Toggle button to do two series of shares?

I'm trying to simply hide / display a component (a graph that scales and moves between States) with a toggle switch, which seems very difficult. (The chart would be 100% opacity when toggle is selected (in his four 2nd States) and an opacity of 0% when the scale is turned off (in his first four States).

The problem seems to be a toggle button can't do an action (or set of actions) when clicked, instead of having 2 different sets of actions, each one in its market and stop State.

The only way that I was able to deceive this thing to the kind of work was to make the graphic part of the button switches, which is on the 'selected' States (but of course now, the chart cannot automatically change (location + scale) among the States of the application - its stuck inside the component button.) I tried to even make this graph (inside the button) a component customized with several States (in its respective locations + scales), but I couldn't find a way to have an outside element (ex: the button that changes the application States) drive change of States of this graph in the toggle button.

I hope my description makes sense.

Is there a way to make a button that switches between 2 sets of actions?

Thanks in advance.  z

Hi Zachary,.

Currently, it is not as easy in Flash Catalyst, we would like to, but it can be done.

The standard to do this is to place your image inside a custom component and to give the two component States: visible and invisible.  Then your toggle button can toggle the State of the component in back - changing the drop-down list of ' when in any State "to do different things depending on whether the component is currently visible or not.

In other words, you add:

  • When the click on > play the State Transition > Visible > when in Invisible
  • When the click on > play the State Transition > Invisible > when in the Visible

This has a drawback: in Flash Catalyst CS5, put the graphic inside an element means that you can not have resize in different States of your overall application.  This isn't a problem in the next version of Flash Catalyst (code name "Panini"), where you can create fully resizable components.

In the meantime, you can work around this restriction with a trick - it's messy but works like a charm.  You can use a custom component hidden to store the visible/invisible state watching your interactions (as above) and keep the chart itself outside of the component.

Thus, instead of the above, you must add:

  • When the click on > play the sequence of actions > when in Invisible

    • In the first action sequence, select the chart and choose Add Action > fade and set it to go from 0 to 100.
    • Then as a State action of component set to define the State of your component hidden visible
  • When the click on > play the sequence of actions > when in the Visible
    • In the second action sequence, select the chart and choose Add Action > fade and set it to go from 100 to 0.
    • And then as a State action of component set to define the State of your component hidden in Invisible

Hope that helps!


Tags: Flash Catalyst

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    This prevents toggle buttons to play the second image.
    toggle_btn. Stop();

    Variable to detect whether the number of times the button has been clicked.
    var clickOnce:uint = 0;

    Creates a new instance of any sound.
    var aSound:Sound = new MySound();

    Create a new instance of the SoundChannel
    var aChannel:SoundChannel = new SoundChannel();

    This adds the click event of the toggle button.
    toggle_btn.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, togglePlay);

    If the button has been clicked once and then the sound is played
    with a picture of a symbol of the judgment. If you click on the button toggle
    ring again then stops and the play symbol appears.
    function togglePlay(event:MouseEvent):void {}
    clickOnce ++;
    If (clickOnce == 1) {}
    Consolidate = ();
    toggle_btn.gotoAndStop (2);
    If (clickOnce == 2) {}
    SoundMixer.stopAll ();
    toggle_btn.gotoAndStop (1);
    clickOnce = 0;

    Try using:

    var aSound:Sound = new MySound();

    var aChannel:SoundChannel = new SoundChannel();
    Consolidate = ();

    toggle_btn.gotoAndStop (2);
    toggle_btn.buttonMode = true;
    toggle_btn.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, togglePlay);

    function togglePlay(event:MouseEvent):void {}

    If (toggle_btn.currentFrame == 1) {}
    Consolidate = ();
    toggle_btn.gotoAndStop (2);
    } else {}
    aChannel.stop ();
    toggle_btn.gotoAndStop (1);

    I removed the clickOnce variable since it has already detect something that exists whether to stop or play

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    You're right, the fact to just stop at one task does not allow that run you another task with the same resources immediately after. That being said, you can start the next task without having to erase or dispose of the first by making use of the task status template DAQmx. As you can see on the next page, stop a task simply going to the State of "Clerks", which means that the material is still used by the task even if she does not actively.

