transfer of data from the sql for oracle server

Can we use the tools datapumps or oracle exp in oracle to transfer data from oracle to sql server database? Is it possible to do through the use of these tools expdp or exp in oracle. Create oracle dump files and import them to sql server?
I know there are third-party tools for the same. but I'm just curious?

No, these tools cannot be used for the transfer of data from oracle to sql server. The two write files in an oracle proprietary format, that they not fixed data or sql scripits files.

Tags: Database

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    1. create a Time Machine backup or clone bootable on an external drive, and then migrate your data from it.

    2. you need to remove El Capitan of the old Mac before send you it off and return it to the most recent of its original operating system or 10.6.8.


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    -- EXEC SP_smpAGENCY_MYWS_LAPSE_GET_USP_AMSurrenderMngtReport '2005','2010','09048','IL'    
    @StartYY AS VARCHAR(4),    
    @EndYY AS VARCHAR(4),    
    @AgentCode AS VARCHAR(9),    
    @CompanyCode AS VARCHAR(4)    
    DECLARE @ProfileYYYYMM AS VARCHAR(6), @SQLStr1 AS VARCHAR(8000),@SQLStr2 AS VARCHAR(8000), @SQLStr3 AS VARCHAR(8000)    
    SET @ProfileYYYYMM = '201005'    
    SET @SQLStr1 = ''    
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    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + '  [AgentNumber] VARCHAR(9), '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + '  [AgentRank] VARCHAR(10) '    
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    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' ( '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + '  [company_code] VARCHAR(50), '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + '  [mine_policy_no] VARCHAR(50), '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + '  [Annl_premium] NUMERIC(28, 2) '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' ) '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' DECLARE @tblmineSurrender TABLE '   
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' ( '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + '  [company_code] VARCHAR(50), '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + '  [mine_policy_no] VARCHAR(50), '     
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + '  [Annl_premium] NUMERIC(28, 2) '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' ) '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' INSERT INTO @tblAgentNumber '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' SELECT AgentName, AgentNumber, AgentRank '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' FROM [SUMYOLAP0001].aetnaildb.dbo.agentprofile'+ @ProfileYYYYMM +' AgtProfile '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' WHERE (LEN(agentnumber) = 5 and (left(agentnumber,1) between ''0'' and ''8'' or left(agentnumber,1) = ''A'')) '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' AND (Amname not like ''%COMPANY%'' OR Amname not like ''%DIRECT%'' OR Amname not like ''%MARKETsmp%'') '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' AND agencynumber not in (''ILS'',''PLS'',''99999'') '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' AND LEFT(agencynumber,2) not in (''CD'',''DR'') AND LEFT(agencynumber,3) <> ''DIR'' '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' AND RIGHT(RTRIM(agencynumber),2) not in (''CD'',''DR'') AND RIGHT(RTRIM(agencynumber),3) <> ''DIR'' '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' AND companycode = ''IL'' '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' INSERT INTO @tblmineSurrender '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' SELECT company_code, mine_policy_no, Annl_premium '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' FROM odsmine_policy '    
