After reading if you have any other questions, fire away.

  • Percentage of the Total of column


    I'm trying to calculate the percentage of the total of the column for each month. I am using the syntax below by counting (Num) where PRP = 'Y' and the GROUP = 'No' and divide that number by the total number for the month:

    <? County (current-group () [NAME = xdoxslt:get_variable($_XDOCTX,_'vName') and PRP = 'Y'])
    (and GROUP = 'No'] / NUM) div count (current - group () [PRP = 'Y'])? >

    Can anyone help understand where the problem lies?

    Thank you

    You get an error when you use the code you listed?

    Try this:

    Thank you

  • How can I calculate the total time in java?


    I need to calculate the total time!

    For example I start time:
    Format formatter1;
    Date date1 = new Date();
    formatter1 = new SimpleDateFormat("hh:mm:ss");
    Dim startTime = formatter1.format (date1);
    startTime = "14:20:40.

    And I have finishing time:
    Format formatter2;
    Date2 date = new Date();
    formatter2 = new SimpleDateFormat("hh:mm:ss");
    String finishTime = formatter2.format (date2);
    finishTime = '08:30:55;

    Also, having calculated manually, I get the total time: '18:10:15.

    How can I calculate the total time in java? (Using formatter1 and formatter2 I guess)

    What I need is to print 'total 18:10:15 '.

    Thank you!

    800512 wrote:
    I did the following, but I think something's wrong here:

    I've defined before: Date date1 = new Date(); Date2 date = new Date();
    And it should be exactly 5 seconds between them.

    I found the delta between date1 and date2:

    Format formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss");
    timeInMilliFromStart long = date1.getTime () - date2.getTime ();
    Date date3 = new Date (timeInMilliFromStart);
    String timeInSecFromStart = formatter.format (date3);

    and I still get
    timeInSecFromStart = 02:00:05

    But it should be exactly 00:00:05.

    What is a problem?

    Because, as I said, a Date to measure a moment in time, not a period. So when you have 5000 ms, and you that transform a Date, this means that 5 seconds after the time, which equals 00:00:05.000 01/01/1970 GMT.

    As I said, if you are not currently in GMT, then you must set the DateFormat GMT TZ. Right now, it's to show you the time in your TZ. If you have included the date in your SimpleDateFormat, you would see the 01/01/1970 or 31/12/1969, function that TZ you find.

    Bottom line: you try to use these classes in a sense they are not intended for, and while you can get the results you want for a limited set of entries if you understand how these classes and how to work with it, it is a fragile approach and comes with all sorts of warnings warning.

  • How do I get the total time elapsed displayed on the stage?


    I have a program that will count every second past with a key press to the other, in the exit sign that I get all the time what past (per second), but here the total number displayed in a text box on the stage at the end.  This will be the total time between supports.

    Thanks for your help, it is very much appreciated as a newcomer in Actionscript.

    Also, I use video clips of Doug Winnie to help me so if you know a particular episode that will cover then please let me know.


    use a variable to store this value and increment when appropriate.

  • Link to freeware to limit the total time used on a PC (not just at the moment where)-for real free, no demo

    HI everyone, I've seen several posts where people are asking for a free tool to limit the total time children are allowed on a PC by day.  I think that Windows 8 has this feature as part of its Parental controls, but I found this:

    It is configured on a per-user basis, which means that you must log in as each individual and configure it.   A bit tedious, but you can customize it by kid I guess.

    It allows you to follow the total time per day and limit the time spent per session.  It will warn the user at a time you specify.  It also allows / the blocking program Web site, but I do not set up these features.

    I just installed it, so I can't guarantee how it works right now, so we'll see.


    Thanks for sharing this valuable information. I suggest you to see the following links for parental control.

    What's new in Windows 8 family security (v = vs. 85) .aspx

    Parental control

  • hide the total time in TOC


    How do hide you the total time that appears in the table of contents next to the search option?

    Thank you!


    Unfortunately, you can not.

    Perhaps by exporting to Flash, but that is about the only way that I can not understand.

    You can submit a feature request (like formula) to ask for it in a future version.

    See you soon... Rick

    Useful and practical links

    Captivate wish form/Bug report form

    Certified Adobe Captivate training

    SorcerStone blog

    Captivate eBooks

  • Satellite L500-19 X starts and loads Win 7 always like the first time

    OK, so I bought a toshiba satellite L500 - 19 X to the United Kingdom in a store called carphone warehouse.
    It came with windows 7 pre-installed.
    I wanted the 32-bit version, so he ran faster, but he had installed 64, but came with a 32-bit restore disc.

