Typedef constant missing description

I created a strict typdef cluster and gave him a description (Description of right click and tip).

This description is displayed on a control and the indicator, but not on a constant or the wire itself.

I belive that there is a bug in code.

2009 sp1 win xp32

I agree that this behavior is strange.  I submitted this in our R & D under the CAR # 278228 of inquiry.  Thank you for that bring to our attention!

Brandon Treece

Technical sales engineer

National Instruments

Tags: NI Software

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        bool updated = false;
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    //        return false;
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        } else {
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    // instead of "bb::cascades::Application"
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       fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", msg);
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            qmlRegisterType("bb.platform", 1, 0, "LocationMapInvoker");
        // "Application" is the BB cascades class that handles interaction the
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        Application app(argc, argv);
    #ifndef QT_NO_DEBUG
        // Register this type so qml can refer to enums and other symbols
        // declared in the App class.
        qmlRegisterType("Custom.lib", 1, 0, "ApplicationUI");
        // Create an instance of App on the stack. App's
        // constructor registers itself with Application object using setScene().
        // See app.cpp
        app.setCover(new ActiveFrame());
        ApplicationUI mainApp;
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        // all its children (per Qt rules for children)


    class ApplicationUI : public QObject
        // Classes that inherit from QObject must have the Q_OBJECT macro so
        // the meta-object compiler (MOC) can add supporting code to the application.
        Q_PROPERTY(bb::cascades::DataModel* dataModel READ dataModel CONSTANT)
        // Describes the possible storage locations
        enum StorageLocations
            StoreInQSettings, ///< objects are stored in QSettings
            StoreInFile       ///< objects are stored in custom files
        // This allows the enum to be referred to in the qml file.
        // Note: the class also has to be registered using qmlRegisterType().
        // See the main.cpp file.
        // Creates a new App object
        ApplicationUI(QObject *parent = 0);
        // destroys the App object
            void inviteUserToDownloadViaBBM();
            void updatePersonalMessage(const QString &message);
            // Creates a new location object and saves it.
        Q_INVOKABLE bool addObject(const QString &name, const QString &description, const QString &datefield, const QString &lat, const QString &lon, const QString &categoryfield, const QString &mapurl, const QString &itempic);
        // Read all the objects from the selected storage location and
        // put them in the data model
        Q_INVOKABLE void refreshObjects();
        // Remove all the objects from the selected storage location.
        Q_INVOKABLE void clearObjects();
        // Change the first and last name of the location with the
        // provided id. Update the data model and storage.
        Q_INVOKABLE bool updateObject(const QString &id, const QString &name, const QString &description, const QString &datefield, const QString &lat, const QString &lon, const QString &categoryfield, const QString &mapurl, const QString &itempic);
        // Delete the location with the given id from the selected storage location.
        Q_INVOKABLE bool deleteObject(const QString &id);
        // Change the location we're using for the data, and
        // refresh the list.
        Q_INVOKABLE void setStorageLocation(StorageLocations strLocation);
            Q_INVOKABLE void addPinAtCurrentMapCenter();
            Q_INVOKABLE void clearPins();
            Q_INVOKABLE void updateDeviceLocation(double lat, double lon);
            Q_INVOKABLE QString getValueFor(const QString &objectName, const QString &defaultValue);
            Q_INVOKABLE void saveValueFor(const QString &objectName, const QString &inputValue);
            Q_INVOKABLE void InvokeCamera();
            Q_INVOKABLE void InvokeSettings();
            Q_INVOKABLE void InvokeImageViewer(const QString &urlPic);
            public slots:
            void childCardDone(const bb::system::CardDoneMessage &message);
            void cameraCaptureCompleted(const QString &imageLink);
    //        void filterChanged();

