TreeView problem


I want to add textfield after my field tree on the screen, this tree is dropdown.

When I did, my text field is a place in the lower part of the tree which is to have 500 items.

This text field is not visible, therefore, when my goal is not 1st element of the tree. My text field gets focus when I scroll the entire tree.

I want to add this text field in a lookup field to the tree.

I want that textfield visible all the time.

Is this a problem with the fixing of page layouts.

I use the default domain manager to add these fields to the form.

How do I do...?

a simple solution would be to use the screen setStatus class, it adds a field to the status area of the screen.
You can reproduce this behavior with different managers but why not use the built-in feature.

Tags: BlackBerry Developers

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    I however have TreeView problems to recognize when such an element is updated. Initially I tried this, calling setValue on the TreeItem element that is appropriate:
             private void updateItem(MediaItem item) {
          TreeItem<MediaItem> foundItem = findMediaItem(treeRoot, item);
          if(foundItem != null) {
        private TreeItem<MediaItem> findMediaItem(TreeItem<MediaItem> treeRoot, MediaItem mediaItem) {
          for(TreeItem<MediaItem> treeItem : treeRoot.getChildren()) {
            if(treeItem.getValue().equals(mediaItem)) {
              return treeItem;
            if(!treeItem.isLeaf()) {
              TreeItem<MediaItem> foundItem = findMediaItem(treeItem, mediaItem);
              if(foundItem != null) {
                return foundItem;
          return null;
    Unfortunately, I couldn't get this to work at all. After a few more tries, I found a way that works, but it is very heavy:
     private void updateItem(MediaItem item) {
          TreeItem<MediaItem> foundItem = findMediaItem(treeRoot, item);
          if(foundItem != null) {
            int index = foundItem.getParent().getChildren().indexOf(foundItem);
            foundItem.getParent().getChildren().set(index, new TreeItem<MediaItem>(item));
    //        foundItem.setValue(item);
    Having to create a new object TreeItem and looking for the index of the former just if I can replace it in the ObservableList of its parent seem exaggerated. I was more looking for a method simple "updateTreeItem" or something, where I can move to the item that has been updated. The API TreeCell doesn't seem to have this method, but I donot see how I can use it.

    Note: the element 'nine', I update here is actually the same instance (in other words, it is equal to the previous one) - I want to only trigger a new drawing, her look has changed even if it is always equal. I have not tried the substitution of equals for her, but even if it works it would be unsatisfactory because, from an application perspective, these two items are equal apart from having a miniature finished loading...

    A simpler solution?

    Published by: john16384 on December 4, 2011 19:40

    I'd come to it from a different angle (but this is not to say that there nothing wrong with your approach in theory however).

    See if this helps you:

    import javafx.application.Application;
    import javafx.beans.value.ChangeListener;
    import javafx.beans.value.ObservableValue;
    import javafx.concurrent.Task;
    import javafx.concurrent.Worker;
    import javafx.scene.Scene;
    import javafx.scene.control.ProgressIndicator;
    import javafx.scene.control.TreeCell;
    import javafx.scene.control.TreeItem;
    import javafx.scene.control.TreeView;
    import javafx.scene.image.Image;
    import javafx.scene.image.ImageView;
    import javafx.scene.layout.BorderPane;
    import javafx.stage.Stage;
    import javafx.util.Callback;
    public class TestApp extends Application
        public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
        public void start(final Stage stage) throws Exception
            BorderPane root = new BorderPane();
            TreeView tree = new TreeView();
            TreeItem bears = new TreeItem(new Animal("Bears", null));
                    new TreeItem(new Animal("Asiatic Black Bear", new URL(""))),
                    new TreeItem(new Animal("Black Bear", new URL(""))),
                    new TreeItem(new Animal("Brown Bear", new URL(""))),
                    new TreeItem(new Animal("Panda Bear", new URL(""))),
                    new TreeItem(new Animal("Polar Bear", new URL(""))),
                    new TreeItem(new Animal("Sloth Bear", new URL(""))),
                    new TreeItem(new Animal("Spectacled Bear", new URL(""))),
                    new TreeItem(new Animal("Sun Bear", new URL(""))),
                    new TreeItem(new Animal("Pooh Bear", new URL("")))
            tree.setCellFactory(new Callback, TreeCell>()
                public TreeCell call(TreeView tree)
                    return new AnimalTreeCell();
            Scene scene = new Scene(root, 800, 600);
        private class AnimalTreeCell extends TreeCell
            private Task loadTask;
            protected void updateItem(Animal animal, boolean empty)
                super.updateItem(animal, empty);
                if (!empty && animal != null)
                    if (animal.getPhotoUrl() != null)
            protected void loadPhoto(final URL photoUrl)
                if (loadTask != null)
                loadTask = new Task()
                    protected Image call() throws Exception
                        return new Image(photoUrl.openStream());
                setGraphic(new ProgressIndicator());
                loadTask.stateProperty().addListener(new ChangeListener()
                    public void changed(ObservableValue source, Worker.State oldState, Worker.State newState)
                        if (newState.equals(Worker.State.SUCCEEDED))
                            // probably should reuse the image view, rather than create a new one each time
                            ImageView imageView = new ImageView(loadTask.getValue());
                new Thread(loadTask).start();
        private class Animal
            private String name;
            private URL photoUrl;
            private Animal(String name, URL photoUrl)
       = name;
                this.photoUrl = photoUrl;
            public String getName()
                return name;
            public URL getPhotoUrl()
                return photoUrl;