    IF @CompanyCode = 'All'    
     SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' WHERE company_code IN (''IL'',''AL'') '    
     SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' WHERE company_code IN ('''+ @CompanyCode +''') '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' AND cont_status = ''S'' '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' AND YEAR(effective_date) BETWEEN '+ @StartYY +' AND '+ @EndYY +' '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' SELECT @CompSurrenderCount = COUNT(1), @CompSurrenderAP = SUM(Annl_premium) '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' FROM @tblmineSurrender S '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' INNER JOIN odsagent_role R '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' ON S.company_code = R.company_code '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' AND S.mine_policy_no = R.mine_policy_no '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' INNER JOIN @tblAgentNumber A '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' ON R.servicsmpagent_code = A.AgentNumber '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' INSERT INTO @tblmineInforce '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' SELECT company_code, mine_policy_no, Annl_premium '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' FROM odsmine_policy '    
    IF @CompanyCode = 'All'    
     SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' WHERE company_code IN (''IL'',''AL'') '    
     SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' WHERE company_code IN (''' + @CompanyCode + ''') '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' AND cont_status = ''I'' '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' AND YEAR(effective_date) BETWEEN '+ @StartYY +' AND '+ @EndYY +' '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' SELECT @CompInforceCount = COUNT(1), @CompInforceAP = SUM(Annl_premium) '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' FROM @tblmineInforce I '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' INNER JOIN odsagent_role R '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' ON I.company_code = R.company_code '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' AND I.mine_policy_no = R.mine_policy_no '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' INNER JOIN @tblAgentNumber A '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' ON R.servicsmpagent_code = A.AgentNumber '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' SET @CompAvgCount = ROUND(ISNULL(@CompSurrenderCount,0) * 100 / ( ISNULL(@CompSurrenderCount,0) + @CompInforceCount),2) '     
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' SET @CompAvgAP = ROUND(ISNULL(@CompSurrenderAP,0) * 100 / ( ISNULL(@CompSurrenderAP,0) + @CompInforceAP),2) '     
