The table border appears

Hi there - for some reason any page on my site does not open the border of the chart to the right. All other pages are working properly. When I remove all the evidence (the content of the page in question), then the border shows. I deleted the testomonials one by one, from the bottom to the top, hoping I could learn what evidence has the issue. There must be a character that is throw off. Any help would be appreciated.


Click here to see this page

Hi Jon,

Would you try to replace the padding in your CSS Tableborder 25 p to 23px?

border: 1px solid #A3D165;
Padding: 23px;

Please let me know if that suits him.

I played with this problem for a little while now. It's very weird, and
doesn't appear to happen in IE7. This does not happen in FF.
It's a very strange problem. Perhaps a bug of IE.

I found removing the tag fixed it. Not a good solution.
I tried to use CSS instead of the tag , same trouble.
I put the tag back to and experienced others to find a better
I discovered that I was able to make the right border reappear in IE7 by
remove 1 character of some lines of text, or by padding in
the array of cells 2px smaller once I've finished adding all text.

It seems that this problem starts if you have an empty table with padding cell
type in multiple lines of text in Design view, which allows lines of
AutoWrap while you type (No.
or new

tags). If one of these lines will
full-width, where a word ends exactly at the beginning of the right
padding, then you add a tag to the EM, the border disappears in IE7.

It's almost as if the inclination of the letters with the tag (or CSS) when
There are precisely the maximum number of characters allowed in this width
causes of IE7 to lose the right border to account for the extra space of the
Remove just 1 character or reducing the 2px padding after brings the
edge back.
Very strange.

Take care

'Jon G' wrote in message
> Hi there - for some reason any page on my site does not display the right
> table
> border. All other pages are working properly. When I remove all the
> testimonials (the content of the page in question), then the border
> watch. I have
> removed the testomonials by one from the bottom up in the hope that I could
> learn
> What evidence has the issue. There must be a character
> launch
> he took. Any help would be appreciated.
> Jon

Tags: Dreamweaver

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    {table. MyTable}
    border width: 6px;
    Padding: 15px;
    border-style: dotted;
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    Your best bet is to remodel a table 1 d do your seaching and use 'Quotient & rest' to convert location (index) in the table 1 d back to the index in table 2D. Use "Array Size" to get the number of rows and columns of the table 2D.

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    Using style sheets cascading (CSS).

    Add the following to your stylesheet:

    table {border: 1px solid black ;}}

    Set the weight, style, and color according to the needs.

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    This encoding does not "result: undefined"? How to remove all borders from the table. Please suggest friends.

    var mTables = app.activeDocument.stories.everyItem().tables.everyItem();  
    with (mTables) {  
      topBorderStrokeWeight = 0;
      bottomBorderStrokeWeight = 0;
      leftBorderStrokeWeight = 0;
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    Try this,

    app.activeDocument.stories.everyItem().tables.everyItem().cells.everyItem().bottomEdgeStrokeWeight = 0;
    app.activeDocument.stories.everyItem().tables.everyItem().cells.everyItem().topEdgeStrokeWeight = 0;
    app.activeDocument.stories.everyItem().tables.everyItem().cells.everyItem().leftEdgeStrokeWeight = 0;
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    There is no way to make it automatic. The border settings are supposed to be around the entire table (which in your case is deep 5 pages).

    You may be able to create a cell style and change only the background race to match the appearance of the border. Then apply it to the lower cells of each page.

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    Select the cell.
    Make a right click-> properties-> cell options Table-> uncheck 'Identical to the table' and set the margins of cell values of left and right to 0

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    Post edited by: MT Freelance - updated image

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    Hi Colum/Peter,

    It is not a custom table, I just need to copy a table from one project to the other.

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    Peter on the right track. When I cut and glued to the table, it is also stuck in a number of lines of HTML associated with styles in the other project. If I delete these lines, the table will appear as it should.

