update of NULL in the column with the values of the adjacent column

Examples of data

with test_data as
(select 1 as one, null as two, 2 as three,5 as four, 6 as five, null as six from dual
union all
select 1 as one, null as two, 2 as three,5 as four, 6 as five, null as six from dual)
select * from test_data;

This is one of those cases, the case may be where any value of a column can be null

or two similar columns can be null. If the column is null then I want to update the adjacent column

average value of the column, if the first column is null so I want to take the next non-null column and update, if the last column is null

so I want to take prev not zero column and to update.

In this case would be my expected output

Un Two Three Four Five Six

Prospects for the future the suggesion or advice.

Or, using Analytics:

SQL> with test_data (id, one, two, three, four, five, six) as (
  2    select 1, 1   , null, 2   , 5, 6, null  from dual union all
  3    select 2, 1   , null, 3   , 5, 6, null  from dual union all
  4    select 3, 1   , null, null, 5, 6, null  from dual union all
  5    select 4, null, null, null, 5, 6, null  from dual
  6  )
  7  select *
  8  from (
  9    select id
 10         , cell
 11         , case when next_nn is not null and prev_nn is not null
 12             then (next_nn + prev_nn)/2
 13             else nvl(next_nn, prev_nn)
 14           end val
 15    from (
 16      select id
 17           , cell
 18           , val
 19           , last_value(val) ignore nulls over(partition by id order by cell) as prev_nn
 20           , first_value(val) ignore nulls over(partition by id order by cell range between current row and unbounded following) as next_nn
 21      from test_data
 22      unpivot include nulls (val for cell in (one as 1, two as 2, three as 3, four as 4, five as 5, six as 6) )
 23    )
 24  )
 25  pivot ( min(val) for cell in (1 as "ONE", 2 as "TWO", 3 as "THREE", 4 as "FOUR", 5 as "FIVE", 6 as "SIX") )
 26  ;

        ID        ONE        TWO      THREE       FOUR       FIVE        SIX
---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
         1          1        1,5          2          5          6          6
         2          1          2          3          5          6          6
         3          1          3          3          5          6          6
         4          5          5          5          5          6          6

Tags: Database

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    Hi friend

    This allows to obtain a value zero: javacast("null",'"")

    That is why to delete the value:

    customerOBJ.setJob (javacast("null",""));

    That should make you well. If you use it in a few places, you can create yourself a function:

    Then use:

    customerOBJ.setJob (null);

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    How this can be done:

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    I think it's the SQL code you're looking for:




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    There are two parts to your question, I think:

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    (2) why is null is NOT a name defined by the user (in this case nn_t_id).

    1 > I think you are right: there is no difference in behavior in the way that Oracle is going to reject the creation of NULL in this column (whether through the direct insert or update with a NULL value). I personally always declares the NOT NULL for columns, I know to never have null, regardless of whether the column is (member of) a PK.

    It's pretty funny, btw, the SQL standard as chosen able to be the NULL default value. I think that we all type much less, if the SQL standard chose NOT NULL default value. But that's another story.

    2 > I don't see given nullability defined by the user of the explicit names now and then, because of some "coding guideline' which dictates that constraint names must never be generated System. This guideline is often presented as a result of the exception handling of "client-side", where the constraint name is filtered SQLERRM and then more personalized to be displayed to the end user. However for NOT NULL constraint violations, I think (does not fully to check) that you are always thrown an ORA-01400 is an ORA-01407. Who nowadays both will tell you exactly (in SQLERRM) which column of this table is currently in violation of a NOT NULL constraint.


  • Update of Table, summarizing the content of the separate column.

    Hi all

    Small update problem: -.

