Unterschied zwischen Vlan VTP Mode Client und Server

Hello colleagues,

habe viel im Internet search must aber keine richtig verstandliche Anleitung found.

Kann mir einer verständlich imagine was the server mode exactly der Unterschied rumwuseln VTP Client und ist, danke im vorraus.

Bitte nach keinen link opportunity!


Though gar nicht ICH, dass are gained von CSC auch ein deutsches Forum gibt - therefore sharp sehr PSAT Antwort kommt.

Unterschied der ist, dass im Server-Mode Lavaggio der VLAN information, welche via VTP gained der Domane Gables werden, sind possible:

  • Upload eines neuen VLAN
  • Löschen eines be VLAN
  • Umbenennen eines be VLAN
  • Ein bestehendes VLAN in 'suspended' status set den, usw.

Auf einem VTP Client sind sharp Lavaggio nicht allows - und der Unterschied ist das Schön auch.

Jede der oben mentioned Lavaggio führt dazu, dass die Configuration revision betting wird; differentiate und die receivers VTP-Nachrichten von dieser observes, dass are aktuellere als die lokal gibt shipping information. Welchen Mode Sender und receivers solcher Nachrichten haben, spielt keine Rolle - entscheidend ist immer nur die Configuration revision training. Kann so for instance ein customer einen Server al, wenn die Configuration revision seiner VTP-Nachrichten high ist als die servers. DAS wird erfahrungsgemass in Bezug auf often missverstanden Server/Client Mode.



Tags: Cisco Support

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    I have several SG200 switches and I have everything configured as described in the administrative guide but I can't make it work as you want.

    What does not work:
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    So far so good.

    But what does not work:
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    -I can't find the VLAN comments.

    Any help would be appreciated.

    Hi Wouter,

    Yes you are right, 200 series doesn't support DVA. Only 300 or 500 have this level of the interface settings.


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    & lt; ConfigRoot & gt; ------& lt; ClientConnection id "0000" = & gt; ------& lt; authdPort & gt; 902 & lt; / authdPort & gt; ------& lt; version & gt; 4 & lt; / version & gt; ------& lt; exactVersion & gt; 4.0.0 & lt; / exactVersion & gt; ------& lt; patchVersion & gt; 1.0.0 & lt; / patchVersion & gt; ------& lt; apiVersion & gt; 4.0 & lt; / apiVersion & gt; ------ & lt; downloadUrl & gt; https://*/client/VMware-viclient.exe < /DownloadURL & gt; ------& lt; / ClientConnection & gt;-& lt; / ConfigRoot & gt;-

    Thank you

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    User, tell us your version of jdev, please!

    to add a client involves in java, you can use this code

    RichInputText laughs = new RichInputText();

    rit.setId ("myit1");

    rit.setClientComponent (true);

    more things to the inputtext init...

    Set ClientListenerSet = rit.getClientListeners ();

    If (value == null) {}

    value = new ClientListenerSet();


    Set your headset

    set.addListener ("blur", "manage");

    rit.setClientListeners (set);

    Add Server listener

    set.addCustomServerListener ("customEvent", getMethodExpression("#{customBean.handleRequest}"));

    Add inputtext container here

    public MethodExpression getMethodExpression (String s) {}

    FacesContext fc = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance ();

    ELContext elctx = fc.getELContext ();

    ExpressionFactory elFactory = fc.getApplication () .getExpressionFactory ();

    MethodExpression methodExpr = elFactory.createMethodExpression (elctx, s, null, new class [] {ClientEvent.class});

    Return methodExpr;



