Unable to delete all the rows in the table

Hi all

According to the time range I'm removing the equipment data and travel work shifts then insert new data of mth_site_shift_definitions in the work day moves and equipment move the table. If mth_Site_shift_definitions table has three rows for a given plant and I delete the two lines in a time then I am able to delete data for movement of equipment and work sihfts table, and then click Insert data in a single row in these two tables, but when I try to remove the last line I get an SQL exception. Can someone tell me the reason for this exception. In fact, I want that if we delete the last row also mth_Site_shift_definitions then the corresponding data should also get demolished transfers of equipment and work instead of give to the exception. I have this code:

p_start_date IN this update,
p_end_date IN DATE)
-declation of local variable

l_plant_fk_key NUMBER;
l_sysdate DATE: = sysdate; - sysdate variable
l_last_update_system_id NUMBER;
l_last_update_date DATE;
l_plant_pk VARCHAR2 (120);
l_start_time varchar2 (8); - variable to store the start time
l_end_time VARCHAR2 (8); - variable to store end_time
l_graveyard VARCHAR2 (30);
number of l_shift_num;
l_shift_name VARCHAR2 (240);
l_line_num NUMBER;
l_start_date DATE;
l_end_date DATE;
NUMBER of l_start_time1;
NUMBER of l_end_time1;
l_equipment_fk_key NUMBER;
NUMBER of l1_plant_fk_key;
Number of N;
l_creation_system_id NUMBER;
-l_organization_code VARCHAR2 (120);
l_system_fk_key NUMBER;
l_site_id NUMBER;
l_entity_pk_key NUMBER;
l_entity_name VARCHAR2 (100);
l_entity_type VARCHAR2 (30);
l_production_entity VARCHAR2 (1);
l_shift_workday_pk_key NUMBER;
DATE of l1_shift_date;
l_from_date DATE;
l_to_date DATE;
l_shift_type VARCHAR2 (30);
-l_graveyard_shift NUMBER;
CURSOR c_shift_def IS

Select the value of start_time, end_time, cemetery, shift_num, shift_name, shift_type
-in l_start_time, l_end_time, l_graveyard, l_shift_num, l_line_num, l_shift_name, l_shift_type

mth_site_shift_definitions where plant_fk_key = p_plant_fk_key;


l_plant_fk_key: = p_plant_fk_key;
l_start_date: = p_start_date;
l_end_date: = p_end_date;
l_system_fk_key: = 'MTH_UTIL_PKG. ' "MTH_UA_GET_VAL"();

-DELETE FROM mth_workday_shifts_D WHERE plant_fk_key = l_plant_fk_key and shift_date > = l_start_date;
DELETE FROM mth_workday_shifts_D WHERE plant_fk_key = l_plant_fk_key and Trunc (from_date) > = l_start_date AND Trunc (from_date) < = l_end_date;
DELETE FROM mth_workday_shifts_D WHERE plant_fk_key = l_plant_fk_key and shift_date > = l_start_date AND shift_date < = l_end_date;
DELETE FROM mth_equipment_shifts_d WHERE availability_date > = l_start_date AND availability_date < = l_end_date
AND equipment_fk_key IN (SELECT DISTINCT (Nvl(a.equipment_fk_key,0))
OF mth_equipment_shifts_d a, mth_equipments_d b WHERE the b.equipment_pk_key = a.equipment_fk_key AND b.plant_fk_key = l_plant_fk_key
Separate (SELECT Nvl(a.equipment_fk_key,0))
OF mth_equipment_shifts_d a, mth_resources_d b WHERE the b.resource_pk_key = a.equipment_fk_key AND b.plant_fk_key = l_plant_fk_key

Separate (SELECT Nvl(a.equipment_fk_key,0))
OF mth_equipment_shifts_d a, mth_plants_d b WHERE the b.plant_pk_key = a.equipment_fk_key AND b.plant_pk_key = l_plant_fk_key