    PS how cool are the sloth bear!

  • Project link error: Undefined cadquã with TreeView macros

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    Info on these macros in

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    Does anyone know what I am doing wrong that my project does not have these features?

    Hi again,

    I discovered that this macros are defined in CommCtrl.h and they are dependent on the _WIN32_IE, so I wrote in the /D_WIN32_IE of compiler options sets = 0 x 0500 and now the compiler take these macros into account and, therefore, the problem disappeared. For some reason, the value of _WIN32_IE isn't the same thing in my CVI2009 and CVI2010 compiler...

    #if (_WIN32_IE > = 0 x 0500)
    tvm_? etitemstate uses only the State and stateMask mask.
    Unicode or ansi is therefore irrelevant.
    #define TreeView_SetItemState (hwndTV, hti, data, _mask).
    {_Ms_TVi structure TVITEM; \}
    _ms_TVi.mask = TVIF_STATE; \
    _ms_TVi.hItem = (hti); \
    _ms_TVi.stateMask = (_mask); \
    _ms_TVi.State = (data); \
    SNDMSG ((hwndTV), TVM_SETITEM, 0, (LPARAM,)(TV_ITEM *) & _ms_TVi); \

    #define TreeView_SetCheckState (hwndTV, hti, fCheck).
    TreeView_SetItemState (hwndTV, hti, INDEXTOSTATEIMAGEMASK ((fCheck)? 2:1), TVIS_STATEIMAGEMASK)

    #define TVM_GETITEMSTATE (+ 39 TV_FIRST)
    #define TreeView_GetItemState (hwndTV, hti, mask).
    (UINT) SNDMSG ((hwndTV), TVM_GETITEMSTATE, (WPARAM) (hti), (LPARAM) (mask))

    #define TreeView_GetCheckState (hwndTV, hti).


  • WINDOWS MAIL - email format problem


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    Go to view | Layout and enable the bar of folder or the folder list, and then you can see the other folders in the Treeview control.


  • TreeView with icons displayed incorrectly after expansion (8 JavaFX)

    I have a TreeView with classes CellFactory and TreeCell custom, which has been implemented in JavaFX 2.2 and works perfectly. However, after I upgraded to 8 JavaFX. This tree is completely messed up. If I develop a nodes, there will be duplicate tree nodes in the tree. Here is a simplified version of the source code. If not use a method setGraphic() in class TreeCell, it works fine.

    package test;
    import javafx.application.Application;
    import javafx.scene.Scene;
    import javafx.scene.control.TreeCell;
    import javafx.scene.control.TreeItem;
    import javafx.scene.control.TreeView;
    import javafx.scene.image.Image;
    import javafx.scene.image.ImageView;
    import javafx.scene.layout.BorderPane;
    import javafx.stage.Stage;
    import javafx.util.Callback;
    public class TreeViewTest extends Application {
        private static final Image image = new Image(TreeViewTest.class.getResourceAsStream("icon_datasource.png"));
        public TreeViewTest() {
        public void start(Stage primaryStage) {
            BorderPane rootPane = new BorderPane();
            TreeItem<String> root = new TreeItem<String>("Root");
            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
                TreeItem<String> ds = new TreeItem<String>("Datasource " + i);
                for (int t = 0; t < 5; t++) {
            TreeItem<String> tb = new TreeItem<String>("Table " + t);
            TreeView<String> tree = new TreeView<String>();
            tree.setCellFactory(new Callback<TreeView<String>, TreeCell<String>>() {
         public TreeCell<String> call(TreeView<String> param) {
      return new TreeCell<String>() {
         protected void updateItem(String item, boolean empty) {
             super.updateItem(item, empty);
             if (!empty) {
                 ImageView imageView = new ImageView(image);
            Scene scene = new Scene(rootPane, 1024, 800);
        public static void main(String[] args) {