    CREATE TABLE TestTab10
    ITEMS_1 NUMBER(2), 
    ITEMS_2 NUMBER(2),
    ITEMS_3 NUMBER(2),
    DATA: -.
    INSERT INTO TestTab10("GROUPID","ITEMS_1","ITEMS_2","ITEMS_3","TOT_ITEMS","SEQNO") VALUES ('10001','12','13','','','123456');
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    INSERT INTO TestTab10("GROUPID","ITEMS_1","ITEMS_2","ITEMS_3","TOT_ITEMS","SEQNO") VALUES ('10003','','13','','','123459');
    INSERT INTO TestTab10("GROUPID","ITEMS_1","ITEMS_2","ITEMS_3","TOT_ITEMS","SEQNO") VALUES ('10003','','13','','','123460');
    INSERT INTO TestTab10("GROUPID","ITEMS_1","ITEMS_2","ITEMS_3","TOT_ITEMS","SEQNO") VALUES ('10003','','13','','','123461');
    INSERT INTO TestTab10("GROUPID","ITEMS_1","ITEMS_2","ITEMS_3","TOT_ITEMS","SEQNO") VALUES ('10004','11','13','','','123462');
    INSERT INTO TestTab10("GROUPID","ITEMS_1","ITEMS_2","ITEMS_3","TOT_ITEMS","SEQNO") VALUES ('10004','','12','','','123463');
    INSERT INTO TestTab10("GROUPID","ITEMS_1","ITEMS_2","ITEMS_3","TOT_ITEMS","SEQNO") VALUES ('10004','','13','14','','123464');
    Select * from TestTab10;
    GROUPID       ITEMS_1    ITEMS_2    ITEMS_3 TOT_ITEMS                                               SEQNO
    ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- -------------------------------------------------- ----------
    10001              12         13                                                                   123456
    10001              12                    16                                                        123457
    10002                                                                                              123458
    10003                         13                                                                   123459
    10003                         13                                                                   123460
    10003                         13                                                                   123461
    10004              11         13                                                                   123462
    10004                         12                                                                   123463
    10004                         13         14                                                        123464
    Desired results: -.
    GROUPID       ITEMS_1    ITEMS_2    ITEMS_3 TOT_ITEMS                                               SEQNO
    ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- -------------------------------------------------- ----------
    10001              12         13            121316                                                 123456
    10001              12                    16 121316                                                 123457
    10002                                                                                              123458
    10003                         13            13                                                     123459
    10003                         13            13                                                     123460
    10003                         13            13                                                     123461
    10004              11         13            11131214                                               123462
    10004                         12            11131214                                               123463
    10004                         13         14 11131214                                               123464
    I need to update the Tot_items column with the number of distinct elements which is held within each groupid.

    The ideas people?

    Thanks in advance.

    Lack OP wants ordered items:

      into  testtab10 a
      using (
             with t as (
                        select  rowid rid,
                                listagg(items_1 || ',' || items_2 || ',' || items_3,',')
                                  within group (order by seqno)
                                  over(partition by groupid) items
                            from  testtab10
             select  rid,
                              'string-join(for $n in distinct-values(ora:tokenize($str,",")) order by xs:integer($n) return $n,",")'
                              passing ',' || items as "str"
                              returning content
                             ) tot_items
               from  t
            ) b
      on (a.rowid = b.rid)
      when matched
            set a.tot_items = b.tot_items
    9 rows merged.
    SQL>  select  *
      2     from  testtab10
      3  /
    GROUPID       ITEMS_1    ITEMS_2    ITEMS_3 TOT_ITEMS                 SEQNO
    ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- -------------------- ----------
    10001              12         13            12,13,16                 123456
    10001              12                    16 12,13,16                 123457
    10002                                                                123458
    10003                         13            13                       123459
    10003                         13            13                       123460
    10003                         13            13                       123461
    10004              11         13            11,12,13,14              123462
    10004                         12            11,12,13,14              123463
    10004                         13         14 11,12,13,14              123464
    9 rows selected.


  • Some columns of the values of the selected line returns NULL in the table of the adf.


    My version of jdev

    I have a vision with some columns. This view is mapped to a table of adf with some of the displayed columns. My task is to get the column values selected line (including the values of the column not displayed).
    But I'm certain values such as null, although there are values present when I run the query from the view.
    My code:
    DCIteratorBinding tableVO = ADFUtils.findIterator ("myVO");
    ViewObject voTableData = tableVO.getViewObject ();
    Line rowSelected = voTableData.getCurrentRow ();

    + / / codeto display column and the values +.
    int x = 0;
    * for (the names of the objects: rowSelected.getAttributeNames ()) {*}

    * for (int i = x; i < rowSelected.getAttributeValues () .length; i ++) {*}
    * System.out.println (x + "." + name + "=" + rowSelected.getAttribute (i)); *
    x ++ ;

    MY table:
    * < af:table value = "#{bindings.myVO.collectionModel}" *.
    * var = "row" rows = "#{bindings.myVO.rangeSize}" *.
    * EmptyText = "#{Bindings.myVO.Viewable?" "{'No data to display.': 'Access Denied.'}". *
    * fetchSize = "#{Bindings.myVO.rangeSize}" *.
    * rowBandingInterval = "0."
    * filterModel = "#{Bindings.myVO.queryDescriptor}" *.
    * queryListener = "#{Bindings.myVO.processQuery}" *.
    * filterVisible = "true" varStatus = "vs."
    * selectionListener = "#{myBean.method_onRowSelect}" *.
    * rowSelection = "single" id = "t1" styleClass = "AFStretchWidth."
    "* partialTriggers =": sbcClose: sbcOpen: socWarehouse. "
    * inlineStyle = "height: 217px;" / > *.

