To access the Charater Animator?

What package of After Effects is required for access to the host character?

How do I enter once installed character animation?


Hi Kylie... Character animator is installed in the frame after effects CC 2015. Once after effects CC 2015 is installed, you can access host character of in After Effects by choosing File > open Adobe character animation.

Tags: Character Animator

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    Edit: removed personal information for your protection. (philipp)

    Type of topic: preferences #advanced< enter > in the address bar.

    Under Advanced, select network.
    Search for configure how Firefox connects and then press the settings button.
    If you use a proxy server, make sure that these settings are correct. If there is no
    proxy, first use No. Proxy. If there is a problem, then try Proxy system.

    Some problems occurs when your Internet security program has been implemented.
    trust the previous version of Firefox, but not more acknowledges your
    update as being approved. Now how do I solve the problem: to allow
    Firefox to connect to the Internet

    • Make sure your Internet security software is up-to-date (for example, you are using the latest version).
    • Delete Firefox to list your program of programs approved or recognized. For detailed instructions, see

    Configure the firewall so that Firefox can access the Internet. {web link}

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    Try this:

    1. Open a new url with about: permissions
    2. search for facebook in the list on the left
    3. Click on "forget this site".
    4. Restart Firefox

    He works?

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