Uploading images on the server

Hi all

My requirement is that the user enters the images and images must be uploaded to the server in the background while the user can continue to perform other tasks at the request. I would like to know what is the best way to implement a background thread that downloads images on the server. Could someone please provide me with a few entries. Thanks in advance.

Kind regards

S.A.Norton Stanley

There is no problem with the background Thread.  I would recommend that you have only one Thread, containing the first element of a list persistent images to send.  Once the image has been sent to it, the Thread deletes the entry for one just sent and resumed the following.  You need good timing around the updating of the list, I use usually vector which is theoretically synchronized correctly but I'm a check anyway.

The processing of wire has a public Add method that starts the Thread if it is not running.  The Thread stops when there is nothing in the queue.

All this is pretty standard, I think.  But there are a few things that I think that you may need to add to this transformation to make it more robust:

(a) you can give the user the option to delete the image once it is sent.  Indeed remember that the user could remove the image before sending it and if treatment should take care of this.

(b) I would recommend a server component that receives Images.  You can then move the image into pieces because some methods of communication are limited by the size of the data that can be transferred to a single connection.  I would recommend breaking the image into blocks of 64 KB.  You should provide a mechanism to restart here too, so that you can return just the parts in waiting for an image after a failure.

(c) you need to think about the question to know if the server and intermediate gateways will deal with binary data, or do you need to encode it in text (Base 64 seems to be the way to go if you do).

(d) you should consider which allows the user to limit communication to specific connections, such as WiFi or 3 G.

(e) you will need to be very careful about the coding of restart and recovery, so that the treatment doesn't die unexpectedly.

Hope this is useful.  .

Tags: BlackBerry Developers

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    private String httpConn (String file) {HttpConnection conn = null; OutputStream os = null; InputStream is = null; String url = ""; int respcode = 0; path of the Web service from which image will be transferred. URL = "" http://usertest[email protected]/admin/image_upload_iphone_app.html ";" Try {conn = (HttpConnection) Connector.open (url); conn.setRequestMethod (HttpConnection.POST); String name = "file:///" + file; FileConnection fc = (FileConnection) Connector.open (name); is = FC.openInputStream (); / * byte [] imgData = IOUtilities.streamToBytes (is); is. Read (imgData); * / byte [] ReimgData = IOUtilities.streamToBytes (is); Resize Image according to setting. Byte [] imgData = reszieImage (ReimgData); is. Read (imgData); String limit = "---14737809831466499882746641449"; String body = ""; name of the file... body = "\r\n--" + limit + "\r\n"; body & = "Content-Disposition: form-data; Name=\"filename\"\r\n\r\n"+"test.jpg '; body += "\r\n--" + limit + "\r\n"; tag... body = "\r\n--" + limit + "\r\n"; body & = "Content-Disposition: form-data; name =-"tag\" \r\n\r\n "+ 'tag'; body += "\r\n--" + limit + "\r\n"; status... body = "\r\n--" + limit + "\r\n"; body & = "Content-Disposition: form-data; name =-"status\" \r\n\r\n "+ 'status'; body += "\r\n--" + limit + "\r\n"; Device ID... body = "\r\n--" + limit + "\r\n"; body & = "Content-Disposition: form-data; name =-"deviceid\" \r\n\r\n "+"deviceid"; body += "\r\n--" + limit + "\r\n"; DeviceModel... body = "\r\n--" + limit + "\r\n"; body & = "Content-Disposition: form-data; name =-"devicemodel\" \r\n\r\n "+"devicemodel"; body += "\r\n--" + limit + "\r\n"; image... body = "\r\n--" + limit + "\r\n"; body & = "Content-Disposition: form-data; name =------'URL '; filename=\""+"test.jpg"+"\r\n '; body & = "" Content-Type: application/octet-stream\r\n\r\n ";" body & = new String (imgData); body += "\r\n--" + limit + "-" + "\r\n"; conn.setRequestProperty ("Content-Type", "multipart/form-data;" + limit); OS = conn.openOutputStream (); OS. Write (Body.GetBytes ()); OS. Close(); / * / / SEND the IMAGE int index = 0; int size = 1024; {System.out.println ("write:" + index);} If ((index+size) > imgData.Length) {size = imgData.length - index ;} os.write (imgData, index, size);} size of the index of +=; } While (index

    {0) {}} while(len>0); * / respcode = conn.getResponseCode (); } catch (Exception e) {e.printStackTrace () ;} Finally {//System.out.println ("closely connected"); try {os.close () ;} catch (Exception e) {} try {is.close () ;} catch (Exception e) {} try {() conn.close ;} catch (Exception e) {}} return Integer.toString (respcode);}}} }


    Pankaj Perron.