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    ApplicationUI::ApplicationUI(QObject *parent)
        : QObject(parent)
        , m_lastCustomerID(0)
        , m_storageLocation(StoreInQSettings)
        , m_storage(new SettingsStorage)
        // prepare the localization
            m_pTranslator = new QTranslator(this);
            m_pLocaleHandler = new LocaleHandler(this);
            invokeManager = new bb::system::InvokeManager();
                SLOT(onSystemLanguageChanged()))) {
                // This is an abnormal situation! Something went wrong!
                // Add own code to recover here
                qWarning() << "Recovering from a failed connect()";
            SIGNAL(childCardDone(const bb::system::CardDoneMessage&)), this,
            SLOT(childCardDone(const bb::system::CardDoneMessage&)));
            // initial load
        // Initialize the data model before the UI is loaded
        // and built so its ready to be used.
    //    qmlRegisterType("uri",1,0,"App");
        QmlDocument *qml = QmlDocument::create("asset:///main.qml").parent(this);
        qml->setContextProperty("_app", this);
        AbstractPane *root = qml->createRootObject();
    void ApplicationUI::InvokeCamera()
        bb::system::InvokeManager manager;
        bb::system::InvokeRequest request;
        request.setAction("bb.action.CAPTURE ");
        InvokeTargetReply *targetReply = manager.invoke(request);
    void ApplicationUI::childCardDone(const bb::system::CardDoneMessage &message)
        QString imageLink;
        if (message.reason() == "done") {
            imageLink = "file://" + message.data();
        qDebug() << message.reason() << "\n";
        qDebug() << message.dataType() << "\n";
        qDebug() << "file://" + message.data() << "\n";
        emit cameraCaptureCompleted(imageLink);

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    import bb.cascades 1.0
    import Custom.lib 1.0
    Label{id: itemPic}
    onClicked: {
    attachedObjects: [
    ApplicationUI {
    onCamerCapturedCompleted: {

    As soon as I attach the class the application does not start and the accident, if I change it it is fine.


    Instance of ApplicationUI is already exported to QML as _app. One possible approach connects the signal to a JS function:

      onCreationCompleted: {
      function captureCompleted(imageLink) {
        console.log("imageLink: " + imageLink)

    Element using Qt Quick "Connection" is another option.

    This code should be deleted (it creates a second instance of ApplicationUI, which probably was not provided):

    qmlRegisterType("Custom.lib", 1, 0, "ApplicationUI");
    attachedObjects: [
    ApplicationUI {
    onCamerCapturedCompleted: {
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    .. .that custom controls must be used instead of subclassing of existing controls.  This applies to containers?

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    I guess I could skip the constructor/destructor, but I'd rather not

    It works perfectly:

    namespace bb
        namespace cascades
            class Label;
            class DropDown;
    class DropDownContainer : public bb::cascades::Container
        explicit DropDownContainer(Container *parent = 0);
        void setTitle(const QString &title);
        void setDescription(const QString &description);
        bb::cascades::DropDown *getDropDown();
    public slots:
        bb::cascades::Label *titleLabel_;
        bb::cascades::Label *descriptionLabel_;
        bb::cascades::DropDown *dropDown_;

    BTW, it is recommended to use names in the header files and use only «using namespace...» "in the .cpp files.

  • CI based Web Service error handling


    I use a CI based web service to update my ps tables. Now, I have a requirement to capture the request and response messages in a table / how to get the request message?

    PeopleSoft already collects it for you.

    You can retrieve the request and response xml by using the method GetSyncLogData in the class IntBroker
    PeopleSoft also uses that you submit the request and response xml in services monitor.

    Line of code in the pageactivate of AMM_RAWXML4
    + & str = %IntBroker.GetSyncLogData (AMM_SYNCLIST. GUID, decodelogtype (AMM_DERIVED. LOGTYPE), False); +

    You can retrieve the TransactionID (first parameter) by running a select statement on PSIBLOGHDR where IB_OPERATIONNAME = 'YOUR_CI_SERVICE_OPERATION_NAME. '

    PeopleBooks on this method:

    GetSyncLogData (TransactionId, LogType % [, Archive])

    Use the GetSyncLogData method to return a log containing information about the specified synchronous message.
    You can use this information for debugging. Using this method, you can get the data request and response to a synchronous request, before and after the transformation.
    This function is used in PeopleCode for the Message monitor.

