Using a substitution variable to extract data from a table


I work with a simple program that asks the user to enter any information which will focus on a table in the DB.
So far, I read 1 000 ways to accomplish this, and none of them work.
ACCEPT var PROMPT 'Enter var' 

FROM &table
WHERE var=tablevar;



You have a lot of mistakes in your code.
I did something similarly...

SQL> set serveroutput on
  2  p_no number := &p_no;
  3  v_planet starbright.planet%type;
  4  BEGIN
  6  -- INSERT p_no
  7  -- INTO starbright;
  8  SELECT planet
  9  INTO v_planet
 10  FROM starbright
 11  WHERE planet_num = p_no;
 13  dbms_output.put_line( 'Result: ' || v_planet );
 14  END;
 15  /
Enter value for p_no: 367
old   2: p_no number := &p_no;
new   2: p_no number := 367;
Result: Venus

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.



Tags: Database

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  • extract data from a table to a text file

    I need to extract data from a table to a text file, I twist my output is the following...

    bash-3. $00 vi tap3roamercosts_20110915144318.txt
    lines of 'tap3roamercosts_20110915144318.txt' 393948, 23464348 characters
    ^ LAFGTD | N | 2011090203000001 | 13242514000064 | 1. 0 | 20. 41220 | 02-SEVEN.-11. 01-SEPT.-11. 0 | 13244
    755. 64. 70. 0093794428588 | 0093796234547 | 0 | S2 | E | 412200306902634 | 8. 1. 61500 | 16081 |
    | HW | Call to the Roamer. 0 | I have | Roaming billing Inroamer Plan | 1_0_1 | LKA | N_I_Independent
    the time of day. Rate of Roamer SMST systems | AFGTD20110902030000010001013242514000064 |

    AFGTD | N | 2011090203000001 | 13242612000044 | 1. 0 | 20. 41220 | 02-SEVEN.-11. 01-SEPT.-11. 0 | 13244
    853. 44. 70. 234. 0093793252818 | 0 | S2 | E | 412200303198150 | 8. 1. 61000 | 12403 | HW | -Ro
    bitter call | 0 | I have | Roaming billing Inroamer Plan | 1_0_1 | N_I_Independent time of Da
    There | Rate of Roamer SMST systems | AFGTD20110902030000010001013242612000044 |

    AFGTD | N | 2011090203000001 | 13242612000047 | 1. 0 | 20. 41220 | 02-SEVEN.-11. 01-SEPT.-11. 0 | 13244
    853. 47. 70. 234. 0093793252818 | 0 | S2 | E | 412200303198150 | 8. 1. 61000 | 12403 | HW | -Ro
    bitter call | 0 | I have | Roaming billing Inroamer Plan | 1_0_1 | N_I_Independent time of Da
    There | Rate of Roamer SMST systems | AFGTD20110902030000010001013242612000047 |

    Please help me how to format my output each record in simple lines in oracle sqlplus. Here are the settings I used...

    SET LINESIZE 100000;
    SET SPACE 0;
    SET PAGESIZE 50000;

    And what was wrong with the answers that you have on your previous thread?

    How to extract data in a text file

    Please do not ask the same question again. If there is a problem with the answers provided, then continue on the same thread that tell people what is the problem.

    Saying that, this is another possibility for you...

    As user sys:


    As myuser:

                                         ,p_dir IN VARCHAR2
                                         ,p_header_file IN VARCHAR2
                                         ,p_data_file IN VARCHAR2 := NULL) IS
      v_finaltxt  VARCHAR2(4000);
      v_v_val     VARCHAR2(4000);
      v_n_val     NUMBER;
      v_d_val     DATE;
      v_ret       NUMBER;
      c           NUMBER;
      d           NUMBER;
      col_cnt     INTEGER;
      f           BOOLEAN;
      rec_tab     DBMS_SQL.DESC_TAB;
      col_num     NUMBER;
      v_fh        UTL_FILE.FILE_TYPE;
      v_samefile  BOOLEAN := (NVL(p_data_file,p_header_file) = p_header_file);
      d := DBMS_SQL.EXECUTE(c);
      DBMS_SQL.DESCRIBE_COLUMNS(c, col_cnt, rec_tab);
      FOR j in 1..col_cnt
        CASE rec_tab(j).col_type
          WHEN 1 THEN DBMS_SQL.DEFINE_COLUMN(c,j,v_v_val,2000);
          WHEN 2 THEN DBMS_SQL.DEFINE_COLUMN(c,j,v_n_val);
          WHEN 12 THEN DBMS_SQL.DEFINE_COLUMN(c,j,v_d_val);
        END CASE;
      END LOOP;
      -- This part outputs the HEADER
      v_fh := UTL_FILE.FOPEN(upper(p_dir),p_header_file,'w',32767);
      FOR j in 1..col_cnt
        v_finaltxt := ltrim(v_finaltxt||','||lower(rec_tab(j).col_name),',');
      END LOOP;
      --  DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(v_finaltxt);
      UTL_FILE.PUT_LINE(v_fh, v_finaltxt);
      IF NOT v_samefile THEN
      END IF;
      -- This part outputs the DATA
      IF NOT v_samefile THEN
        v_fh := UTL_FILE.FOPEN(upper(p_dir),p_data_file,'w',32767);
      END IF;
        v_ret := DBMS_SQL.FETCH_ROWS(c);
        EXIT WHEN v_ret = 0;
        v_finaltxt := NULL;
        FOR j in 1..col_cnt
          CASE rec_tab(j).col_type
            WHEN 1 THEN DBMS_SQL.COLUMN_VALUE(c,j,v_v_val);
                        v_finaltxt := ltrim(v_finaltxt||',"'||v_v_val||'"',',');
            WHEN 2 THEN DBMS_SQL.COLUMN_VALUE(c,j,v_n_val);
                        v_finaltxt := ltrim(v_finaltxt||','||v_n_val,',');
            WHEN 12 THEN DBMS_SQL.COLUMN_VALUE(c,j,v_d_val);
                        v_finaltxt := ltrim(v_finaltxt||','||to_char(v_d_val,'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS'),',');
            v_finaltxt := ltrim(v_finaltxt||',"'||v_v_val||'"',',');
          END CASE;
        END LOOP;
      --  DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(v_finaltxt);
        UTL_FILE.PUT_LINE(v_fh, v_finaltxt);
      END LOOP;