    It is a solution guys: -.



  • How to download the image to the server

    Hi all
    1. work on the version of BB storm (9500/9530 Simulator) is v4.7.0.75
    2 opportunity BB JDE v4.7

    3. the request is:

    In my application I have to download the image to the server.

    How to upload photos to my Simulator server.
    For the download, I need to write script server-side?

    any body can help me on this.

    Thanks in advance

    Abreu - Bureddy

    See this article.


  • Uploading files to the server using AMFPHP

    Hey everybody. I am building an application that allows the user to upload jpg files. For this I use AMFPHP and attempts to send a ByteArray in the php service file. But I keep getting the following errors:

    Gravity and Description path location creation time Id resource
    1061: call to a load method possibly undefined via a reference with flash .net: FileReference of static type.     MultiGallery/src/MultiGallery.mxml line 86 1271268938265 99

    Gravity and Description path location creation time Id resource
    1119: access to data of property may not set via a reference with flash .net: FileReference of static type.     MultiGallery/src/MultiGallery.mxml 93 1271268938266 100 line

    These are the lines of code generating errors:

    private void loadFile(e:Event):void


    . file.addEventListener (Event.COMPLETE, uploadFileComplete);

    file.addEventListener (ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, onUploadProgress);

    file.load ();


    uploadFileComplete(e:Event):void private function


    var fileRef:FileReference = e.target as FileReference;

    var fileName:String;     

    byteData = fileRef.data;

    fileName = fileRef.name;


    Any suggestions please?

    Thanks in advance!


    This code is flex 4 but you can still use the routines in flex 3, if this does not work with targeting of fp 9 10 try to see if it works, I don't remember what has really changed in fp filereference 9 FP 10. The code takes the filereference data it sends to the amfphp service that records the image on the server.

    I also have another version that can resize the image before sending it, but need to test it a little.


    xmlns:s = "library://ns.adobe.com/flex/spark".

    xmlns:MX = "library://ns.adobe.com/flex/mx" minWidth = "955" = "600" viewSourceURL = minHeight "srcview/index.html" > "

    Import mx.controls.Alert;

    Import mx.rpc.events.FaultEvent;

    Import mx.rpc.events.ResultEvent;

    private var fr:FileReference = new FileReference();

    private void loadImage(): void


    fr.addEventListener (Event.SELECT, selectedImage);

    fr.addEventListener (Event.COMPLETE, getImage);

    var imagesFilter:FileFilter = new FileFilter ("Images", "*.jpg, *.gif, *.png");

    Fr. Browse ([imagesFilter]);


    private void selectedImage(e:Event): void


    fr.removeEventListener (Event.SELECT, selectedImage);

    Fr. Load();


    private void getImage(e:Event): void


    fr.removeEventListener (Event.COMPLETE, getImage);

    If (fr.data.length > 0)


    Uploader.localimg (fr. Data, fr. (Name)



    private void onFault(e:FaultEvent): void


    Alert.Show (e.message.ToString (), "Error");


    private void isImageUploaded(e:ResultEvent): void


    Alert.Show (e.message.ToString (), "result");





    class upload


    function uploader()


    Define the methodTable for this class in the constructor

    $this-> methodTable = array)

    "Upload an image"-online (table)

    "description'-online"local to class server image. "

    'access' => 'remote '.




    function localimg ($ba, $fname) {}

    $deffilepath = '... /... /images/full/'.$fname;

    $data = $ba-> data;

    $data = mysql_real_escape_string ($data);

    file_put_contents ($deffilepath, $data);

    return ("completed");




  • Allow users to upload documents to the server

    Hello everyone,

    I'm working on a Flex app where I allow users to open/save documents as Word document, spreadsheet Excel, PDF, Jpeg media files (any document in digital format) when a user clicks on a link in a Flex application. To do this, I'm using the navigateToURL() method and simply by passing the URL as a URLRequest string to the navigateToURL method. It works fine but whenenver the link is called and the user chooses to save him or any Excel sheet, it displays a unwanted browser window behind the open/save/Cancel dialog box saying action cancelled.

    I can't use "_self" I need to run as it is the Flex application. I tried to use the javascript:window.open() but it did not work.

    (1) is there a process to prevent the open browser window?
    (2) how can we invoke a javascript by using navigateToURL(), I tried to call javascript.alert ('Ok') and also javascript:window.open() both have not worked.
    (3) are there other classes method or flex etc to call external applications (allow to upload documents to the server)?

