Virus or the logic board problem?

Everyone has this screen before? Another screen that appears is a bunch of letters and numbers. Now my computer won't even turn on half the time. Sometimes just the fan will start the liquidation. Before what is going on started my computer would fre

TEMPRO 1.1 1603 Fatal installation error

Hello I can't install 1.1 TEMPRO for language "CS". It always fails in msiinstaller with an error 1603 just after the Welcome screen and pressing on ' Dam > "button (below). I enclose the log file of the installation program, or rather the outline. M

Qosmio X 500-10T - peripheral unknown 64 bit of Windows 8: ACPI\VEN_TOS & DEV_6205

Hello community, I recently updated my Qosmio X 500-10T with 64-bit Windows 8 and there is an unknown device listed in the Device Manager with the hardware ID: ACPI\VEN_TOS & DEV_6205 I did some general research on the internet and it seems that it i

HP ENVY Notebook PC m4: m4 WANT - what kind of RAM should I get an upgrade?

Hi all I would like to move from 4 GB to 8 GB (16 GB) DDR3 RAM (1 x 8 or 2 x 8) - so far, I was recommended to brands such as Corsair, Kingston and Samsung, but I'm not sure of the exact specification of what I need for my laptop Maintenance and Serv

Size of the menu ring when it contains no data.

I am populating the file saved from a specific path names and I need to abort the VI if there is no file in this path. But when I connect the size of the array to the node of the menu ring (string) property, the output size is 1 which must be equal t

Computer Windows 7 64 bit tries to install updates for MS Office 32-bit with errors.

Windows keeps trying to install 32-bit updates on my 64-bit Office 2010 machine. He ceases to if an error, I guess because of the difference between the 32 and 64-bit. I tried to download the same update for the 64 bit, but I get an error code saying

Sounds notifications

I noticed that the Atrix leaves much to be desired when it comes to what you can control with noticifications sounds. That is to say you have a ringtone and a tone of notifications. UM, you're kidding? This cannot be for real. My other phone I got so

RegCure found 693 errors in my computer at home after a scan, when I log on to Windows

So that RegCure errors detected during a scan, I have to save, I tried to register, but failed.  An error is when I log on to Windows.  Can you tell me how to get my registry with RegCure number so I can get these corrected mistakes?

No windows xp administrator password

I got a computer with Windows xp sp3.  Because I am not the admin I can't do anything.  What can I do to use this computer? I don't know the password.

How can I change the text at the bottom of the Windows Vista login screen?

HelloI want to change the text at the bottom of the login screen (where it says 'Windows Vista '). Can I do this? If so, how?

Doubts on chaudcast

Hi guys, I'm trying internet radio application development as in said in my previous posts, I discovered the chuadcast and when I try to access control of source code on option, I can not all the source codes of this link So people who know the info

Windows 7 says its not authentic when I received the key to microsoft?

I have looged on my computer today and it said my windows 7 was not authentic I reformat, then it works for a day then it immediately goes to the same thing happening?

MEU gravador som e hd bridge sumiu computador, o som works normal or as devo fazer! Executar gravar som

MEU pc era xp e formatei instalando win7ultimate32bits, e sp1 it happened este poblema o sistema diz os drivers are atualizados devo restore o por favor windows me help nao sei o than FACO desde ja Agradea§o oficio mas na paz!

popup image displayed always right for the first time

            <af:popup id="opopp" contentDelivery="lazyUncached">                     <af:panelWindow id="pl">                         <af:image rendered="true"                                   id="im"                                 source="/faces/p

Lumetri color is "film compilation error. Unknown error' all the time...

I have problems to compile anything if I use the Lumetri color in first Pro CC 2016 9.2.0If I remove all Lumetri color on all plans, it compiles without any problem. If I use any kind of color Lumetri - presets or custom color Lumetri it's for me"Fil

Diski defragmentation

When I defragment my disk a SYSTEM disk appears on the list of disks that I can defragment, it says that it is 13% fragmented. The computer does not allow me to defragment this drive. He wasn't there when I got to my computer (HP-180 t). Where did yo

When I want to download, window opening and requesting source cd or removable hardisc

When I want to download the new version of the program, a window, a request for original cd and removable hard drive. And I can not remove the old version. What can I do?