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    I forgot one thing. You must handle the case when you have a real EVENT_DOUBLE_CLICK. In this case, you don't want to reset the keyboardState. Here's the modified code.

    char oldKeyState [256] = {0};
    char newKeyState [256] = {0};
    int isFakeDouble = 0;

    Zoom CVICALLBACK int (int, int int event, control panel,
    void * callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2)
    HWND hwnd;
    toggleButton int = 0;
    switch (event)

    get the current state of the keyboard
    GetKeyboardState (oldKeyState);
    get the State of the toggle button
    GetCtrlVal (panelHandle, PANEL_TOGGLEBUTTON, & toggleButton);

    If (ToggleButton)
    create the new copy of the keystate
    memcpy (newKeyState, oldKeyState, 1);

    Active control key.
    newKeyState [VK_CONTROL] = 128;
    SetKeyboardState (newKeyState);

    generate left mouse button events that will be holding the CTRL active
    SetActiveCtrl (panelHandle, PANEL_GRAPH);
    GetPanelAttribute (panelHandle, ATTR_SYSTEM_WINDOW_HANDLE, (intptr_t *) &hwnd);)
    isFakeDouble = 1;
    SendMessage (hwnd, WM_LBUTTONDOWN, 0, 0);
    isFakeDouble = 0;


    mouse event generated will be taken as a double click. restore the old state of the keyboard
    If (isFakeDouble)
    SetKeyboardState (oldKeyState);

    return 0;

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            Container {
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                horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Fill
                verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Fill
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                bottomPadding: -20
                Label {
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                        color: Color.White
                        fontSize: FontSize.Large
                Container {
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        verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Center
                ToggleButton {
                    id: toggle
           "TODO: Add property content"
                            verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Center
                            horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Right

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                                 Container {
                                     layout: DockLayout {
                                     horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Fill
                                     Label {
                                         text: qsTr("my Toggle Button")
                                         horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Left
                                     ToggleButton {
                                         horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Right
                                         onCheckedChanged: {
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                        layout: GridListLayout {
                            cellAspectRatio: 1.4
                        id: denominationList
                        dataModel: _model.denominationModel
                        listItemComponents: [
                            ListItemComponent {
                                id: component
                                type: "item"
                                CustomListItem {
                                    id: itemRoot
                                    dividerVisible: false
                                    highlightAppearance: HighlightAppearance.None
                                    Container {
                                        id: fieldContainer
                                        topPadding: 5
                                        leftPadding: 10
                                        rightPadding: 10
                                        bottomPadding: 5
                                        //maxWidth: 270
                                        layout: DockLayout {}
                                        Container {
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                                            layout: DockLayout {}
                                            background: Color.create("#ffffff")
                                            horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Center
                                            verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Center
                                            ImageView {
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                                                preferredWidth: 400
                                                imageSource: "asset:///images/flux/amount-border-other.png"
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                                                verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Center
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                                                Container {
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                                                    verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Top
                                                    visible: ( > 4)
                                                    preferredHeight: 60
                                                    Label {
                                                        id: loadPromoName
                                                        textFit.mode: LabelTextFitMode.FitToBounds
                                                        //multiline: true
                                                        visible: ( > 4)
                                                            fontSize: FontSize.Medium
                                                            fontWeight: FontWeight.W300
                                                            color: Color.create("#b9babe")
                                                            textAlign: TextAlign.Center
                                                Container {
                                                    verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Center
                                                    topPadding: 8
                                                    rightPadding: 0
                                                    ImageView {
                                                        visible: ( <= 4)
                                                        preferredHeight: 40
                                                        imageSource: "asset:///images/flux/pesosign-amount.png"
                                                Container {
                                                    verticalAlignment: (( > 4) ? VerticalAlignment.Center : VerticalAlignment.Bottom)
                                                    horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Center
                                                    leftPadding: 0
                                                    Label {
                                                        id: amountLabel
                                                        textFit.mode: LabelTextFitMode.FitToBounds
                                                            fontSize: FontSize.XLarge
                                                            fontWeight: FontWeight.W300
                                                            color: Color.create("#b9babe")
                                                            textAlign: TextAlign.Center
                                                        text: ListItemData.amount
                        onTriggered: {
                            var selectedItem =;

    link the button to a property of an element, and then change all the elements in the datamodel. ListView reflects these changes.

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    Mr President.