    Please help me.

    Thank you and best regards,


    You can use the file upload feature. This is the documentation:

    You can allow users to download files from a server using the FileReference.Download () method, which takes two parameters: request and defaultFileName. The first parameter is the URLRequest object that contains the URL of the file to download. The second parameter is optional - it allows you to specify a default file name that appears in the download file dialog box. If you omit the second parameter, defaultFileName, the file name of the specified URL is used.

    Following code downloads a file named index.xml from the same directory as the SWF document:

    var request: URLRequest = new URLRequest ("index.xml");
    var fileRef:FileReference = new FileReference();
    fileRef.download (request);

    To set the name by default currentnews.xml instead of index.xml, specify the parameter, defaultFileName, as shown in the following code snippet:

    var request: URLRequest = new URLRequest ("index.xml");
    var fileToDownload: FileReference = new FileReference();
    fileToDownload.download (request, "currentnews.xml");

    I think that it will accomplish what you're trying to do.

  • Upload images using the file API

    I am trying to download pictures using the SDK file, but my images are corrupted during the download. Anyone know the correct way to do this? Here are some of my code:

    var imgVars = getUrlVars(itemDetails['Picture']);
      //use image id from query string to build new filename
      var localImgFilename = '/images/equipment/used/' + imgVars['id'] + '.jpg';
      var imgProxy = 'https://[domainwithheld].com/jpg_proxy.php';
      //download equipment image from proxy server
      $.ajax(imgProxy, {
      'type': 'GET',
      'data': { fetch: itemDetails['Picture'] }
      }).done(function(result) {
      if(result) {
      //upload the image to BC filesystem
      var f = BCAPI.Models.FileSystem.Root.file(localImgFilename);
      var imgData = result;
      f.upload(imgData).done(function () {
      console.log("Image upload complete.");
      }).fail(function (jqXHR) {
      console.log("Upload failed.");
      }).fail(function() {
      console.log("Download from proxy failed.");

    You were right! I finally realized that by using the method of jQuery $.ajax to retrieve the image was my problem: it doesn't have the capacity for a binary response. I got it working by simply using a native XMLHttpRequest object with the value 'blob' responseType property for the image and then passing the answer directly in the SDK download method.

    Here is an excerpt now simplified my code:

    var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
    xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
        if ( this.readyState === 4 && this.status === 200 ) {
              var localImgFilename = '/images/equipment/used/' + imgURL.split('/').pop();
              var f = BCAPI.Models.FileSystem.Root.file(localImgFilename);
              f.upload(this.response).done(function () {
                   //image uploaded
    xhr.open('GET', imgProxy + '?fetch=' + encodeURIComponent(imgURL));
    xhr.responseType = 'blob';
  • Send images to the server.

    I hope someone can point me in the right direction.
    I would like to create an application that downloads images in a folder on a server.
    My problem is with the code that I currently use, I can only upload an image that is less than 2 mb in size.
    I don't know exactly why?
    I would like to be able to download much larger images.

    My question is,
    How can increase the limit on the size of the image when using FileReference?

    Here is the code that I use at the moment.
    Thanks for any help you can provide

    Well, here's a guess:
    go to your php.ini on the server file and open it. I limit my upload of file size to 1 MB. The following code is in my php.ini

    register_globals = On
    Directives File_uploads = on
    Upload_max_filesize = 1 M

  • Error on image from the server and display streaming

    Hi all

    Im trying to read an Image that origin of the server and displays on a screen

    Here's the code I'm using to broadcast the image.

    It is streaming on my Simulator as well as on some devices.

    But on some devices, it's not streaming and throw an exception.