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' DECLARE @tblODSmine_Policy TABLE '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' ( '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + '  [AgentName] VARCHAR(255), '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + '  [AgentNumber] VARCHAR(9), '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + '  [AgentRank] VARCHAR(10), '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + '  [Company_Code] VARCHAR(4), '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + '  [mine_Policy_No] VARCHAR(10), '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + '  [Cont_Status] VARCHAR(1), '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + '  [Annl_Premium] DECIMAL(15,2), '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + '  [No_count] NUMERIC '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' ) '    
    SET @SQLStr2 = 'INSERT INTO  @tblODSmine_Policy '    
    SET @SQLStr2 = @SQLStr2 + ' SELECT DISTINCT AgtProfile.AgentName, AgtProfile.AgentNumber, '    
    SET @SQLStr2 = @SQLStr2 + ' AgtProfile.AgentRank,mine.company_code, mine.mine_policy_no, mine.cont_status, mine.Annl_Premium, 1.0 as no_count '    
    SET @SQLStr2 = @SQLStr2 + ' FROM @tblAgentNumber AgtProfile '    
    SET @SQLStr2 = @SQLStr2 + ' INNER JOIN [SUMYOLAP0001].aetnaildb.dbo.COMAGH COMAGH '    
    SET @SQLStr2 = @SQLStr2 + ' ON AgtProfile.AgentNumber = COMAGH.AHAGTN '    
    SET @SQLStr2 = @SQLStr2 + ' AND (AHAMNO = ''' + @AgentCode + ''' OR AHUMNO = ''' + @AgentCode + ''' OR AHAGNO = ''' + @AgentCode + ''') '    
    IF @CompanyCode = 'ALL'    
     SET @SQLStr2 = @SQLStr2 + ' AND AHCO IN (''AL'',''IL'') '    
     SET @SQLStr2 = @SQLStr2 + ' AND AHCO = ''' + @CompanyCode + ''' '    
    SET @SQLStr2 = @SQLStr2 + ' INNER JOIN odsagent_role Role '    
    SET @SQLStr2 = @SQLStr2 + ' ON AgtProfile.AgentNumber = Role.servicsmpagent_code '    
    SET @SQLStr2 = @SQLStr2 + ' INNER JOIN odsmine_policy mine '    
    SET @SQLStr2 = @SQLStr2 + ' ON Role.company_code = mine.company_code '    
    SET @SQLStr2 = @SQLStr2 + ' AND Role.mine_policy_no = mine.mine_policy_no '    
    SET @SQLStr2 = @SQLStr2 + ' AND mine.cont_status IN (''S'',''I'') '    
    IF @CompanyCode = 'ALL'    
     SET @SQLStr2 = @SQLStr2 + ' AND mine.company_code IN (''AL'',''IL'') '    
     SET @SQLStr2 = @SQLStr2 + ' AND mine.company_code = ''' + @CompanyCode + ''' '    
    SET @SQLStr2 = @SQLStr2 + ' AND YEAR(mine.effective_date) BETWEEN '+ @StartYY +'  AND  '+ @EndYY +' '    
    SET @SQLStr3 = 'SELECT AgentName, AgentRank, AgentNumber, '    
    SET @SQLStr3 = @SQLStr3 + ' CONVERT(INT,SUM(CASE WHEN cont_status = ''S'' THEN no_count ELSE 0 END)) AS Surrrender_Count, '    
    SET @SQLStr3 = @SQLStr3 + ' CONVERT(INT,SUM(CASE WHEN cont_status = ''I'' THEN no_count ELSE 0 END)) AS InForce_Count, '    
    SET @SQLStr3 = @SQLStr3 + ' SUM(CASE WHEN cont_status = ''S'' THEN Annl_premium ELSE 0 END) AS SurrenderAP, '    
    SET @SQLStr3 = @SQLStr3 + ' SUM(CASE WHEN cont_status = ''I'' THEN Annl_premium ELSE 0 END) AS InForceAP, '    
    SET @SQLStr3 = @SQLStr3 + ' CASE WHEN count(*) = 0 THEN 0 ELSE CONVERT(DECIMAL(38,2),(SUM(CASE WHEN cont_status = ''S'' THEN no_count ELSE 0 END) * 100 / count(*))) END AS AgtSurrenderCount, '    
    SET @SQLStr3 = @SQLStr3 + ' CASE WHEN SUM(Annl_premium) = 0 THEN 0 ELSE CONVERT(DECIMAL(38,2),(SUM(CASE WHEN cont_status = ''S'' THEN Annl_premium ELSE 0 END) * 100 / SUM(Annl_premium))) END AS AgtSurrenderAP, '    
    SET @SQLStr3 = @SQLStr3 + ' CONVERT(varchar(100),@CompAvgCount) AS CompAvgCount, '    
    SET @SQLStr3 = @SQLStr3 + ' CONVERT(varchar(100), @CompAvgAP) AS CompAvgAP '    
    SET @SQLStr3 = @SQLStr3 + ' FROM @tblODSmine_Policy '    
    SET @SQLStr3 = @SQLStr3 + ' GROUP BY AgentName, AgentRank, AgentNumber '    
    EXEC (@SQLStr1 + @SQLStr2 + @SQLStr3)    
    --PRINT (@SQLStr1 + @SQLStr2 + @SQLStr3)    