    Can we apply a createInsert single button for the two master form, details of Table?

    I want to just click a button and fields are available in form-Master and details-table.

    As below



    Mr President.

    My worm jdev is 12 c

    And I can do your job for you.

    His code

    For any organization that wants to do this job

     public void createVoucherAndVDetailsRow(){
                VoucherViewImpl voucherVO=this.getVoucherView1();
                VoucherViewRowImpl row=(VoucherViewRowImpl)voucherVO.createRow();
                RowIterator iterator= row.getVoucherdetView();
                String voucherNumber=row.getVoucherId();
                NameValuePairs nvps=new NameValuePairs();
                nvps.setAttribute("VoucherId", voucherNumber);
                VoucherdetViewRowImpl voucherdetRow=(VoucherdetViewRowImpl)iterator.createAndInitRow(nvps);


  • How do you use the toggle buttons to switch the content on and off with a smooth transition?

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    Appreciate help!


    An easier way if you who would rather just code, use use the Greenock JS library.

    First, add to your scripts Panel to the library.

    Then, add the following code to document.compositionReady

    sym.setVariable ("toggle", true); Create a new global variable called "toggle" and set the value to true

    Now, create a button and click on the following code:

    Toggle var = sym.getVariable ("toggle"); Get the variable global "toggle" and him assign a local variable of the same name

    var FadeSymbol = sym.$("FadeSymbol"); The value of a local variable to your symbol name

    If (toggle == true) {} (FadeSymbol, 0.6, {opacity: 0});

    sym.setVariable ("toggle", false); Reset the value of the variable global 'toggle' false

    } else {} (FadeSymbol, 0.6, {opacity: 1});

    sym.setVariable ("toggle", true); Reset the value of the variable global 'toggle' false


    Note the line TweenMax, it fades to the opacity of the whole symbol rather than using a calendar. It breaks down as follows: (TheNameOfYourSymbol, theTimeinSeconds, {theOpacity, 1 = 100 %}

  • quiz or not? and... the button which has two actions?

    Hi all:

    This is the experience I want for the user:

    1. At the opening, the user will see instructions, a button (Counsellor response #1) and a set of five radio buttons on the right side of the screen.
    2. User clicks the answer to advise #1. Response text appears; at the same time, launching audio response.
    3. The user selects one of the option buttons and click on send. Feedback popup appears.
    4. When the user clicks to close the feedback popup, advise response #2 button is displayed.
    5. The user clicks on the reply button to advise #2.

    And so on, until the user has heard/read all the answers five Advisor.

    Originally, I used the Quiz tool multiple choice for that. (But this isn't technically a quiz. Users will not be marked on their choices, but will get "correct" and "incorrect" - type of feedback. They will also be encouraged to reflect on the reasons for their responses and be prepared to discuss with their supervisor.) I placed each answer to advise on a screen separate, and pretty well got it works this way, even though I had not yet added in the audio. Now I'm back after a long absence (period during which I forgot a lot of things), and I decided my existing design could be confusing for the user, so I switched to what you see here - all five answers (for a video of 'client' user to look on the previous screen) and their feedback on a single screen. And I tried to add the audio.

    I visited the advanced Actions panel and looked at the Captivate 'aid' of the page. I was following help along pretty well until the step that says "Complete writing code, using the options provided." I had no idea what they were referring to with the "code" or "provided options. So I tried to do what I want using just the properties panel for the answer of the Advisor button. The properties panel offers only one action per button, however.

    So my questions:

    1. How can I get a button to do two things at the same time (for example, display the text and play the audio)? If I could understand the advanced Actions 'code', I bet this button could do.

    2. I gave almost all Quiz items except the radio buttons and their links to comments. For example, when I added responses Advisor #2-#5 on the screen, I discovered I could not simply copy and paste from other slides or show the style of question on the screen, that I wanted to move. So I used Legend boxes. In addition, it seemed to me that a question box there is no advantage in this regard. So my question is: will, abandoning architecture quiz problems on the road?

    I'm sorry it's so long. Thanks in advance!

    It does not resemble me you should use quizzes Questions to this interaction in any case.  This is not what they have been specifically designed for.

    You can perform multiple actions in a single button click using the Standard Actions or conditional Actions.  I suggest that you will probably need to use this last longer than probably he finally some variables involved so that you can check what other options the user has already tried.