    So I went ahead and restored, now, whenever my laptop starts up, it think it's the first time and load the toshiba implemented and stats to do things then restarts.
    He could do this all day until I hit escape and complete the configuration manually.

    No one knows how to stop this or I have to buy a full version of windows 7 and start again in this way?

    Please please answer now! Thanks in advance guys :)

    Thanks for this info!

  • How to insert as an entry within the formula variable, the total time on the scope window?

    How to insert, as an entry within the formula variable, the window of total time on the scope (i.e. of 20ms/div x 10 div = 200ms)?




    Input variable: DPO4034 (CH1);

    Box: number of samples.


    Input variable 0: DPO4034 (CH1); alias: x 0

    Input variable 1: 'time window Total out of scope?. " alias: x 1

    Input variable 2: number of samples (CH1); alias: x 2

    Under the operation Configuration: formula

    Y = (x 0 ^ 2) *(x1/x2)

    Output: Data 1 (CH1)


    Input signal: data processing 1 (CH1)

    Checkbox: SUM

    Output: CH1 integral Action [has ^ 2s].

  • Why the total time required for the test sequence is different during the test runs


    -J' have different test resources to test our product which includes engines and the NOR-Box (6351).

    -Number of test files in sequence that are called during the test (ca. 20)

    -The problem is that when I run these test sequence files separate (say only 3 out of 20), total time by these tests are t1, t2 and t3, but when - I left all 20 tests to run without jumping all the time needed by the 3 tests above is t1 + 60 s, t2 + 80 s and t3 + 50sec. Why it is so and how can I avoid this problem.

    -The tests are motors to move, take samples or box then save them on my computer after testing the limits. Since they are time critical, when I do all the running tests in a test go a lot do not PASS. I can't run them separately because it takes more time, more interference by user and also more than one report that is not desired.

    -J' tried unloading after execution steps, but it did not help.

    Kind regards


    This probably depends on that made your sequence. Have you tried shrink where extra time is being spent? You can time how long different parts of your sequence are following the steps of the expression as follows:

    Locals.StartTime = Seconds()

    Locals.ElapsedTime = Seconds() - Locals.starttime

    You can also watch time module in your reports. There is nothing specific on TestStand that should cause some sort of slow down like this. I recommend trying to figure out where the extra time is being spent. I suspect once you do, the cause will become obvious.


  • How can I add the total time in the views

    In the following view, he noted that I spent 189 ms making the modified regions. When I developed the business it does not match this value. I count 82?

    Screen Shot 2013-03-18 at 15.10.33 PM.png

    Also, is it possible to see / find the objects are connect to the FTE text and what images are decompression? Maybe I can find it in another opinion? My rendered display list shows some 1000 objects. : P

    Right click on the header of the table and turn on the column 'free time '. You will see that time not given to children is explained by the free time of the parent. Andy Hall wrote a great blog explaining this:

    If you turn on DisplayList rendering of details in the settings for new sessions, you'll be able to see objects in DisplayList rendered Panel (your swf should be opted for advanced telemetry).

    The next version of Scout will have some search features that will make it easier to find specific text in Scout through the different panels, so that should help you!

  • How to get the total time of streaming flv

    Hello using old code AS2 on a fms project.

    It seems that both the server-side and client NetStream object-side NetStream have no property totalTime.

    My goal is to determine when the flv file is finished playing (reached the end visually);

    so I thought that comparing the totalTime time would work... but it seems not to be a totalTime.

    all of the suggestions.

    Thank you


    Yes - NetStream.Play.Stop followed by NetStream.Buffer.Empty can be likened to the video on visually.

    NetStream.Play.Stop you would get only once - when he read any FLV or you manually stop the game.

    When you get there NetStream.Play.Stop migth be some data in the buffer to the client wherever you will always see some Visual data played in client, once the buffer is empty which is indicated by NetStream.Buffer.Empty your screen should black out.

    I hope this helps.

  • Name of variable lengths and function affect the processing time?


    I was wondering if I should make an effort to reduce the size of my var names and func, especially those referred within loops?

    See you soon

    name lengths have no significant impact.  on the other hand, unnecessary creation/gc ' g of the names of the variables has little impact.

Maybe you are looking for