    Thank you

    Question: the attributes are not null in the DB?
    The attributes are part of the past of the query select?
    And they are part of the binding of the tree?


  • What SYS tables (not seen) contains the value NULL spec /not/ column definition?

    What SYS (or tables) store the value of a spec /not/ NULL columns? (It doesn't seem to be COL$)

    NOTE: This is NOT a trick question - although it seems to be.

    Test configuration:
    Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
    PL/SQL Release - Production
    CORE     Production
    TNS for Linux: Version - Production
    NLSRTL Version - Production
    Test configuration:
    1. a table is created by SCOTT in the SCOTT schema with a NULLABLE column.

    2. a primary key constraint is added using only the NULLABLE column

    3. Requests for information on USER_TAB_COLS, ALL_TAB_COLS, DBA_TAB_COLS and SYS. COL$ see NOT NULL for the column NULLABLE
    as necessary for a primary key constraint. Views derive their data from the column of $ NULL the sys. Table of $ COL
    'DECODE (SIGN (c.null$), -1, 'D', 0, 'Y', 'N'),
    and the table of $ COL shows a numerical value of '0' before you add the primary key and a value of "1" later.

    4. a query on the DDL metadata table shows the specification for column NULLABLE of origin involved.

    Question - where this original specification NULLABLE is stored?

    This question is based on a question asked by another user in this thread
    Columns becoming nullable after a fall of primary key?

    I created the following specially for that matter test case
    -- scott ensures table does not exist
    -- scott creates a table
    CREATE TABLE tbl_test ( col_1 NUMBER,
    col_2 NUMBER NOT NULL);
    -- scott queries to check the the column nullable status
    SELECT table_name, column_name, nullable 
    FROM user_tab_cols
    WHERE table_name = 'TBL_TEST';
    -- TBL_TEST   | COL_1       | Y 
    -- TBL_TEST   | COL_2       | N 
    -- Scott addes a primary key constraint using only the nullable column
    ALTER TABLE tbl_test ADD CONSTRAINT tbl_test_pk PRIMARY KEY(col_1);
    -- scott queries to check the the column nullable status
    SELECT table_name, column_name, nullable 
    FROM user_tab_cols
    WHERE table_name = 'TBL_TEST';
    -- scott queries to get the table DDL
    select dbms_metadata.get_ddl('TABLE', 'TBL_TEST', 'SCOTT') FROM DUAL;
       (     "COL_1" NUMBER,                   <------ where is this NULLABLE spec stored? 
    The DOF shows that Oracle keeps the original spec NULLABLE for the column and uses it to generate the DDL orginal, even if there is a primary key on the table and the system views (and COL$) show the column non NULLABLE.

    So where is the original information NULLABLE actually stored?

    rp0428 wrote:
    What SYS (or tables) store the value of a spec /not/ NULL columns? (It doesn't seem to be COL$)

    I think that it becomes a bit messy depending on order of activity:

    You can see Col. .null$ is set to a non-zero when the desrcibe command displays the column as not null, but it can happen for two reasons:
    (a) user sets the column as not null - in which case you get a line in cdef$ with type # = 7
    (b) the user adds a primary key to table - in which case you get a line in cdef$ with type # = 2

    If you declare null AND add a primary key, you get two lines - that's why it is possible for Oracle to determine if he should remove the flag not null when you remove the primary key and also allows dbms_metadata show the create statement of table without a NOT NULL even when describe it the watch with a NOT NULL - dbms_metadata can respond to the presence of the type # = 2 and absence of the type # = 7.

    Jonathan Lewis

    By the way: by a strange coincidence, it seems to me answering the previous post, three days before it was asked: http://jonathanlewis.wordpress.com/2012/04/19/drop-constraint/#comment-46140 (on the doubts, this isn't - it answers a different question on the removal of constraints).