    1. the scrap code.
    2. get the specification of the requirements of business origin.
    3. learn PL/SQL.
    4. write the PL/SQL code to meet the requirements of the company.

  • Transfer of data from the q10 9720 blackBerry Smartphones

    Nice day

    I would like to transfer data of q10 to 9720, I have backup of q10 taiken, but dosent 9720 load the backup file.

    Thank you



    Welcome to the BlackBerry Support Forum!

    Well, first of all why do you want to downgrade to an a Q10 9720?

    9720 will not support the backup file. You must use outlook or other applications 3rd party backup that are available for q10 & 9720.

    PS: do not pass

  • Why two different transfer control numbers of the database for Oracle Enterprise

    The control of the database link in itself speaks of 1528 port number, so why Net manager speaks about 1521?

    Confusion between


    Thank you

    1521 is the listening port number where all sessions user with the database.

    Asif Kabir

  • Convert a statement of SQL for Oracle Server Update

    I need to convert an update statement written for SQL Server to run on Oracle.
    the update is:

    SET TBL2 = CDate. CDate
    JOIN TABLE2 ON TBL2 TBL2. Code = TBL1. TBL2Code
    WHERE TBL3. TypeCode = '07'

    How can I make compatible with oracle?

    Thank you!!

    Try this...

    MERGE INTO table1 t1
         USING (SELECT t2.cdate cdate, t1.ROWID ri
                  FROM table2 t2, table3 t3, table1 t1
                 WHERE     t2.code = t1.tbl2code
                       AND =
                       AND t2.typecode = '07') src
            ON (t1.ROWID = src.ri)
       UPDATE SET t1.cdate = src.cdate
  • Issue from the Weblogic for ATG Server


    My goal is to deploy an EAR (generated for jboss) ATG Weblogic 10.3.6 and using Oracle to connect my DB

    I created the necessary data sources and make the necessary changes in JTDataSource thus, even after that as I get the error message during the installation of the EAR:

    $class = atg.nucleus.JNDIReference

    JNDIName = java: comp/env/jdbc/ATGProductionDS

    This is the error I get:

    ErrorMar 17 Nov 14:28:11 IST 20151447750691135/ ATG/Dynamo/service/JDBC/JTDataSource---javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: while trying to get jdbc/ATGProductionDS in/app/webapp/dyn/1362370711. ; rest the name "jdbc/ATGProductionDS.

    And I created "ATGProductionDS" datasource with JNDI name as "jdbc/ATGProductionDS.

    Anyone could solve my problem please?


    Try using like this:

    /atg/dynamo/service/jdbc /

    dataSource = / atg/dynamo/service/jdbc/DirectJTDataSource


    JNDIName = ATGProductionDS

    $class = atg.nucleus.JNDIReference

    I always use like this and working properly.

    It will be useful.

    Good bye.

  • I need to transfer my data from my iphone 6 down to a previous 5s (owned and backed up on my MBPro)

    How can I transfer my data from the iPhone 6 down to my iPhone 5s?  Thank you.  Al

    Back up and sync your iPhone to iTunes 6. Set the backup to encrypt. Then connect your iPhone via USB cable 5s and choose to restore the backup of the iPhone 6.

    Your iPhone 5s must have the same version, or more updated iOS installed on it that the iPhone backup 6. If this isn't the case, set up your iPhone 5s as a new device, update 9.3.2 iOS software and files then it from the backup of the iPhone 6.

  • Cannot find the file error when loading data from text file to Oracle


    I have an interface where I am loading a data from the text file to Oracle.
    But when I try to do that I am getting following error.

    ODI-1227: SrcSet0 (load) task fails on the source FILES SAPMM connections.
    Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: file not found: d:/mdb/#General.get_filename
    to com.sunopsis.jdbc.driver.file.FileResultSet. < init > (
    at com.sunopsis.jdbc.driver.file.impl.commands.CommandSelect.execute(
    at com.sunopsis.jdbc.driver.file.CommandExecutor.executeCommand(

    SAPMM is the name of the connection.
    I use get_filename to get the name of the file and it is fetching a correct value as long as this variable is updated in the previous stage of this interface.
    KM, used for loading is SQL file

    What would be the cause of this error?

    Thank you

    Also a single query would be ok if I'm moving only generated package (according to your scenario3) scenario and not UI? It running properly?

    Yes... It runs successfully

  • What is the fastest way bulk load the data from ACE / 400 to Oracle?

    Asked me to move data from the AS / 400 to Oracle11gR2 as fast that ODI may eventually. Quinte just no mapping, no transformation, no membership.

    An ODI11g agent is started on the computer of Oracle target, but being new ODI, I don't know how to use SQL for Oracle LKM loading in a scene and then updated incremental Oracle IKM layout from staging to the target table.

    It took 50 minutes to move recorded about 4 million. I need to get this in about 10 minutes. So guys, if there is a best practice to do this, please let me know, but now I'll try any suggestion you might think.

    Thank you in advance.

    Means the faster is to use a combination of ODI interface and ODI tool named OdiSqlUnload.
    N ° 1). Use the ODI OdiSqlUnload tool to export the data from the AS / 400 files in a flat file of the BONES.
    Step 2.) Use this flat file as source and LKM file for Oracle (SQLLDR) and Oracle IKM incremental update to load Oracle data.

    Your current path is slow because it operates on a row by row basis.