Separate (SELECT Nvl(a.equipment_fk_key,0))
OF mth_equipment_shifts_d a, mth_equip_entities_mst b WHERE the b.entity_pk_key = a.equipment_fk_key AND b.plant_fk_key = l_plant_fk_key

FOR l_shift_def IN c_shift_def

l_start_time: = l_shift_def.start_time;
l_end_time: = l_shift_def.end_time;
l_graveyard: = l_shift_def.graveyard;
l_shift_num: = l_shift_def.shift_num;
-l_line_num: = l_shift_def.line_num;
l_shift_name: = l_shift_def.shift_name;
l_shift_type: = l_shift_def.shift_type;

Select plant_pk in the mth_plants_d l_plant_pk where plant_pk_key = l_plant_fk_key;
-SELECT organization_code INTO l_organization_code FROM mth_organizations_l WHERE plant_fk_key =
N: = l_end_date-l_start_date;

because me in 1... N + 1

l_last_update_system_id: = - 99999.
l_last_update_date: = l_sysdate;
l_creation_system_id: = - 1;
l_start_time1: = TO_NUMBER (SUBSTR (l_start_time, 1, 2)) * 3600 +.
TO_NUMBER (substr (l_start_time, 4, 2)) * 60 +.
TO_NUMBER (substr (l_start_time, 7, 2));

l_end_time1: = TO_NUMBER (SUBSTR (l_end_time, 1, 2)) * 3600 +.
TO_NUMBER (substr (l_end_time, 4, 2)) * 60 +.
TO_NUMBER (substr (l_end_time, 7, 2));

INSERT INTO mth_workday_shifts_D (shift_workday_pk_key, shift_workday_pk,
shift_date, shift_date_julian, plant_fk_key, shift_type,
from_date, to_date, shift_num, graveyard_shift, shift_name,
source_org_code, system_fk_key,
CREATION_DATE, last_update_date, creation_system_id,
VALUES (mth.mth_workdays_shifts_s.nextval,
TO_CHAR (DECODE (GREATEST (l_start_time1, l_end_time1),
l_start_time1, l_start_date,
l_start_date) + ((TO_NUMBER (SUBSTR (l_start_time, 1, 2)) +))
(TO_NUMBER (SUBSTR (l_start_time, 4, 2)) / 60) +.
((TO_NUMBER (SUBSTR (l_start_time, 7, 2)) / 3600)) (/ 24),
"(AAAAMMJJ-hh24:mi:ss') ' | '-'|" l_shift_num | » -'|| l_plant_pk,
DECODE (GREATEST (l_start_time1, l_end_time1), l_start_time1,)
l_start_date + Decode (l_shift_def.graveyard, 'SED', 1, 0), l_start_date).
TO_NUMBER (TO_CHAR (l_start_date, 'J')),
l_plant_fk_key, l_shift_type, l_graveyard,
l_start_date + ((TO_NUMBER (SUBSTR (l_start_time, 1, 2)) +))
(TO_NUMBER (SUBSTR (l_start_time, 4, 2)) / 60) +.
((TO_NUMBER (SUBSTR (l_start_time, 7, 2)) / 3600)) (/ 24),
DECODE (GREATEST (l_start_time1, l_end_time1), l_start_time1,)
l_start_date + ((TO_NUMBER (SUBSTR (l_end_time, 1, 2)) +))
(TO_NUMBER (SUBSTR (l_end_time, 4, 2)) / 60) +.
((TO_NUMBER (SUBSTR (l_end_time, 7, 2)) / 3600)) (/ 24) + Decode (l_shift_def.graveyard, 'SED', 1, 0),
l_start_date + ((TO_NUMBER (SUBSTR (l_end_time, 1, 2)) +))
(TO_NUMBER (SUBSTR (l_end_time, 4, 2)) / 60) +.
((TO_NUMBER (SUBSTR (l_end_time, 7, 2)) / 3600)) ((/ 24)),
l_shift_num, l_shift_name, null, l_system_fk_key.
l_sysdate, l_sysdate,
(l_creation_system_id, l_last_update_system_id);
l_start_date: = l_start_date + 1;


l_start_date: = p_start_date;