    Thanks for the quick reply

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    Here is the HTML Code below:

    < style type = "text/css" >

    .TG {border-collapse: collapse; border-spacing: 0 ;}}

    .TG td {-font family: Arial, without serif; do-size: 14px; padding: 10px 5px; border-style: solid; border-width: 1px; overflow: hidden; word-break: normal ;}}

    .TG th {font family: Arial, without serif; do-size: 14px; police-weight: normal; padding: 10px 5px; border-style: solid; border-width: 1px; overflow: hidden; word-break: normal ;}}

    .TG .tg-jlrw {do-size: 16px; text-align: center}

    .TG .tg-lvl4 {police-weight: "BOLD"; do-size: 16px; do-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans! important; text-align: center}

    .TG .tg-qnmb {make-weight: bold; do-size: 16px; text-align: Center}

    .TG .tg-wm6t {make-weight: bold; do-size: 16px}

    < / style >

    < table class = "tg" style = "undefined; table-layout: fixed; Width: 875px ">"

    < colgroup >

    < style col = "width: 175px" >

    < style col = "width: 175px" >

    < style col = "width: 175px" >

    < style col = "width: 175px" >

    < style col = "width: 175px" >

    < / colgroup >

    < b >

    < class th = 'tg-lvl4' > print size < br < /th > >(Width x Height)

    < class th = "tg-qnmb" > model size < /th >

    < class th = 'tg-qnmb' > < /th > < br > security zone

    < class th = "tg-qnmb" > < br > print Code < /th >

    < class th = "tg-qnmb" > < br > < br > graphic border width (pixels) < /th >

    < /tr >

    < b >

    < class td = "tg-wm6t" colspan = "5" > cards & amp; The year-at-a-Glance calendars - 4 x 6, 4 x 8, 5 x 7, 6 x 8, & amp; 8 x 10: < table >

    < /tr >

    < b >

    < class td = "tg-jlrw" > 4 x 6 < table >

    < class td = "tg-jlrw" > 1212 x 1818 < table >

    < class td = "tg-jlrw" > 1136 x 1742 < table >

    < class td = "tg-jlrw' > 46 t < table >

    < class td = "tg-jlrw' > < table > 60

    < /tr >

    < b >

    < class td = "tg-jlrw" > 5 x 7 < table >

    < class td = "tg-jlrw" > 1515 x 2121 < table >

    < class td = "tg-jlrw" > 1439 x 2045 < table >

    < class td = 'tg-jlrw' > < table > 57(d)

    < class td = "tg-jlrw' > < table > 75

    < /tr >

    < b >

    < class td = "tg-jlrw" > 4 x 8 < table >

    < class td = "tg-jlrw" > 1224 x 2424 < table >

    < class td = "tg-jlrw" > 1148 x 2348 < table >

    < class td = "tg-jlrw" > 48 t < table >

    < class td = "tg-jlrw' > < table > 60

    < /tr >

    < b >

    < class td = "tg-jlrw" > 8 x 10 < table >

    < class td = "tg-jlrw" > 2424 x 3030 < table >

    < class td = "tg-jlrw" > 2348 x 2954 < table >

    < class td = "tg-jlrw" > 80 t < table >

    < class td = "tg-jlrw' > < table > 120

    < /tr >

    < b >

    < class td = "tg-wm6t" colspan = "5" > Important: safe area on the base prints is 38 pixels per side. < table >

    < /tr >

    < b >

    < class td = "tg-wm6t" colspan = "5" > large Format prints - Posters & Collages: < table >