    public UrlToEncodedImage(String url)
    HttpConnection connection = null;
    InputStream inputStream = null;
    byte[] dataArray = null;
    connection = (HttpConnection) Connector.open(url+getConnectionString(), Connector.READ, true);
    inputStream = connection.openInputStream();
    byte[] responseData = new byte[10000];
    int length = 0;
    StringBuffer rawResponse = new StringBuffer();
    while (-1 != (length = inputStream.read(responseData)))
    rawResponse.append(new String(responseData, 0, length));
    int responseCode = connection.getResponseCode();
    if (responseCode != HttpConnection.HTTP_OK)
    throw new IOException("HTTP response code: "+ responseCode);
    final String result = rawResponse.toString();
    dataArray = result.getBytes();
    catch (final Exception ex)
    { }
    inputStream = null;
    connection = null;
    catch(Exception e){}
    bitmap = EncodedImage.createEncodedImage(dataArray, 0,dataArray.length);
    // this will scale your image acc. to your height and width of bitmapfield
    int multH;
    int multW;
    int currHeight = bitmap.getHeight();
    int currWidth = bitmap.getWidth();
    public EncodedImage getEncodedImage()
    return bitmap;
    public  EncodedImage scaleToFactor(EncodedImage encoded, int curWidth, int curHeight, int newWidth,
            int newHeight)
         int numerator_width = Fixed32.toFP(curWidth);
         int denominator_width = Fixed32.toFP(newWidth);
         int scale_width = Fixed32.div(numerator_width, denominator_width);
         int numerator_height = Fixed32.toFP(curHeight);
         int denominator_height = Fixed32.toFP(newHeight);
         int scale_height = Fixed32.div(numerator_height, denominator_height);
         return encoded.scaleImage32(scale_width, scale_height);
    private static String getConnectionString()
        String connectionString = null;
                       connectionString = ";deviceside=false";
                       connectionString = ";deviceside=true";
        else if(WLANInfo.getWLANState() == WLANInfo.WLAN_STATE_CONNECTED)
           connectionString = ";interface=wifi";
        else if((CoverageInfo.getCoverageStatus() & CoverageInfo.COVERAGE_DIRECT) == CoverageInfo.COVERAGE_DIRECT)
            String carrierUid = getCarrierBIBSUid();
            if(carrierUid == null)
             connectionString = ";deviceside=true";
               connectionString = ";deviceside=false;connectionUID="+carrierUid + ";ConnectionType=";
       else if((CoverageInfo.getCoverageStatus() & CoverageInfo.COVERAGE_MDS) == CoverageInfo.COVERAGE_MDS)
          connectionString = ";deviceside=false";
       else if(CoverageInfo.getCoverageStatus() == CoverageInfo.COVERAGE_NONE)
        { connectionString = ";deviceside=true";} 
        return connectionString;
    private static String getCarrierBIBSUid()
        ServiceRecord[] records = ServiceBook.getSB().getRecords();
        int currentRecord;
        for(currentRecord = 0; currentRecord < records.length; currentRecord++)         {             if(records[currentRecord].getCid().toLowerCase().equals("ippp"))             {                 if(records[currentRecord].getName().toLowerCase().indexOf("bibs") >= 0)
                    return records[currentRecord].getUid();
        return null;

    The underlined part of the code is where the uid is sent as public _.

    Please, look in the code and let me know where the error is, or is there a better way to disseminate the image.

    In the hope that you hear.

    Thank you & best regards



    I found the error.

    It's in the URL sent by the server.

    The URL consisted of http://google.com

    But the format required to retrieve the image on several device would be http://www.google.com.

    Thanks for anyone who tried to help him.


  • Upload files to the server

    I want to download files (pdf, word, etc.) on the server, not a database.
    Is that when downloading a file is temporarily stored in a virtual table do not remember his name, I want to do is take the virtual table and upload to the server.
    and I just want to use a table to save a reference to this file.
    For example:
    a user downloads a file in / home / user / documents
    I downloaded the file and now the table is saved
    file name / rutaFichero (hyper text file)
    'the Uploaded document' / home / user / documents / document Uploaded

    I give you on the path / home / user / documents / document Uploaded
    and I download the file

    can we do?
    and as this would be the way?
    I'm newbies in the present, explain the easiest way possible

    Thank you


    You must write the pl/sql code to do this.

    url suite can help you.



    Search for 'write the blob in oracle file' in google.com

    Thank you
    Stefan Bosamiya,
    + 91 76000 23053

  • Can not see my flash site when I upload it on the server. Help, please!

    I did a site in flash catalyst - and it was published as a swf file. Then, I went to filezilla and uploaded on the server. I have all the files I need on the server, including the html file that the swf is embedded. But when I look on the site of all, it shows me the background. I spoke with netfirms.com for 2 days and they tell me that it's on my end with the code.

    Other Notes:

    • It works when I discovered in the dreamweaver browser.
    • netfirms.com tells them that they need to update Flash 10.1 - what I did but still screen see purple and I have also went to 3 other computers with flash 10.1 on the computer and I always get the purple BG
    • Looks like he wants to come--looks like the clip wants to play but disappears and all you see is the purple BG
    • I also renamed the file index.html main.html (I've read is something that needs to be done)
    • Netfirms.com tells me that he can be a coding problem - but Adobe catalyst written all the code for you and her, as I said, it works when I view in the browsers - (google chrome, IE, Firefox and Safari)
    Please help me or point me in the right direction. Thank you very much in advance.