IF SUPERIOR (l_shift_type) = "BOTH" THEN
INSERT INTO mth_equipment_shifts_d (equipment_fk_key, availability_date, shift_workday_fk_key, from_date, To_Date, line_num, availability_flag, entity_type, creation_date, last_update_date, creation_system_id,

SELECT b.entity_pk_key entity_pk_key, a.shift_date shift_date, a.shift_workday_pk_key shift_workday_fk_key, a.from_date from_date, To_Date, 1 line_num, 'Y', a.to_date
b.entity_type entity_type, SYSDATE-1, SYSDATE,-99999

-IN l_site_id, l_entity_pk_key, l_entity_name, l_entity_type, l_production_entity,.
-l_shift_workday_pk_key, l1_shift_date, l_from_date, l_to_date
Mth_workday_shifts_d a.,
SELECT site_id plant_fk_key, entity_pk_key, entity_name, entity_type, production_entity production_entity
OF mth.mth_equip_entities_mst
SELECT plant_pk_key site_id, plant_pk_key entity_pk_key, plant_name entity_name, "SITE", production_site production_entity
OF mth.mth_plants_d
SELECT plant_fk_key site_id, resource_pk_key entity_pk_key, nom_entite resource_name, "RESOURCE", production_resource production_entity
OF mth.mth_resources_d
SELECT plant_fk_key site_id, equipment_pk_key entity_pk_key, equipment_name entity_name, "EQUIPMENT", production_equipment production_entity
OF mth.mth_equipments_d
) b
WHERE b.site_id = a.plant_fk_key
AND a.plant_fk_key = l_plant_fk_key
AND shift_date > = l_start_date
AND shift_date < = l_end_date
AND SUPERIOR (a.shift_type) = "BOTH".
- AND a.line_num = l_line_num
AND a.shift_num = l_shift_num
AND a.shift_name = l_shift_name
AND l_shift_def.start_time = To_Char(from_date,'HH24:MI:SS')
AND l_shift_def.end_time = To_Char(To_Date,'HH24:MI:SS'));)

IF SUPERIOR (l_shift_type) = 'PROD-SHIFT' THEN
INSERT INTO mth_equipment_shifts_d (equipment_fk_key, availability_date, shift_workday_fk_key, from_date, To_Date, line_num, availability_flag, entity_type, creation_date, last_update_date, creation_system_id,

SELECT b.entity_pk_key entity_pk_key, a.shift_date shift_date, a.shift_workday_pk_key shift_workday_fk_key, a.from_date from_date, To_Date, 1 line_num, 'Y', a.to_date
b.entity_type entity_type, SYSDATE-1, SYSDATE,-99999

-IN l_site_id, l_entity_pk_key, l_entity_name, l_entity_type, l_production_entity,.
-l_shift_workday_pk_key, l1_shift_date, l_from_date, l_to_date
Mth_workday_shifts_d a.,
SELECT site_id plant_fk_key, entity_pk_key, entity_name, entity_type, production_entity production_entity
OF mth.mth_equip_entities_mst
SELECT plant_pk_key site_id, plant_pk_key entity_pk_key, plant_name entity_name, "Site", production_site production_entity
OF mth.mth_plants_d
SELECT plant_fk_key site_id, resource_pk_key entity_pk_key, nom_entite resource_name, "Resource", production_resource production_entity
OF mth.mth_resources_d
SELECT plant_fk_key site_id, equipment_pk_key entity_pk_key, equipment_name entity_name, "Equipment", production_equipment production_entity
OF mth.mth_equipments_d
) b
WHERE b.site_id = a.plant_fk_key
AND a.plant_fk_key = l_plant_fk_key
AND shift_date > = l_start_date
AND shift_date < = l_end_date
AND b.production_entity = 'Y'
AND SUPERIOR (a.shift_type) = "PROD-SHIFT."
- AND a.line_num = l_line_num
AND a.shift_num = l_shift_num
AND a.shift_name = l_shift_name
AND l_shift_def.start_time = To_Char(from_date,'HH24:MI:SS')
AND l_shift_def.end_time = To_Char(To_Date,'HH24:MI:SS'));)

