Upgrade to Adobe CC but wanting to access Adobe CS6

If I've upgraded to Adobe CC, is CS6 always on my computer to use for customers who have not upgraded, and need to work from the native files? I know I can record down, but my client wants me to work and to save in the same version they use.

Currently the license perpetual (serial number) and subscription (Adobe ID) are both on the CS6 version.

You can activate the software CS6 once on a single computer - with a serial number or identification code Adobe

If you activate with an Adobe ID, then you get updates of product containing only members (different from the fixed a bug and security updates). More details on these updates of product containing only members are on the Blog of team creative cloud here http://blogs.adobe.com/creativecloud/.

Once the CC version was released on June 17 (by the announcement Monday, may 6 in the speech from the Adobe MAX - you can look here http://max.adobe.com/sessions/online.html) there will be a new version. You will be able to establish CS6 and CC versions on your machine.

Tags: Adobe

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