    It will fail to load Main.swf

    I noticed that you do not have a main.swf

    Perhaps the file was renamed at some point.


  • Uploading images using the REST API from PHP

    Does anyone at - he had success with the download of the images through the Eloqua Rest API using PHP?

    I have the final point, but I can't understand what kind of information needs to go the variable $data.

    That's what I currently have:

    <? PHP

    ini_set ("display_errors", 1);

    include("..) /.. ("/ eloquaRequest.php");

    $eloquaRequest = new EloquaRequest ('Instancename', 'username', 'password', 'https://secure.eloqua.com/API/REST/1.0');

    $data = new stdClass();

    $data-> image = file_get_contents("./easy.jpg");

    $data-> name = 'this is a file name ";

    $data-> filename = "luke.jpg";

    $data-> contentType = "image/jpeg";

    $response = $eloquaRequest-> message (' assets/image/content', $data);

    var_dump ($Response);

    The error I get is the following, but I think that it is a standard response, if your image does not go through correctly:

    Array (1) {[0] = > object (stdClass) #3 (2) {["type"] = > string(9) "FileError" ["requirement"] = > object (stdClass) #4 (3) {["type"] = > string (15) "SizeRequirement" ["maxSize"] = > int (52428800) ["minSize'] = > int (1)}}}

    Thank you

    Hi Phil,

    I had to find that it all the time, it took me several hours. I hope that it allows you to save a headache.

    Eloqua is very strict in dealing with the content-type header; See the comment here for a little explanation; REST API - download Images

    So what you need to do in PHP, is to build the query string for the image of yourself. You can do as follows (to adapt to your needs, not yet tested);



    $img_path = '. / easy.jpg';

    $img_info = getimagesize ($img_path);

    $img_real = realpath ($img_path);

    $data = "-ELOQUA_BOUNDARY\r\n".

    ' Content-Disposition: form-data; name =-"Filedata\"; filename =------"".baseName ($img_real). » \"\r\n ».

    "Content-Type: '. '" $img_info ['mime']. "" \r\n ".


    file_get_contents() ($img_real). "" \r\n ".

    ' - ELOQUA_BOUNDARY - ';

    $headers = array ("Content-Length:".strlen ($data),"Content-Type: multipart/form-data;") Boundary = ELOQUA_BOUNDARY");

    $response = $eloquaRequest-> post (' assets/image/content', $data, $headers);


    I have also adapted/reconstructed library Eloqua PHP in order to support the "BOLD" part. You must change the executeRequest function and add something like this to support change the request headers;

    curl_setopt ($this-> ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);

  • I upload images using the adobe stock for my work, however, if an image has more of an icon in it whenever I have the image that I'm losing quality is this something to do with the document or the way I am editing?

    As noted below this picture was originally part of a group and the second image is the best quality, I could do after editing it.

    This image was originally part of a group of images, but we didn't need all the other images, with that we just need this one when I cropped on the other images and resized is the quality of the image, I found myself

    AdobeStock_95991006 [Converted].png


    wwhen you say you cropped one out I think that, for me, it looks like you cropped in Photoshop or other photo software. This image looks like it's probably a file AI that you can modify and access to any size you want using Adobe Illustrator.

  • Several files &amp; amp; Upload image with the developers tool box

    I am considering buying the box tools to developers if she will allow me to save some time. Online information is very detailed, and I'm curious to know if it has multiple downloads of image management capabilities. For example, I am building a news page where an article contains several images. What is not in the Toolbox developer tools or am I better just hand coding?

    multiple image upload (with optional resizing) and file upload features are available in the MEASURE when you use the PHP_MySQL server model - without hand coding.

  • Is it possible to upload images to the shared folder and consume them in html?


    My requirement is to be able to download new images for a webworks phonegap application.

    I'm trying to put false sandbox

    I am asking the system files and download a jpg of test blackberry.io.sharedFolder + /gyro

    I see the file in my shared folder

    Is it possible to use it in html or coverflow in the img src?

    I tried to take the fullPath of blackberry.io.sharedFolder return value + "' / misc/test.jpg ' and hardcode in src but no image appears." How you acceding this?

    Here is the entry.fullPath

    FileSystem:local:///persistent/Accounts/1000/AppData/example.xxx/Shared/misc/test. JGP.

    It is possible to do what it takes to go in img src?

    Thank you, I appreciate any help I can get.

    I found this on another thread. It works with:


    I heard somewhere that accounts/1000 may well change. If there is only a better way let me know.

    Thank you

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