  • Convert or map Typedonnees decimal Transact-SQL for Oracle Number data type?

    MSSQL 2005
    Oracle 10.2 g

    In a MSSQL table, I have a column with the data type set on (decimal (1.0), null) with the values of line-1. (695 lines in total)

    In the Oracle table, the proposed mapped column is a number data type. When I import data, I received 695 errors with the message "invalid value for the field. How to properly convert or map Decimal (MSSQL) Transact-SQL for Oracle Number data type for a negative value?

    Thank you.

    How do you load data into Oracle? What tool or programming language you are using? Can you post something cause what you stated in your post should work, but there may be some ODBC, or other type of conversion factors to be taken into account.

     > create table t1 (field1  number(1,0));
    Table created.
     > insert into t1 values (-1);
    1 row created.
    UT1 > select * from t1;

    HTH - Mark D Powell.

  • Move the data from Palm Z22 for palm M125

    My Palm Z22 batteries do not hold a charge.  I recently bought a Palm M125, but have been unable to transfer data from the Z22, the M125.  My op system is Windows Vista Ultimate 32-bit Edition processor.  Is it possible to move the data?

    If the Z22 still works, the best way to transfer your data is for her beam to the M125.  At least, for the PIM of Palm of basic data (e.g., calendar, Contacts, memos, to-(tasks)).   On the Z22 in calendar, switch to the display of the day (not the order of the day).  In the menu, select the category of beam, choose the date range and select all from the drop-down list category.  Make sure that receiving IR is selected in the receiving device.  Align them face to face on one foot out and tap the beam.

    In Contacts, select the category in the upper right, then open the Menu and select the category of beam.  Same process for tasks and memos.

    Data and third-party applications might not let u their beam.   In addition, you will a newer device a lot older with an older operating system that may not work new apps.  So, after you transfer your PIM data, try beaming your third-party apps at a time to see if they run again.  The Z22 Launcher screen (at home), open the Menu, and then select the beam.  Highlight apps one at a time and try to beam at the M125.  My guess is that apps like Documents To Go might not even run, if they let u beam, because they were written for the newer versions of Palm OS than what works the M125.

    There is also an upgrade process where you can do this thru Palm Desktop when you switch devices.   But again because once you go towards the back to an older device, there are some compatibility issues with the applications, databases and files of the system, not to mention the questions according to what version you use Palm Desktop.

    Let us know if ensoupler works, or if you encounter any problems, in this case, we can go to the ugrade process.  Also, let us know what version of Palm Desktop you will synchronize with.

  • How can I use notifications to send data from different sources for the same chart?


    I use the model of 'Continuous measurement and logging' project comes with LV 2013.

    It is extremenly helpful in understanding the messaging between the acquisition, graphic and loops of newspaper. (Thank you NEITHER!)

    I ran into a snag though.

    I want to change so that my graphic loop receives notifications of data from two sources of acquisition by the declarant.

    I have trouble getting the data from the two sources to display on one graph.

    I've isolated the problem in the attached vi.

    Here's what happens:

    1. I create 2 parallel loops data and send the data to a third parallel loop with the notifiers.

    2. the third loop receives data from one of the loops because one of the authors of just receiving notifications is to expire instead of receive data.

    Can anyone suggest how can I fix?

    Thank you.


    Here's my modification of your VI. I put notes on the block diagram to explain the changes. He uses a queue for data transfer to avoid data loss. It uses a notifier to stop loops. All local variables and value property nodes have been eliminated.

    The way loops are arrested probably let some data in the queue. No more of one or two iterations of each of the loops of data acquisition. If you need ensure that all data has been displayed (or recorded in a real application), then you must stop acquiring loop first and read the queue until you know it's empty and both other loops stopped. Then stop the render loop and release the queue and the notifier.


  • How to send the SQL for SQL Server statement and return data without using database connectivity Kit?

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    Jesse - what is your reason for not using the database connectivity Toolkit? It is by far the best way to recover the data.

Maybe you are looking for

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