INSERT INTO mth_equipment_shifts_d (equipment_fk_key, availability_date, shift_workday_fk_key, from_date, To_Date, line_num, availability_flag, entity_type, creation_date, last_update_date, creation_system_id,

SELECT b.entity_pk_key entity_pk_key, a.shift_date shift_date, a.shift_workday_pk_key shift_workday_fk_key, a.from_date from_date, To_Date, 1 line_num, 'Y', a.to_date
b.entity_type entity_type, SYSDATE-1, SYSDATE,-99999

-IN l_site_id, l_entity_pk_key, l_entity_name, l_entity_type, l_production_entity,.
-l_shift_workday_pk_key, l1_shift_date, l_from_date, l_to_date
Mth_workday_shifts_d a.,
SELECT site_id plant_fk_key, entity_pk_key, entity_name, entity_type, production_entity production_entity
OF mth.mth_equip_entities_mst
SELECT plant_pk_key site_id, plant_pk_key entity_pk_key, plant_name entity_name, "Site", production_site production_entity
OF mth.mth_plants_d
SELECT plant_fk_key site_id, resource_pk_key entity_pk_key, nom_entite resource_name, "Resource", production_resource production_entity
OF mth.mth_resources_d
SELECT plant_fk_key site_id, equipment_pk_key entity_pk_key, equipment_name entity_name, "Equipment", production_equipment production_entity
OF mth.mth_equipments_d
) b
WHERE b.site_id = a.plant_fk_key
AND a.plant_fk_key = l_plant_fk_key
AND shift_date > = l_start_date
AND shift_date < = l_end_date
AND b.production_entity =' no
AND SUPERIOR (a.shift_type) = "NON-PROD-SHIFT."
- AND a.line_num = l_line_num
AND a.shift_num = l_shift_num
AND a.shift_name = l_shift_name
AND l_shift_def.start_time = To_Char(from_date,'HH24:MI:SS')
AND l_shift_def.end_time = To_Char(To_Date,'HH24:MI:SS'));)



l_start_date: = p_start_date;

because me in 1... N + 1

l_last_update_system_id: = - 99999.
l_last_update_date: = l_sysdate;
l_creation_system_id: = - 1;

INSERT INTO mth_workday_shifts_D (shift_workday_pk_key, shift_workday_pk,
shift_date, shift_date_julian, plant_fk_key, shift_type, graveyard_shift, from_date, to_date, shift_num, shift_name, source_org_code, system_fk_key,
CREATION_DATE, last_update_date, creation_system_id,
VALUES (mth.mth_workdays_shifts_s.nextval, l_start_date |) » -'|| l_plant_pk | 'MTH_UTIL_PKG '. "MTH_UA_GET_VAL"(), l_start_date, TO_NUMBER (TO_CHAR (l_start_date, 'J')),
l_plant_fk_key, 'TWO', null, null,
NULL, null, FND_PROFILE. VALUE ('MTH_CATCH_ALL_NAME'), null, l_system_fk_key,
l_sysdate, l_sysdate, l_creation_system_id, l_last_update_system_id);
l_start_date: = l_start_date + 1;

l_start_date: = p_start_date;

INSERT INTO mth_equipment_shifts_d (equipment_fk_key, availability_date, shift_workday_fk_key, from_date, To_Date, line_num, availability_flag, entity_type, creation_date, last_update_date, creation_system_id,

SELECT b.entity_pk_key entity_pk_key, a.shift_date shift_date, a.shift_workday_pk_key shift_workday_fk_key, Trunc (a.shift_date) from_date, Trunc (a.shift_date) To_Date, 1 line_num, 'Y ',.
b.entity_type entity_type, SYSDATE-1, SYSDATE,-99999