    Specify the ID of the published message transaction.
    Specify the type of log that must be returned, depending on the type of message. See below for valid values.
    Specify whether to retrieve logs archived as well. This parameter takes a Boolean: true to return archived newspapers, false otherwise. The default value is false.

    For the LogType parameter, valid values are:
    Constant value
    % Sync_RequestOrig
    Gets the log for a data sync original request message.
    % Sync_RequestTrans
    Gets the log for a message of transformed data synchronization request.
    % Sync_ResponseOrig
    Gets the log for a data sync original response message.
    % Sync_ResponseTrans
    Gets the log for a message of transformed data from reply sync.

    An XML string containing the log data.

  • WOOF / MDM 2.0.1 / XAI 11001.101 submission error

    I'm trying to grasp a peripheral event with "XAI Submission" but the following error occurred:

    < ResponseStatus > F < / ResponseStatus >
    < > 1016 ResponseCode < / ResponseCode >
    < ResponseText > Unexpected error during the processing of the application. (Message from the server)
    Category: 11001
    Number: 101
    Call sequence:
    Program name: DeviceEvent_CHandler
    Text: Status field is missing
    Description: A required field was left blank. Please, enter a value and retry your request.
    Table: D1_DVC_EVT
    Field: BO_STATUS_CD < / ResponseText >
    < numParm ResponseData = "1" text = "an unexpected error during the processing of the application. (Message from the server)
    Category: 11001
    Number: 101
    Call sequence:
    Program name: DeviceEvent_CHandler
    Text: Status field is missing
    Description: A required field was left blank. Please, enter a value and retry your request.
    Table: D1_DVC_EVT
    "Field: BO_STATUS_CD ' class = '11011' number = '1016' parm1 ="Server (Message)
    Category: 11001
    Number: 101
    Call sequence:
    Program name: DeviceEvent_CHandler
    Text: Status field is missing
    Description: A required field was left blank. Please, enter a value and retry your request.
    Table: D1_DVC_EVT
    "Field: BO_STATUS_CD" / >

    This is my XML:

    <? XML version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"? >
    < D1-DeviceEventSeeder >
    < soundtrack > D1-DeviceEvent < c_sdi >
    Tampering < boStatus > < / boStatus >
    < externalSenderID > V2-DEE-PWI < / externalSenderID >
    < deviceIdentifierNumber > 82958370 < / deviceIdentifierNumber >
    Tampering < externalEventName > < / externalEventName >
    < eventDateTime > 2012 - 09 - 12 - 10.00.00 < / eventDateTime >
    < / D1-DeviceEventSeeder >

    There is no BO Lifecycle status called "Falsification" device event Seeder, event of device Standard, or first name / couple device BOs event.
    element must be empty in demand while creating a new event of the appliance, otherwise, it should be a valid BO_STATUS_CD a configured on the life cycle of the business object to transition/event BO update.

    It should work (provided that you have set up the appropriate device event Type)

  • Possible bug: constant Typedef ring not updated...

    I have a constant control of ring, which is defined as a strict type def.

    If I select an instance of the control in my diagram and 'open the typedef', I can't change, no problem.

    I then click 'apply changes' and 'save' and expect any changes to be propagated to each instance of the control (such that it works with all other controls that I use). If I run the code and observe the values, they are held as the previous version of the control.

    If I delete the instance of the control and then add it again, the new values are found.

    It's frustrating, because I have to remove and re-add all cases, whenever I change something. I've seen this behavior in other controls as "apply changes" has always worked as I expected.

    Anyone seen this before?

    I'm using LabVIEW 2012, SP1, Build 12.0.1 (32 bit).

    Thank you


    It is design - http://digital.ni.com/public.nsf/allkb/46CC27C828DB4205862570920062C125

  • Add content to the constant of typedef

    I created a typedef strict compelled constant references to the controls and indicators which makes a .ctl file. Now I wish to add control references to the typedef but can not understand how... I tried to add new references to command directly to the constant of typedef. The operation has failed. I also tried opening the typedef that opened the .ctl file. It was also a non-starter, as you can view the front panel, which means that I can't add references to the constant of a typedef ?