    < /tr >

    < b >

    < class td = "tg-jlrw" > 6 x 8 < table >

    < class td = "tg-jlrw" > 1818 x 2424 < table >

    < class td = "tg-jlrw" > 1742 x 2348 < table >

    < class td = "tg-jlrw" > 6 x 8 < table >

    < class td = "tg-jlrw' > < table > 90

    < /tr >

    < b >

    < b >

    < class td = "tg-jlrw" > 8 x 12 < table >

    < class td = "tg-jlrw" > 2400 x 3600 < table >

    < class td = "tg-jlrw" > 2380 x 3580 < table >

    < class td = "tg-jlrw" > 8 x 12 < table >

    < class td = "tg-jlrw' > < table > 120

    < /tr >

    < b >

    < class td = "tg-jlrw" > 8 x 20 < table >

    < class td = "tg-jlrw" > 2400 x 6000 < table >

    < class td = "tg-jlrw" > 2380 x 5980 < table >

    < class td = "tg-jlrw" > 8 x 20 < table >

    < class td = "tg-jlrw' > < table > 120

    < /tr >

    < b >

    < class td = "tg-jlrw" > 10 x 14 < table >

    < class td = "tg-jlrw" > 3030 x 4242 < table >

    < class td = "tg-jlrw" > 2954 x 4166 < table >

    < class td = "tg-jlrw" > 10 x 14 < table >

    < class td = "tg-jlrw' > < table > 165

    < /tr >

    < b >

    < class td = "tg-jlrw" > 11 x 14 < table >

    < class td = "tg-jlrw" > 3300 x 4200 < table >

    < class td = "tg-jlrw" > 3280 x 4180 < table >

    < class td 'tg-jlrw' = > 14x11E-24_STN < table >

    < class td = "tg-jlrw' > < table > 165

    < /tr >

    < b >

    < class td = "tg-jlrw" > 12 x 12 < table >

    < class td = "tg-jlrw" > 3600 x 3600 < table >

    < class td = "tg-jlrw" > 3580 x 3580 < table >

    < class td = "tg-jlrw" > 12 x 12-24_STN < table >

    < class td = "tg-jlrw' > < table > 90

    < /tr >

    < b >

    < class td = "tg-jlrw" > 12 x 18 < table >

    < class td = "tg-jlrw" > 3600 x 5400 < table >

    < class td = "tg-jlrw" > 3580 x 5380 < table >

    < class td = "tg-jlrw" > 12 x 18-24_STN < table >

    < class td = "tg-jlrw' > < table > 90

    < /tr >

    < b >

    < class td = "tg-jlrw" > 16 x 20 < table >

    < class td = "tg-jlrw" > 4800 x 6000 < table >

    < class td = "tg-jlrw" > 4780 x 5980 < table >

    < class td 'tg-jlrw' = > 20x16E-24_STN < table >

    < class td = "tg-jlrw' > < table > 120

    < /tr >

    < b >

    < class td = "tg-jlrw" > 18 x 24 < table >

    < class td = "tg-jlrw" > 2700 x 3600 < table >

    < class td = "tg-jlrw" > 2680 x 3580 < table >

    < class td = "tg-jlrw" > 18 x 24-24_STN < table >

    < class td = "tg-jlrw' > < table > 135

    < /tr >

    < b >

    < class td = "tg-jlrw" > 20 x 24 < table >

    < class td = "tg-jlrw" > 3000 x 3600 < table >

    < class td = "tg-jlrw" > 2980 x 3580 < table >

    < class td 'tg-jlrw' = > 20x24E-24_STN < table >

    < class td = "tg-jlrw' > < table > 150

    < /tr >

    < b >

    < class td = "tg-jlrw" > 20 x 30 < table >

    < class td = "tg-jlrw" > 3000 x 4500 < table >

    < class td = "tg-jlrw" > 2980 x 4480 < table >

    < class td 'tg-jlrw' = > 20x30E-24_STN < table >

    < class td = "tg-jlrw' > < table > 150

    < /tr >

    < b >

    < class td = "tg-jlrw" > 24 x 36 < table >

    < class td = "tg-jlrw" > 3600 x 5400 < table >

    < class td = "tg-jlrw" > 3580 x 5380 < table >

    < class td 'tg-jlrw' = > 24x36E-24_STN < table >

    < class td = "tg-jlrw' > < table > 180

    < /tr >

    < b >

    < class td = "tg-jlrw" > 24 x 72 < table >

    < class td = "tg-jlrw" > 2328 x 6912 < table >

    < class td = "tg-jlrw" > 2308 x 6892 < table >

    < class td 'tg-jlrw' = > 24x72E-24_STN < table >

    < class td = "tg-jlrw' > < table > 115

    < /tr >

    < b >

    < class td = "tg-jlrw" > 24 x 96 < table >

    < class td = "tg-jlrw" > 2328 x 9216 < table >

    < class td = "tg-jlrw" > 2308 x 9196 < table >

    < class td 'tg-jlrw' = > 24x96E-24_STN < table >

    < class td = "tg-jlrw' > < table > 115

    < /tr >

    < class td = "tg-wm6t" colspan = "5" > Important: safe area on the base prints is 38 pixels per side. < table >