    However, I would hasten also to point out that you take here something that might be beyond your current understanding of interactivity of Captivate.  You may need to start studying up on top of the Variables, Run-time Events, stock Standard, conditional Actions and perhaps even of shared Actions.  Understanding these concepts will put you in better shape to succeed this interaction.

  • Toggle buttons control according to the selected line in the table?


    I have used JDev

    On my main page, it has a query section and view the result to a component of the lookup table and also has functioning as (update/deletion) buttons in the toolbar.

    I want to toggle buttons operating according to some value of the selected line in the table, and I searched on the OTN forum, found more than issues like that, but seemed no found a good solution.

    The table is a unique and has a status column selection, its data type is integer, and I want to activate the buttons when the value of the status field of the selected line is 0 or 1, disable the buttons when the State value is other values.

    Code of the table as:

    < af:table value = "#{bindings." Var VO1.collectionModel}"="row ".
    lines = ' #{bindings. " VO1.rangeSize}.
    emptyText = "#{bindingsVO1.viewable?" '} ". No data to display. ': 'Access Denied. »} »
    fetchSize = "#{bindings." VO1.rangeSize}.
    rowBandingInterval = '0 '.
    filterModel = "#{bindings." VOCriteriaQuery.queryDescriptor}.
    queryListener = ' #{bindings. " VOCriteriaQuery.processQuery}.
    filterVisible = "true" varStatus = "vs."
    selectedRowKeys = ' #{bindings. " VO1.collectionModel.selectedRow}.
    selectionListener = "#{bindings." VO1.collectionModel.makeCurrent}.
    rowSelection = "single" id = "resId1" >

    Operation code buttons like:
    < af:commandToolbarButton text = "Update" id = "ctb2" action = "editDAF" / >

    Any suggestions would be very helpful.

    Thank you


    bind to the attribute in the PageDef file for the status field. Then configure the PartialTriggers property button to point to the ID of the table. Of the disabled button property then points to the status as attribute link

    #{bindings.statusField.inputValue == 'value'}


  • Need extreme help! Toggle buttons! Application development


    Currently I develop an application for my class in flash and I have some problems. I do a machine you enter a code in, then he must play an animation when you press "submit" button while he looks for a return message.

    Problem # 1

    I need to make a few toggle buttons that stay down while that clicked and then return back until another button is clicked (5 buttons in total), how can I do this?

    Problem #2

    I need to make a transition parts animation once when you press submit, but how can I enable this and have it play only once?

    Problem #3

    I need to make an opening door game animation after the preloader is loader and before starting the application, how can I do this? (I understand the animation, but need help to play first and never again)

    Thanks to anyone who can help me!

    In each case, you create a movieclip.

    Problem #1: You can't have a button symbol to hold a State, if you need to use movielcips like buttons and control frameworks they display.

    #2 problem: You have a movieclip for animation with a stop(); order of the first image.  Tell you play(); When the Send button is released.

    Problem #3: Same as 2.

    In 2 and 3, you can have the first image be empty if it helps.  Once the animation is complete it will stop on the first frame as long as you have the stop() here.

  • Problems with reset toggle buttons that show/hide captions

    I have a problem with the buttons toggle that I use to show/hide a number of legends about a single slide of the reset. The rocker works very well on the first button when I click on and off to show or hide a legend. A simple click on and watch legend. One click off the coast and the legend disappears. However, if I leave a legend that is displayed and click on other buttons to show/hide the other legends, they do not show or hide in a single click. They require two clicks. It seems that something continues the read head after that first toggle is used until there is a second click. The same thing happens if I reset to enter action. If I click on a caption and leave it in place and move to another slide, it disappears when I re - get this initial slide. However, it requires two clicks, not one alone, to display the legend. I find it very strange; I learned most of my techniques from the Lilybiri blog, but this problem does not occur on his examples. I think I'm missing something obvious, but may not know what it is. Any help is very appreciated.




    Yes, I use Cp6. What I wanted to say about re-use, is that I have different scenarios where a similar script could be used, if your suggestion of a model is a good. My original intention was to write it in a txt for reference. Thank you very much for all your suggestions and links. I'll keep you posted.