    Any ideas?


    I'm not sure what you're trying to do, if you want to change your typedef (add - modify controls remove him) then of course, you have to open it, you make changes and save. then changes will be propagated throughout your soft everywhere where you the typedef is used.

    The fact that you want to add a control reference control to your typedef does not alter.

    Typedefs isn't a block diagram and allows you to add a Ref control to your typedef, you can do it from the front panel, just go you are the appropriate palette (Refnum)

    Hope this helps

  • How can I update all the constants using a typedef automatically?

    I'm about to build a statemachine and State enum is a control of the typedef.

    Many constants are placed to the next 'State' using this typedef.

    Whenever I have modify the typedef enum, all constants become "pale" and I have to manually update, each according to the typedef even if the automatic update option is selected.

    What I am doing wrong?

    Close the type definition file (ctl) should trigger the auto-update feature.


  • Description and screenshots of my two apps are missing from the world of the BB app on Z10

    I have two applications: X Lite and Pro X-Phone phone. I can find in the world of BB on Z10, but the description and screenshots of both applications are missing in app details screen. I tried on other Z10 and it's the same. However, everything is ok in the web world of BB on my PC.

    Nobody knows the reason or the place where the problem?

    Thank you.

    This is a known issue, we all see that if we have a specific application installed.

    I forgot if they said it is already solved in the next version, but it is without a doubt on their list of priorities.

  • What would cause a constant changes during execution typedef enum


    In my program I had a problem with a constant of enum for a selection of the tab value change during execution.  The enum is as part of the initialization of the program and when I step through the loop and then you see the property node of the climax to the value tab and in the next step of the enum changes its value.  I'm under LV 8.0

    Any information will be greatly appreciated.


  • Missing constants

    Import net.rim.device.api.applicationcontrol.ApplicationPermissions;

    get accsess to methods, but not for the constants used as "VALUE_ALLOW".


    Where can I find them?

    fields are members of the ApplicationPermissions class, you must declare them like this. for example: ApplicationPermissions.VALUE_ALLOW

  • Causes an error JS on the line of description... am I missing something?

    $('#galleria').galleria ({}

    data_config: {function (img)}

    return {}

    Title: $(img).next('h2').html (), / / say Galleria to use the h2 as a title

    Description: $(img) .siblings (.desc) .html () / / tell Galleria to grasp the content of the div .desc as legend




    $(img) .siblings (.desc) .html)

    . Must desc be in quotes?


  • Start the asynchronous call brutal Typedef Bug

    There is a nasty bug which I think is the cause of many anomalies weird I see with the events of the user, like where some get fired and if I probe the refnum of the event on a VI that was launched using the asynchronous call node start I get some weird value for reference as 8450 or 5500 instead of some great typical integer. It is not also match the value that I get when I initialize the reference. This happens only intermittently, but I can reproduce the bug that I see on a smaller scale to a certain extent. This is not exactly the same as what I see in my current project, but I guarantee you both are related. Also, I'm pretty confident that this has to do with the help of LVlibs as well.

    So... to reproduce some questions:

    Unzip the attached code and open the project

    Open Main.vi. It is hard to see because it's pink, but notice the point of constraint on the node to call asynchronous start. This is provided at this point because I have a cluster of non-typedef in the connector pane, but a TD cluster plugged into it.

    Now open AsyncCall.vi

    Drag the eventcluster.ctl of the project on the façade of the asynccall.vi

    CTRL + x on the typedef cluster that has placed you on the front panel

    Select the non-typedef cluster by clicking it

    CTRL + v to replace the TD not cluster with the cluster of TD and save

    Return to main.vi, you will notice that the point of constraint does not go far.

    Open context-sensitive help and notice that the ctrl types match, but it's as if LV does not recognize it on the beginning of the node of the asynchronous call.