    Published by: Jonathan Lewis April 23, 2012 11:07

  • I have a column with two values, separated by a space, in each line. How to create 2 new columns with the first value in a column, and the second value in another column?

    I have a column with two values, separated by a space, in each line. How do I create 2 new columns with the first value in one column and the second value in another column?

    Add two new columns after than the original with space separated values column.

    Select cell B1 and type (or copy and paste it here) the formula:

    = IF (Len (a1) > 0, LEFT (A1, FIND ("", A1) −1), ' ')

    shortcut for this is:

    B1 = if (Len (a1) > 0, LEFT (A1, FIND ("", A1) −1), ' ')

    C1 = if (Len (a1) > 0, Member SUBSTITUTE (A1, B1 & "", ""), "")


    the formula of the C1 could also be:

    = IF (Len (a1) > 0, RIGHT (A1, LEN (A1) −FIND ("", A1)), "")

    Select cells B1 and C1, copy

    Select cells B1 at the end of the C column, paste

  • I tried firefox update, but it is not compatible with leopard op. If I try to re - install the old version my favorites will always be there?

    I tried firefox update, but it is not compatible with leopard op. If I try to re - install the old version my favorites will always be there?

    Yes. This should not be a problem.

  • Each update of firefox is not compatible with the latest version of Java (including 90% of the internet use), how can it be fixed right NOW so I can use firefox?

    I don't like updates of firefox, trying to be more and better than the competition, I get it. However, each update is incompatible with Java 100% and where people who work together and makes these updates are not aware, the world wide web all use Java. Why would anyone want to use firefox, when they can't even use the internet?

    JavaScript is not Java, as said and JavaScript is part of Firefox, so nothing to update.

    Regarding the Flash go to http://www.adobe.com/software/flash/about/ to see if it detects and if you have the latest version.

    The https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/plugincheck/ is underway while the
    https://www-trunk.stage.Mozilla.com/en-us/plugincheck/ suggested that the post above is not to update the flash plugin.

  • my phone does not work after last update itunes on my phone connection with my pc, it shows only i tunes icon and the application of itune on my pc does not work

    my phone does not work after last update itunes on my phone connection with my pc, it shows only i tunes icon and the application of itune on my pc does not work

    For general advice, see troubleshooting problems with iTunes for Windows updates.

    The steps described in the second case are a guide to remove everything related to iTunes and then rebuild what is often a good starting point, unless the symptoms indicate a more specific approach.

    Review the other boxes and other support documents list to the bottom of the page, in case one of them applies.

    More information area has direct links with the current and recent buildings if you have problems to download, must revert to an older version or want to try the version of iTunes for Windows (64-bit-for old video cards) as a workaround for problems with installation or operation, or compatibility with QuickTime software or a third party.

    Backups of your library and device should be affected by these measures but there are links to backup and recovery advice there.

    Once iTunes to work properly, you should be able to fix your device.


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    Having a problem with the update of the window. He said that windows could not search for new updates. It's the found error 80245003 code

    Take a look at this article as it addresses this error code. Mike - Engineer Support Microsoft Answers
    Visit our Microsoft answers feedback Forum and let us know what you think.

  • CODE 66 has when the update NET FRAMEWORK 4 with WINDOWS UPDATE can't update more far until the issue is resolved. Help, please... I almost tried everything.

    Remember - this is a public forum so never post private information such as numbers of mail or telephone!

    CODE 66 has when the update NET FRAMEWORK 4 with WINDOWS UPDATE can't update more far until the issue is resolved. Help, please... I almost tried everything. Ideas:

    • You have problems with programs
    • Error messages
    • Recent changes to your computer
    • What you have already tried to solve the problem

    Take a look at this link and see if it helps-


  • Error 6 B 7 Windows has encountered an unknown error when you try to install the Office Live update 1.5 on the House system top of range of Vista SP2 64 bit with Office 2007 is installed.

    On a m950y of HP with AMD Phenom Quad Core processor 2.4 GHz, 8 GB of RAM, lots of available hard disk space, accepted the software license agreement. Can you tell me what's happening, if this should be fixed, and how it can be fixed?


    UH! After posting the added information in my last post, I have acted on an intuition, uninstalled, Office Live 1.5 from the Control Panel, rebooted, reinstalled and everything went well.

    So I guess there's a glitch somewhere where Windows Live Update thought I needed the upgrade while in fact I have not, and he is involved in a problem that cannot be resolved.

    Thank you for your help.


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