    In general, cells are reused as items in TreeView (and some make, and ListViews) as soon as they become visible and invisible. It is perfectly possible for a cell to have an element that is not empty and then it change to empty, as the cell is reused for an empty cell.

    If you have a bug in your code: you need

    tree.setCellFactory(new Callback, TreeCell>() {
                public TreeCell call(TreeView param) {
                    return new TreeCell() {
                        protected void updateItem(String item, boolean empty) {
                            super.updateItem(item, empty);
                            if (!empty) {
                                ImageView imageView = new ImageView(image);
                            } else {

    You lucky in JavaFX2.2 that the re-use of cell does not seem to affect your bug. improving the effectiveness of the re-use of the cell in JavaFX 8 has exposed the problem.

    Furthermore, it is generally a bit pointless to re - create the nodes each time than updateItem (...) is called (frequently), rather than create them once when the cell is created (much less often). So consider

    tree.setCellFactory(new Callback, TreeCell>() {
                public TreeCell call(TreeView param) {
                    return new TreeCell() {
                        private ImageView imageView = new ImageView(image);
                        protected void updateItem(String item, boolean empty) {
                            super.updateItem(item, empty);
                            if (!empty) {
                            } else {


  • unsupported TreeView Widget


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    Thank you.

    Not immediately. They still use the problems with the new format of Mondo. I'll pass this message Forum script, to see if anyone has more information.

  • Drag in TreeView

    Hi all

    I want to make a simple request where you have a tree and on the other side three pictures. In this example I used three rectangles each with a different color.

    The user should be able to drag one of the rectangles of an item in the tree in order to add a new paragraph.

    Everything works, the only problem I have is that I also can drop off anywhere in the entire tree 'frame '. I want that the user must release on

    an element in the tree, not anywhere in the treeframe.

    My second question is, can I also drag the entire image / rectangle instead of the standard small window box when a user tries to drag something? I read that

    in JavaFX 8 would be possible, here you are able to transmit an entire image to the dragboard. My goal was to set the opacity of the rectangle enjoy 20% and then paste

    the rectangle with the mouse, and if the user releases the mouse, the rectangle must return to its position of moose with full opacity. It would be a "nice to have", but

    the first problem is unimportant.

    This example should work out of the box:

    package de.hauke.edi;
    import de.cargosoft.edi.eservicemanager.Main3.ModuleTreeItem;
    import javafx.animation.TranslateTransition;
    import javafx.application.Application;
    import javafx.event.EventHandler;
    import javafx.scene.Scene;
    import javafx.scene.control.TreeCell;
    import javafx.scene.control.TreeItem;
    import javafx.scene.control.TreeView;
    import javafx.scene.image.ImageView;
    import javafx.scene.input.ClipboardContent;
    import javafx.scene.input.DragEvent;
    import javafx.scene.input.Dragboard;
    import javafx.scene.input.MouseEvent;
    import javafx.scene.input.TransferMode;
    import javafx.scene.layout.BorderPane;
    import javafx.scene.layout.VBox;
    import javafx.scene.paint.Color;
    import javafx.scene.shape.Rectangle;
    import javafx.stage.Stage;
    import javafx.util.Callback;
    import javafx.util.Duration;
    public class Main4 extends Application {
        public void start(Stage primaryStage) throws IOException {
            BorderPane border = new BorderPane();
            Scene scene = new Scene(border, 700, 700);
            // setup tree
            TreeView<String> tree = new TreeView<String>();
            TreeItem<String> rootItem = new TreeItem<String>("Root");
            for (int i = 1; i < 6; i++) {
                TreeItem<String> item = new TreeItem<String>("Node" + i);
            // setup boxes
            final Rectangle red = new Rectangle(100, 100);
            final Rectangle green = new Rectangle(100, 100);
            final Rectangle blue = new Rectangle(100, 100);
            addDragFunction(red, "red");
            addDragFunction(green, "green");
            addDragFunction(blue, "blue");
            tree.setCellFactory(new Callback<TreeView<String>, TreeCell<String>>() {
                public TreeCell<String> call(TreeView<String> arg0) {
                    final TreeCell<String> treeCell = new TreeCell<String>() {
                        protected void updateItem(String item, boolean empty) {
                            super.updateItem(item, empty);
                            if (item != null) {
                    treeCell.setOnDragOver(new EventHandler<DragEvent>() {
                        public void handle(DragEvent event) {
                    treeCell.setOnDragDropped(new EventHandler<DragEvent>() {
                        public void handle(DragEvent event) {
                            Dragboard db = event.getDragboard();
                            if (db.hasString()) {
                                TreeItem<String> item = new TreeItem<String>("New "+db.getString() + " colored element dropped");
                    return treeCell;
            // add elements to stage
            VBox vbox = new VBox();
        private void addDragFunction(final Rectangle control, final String code) {
            control.setOnDragDetected(new EventHandler<MouseEvent>() {
                public void handle(MouseEvent event) {
                    Dragboard db = control.startDragAndDrop(TransferMode.ANY);
                    /* put a string on dragboard */
                    ClipboardContent content = new ClipboardContent();
            control.setOnDragDone(new EventHandler<DragEvent>() {
                public void handle(DragEvent event) {
        public static void main(String[] args) {