  • Send an object from client to server always a button

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    public class ClientFrame extends JFrame {
        private JButton btnSend;
        private JTextField txfName;
        private JTextField txfSurname;
        public ClientFrame() {
            this.setTitle(".. ");
            Container con = this.getContentPane();
            con.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
            txfName = new JTextField("name");
            txfSurname = new JTextField("surname");
            btnSend = new JButton(new AbstractAction() {
                public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
                    SSLSocketFactory f =
                            (SSLSocketFactory) SSLSocketFactory.getDefault();
                    try {
                        SSLSocket c =
                                (SSLSocket) f.createSocket("localhost", 8888);
                        OutputStream os = c.getOutputStream();
                        ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(os);
                        InputStream is = c.getInputStream();
                        ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(is);
                        boolean done = false;
                        while (!done) {
                            String first = txfName.getText();
                            String last = txfSurname.getText();
                            User u = new User();
                            String str = (String) ois.readObject();
                            if (str.equals("rcvdOK")) {
                                System.out.println("received on the server side");
                            } else if (str.equals("ERROR")) {
                    } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) {
                        Logger.getLogger(ClientFrame.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
                    } catch (IOException ex) {
            btnSend.setText("send object");
            con.add(btnSend, BorderLayout.PAGE_START);
            con.add(txfName, BorderLayout.CENTER);
            con.add(txfSurname, BorderLayout.PAGE_END);
            setSize(200, 150);
    public class TestServer {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            try {
                KeyStore ks = KeyStore.getInstance("JKS");
                ks.load(new FileInputStream(ksName), ksPass);
                KeyManagerFactory kmf =
                kmf.init(ks, ctPass);
                SSLContext sc = SSLContext.getInstance("TLS");
                sc.init(kmf.getKeyManagers(), null, null);
                SSLServerSocketFactory ssf = sc.getServerSocketFactory();
                SSLServerSocket s = (SSLServerSocket) ssf.createServerSocket(8888);
                SSLSocket c = (SSLSocket) s.accept();
                InputStream is = c.getInputStream();
                ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(is);
                OutputStream os = c.getOutputStream();
                ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(os);
                boolean done = false;
                User u;
                    u = (User) ois.readObject();
                    String confirmString = "rcvdOK";
                    String errorString = "ERROR";
                    if (u != null) {
                        System.out.println(u.getFirstName() + " " + u.getLastName());
                    } else if (u == null) {
            } catch (Exception e) {
    Thanks for any help, btw, it does not need to be over ssl, the problem would be the same as using the http protocol. Please someone help me :)

    Published by: Vencicek on 7.5.2012 02:19

    Published by: EJP 05/07/2012 19:53

    Published by: Vencicek on 7.5.2012 03:36

    I responded to that. Do not call the methods of networking in the thread of events, or in a constructor.

  • problem when call one side Committee client-side Server

    Hello world! I have a problem when I call a side Committee client-side server.

    Here's the code. When the swf file is connected to the FMS (the connection is successful) I use this application.user_so.send ("enterContestGroup"); to call the Committee client side. You can see that in the client side, I've defined the Committee 'enterContestGroup '. However, the fact is that it does not call that Committee. Can someone tell me what is the error?

    Thanks for any help!

    This is the code on the server side:

    application.onAppStart = function()
    application.user_so = SharedObject.get ("user_so", false);
    application.nextId = 0;
    application.onConnect = function (newClient)
    application.acceptConnection (newClient);
    application.user_so. Send ("enterContestGroup");

    This is the code on the client side:

    var nc:NetConnection = new NetConnection();
    var url: String = "rtmp://localhost:1935 / testapp";
    var user_so:SharedObject = new SharedObject();

    NC. Connect (URL);

    nc.onStatus = function (info)
    If (info.code is "NetConnection.Connect.Success")
    trace ("Success!");

    on the other
    trace (info.code)
    user_so = SharedObject.getRemote ("user_so", nc.uri, false);
    user_so. Connect (NC);

    user_so.enterContestGroup = function (uname, uimg, uid, cid)
    trace ("do something about enterRoom")


    In fact, you can use broadcastMsg API to deliver the object to the customers.

    Here is an example of its use.


    var obj = new Object();
    application.onConnect = {function (customer)}

    obj. Prop1 = "1";
    obj. Prop2 = '2 ';
    application.acceptConnection (client);
    Broadcast (obj);

    var broadcast = {function (obj.)}
    application.broadcastMsg ("m1", obj);

    (AS2) client-side

    var nc = new NetConnection();
    nc.onStatus = {function (info)}
    trace (info.code);

    NC. M1 = {function (obj.)}
    trace (obj. Prop1);
    trace (obj. Prop2);

    NC. Connect ("rtmp://localhost/test");

    Let me know if experience you problems with this.

    Thank you


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    The documentation is rather evasive about how to configure Gemfire with an external transaction manager when using a client/server Gemfire deployment.

    Any help appreciated.

    Thank you!

    Unfortunately the Atomikos is not supported. Please see this thread for more information: GemFire and Atomikos in tcServer


  • x1052p and vmware VLAN (VST Mode) - 1-Port, 2 x VLAN

    Hello community,

    I try to install an esxi 6.0 with 2 VLANS (1-2) on a port to a x1052p and do not operate.

    It's my bet in the vswitch esxi

    They are connected to the port 27 - I had to set the general. As soon as I switch to trunk - no traffic is passed more on the switch to my other VLAN ports (access mode).