  • Toggle button in ver 3.0 given the State

    How to toggle the button in ver 3.0 based on the activation/deactivation of other button
    I have the submit button that will be disabled initially, in, click Save submit button should get activated


    Use two hidden point saying: P1_HSUBMIT and: P1_HSAVE. Give the value 0 by default for the: P1_HSAVE point and 1 for the: P1_HSUBMIT point.

    Step 1: Click on the "Save" button.
    Step 2: Go to the conditions tab.
    Step 3: Select the body of the PL/SQL function returning a Boolean as the condition type.
    Step 4: The Expression 1, write the code below.

    IF :P1_HSAVE = 1 THEN
    END IF;

    Step 1: Click on the submit button.
    Step 2: Go to the conditions tab.
    Step 3: Select the body of the PL/SQL function returning a Boolean as the condition type.
    Step 4: The Expression 1, write the code below.

    END IF;

    Go to the processes in the title of the Page that deals,

    Step 1: Create a new process of PL/SQL.
    Step 2: Give the name, the sequence, and then select the point as on submit - after calculations and Validations
    Step 3: Write the code below,

    :P1_HSAVE := 1;
    :P1_HSUBMIT := 0;

    Step 4: Under condition, when the button is pressed, select " SUBMIT " button.
    Step 5: The registration process.

    Note: The value of the State of the procedure to restart page as ever and test the above

    Kind regards

    Published by: Santini on September 23, 2011 02:56

  • For the visibility toggle button.

    Hi, I saw some info about it on these forums and Google searches, but I'm still a little confused.  I want to make a button that activates / deactivates the visibility for printing a column of fields.  I can do two buttons for this, but a rocking would be much nicer.

    Thank you!

    Suppose that there are three fields in the column 'text1', 'text2' and 'Text3 '. A simple script to toggle their visibility that you can use in the mouse event to the top of the button is:

    // MouseUp script for button
    (function () {
        // Get a reference to the first field in the column
        var f1 = getField("text1");
        // Toggle the display visibility value
        dv = (f1.display === display.visible) ? display.hidden : display.visible;
        // Set the display property of the fields to the new value
        f1.display = dv;
        getField("text2").display = dv;
        getField("text3").display = dv;

    This could be somewhat simplified, but you should get the idea.

  • Two Macbook Pro, both does not start up, when I press the power button, I hear two disc bit Caryl, I see little light on the front on the displasy release button, black screen, no edge

    It was weird because I've NEVER had two computers have the same problem before. They are the model 2008 2.2 Ghz Core 2 Duo, 6 g of RAM, models of 128 GB of hard drive, the two Yosemite running, both had new hard drives, cables, batteries and RAM installed OWC (Apple approved reseller) and I use Macs for at least 20 years. In about a week, one just blacked out while sitting on my desk doing nothing, the other does the same on a week later. When I press the power button, I hear the drive hard hum twice, then all I get is the little light on the screen release button, that's all. Black screen. fails, nothing. I can press the power button and it will fit off the coast. Is it possible that some of them have infected somehow, or possibly send me the malware that has infected my system? I would not normally only, but for all of them to go down to one right after the other with the same problem just made me think, it must be the same cause, but what?  I had been in a war of fire recently with very ugly people, and I've never seen two Macs have the same exact problem in a row like that right.

    I took readers on the Macbook Pro, put them on sleds and threw them in my PowerMac, and both seemed fine, no problem, started well upward, ran utility disk on them, no problem, so I started to the checklist. Reset the PRAM. Nothing. SHIFT key at startup. Nothing. D at the start. Nothing. V order at startup. nothing. I wouldn't mind even their evisceration and making a portable useful with the parts of the two, but until I find out what the problem is, what can I do?

    If anyone has any suggestions, I would really appreciate it, I've supported every button I can think at the start, tried an inch USB key, boot and disk, this is the same Caryl bit both of the car, no chime, black screen, that's all.

    Thanks for your help.

    Damicon999 wrote:

    Is \Is possible for someone they have infected somehow, or possibly send me the malware that has infected my system?

    no chime, black screen, that's all.

    I don't think they are infected.

    The startup chime indicates that the Mac has made the initial diagnostic tests and there is no hardware problems or fundamental software.

    No edge in your case is a problem.  I think it's the luck of the draw to have 2 failures.

    In or out of warranty you can get for free a 'Apple Service Diagnostics' OTC test

    Genius of booking


    check the warranty

Maybe you are looking for

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