    Thanks for any help!

    Everything works, the only problem I have is that I also can drop off anywhere in the entire tree 'frame '. I want that the user must release on

    an element in the tree, not anywhere in the treeframe.

    Just surround the code in methods of grip for your setOnDragOver and setOnDragDropped event handlers with

    If (! treeCell.isEmpty ()) {...}

    You could add more sense here if you need, for example to prevent the user from falling on the root or to limit the number of children has fallen on a single node.

    For the JavaFX 8 image features with stretching, in your setOnDragDetected Manager, change the opacity, create an image of the control by calling snapshot() and pass the image to the setDragView (...) method of the Dragboard. In the setOnDragDone Manager, resume the opacity.

  • Icons in TreeView disappear after editing

    I have a weird bug where the graphic a TreeCell node is not displayed.

    Java version "1.7.0_25", Windows 7 Ultimate.

    The bug is not always reproducible. There are several housing starts of the application manifest.

    Example 13-3 'implementation a Cell Factory' of and

    Change the line

    TreeItem < String > empLeaf = new TreeItem < String > (employee.getName ());


    TreeItem < String > empLeaf = new TreeItem < String > (employee.getName (), new (depIcon) ImageView);

    for the nodes of the tree editable with icons. If we change the name of a node and attempts to change once again, but undoes the change

    -by selecting another cell with the mouse - icon of the affected node will become empty. See the image.

    I havemage

    If you put a println statement in the method the TreeCell cancelEdit(), you see, there are more alive than expected TreeCells.


    test of the package;

    Import Java.util;

    Import javafx.application. *; import. *;

    Javafx.event import. *;

    Javafx.scene import. *;

    Javafx.scene.control import. *;

    Javafx.scene.image import. *;

    Javafx.scene.input import. *;

    Javafx.scene.layout import. *;

    Javafx.scene.paint import. *;

    Javafx.stage import. *;

    Javafx.util import. *;

    SerializableAttribute public class TreeViewSample extends Application {}

    private final node = rootIcon

    new ImageView (new Image (getClass () .getResourceAsStream ("root.png")));

    depIcon private final image =

    New Image (getClass () .getResourceAsStream ("department.png"));

    The used < employee > list = asList (paintings). < employee >

    new employee ("Ethan Williams", "Sales"),

    new employee ("Emma Jones", "Sales"),

    new employee ("Michael Brown", "Sales"),

    new employee ("Anna Black", "Sales"),

    new employee ("Rodger York", "Sales"),

    new employee ("Susan Collins", "Sales"),

    new employee ("Mike Graham", "Support"),

    new employee ("Judy Mayer", "Support"),

    new employee ("Gregory Smith", "Support"),

    new employee ("Jacob Smith," 'Accounting'),

    new employee ("Isabella Johnson", 'Accounting'));

    TreeItem < String > = rootNode

    New TreeItem < String > ("mycompany HR", rootIcon);

    Public Shared Sub main (String [] args) {}

    Application.Launch (args);