    VLAN ID 2 works, but the machine on the VLAN ID 1 is not seeing something.

    Here's something maybe for you help:


    Please guide me to the light!

    On the side of the switch: s ' ensure that the port is set in Trunk mode.
    -Add all the VLANS and verify that they are on T for the tag.
    -Ensure that no VLAN native only is used.

    Server side, I would go back through the steps described here: http://bit.ly/2bpAwuZ
    This will help ensure that the vSwitch is correctly configured for VLANs.

  • PowerConnect 5448 several VLANS between upstream and downstream server firewall

    I am struggling with what I thought, would be a simple task: route several subnets, each on one VLAN different, a firewall to a server.  In fact, I can't even pass the VLAN by default one still looking correct in the address tables and STP.

    Port 1 = firewall, VLAN 1 unidentified, 2 VLAN Tag, 1 PVID, tried the two trunk and general patterns

    17 = server NIC, VLAN 1 unidentified port, VLAN Tag, PVID 1 and 2 2, tried, tried both safe and general patterns

    VLAN 1 (firewall untagged), Interface IP and default gateway

    VLAN 2 (tag of firewall), IP Interface for 2 VLAN, firewall est.1

    The first thing I got was that something has not been properly marked by (Hyper-V, using SC VMM 2012 SP1) server or the firewall (Watchguard XTM 520).  Simple test: VPN Firewall, ping the switch to with the tag, and works, remove the label and it doesn't.  Dynamic address table shows the two-way firewall.  Line 18 below appears right after the ping as planned on VLAN 2 with the same MAC address in VLAN 1.  In addition, I ping the switch from the server and it works fine.  The table shows that VLAN 2 from the host (and 1 other VM), so it seems to me that everything is properly labeled.

    15 VLAN 1 00907f8f571b G1    
      16 VLAN 2 00155d1f1b07 G17    
      17 VLAN 2 001dd8b71c01 G17    
      18 VLAN 2 00907f8f571b G1    

    What I can't do, is ping through the switch to VLAN 2.  I can't ping my VPN server (, and I can not ping to the gateway ( from the server.  Note, it is not because of rules to firewall on each end.

    What Miss me?  I don't think I need a routing of layer 3 here, I don't have to go through VLAN, just have them several VLANS passes from one port to the other.

    Other things to note in case it is useful:

    -I have no connectivity not tag with everything else through the 10.84.195.xxx/24 switch.

    -If I delete the Tags VLAN port 2 1 trunk, I suddenly can ping the bridge VLAN 2 ( from the server, although I suspect that it is because the same port is the default gateway for the switch.

    -For brevity, only 2 lines of the STP are listed below, but all ports are therefore based on the question of whether they are connected or not.

    G1 activated 128.1 Frw Desg P2P (STP) No. 4
    G2 activated 128.2 Dsbl Dsbl No. 100.

    -Latest firmware installed.

    -In addition, for people concerned about their security, I want to remove use VLAN by default in the future.

    Would it be possible for run you to stick your show output here in the forum.  In this way, we can take closer look at what you have configured.

    If you connect a desktop/laptop computer (with and intellectual property in the range) in a port with the mode of access switchport VLAN 2 are you able to ping IP Interface for 2 VLANS?  You could try to disconnect the firewall and the configurations for the port and work on getting through the switch with 2 terminals on a single VLAN.  Then, once this is confirmed as work connect the firewall back up with a trunk/general mode adding the VLAN necessary.

    You connect to the firewall on a layer 3 interface?  You need Layer 3 routing to reach the firewall correctly.

  • How to put all through traffic the easy vpn client VPN server

    Hi people

    I want to ask you, how to put all of the server the easy vpn client VPN traffic through.

    I mean, I have a server vpn at home, and if I connect to the vpn from outside server, to be with an IP address of my home.

    There is the configuration up to now. Where is the problem?

    ROUTER1 #sh running-config

    Building configuration...