-IN l_site_id, l_entity_pk_key, l_entity_name, l_entity_type, l_production_entity,.
-l_shift_workday_pk_key, l1_shift_date, l_from_date, l_to_date
Mth_workday_shifts_d a.,
SELECT site_id plant_fk_key, entity_pk_key, entity_name, entity_type, production_entity production_entity
OF mth.mth_equip_entities_mst
SELECT plant_pk_key site_id, plant_pk_key entity_pk_key, plant_name entity_name, "Site", production_site production_entity
OF mth.mth_plants_d
SELECT plant_fk_key site_id, resource_pk_key entity_pk_key, nom_entite resource_name, "Resource", production_resource production_entity
OF mth.mth_resources_d
SELECT plant_fk_key site_id, equipment_pk_key entity_pk_key, equipment_name entity_name, "Equipment", production_equipment production_entity
OF mth.mth_equipments_d
) b
WHERE b.site_id = a.plant_fk_key
AND a.plant_fk_key = l_plant_fk_key
AND shift_date > = l_start_date
AND shift_date < = l_end_date
AND SUPERIOR (a.shift_type) = "BOTH".
AND one. To_Date IS NULL
- AND a.line_num = NULL
AND a.shift_num IS NULL

-exception handling
-"An exception occurred');


Thanks a lot for your help.
Kind regards

You have assigned data to N in the loop of the cursor which doesnot have given.

N := l_end_date-l_start_date;

Assign the value out of the loop as it doesnot has nothing to do with the cursor data.


Tags: Database

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    Security and button all the option data from scratch in a single pass. Click

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    Method 2: Test the issue in a new user account.

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  • I deleted all the games that come with Windows XP including Solitaire. How can I get that back?

    I deleted all the games that come with Windows XP including Solitaire.  How can I get that back?

    Hi andypily1,

    Welcome to the Microsoft Answers community.

    Try the steps one by one and check below.

    STEP 1:
    How do I add or remove games in Windows XP

    STEP 2:

    In most cases if the games are deleted from the computer files will remain on the computer.

    I suggest that you are looking for game files in the system32 folder.

    Later, click on Start menu click on run and type c:\\windows\system32 in the following search of the window for the file of games like free cell. If you get the files in the system32 folder then copy the file to c:\\program files\start menu\ later in the game folder.

    STEP 3:
    If fails it above steps, try a system restore to the point when the game was available on the computer.
    See the link below to learn how to perform the system restore.

    How to restore Windows XP to a previous state

    Hope this information is useful.
    Let me know if it worked.
    Thank you, and in what concerns:
    Umesh P - Microsoft Support

  • Write delay failed unable to save all the data for the file $Mft

    Have a frustrating problem.  Help is greatly appreciated.  Learned the hard way and lost a dwg important issue which was unrecoverable.  Bought a new drive external hard seagate.  Could not back up the entire system with software pre-installed.  Download acronis true image home 2011.  Tried to backup system.  Receive error when trying to backup messages; 'Delay to failure of Scripture; Reading of the sector; Windows was unable to save all the data for the file $Mft. The data has been lost.  Have tried many fixes.  Unable to disable write caching method (grayed out / unclickable).  Played regedit 'EnableOplocks' is not listed to select.  Attempted to run microsoft 'fix it' and got the blue screen of death.  Short hair out of my head.  Suggestions appreciated.

    I don't know where Microsoft 'Technical support engineers' get their information.

    Write caching without a doubt "does apply to external hard drives", but it is usually disabled to prevent to sort the problem you are experiencing.

    I've seen several positions reporting to the same question that you do.  All of these positions were with SATA drives.  Is your Seagate eSATA drive?

    The disc is recognized as an external drive in Device Manager?  In Device Manager, go to the drive properties dialog box and click the policies tab.  An external drive should have two options: "Optimize for quick removal" and "Optimize for performance".  An internal hard drive shows the options as gray (with 'performance' selected), but there should also be a checkbox "Enable disk write cache" under the second option.

    What shows in your policies tab?

    If I understand correctly, "writeback" or "write behind" is implemented by disc material or its pilot.  If the option is not available on the drive properties > policies tab, I would suggest to contact Seagate support.

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