    {} public void start (steps)

    rootNode.setExpanded (true);

    for (employee: employees) {}

    TreeItem < String > empLeaf = new TreeItem < String > (employee.getName (), new (depIcon) ImageView);

    Boolean found = false;

    for (TreeItem < String > depNode: rootNode.getChildren ()) {}

    If (depNode.getValue () .contentEquals (employee.getDepartment ())) {}

    depNode.getChildren () .add (empLeaf);

    found = true;




    If (! found) {}

    TreeItem < String > depNode = new TreeItem < String >)

    employee.getDepartment (),

    new ImageView (depIcon)


    rootNode.getChildren () .add (depNode);

    depNode.getChildren () .add (empLeaf);



    stage.setTitle ("Tree View sample");

    Box of VBox = new VBox();

    a final scene = new scene (box, 400, 300);

    scene.setFill (Color.LIGHTGRAY);

    TreeView TreeView < String > = new TreeView < String > (rootNode);

    treeView.setEditable (true);

    treeView.setCellFactory (new recall < TreeView < String >, TreeCell < String > > () {}


    public TreeCell < String > call (TreeView < String > p) {}

    return new TextFieldTreeCellImpl();



    box.getChildren () .add (treeView);

    stage.setScene (scene);

    internship. Show();


    the final private class TextFieldTreeCellImpl extends TreeCell < String > {}

    private TextField textField;

    public TextFieldTreeCellImpl() {}



    public void startEdit() {}

    super.startEdit ();

    If (textField == null) {}



    setText (null);

    setGraphic (textField);

    textField.selectAll ();



    public void cancelEdit() {}

    super.cancelEdit ();

    setText ((String) getItem());

    setGraphic (getTreeItem () .getGraphic ());

    System.out.println ("cancelled point" + getItem());



    {} public Sub updateItem (empty string element, Boolean)

    super.updateItem point, empty;

    If {(empty)

    setText (null);

    setGraphic (null);

    } else {}

    If (isEditing()) {}

    If (textField! = null) {}

    textField.setText (getString ());


    setText (null);

    setGraphic (textField);

    } else {}

    setText (getString ());

    setGraphic (getTreeItem () .getGraphic ());




    private void createTextField() {}

    textField = new TextField (getString ());

    textField.setOnKeyReleased (new EventHandler < KeyEvent > () {}


    {} public void handle (KeyEvent t)

    If (t.getCode () == KeyCode.ENTER) {}

    commitEdit (textField.getText ());

    } ElseIf (t.getCode () == KeyCode.ESCAPE) {}






    private String getString() {}

    return getItem() is nothing? ' ': getItem () m:System.NET.SocketAddress.ToString ();



    Public NotInheritable class employee {}

    private final SimpleStringProperty name

    Department of SimpleStringProperty final private;

    private employee (String name, String department) {}

    myIdName = new SimpleStringProperty (name);

    This.Department = new SimpleStringProperty (department);


    public String getName() {}

    Return name.get ();


    {} public void setName (String fName)

    Name.Set (fname);


    public String getDepartment() {}

    Return department.get ();


    {} public void setDepartment (String fName)

    Department.Set (fname);





    I tried jdk build 1.8.0 - ea - b99 and is no more a problem.

  • TableView problem of automatic update in points 2.1 and 2.2

    Hi, guys!

    Initial situation: I have a TableView with some elements inside. I update an element (a user object), I remove it from the table and then I put it again to the same index.

    The labour code in 2.0.2:
    // Gets selected item
    User selectedUser = (User) table.getSelectionModel().getSelectedItem();
    // Updates the User object to show the new data in the table
    selectedUser.setRank((String) (rankCB.getSelectionModel().getSelectedItem()));
    // Updates table data.
    // First gets the user Object index in the items list,
    // then removes the user object from the table list,
    // then adds the updated user object at the same index it was before.
    int userObjectIndexInItemsList = table.getItems().indexOf(selectedUser);
    table.getItems().add(userObjectIndexInItemsList, selectedUser);
    Here's my problem: in the version 2.1 and 2.2 (b06) this no longer works. The table does not display the changed data. I also tried getTableItems tableData (new FXCollections.observableArrayList ()), then table.setItems (null), then table.setItems (tableData), but it did not work.
    So, the problem is that the FXCollections.observableArrayList () (which has been used to fill the table in the beginning) don't relate more to the table when a change is made.

    Possible, but not desired collaborative:
    1. total re-creation of the table.
    2. total recreation of the tableItems (create a new observable by new objects).