    Current configuration: 5744 bytes


    ! Last configuration change at 19:51:18 UTC Wed Sep 4 2013 by cska


    version 15.1

    horodateurs service debug datetime msec

    Log service timestamps datetime msec

    no password encryption service


    ROUTER1 hostname



    usbflash0:CVO boot-BOOT Setup. CFG





    AAA new-model



    AAA authentication login ciscocp_vpn_xauth_ml_1 local

    AAA authorization ciscocp_vpn_group_ml_1 LAN






    AAA - the id of the joint session


    Service-module wlan-ap 0 autonomous bootimage

    Crypto pki token removal timeout default 0


    Crypto pki trustpoint TP-self-signed-1604488384

    enrollment selfsigned

    name of the object cn = IOS - Self - signed - certificate - 1604488384

    revocation checking no



    TP-self-signed-1604488384 crypto pki certificate chain

    certificate self-signed 01

    3082022B 30820194 02020101 300 D 0609 2A 864886 F70D0101 04050030 A0030201

    2 060355 04031326 494F532D 53656 C 66 2 AND 536967 6E65642D 43657274 31312F30

    69666963 31363034 34383833 6174652D 3834301E 170 3133 30383239 31313539

    32395A 17 0D 323030 31303130 30303030 305A 3031 06035504 03132649 312F302D

    4F532D53 5369676E 656C662D 43 65727469 66696361 74652 31 36303434 65642D

    38383338 3430819F 300 D 0609 2A 864886 01050003, 818, 0030, 81890281 F70D0101

    8100CD 57 F1436ED2 8D9E8B99 B6A76D45 FE56716D D99765A9 1722937C F5603F9F

    528E27AF 87A24C3D 276FBA1C A5E7C580 CE99748E 39458C 74 862C 2870 16E29F75

    7A7930E1 15FA5644 D7ECF257 BF46C470 A3A17AEB 7AB56194 68BFB803 144B7B10

    D3722BDD D1FD5E99 8068B77D A1703059 9F0578C7 F7473811 0421490D 627F25C5

    4 HAS 250203 010001A 3 53305130 1 130101 FF040530 030101FF 301F0603 0F060355

    551 2304 18301680 141B 1326 C111DF7F 9F4ED888 EFE2999A 4C50CDD8 06 12301

    03551D0E 04160414 1B1326C1 11DF7F9F 4ED888EF E2999A4C 50CDD812 300 D 0609

    2A 864886 04050003 81810096 BD0C2B16 799DB6EE E2C9B7C4 72FEAAAE F70D0101

    FF87465C FB7C5248 CFA08E68 522EA08A 4B18BF15 488D D53D9A43 CB400B54 8006

    CB21BDFB AA27DA9C C79310B6 BC594A7E D6EDF81D 0DB7D2C1 9EF7251B 19A 75403

    211B1E6B 840FE226 48656E9F 67DB4A93 CE75045B A986F0AD 691EE188 7FB86D3F

    E43934FA 3D62EC90 8F37590B 618B0C

    quit smoking

    IP source-route





    CISCO dhcp IP pool

    import all



    default router



    IP cef

    No ipv6 cef


    Authenticated MultiLink bundle-name Panel

    license udi pid CISCO892W-AGN-E-K9 sn FCZ1530C209



    username privilege 15 secret 5 cska $1$ $8j6G 2sMHqIxJX8MQU6vpr75gp1







    crypto ISAKMP policy 1

    BA 3des

    preshared authentication

    Group 2


    Configuration group customer isakmp crypto VPNGR

    vpngroup key



    domain chello.at

    pool SDM_POOL_1

    ACL 120


    ISAKMP crypto ciscocp-ike-profile-1 profile

    match of group identity VPNGR

    client authentication list ciscocp_vpn_xauth_ml_1

    ISAKMP authorization list ciscocp_vpn_group_ml_1

    client configuration address respond

    virtual-model 1



    Crypto ipsec transform-set esp-SHA-ESP-3DES-3des esp-sha-hmac


    Profile of crypto ipsec CiscoCP_Profile1

    security association idle time 86400 value

    game of transformation-ESP-3DES-SHA

    set of isakmp - profile ciscocp-ike-profile-1



    Bridge IRB





    interface Loopback0 IP address

    IP nat inside

    IP virtual-reassembly in


    interface BRI0

    no ip address

    encapsulation hdlc


    Multidrop ISDN endpoint


    interface FastEthernet0


    interface FastEthernet1


    interface FastEthernet2


    interface FastEthernet3


    interface FastEthernet4


    interface FastEthernet5


    FastEthernet6 interface


    interface FastEthernet7


    interface FastEthernet8

    no ip address


    automatic duplex

    automatic speed


    type of interface virtual-Template1 tunnel

    IP unnumbered Loopback0

    ipv4 ipsec tunnel mode

    Tunnel CiscoCP_Profile1 ipsec protection profile


    interface GigabitEthernet0

    Description Internet

    0023.5a03.b6a5 Mac address

    customer_id GigabitEthernet0 dhcp IP address

    NAT outside IP

    IP virtual-reassembly in

    automatic duplex

    automatic speed


    wlan-ap0 interface

    description of the Service interface module to manage the embedded AP IP address

    ARP timeout 0


    interface GigabitEthernet0 Wlan

    Description interface connecting to the AP the switch embedded internal


    interface Vlan1

    no ip address

    Bridge-Group 1

    Bridge-Group 1 covering-disabled people


    interface BVI1


    IP nat inside

    IP virtual-reassembly in


    local IP SDM_POOL_1 pool

    IP forward-Protocol ND



    IP http server

    local IP http authentication

    IP http secure server

    overload of IP nat inside source list 110 interface GigabitEthernet0