    < /tr >

    < class td = "tg-wm6t" colspan = "5" > 4 x 8 gift tags: < table >

    < /tr >

    < b >

    < class td = "tg-jlrw" > 4 x 8 < table >

    < class td = "tg-jlrw" > 1224 x 2424 < table >

    < class td = "tg-jlrw" > 1148 x 2348 < table >

    < class td = "tg-jlrw" > 48 t < table >

    < class td = 'tg-jlrw' > < table > N/A

    < /tr >

    < b >

    < class td = "tg-wm6t" colspan = "5" > Important: safe area on the base prints is 38 pixels per side. < table >

    < /tr >

    < /table >

    Once again... Muse removes the style code that you put into this table so your other option is to use an iframe

    example of your table in an iframe = table (by itself) and i-table (inside the iframe Muse)

  • Convert the appearance of the table of clusters to multicolumn listbox or vice versa

    Hi all.

    Attached you can see two different controls. On the left side, there is an array of clusters. On the right side, you can find a multicolumn listbox.

    Is it possible to change the appearance of each of them to be like others? I mean, is - can I change the appearance of the multicolumn list box to resemble the matrix of clusters (with the same cell border thickness, appearance of the cell, etc.)?, or vice versa?

    Furthermore, is it possible to add headers to each column in the table in the clusters? I wrote several headers, but they are separated from the table, just pasted text.

    Thank you

    You can get a lot more close anyway, if not all the way there.

    On each field in the cluster, you can right click and replace it with a classic Simple of the string, that is not indented and is similar to designing of listbox. Play and I'm sure you can get very close this flat look of worksheet.

    You can probably also use a classic version of the bunch, but if replace you it seems to clear out, so you will need to copy the design of field to another.


  • Color of the border on the tables


    I use Dreamweaver cs3 and created a table to display text and embedded videos, the problem I have is:

    I want only specific borders within the table appears so for each box, I created a style and I attribute this style to the box in the code but when I look at the page in Firefox Preview borders show as black, but in design, they show that the right color.

    Can anyone tell where I'm wrong because I am very new to this?

    I put the code below:

    border-bottom-color: #f0d41a;
    border-bottom-style: solid;
    border-bottom-width: medium;
    border-color: #f0d41a;
    border-bottom: solid;
    border-left: #f0d41a;
    border-left: medium;
    border-left: solid;
    border-right-color: #f0d41a;
    border-right-width: medium;
    border-right: solid;

    < td width = "341" class = 'style4' > < div align = "center" > < span class = "style2" > text </span > < / div > < table >

    border-bottom: #f0d41a medium solid;
    border-right: #f0d41a medium solid;
    border-left: #f0d41a medium solid;

    or you could do this:

    solid support of border #f0d41a;
    border-top: none;

  • How to choose half of a title to appear as title 1 in the Table of contents?

    I am creating a document containing several job descriptions and want to have a hyperlink in a Table of contents description of each individual work. The way securities are in the format looks like this: "profile Description: President. The only part of the title I want to appear in the Table of contents is '' President. '' How can I select the part of the title to post a link in the table of contents? I've highlighted the portion of the line I want to appear as the title 1 but Word (2010) insists on the selection of the entire line and not just the part that I chose to be Heading 1. I know that I could drop the word 'Président' to another line, but it's not the look I want. I think I should perhaps use a bookmark or do something with the field but am way over my head on this one. I only know some of the basics and the terms bookmark and the field are new for me and quite mysterious. Any help would be appreciated, but I am a novice and must be crossed it work with no baby.


    Ok. I assume that you do this in Word?
    If so, then the word is part of office (for which there are specific forums on this site) and no windows.
    Click on the Forums link at the top of this window, choose the desktop, and then select the version of Office you are using and choose the word.
    Post your question here.

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    I think that this would make clearer - and it would skip and tables of contents of books under.

  • Hello, I want to download a portrait on a TSHIRT. I selected the selected area appears on a mask. The of to jpeg when I download this TSHIRT, I have the white border and white background that appears. What I don't want I v

    Hi all

    I want to download a portrait on a TSHIRT. I selected the selected area that appears on a layer 1.

    I recorded this layer in jpeg

    But when I download this jpeg on the TSHIRT (site of the seller), I have the white border and white background that appears on my Tshirt.

    What I don't want, I want only the selected head... How do I do, please? Thanks for your help!

    JPEG does not allow for transparency and provides white where it appears in the saved file.

    Save a file which allows transparency (PSD, PNG. etc.)

Maybe you are looking for