    Any suggestions?
    I don't want to recreate the table data whenever a change is made, in particular because it is based on a database.

    JavaFX has a fundamentally different way of handling these types of updates, which can make it difficult to implement this in your current system.

    In short, how updates work in JavaFX of the ListView, TreeView, and TableView is the following:

    Each view type is made of cells. The number of cells is usually pretty close to the amount of visible lines and each cell could be considered to represent a line.

    Each cell is basically a small piece of the user interface that adapts to everything that should appear on the line given at that time there. The updateItem method is called on these cells to associate them with an underlying element of the ObservableList (the model).

    Let's say that your "Items" in the model are objects with a person's name. An implementation of the cell could make this as follows:

      private static final class PersonTableCell extends TableCell {
        protected void updateItem(final Person person, boolean empty) {
          super.updateItem(mediaNode, empty);
          if(!empty) {

    The example above will also have the same problem to update your code, otherwise, if you change the subject Person in your model of the cell will not reflect the name changed.

    In JavaFX to inform the cell of the modification, you must add a listener to the property 'text' of your person object. This assumes that a Person object properties are the properties of style of JavaFX. This is done like this (using a binding that uses an internal auditor):

      private static final class PersonTableCell extends TableCell {
        protected void updateItem(final Person person, boolean empty) {
          super.updateItem(mediaNode, empty);
          if(!empty) {

    The foregoing will automatically updated correctly each change to the title property of the person.

    However, this means that you need to change your Person object to use the JavaFX style properties. You donot have always this luxury hotel. However, there are other options. You could for example only support a "changedProperty" in the Person class and have cells listening to it, something like this:

      private static final class PersonTableCell extends TableCell {
        private Person oldPerson;
        private InvalidationListener listener;
        protected void updateItem(final Person person, boolean empty) {
          super.updateItem(mediaNode, empty);
          if(oldPerson != null) {
            oldPerson = null;
          if(!empty) {
            listener = new InvalidatonListener() {
              public void invalidated(Observable o) {

    Now whenever you want to trigger a "change", you call a method on the Person object that triggers a cancel event. All cells that are tuned to this person object will be notified and update.

    If you donot change the class of the person itself, you could also do this with a wrapper. You will have to experiment a little.

  • ScriptUI: Are there ways to mimic a treeview node doubleclick?


    Is there a way to emulate a double click on a node in a Treeview ScriptUI?

    I don't find any appropriate on the Treeview control or Listitem (node) objects.

    Are there workarounds for this?

    Just thinking out loud:

    A Listitem (node) would be located in the coordinates of the mouse move event?

    Is it possible to put other objects as ListItems in the treeview - on top of the active list in the TreeView.onChange event item - just to get a better set of events?

    Other means...?

    Best regards



    Nodes can be used to double click with no problems. I.e., you check if the tree was double click, then you check what in trees has been clicked. Something like this:

    myTree.onDoubleClick = doSomething;
    function doSomething{
       if (/*some valid selection*/){
          . . .
          . . .

    Location of an item in the list of the coordinates of a mouse event move would be very difficult, I guess.


    Post edited by: PK

  • TreeView does not display in Bridge CS6 but it does in ESTK

    running Bridge CS6 on Windows 7.

    Well I have tried many script .jsx existing first, I reduced my test case to this code typed into the ESTK with ExtendScript Toolkit CS6 targets, bridge CS5.1 (4.1), Bridge CS6 (5.032) and Bridge CS6 (64-bit) (5.064).

    var l = new Window ('dialog');

    var tv = w.add ('treeview', undefined);

    TV. Add ('node', 'root');

    w.Show ();

    It works fine with ESTK and CS5.1 targets.

    On both CS6 targets, the window opens, but the treeview widget is empty.  This is the same behavior I saw running the SnpXMLTreeView.jsx and scriptui examples - 2.0.pdf.

    On more complex scripts (existing), it will crash or locking of the CS6 Bridge.



    A search on the web and the forums shows that I'm not the only one with this problem.

    Yes, there are many problems with Bridge CS6 scripts, but the bridge team did not always recognize their...

    For example... y_in_bridge? utm_content = topic_link & utm_medium = email & utm_source = reply_notification

    It would be nice to get an update to correct these problems.

  • TreeView: Line white between the two nodes are not appear

    Hi all

    I added a treeview control in my dialog plugin for InDesign CS3 and CS4.