    IP nat inside source static tcp 3389 interface GigabitEthernet0 3389

    IP nat inside source static udp 3389 interface GigabitEthernet0 3389

    IP nat inside source static tcp 21 interface GigabitEthernet0 21

    IP nat inside source static udp 21 interface GigabitEthernet0 21

    IP nat inside source static tcp 3389 interface GigabitEthernet0 3390

    IP nat inside source static udp 3389 interface GigabitEthernet0 3390

    overload of IP nat inside source list 120 interface GigabitEthernet0

    IP route dhcp


    exploitation forest esm config

    access list 101 ip allow a whole

    access-list 110 permit ip any

    access list 111 permit tcp any any eq 3389

    access-list 120 allow ip any








    control plan


    Bridge Protocol ieee 1

    1 channel ip bridge


    Line con 0

    line 2

    no activation-character

    No exec

    preferred no transport

    transport of entry all

    transport output pad rlogin udptn ssh telnet

    line to 0

    line vty 0 4

    privilege level 15

    preferred transport ssh

    entry ssh transport

    transportation out all


    Thanks in advance

    To do this you must make the following changes:

    (1) disable split Tunneling by deleting the ACL of your configuration of the client group.
    (2) enable NAT for VPN traffic by adding 'ip nat inside' to your virtual model of the client network to the ACL that controls your PAT.

    Edit: Theses are the changes to your config (also with a little cleaning):

    Configuration group customer isakmp crypto VPNGR

    No 120 LCD


    type of interface virtual-Template1 tunnel

    IP nat inside


    no nat ip inside the source list 120 interface GigabitEthernet0 overload


    access-list 110 permit ip any

    no access-list 120 allow ip any

    Sent by Cisco Support technique iPad App

  • LabVIEW TCP/IP Client and server, I need to send commands and receive comments side server from the client regarding the command sent.

    Hi all

    I can configure my two PCs, one as a client and a server very well. I am able to send commands from the server to the client. However, I am trying to determine how I can get feedback from the client to the server that something has changed, or a CQI that the command has been received. How I can do this in LabVIEW with the box to TCP/IP tools, or is there a better way to do it?

    Thanks for your help!

    Best regards


    Once the connection is established, TCP does not care which end is the 'server' and the 'customer '. Data can be sent in both directions using the same read and write functions. So, if you are already able to send data to the client and read on the server, you should be able to do the same to send data from the server to the client, using the same TCP connection.

    If this is not clear, please your postal code so that we can provide more specific advice.

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    I can see the machines that I need to log off the server from another machine of the client, but not from our servers.

    Thanks in advance for any help,


    Hi Ibray3,

    Your question is more complex that most seem to be on the answers. I suggest that you re-post on our TechNetforums where computer professionals can help you.


    I hope this helps.

  • Why Windows XP Mode a Terminal Server (Bus network)?

    A Bus network is based in airports, train stations, subways and bus stations, but not businesses. Why Windows XP Mode is a Bus network? A Terminal Server is a service of a bus network.


    Thanks for posting your question in the Microsoft Community forums.

    The description of the problem, I see you have a problem with XP Mode Networking.

    The question you posted would be better suited to the TechNet community. Please visit the link below to find a community that will provide the support you want.


    In addition, you can check the link for more information.


    Hope this information helps you. If you need additional help or information on Windows, I'll be happy to help you. We, at tender Microsoft to excellence.

  • updates - updates has not pushed to remote clients (Windows Server 2003)

    original title: critical updates


    I have an Windows Server 2003 with Windows XP Pro SP3 clients/members area and allows you to push critical updates for WSUS clients.

    However, updates are not pushed to the remote clients even with the connected VPN tunnel.  The only time updates are pushed to these remote clients is when they visit the office and connect to our LAN.

    Is there a way for remote clients to get their updates without having to remove them as a member of my domain?

    Thank you...

    Forum specific support by WSUS:

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