    Remove the node from asynchronous start call, then replace it. The cluster to the top wire. Voila, no point of constraint.

    Second question - same result but different method to get there.

    Now that you have components of connector typedef stress points and no more because you've taken the first steps of this 'exercise', remove the EventCluster.ctl from the library and record.

    WOAH, look the points of back strain, because node call asynchronous start still referencing the typedef cluster that he thinks that should be in the library. This can be seen by removing the cluster on main.vi and then right-click on the node to call asynchronous start on the side of the connector and creating a new constant of cluster

    It is creates a greyed out of control! Why? Well, we will reopen the context-sensitive help. Whadda you know, it's always looking for the control in Bug.lvlib that no longer exists.

    Now, the question that I'll have in my complete project that I can't post and can not reproduce on a smaller scale updates the typedef causes the dot of coercion. Otherwise I can't update my typedef cluster that contains all my events without going and replacing EVERY SINGLE launch async call node EVERY time I have add a new event.

    Major problem.

    Please let me know if these steps to reproduce were not clear or you have difficulties to reproduce the problem. I use LV2013 SP1. I opened the project in 2014 to see if it has been fixed in a later version, but I saw the same thing.

    I can repro with measurements of @GregFreeman and also confirm that I saw this same issue at least since the LV2012, but they have not reported it having not been able to provide a minimum test (thanks, @GregFreeman!) scenario

    For the record, it seems that the bug here, it is the spread of type sometimes makes an incorrect assumption / optimization as to if the conpane of the start the asynchronous call node must be updated when the source changes.

    A more obvious change - say, add/remove an entry, reverse order, or change data types altogether - always seems to spread properly.

    Incorrect optimization seems to be a terminal retains the same type of database, but transforms the type definitions - or, if the type definition is re-related or related outside a library owner.

    @GregFreeman watch the bug goes from non-typedef typedef, but it's actually worse in the other direction - when a link to a missing file is maintained.

    Call the asynchronous starting node seems to maintain a list of links that is distinct from that of the VI, and this list of links separated, this is what seems to not be properly invalidated. For example, in the screenshot, I illustrated example of Greg that the node generates no error in the compiler even after parenthood and rename the Typedef...

    ... even when we "Create Constant" on this terminal incriminated with list obsolete links, we get a compilation error. Since then, the grayed out type highlighted in the contextual help cannot be found, because 'Bug.lvlib:EventCluster.ctl' no longer exists, but the list of links separated from this node was not notified:

    It is worth noting that "Bug.lvlib:EventCluster.ctl" does not appear in the list of links of the VI at this stage.

    Often, no compiler error is generated after this failure occurs and as Greg reports, you could end up with undefined behavior (e.g. suspicious Refnums and events that seem to not fire not) (and I'll add it to this list a hearty portion of DAborts with diversion total number of messages).

    In addition, you * could * receive errors of cryptic linker for generations, but maybe not (the above screenshot, you'll notice I added two builds, neither of which seems to have a problem of building). (It seems that the broken link is travel with the distribution of the source, even if 'Disconnect the definitions of Type' is selected during the build process. That is why I believe anecdotally that node maintains a list of link separately the list of VI, and it's maybe part of the problem).

    It is noted that during this refactor (de-parent and rename) all screws and control remained open and in memory and all files have been saved. No funny business where LabVIEW would be unable to update links in a file that was not in memory.

    Another note - in the original example, all source files have been unifiles, and I can add anecdotal report this bug is much more insidious when separate compiled Code is active on the source files. In this case, the source may appear to be perfect - no point of constraint, no link expired - but the code that is currently running can be broken. In other words, what you see is not what you get, which makes debugging impossible. (This bug in particular is one of the few who makes "Cache of compiled clear objects" become a normal procedure controlled throughout the application development)

    Anyway, I wanted to draw attention to this issue, given that this thread is not yet associated with a CAR and it's a serious bug that generates a behavior undefined performance caused by a fairly normal refactor now has a well-characterized small repro case.

Maybe you are looking for