    In CS4, it works fine but in CS3, I get a strange question.

    Question: A blank line between two nodes may not appear. See the image belowMyTreeView.JPG

    I am referring to the white line which we can see in the InDesign paragraph style palette / all indesign sample as the Board treeview as shown belowIndesign ParaStyle TreeView.JPG

    I tried this problem but has not found a solution

    Please help me solve this problem.

    Kind regards


    I had a similar problem, but in the end, I couldn't figure how to remove the white lines.

    I have given up trying to remove the white and just changed the color of the treeview and everything that was drawn on the top in white.

    It was the only way I managed to hide lines.

  • Fill a JQuery Treeview using a PL/SQL procedure


    We have a lot of problems with the original apex trees, we decided to build our own tree using jQuery Treeview Plugin.
    We want to fill the tree by running an application process of OnDemand, which would return the HTML hierarchy like:
    <ul id="browser" class="filetree">
     <li><span class="folder">Folder 1</span>
       <li><span class="file">Item 1.1</span></li>
     <li><span class="folder">Folder 2</span>
       <li><span class="folder">Subfolder 2.1</span>
        <ul id="folder21">
         <li><span class="file">File 2.1.1</span></li>
         <li><span class="file">File 2.1.2</span></li>
       <li><span class="file">File 2.2</span></li>
    I started coding the ODP:
    CURSOR cur IS
    from operations
    connect by prior op_id = op_parent_op_id
    start with op_id = 0;    
         htp.p('<ul id="browser" class="filetree">');
         FOR c IN cur LOOP
              /* etc... */
         end loop;
    As the contents of the loop seems a bit complicated, and I don't want to reinvent the wheel, I ask you if you think of another way to fill the tree, or if one of you have already tried a similar thing.

    Thank you!


    Hi Yann,

    I took a glance at the jquery treeview plugin. Please forget my first comment, it does not work with this treeview.

    What you need to do is create the HTML Structure, and then call the Plugin that converts the list unordered HTML in a Treeview control.

    To create the HTML Code, I would suggest a "PL/SQL" Page of Type region


        FOR rTREE IN
          ( SELECT COL1
                  , COL2
                  , ...
      '||....); END LOOP; END;

    You see? Just use HTP. PRN to write the HTML Code of a region of PL/SQL.



  • Unable to Scan to the computer after downloading macOS Sierra. Is this a software problem?

    How can I scan from HP Envy 4500 to computer after downloading macOS Sierra?

    Hello wdemetris,

    Thanks for asking for scanning helps here in the Apple Support communities. I understand how it is important to have access to your scanner and am happy to offer help for this.

    As a precaution, we always recommend that you have backups to make sure that all your data is safe. You can perform a backup using Time Machine and an external hard drive. Use this article to help make a backup of your Mac: use Time Machine to back up or restore your Mac.

    Then, in accordance with article help: printer and scanner for Sierra, El Capitan, Yosemite, and the Mavericks macOS software, the HP Envy 4500 e-all-in-one is supported for printing and scanning. The drivers must be installed, but if not, if it please go to the App Store and check the updates tab to see if there are updates for HP. If there is, please install.

    If you have only general questions about how to get your updated scanner in place or how to scan pictures, please check out these two articles: macOS Sierra: implement a scanner & macOS Sierra: scan images or documents. If everything is configured correctly and you still have problems scanning, please visit this help article: macOS Sierra: scanning troubleshooting.

    Thanks again and have a great rest of your day.

  • My iPhone 6 installed 10.0.2 stops when it gets to 40% of autonomy.  In addition, it seems to pass power WAY to fast with the new software.  Does anyone else have this problem?

    My iPhone 6 installed 10.0.2 stops when it gets to 40% of autonomy.  In addition, it seems to pass power WAY to fast with the new software.  Does anyone else have this problem?

    Hello brooksm549,
    Thank you for using communities of Apple Support.

    I got your message which, since updating your iPhone 6 to iOS 10.0.2 your iPhone stops when it is 40% and the power to empty very quickly. I understand your concern with the iPhone turn off and drains the battery. I recommend you to review the use of the battery to see what app contributes more to the battery drain. The following article will provide you with steps on how to check the use of the battery:

    On the use of the battery on your iPhone, iPad and iPod touch

    When you know about the soft uses more battery, you can change your settings in order to optimize the battery life:

    Maximize the life of the battery and battery life

    Best regards.

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