    This allows the header line and the data to write into files separate if necessary.

    for example

    SQL> exec run_query('select * from emp','TEST_DIR','output.txt');
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

    Output.txt file contains:

    7369,"SMITH","CLERK",7902,17/12/1980 00:00:00,800,,20
    7499,"ALLEN","SALESMAN",7698,20/02/1981 00:00:00,1600,300,30
    7521,"WARD","SALESMAN",7698,22/02/1981 00:00:00,1250,500,30
    7566,"JONES","MANAGER",7839,02/04/1981 00:00:00,2975,,20
    7654,"MARTIN","SALESMAN",7698,28/09/1981 00:00:00,1250,1400,30
    7698,"BLAKE","MANAGER",7839,01/05/1981 00:00:00,2850,,30
    7782,"CLARK","MANAGER",7839,09/06/1981 00:00:00,2450,,10
    7788,"SCOTT","ANALYST",7566,19/04/1987 00:00:00,3000,,20
    7839,"KING","PRESIDENT",,17/11/1981 00:00:00,5000,,10
    7844,"TURNER","SALESMAN",7698,08/09/1981 00:00:00,1500,0,30
    7876,"ADAMS","CLERK",7788,23/05/1987 00:00:00,1100,,20
    7900,"JAMES","CLERK",7698,03/12/1981 00:00:00,950,,30
    7902,"FORD","ANALYST",7566,03/12/1981 00:00:00,3000,,20
    7934,"MILLER","CLERK",7782,23/01/1982 00:00:00,1300,,10

    The procedure allows for the header and the data to separate files if necessary. Just by specifying the file name "header" will put the header and the data in a single file.

    Adapt to the exit of styles and different types of data are needed.

  • wanted to extract data from nested table pl/sql Ref Cursor getting an erro

    create or replace type 'DEPT12' as an object (dno number (2), dname varchar2 (30), varchar2 (50)) loc;

    create or replace type dept_tab in the table in "DEPT12".

    create or replace type 'LOC12' as an object (locno number, loc_name varchar2 (100))

    create or replace type loc_tab in the table of "LOC12.

    create or replace type dept_loc_rec1 as an object (dept_tab, eno number, loc_dt loc_tab dept_dt);

    Create type dept_loc_tb as table of the dept_loc_rec1

    create table dept_loc_tb_bk1 (dept_dt dept_tab, eno number, loc_dt loc_tab)
    NESTED TABLE dept_dt
    STORE AS dept_tab12,
    NESTED TABLE loc_dt
    STORE AS loc_tab12

    insert into dept_loc_tb_bk1 values (dept_tab (dept12(3,'ABD','LOC')
    (, dept12(5,'ABD','LOC')), 3, loc_tab (loc12(21,'AAB'),

    When I try to extract data from Ref cursor to pl/sql table that I get an error ora-06504: pl/sql: return types of the result set of variables or request do not match.
    I created a table nested, as well as the pl/sql nested table object dept_loc_tb and I said the same dept_loc_tb lv_dept_loc_tb, but trying to get in this variable we get an error above.

    Please anyone can solve my problem.
    type cr is ref cursor;
    cr_obj cr;

    lv_dept_loc_tb dept_loc_tb;

    Open cr_obj to select dept_dt, eno, dept_loc_tb_bk1 loc_dt;
    collect the fetch cr_obj in bulk in lv_dept_loc_tb;
    close cr_obj;

    Your query selects 3 distinct columns requires so 3 collections of matching types. You want to treat these 3 columns as an object of type DEPT_LOC_REC1:

    SQL> declare
      2  type cr is ref cursor;
      3  cr_obj cr;
      5  lv_dept_loc_tb dept_loc_tb;
      7  begin
      8  open cr_obj for select dept_dt,eno,loc_dt from dept_loc_tb_bk1;
      9  fetch cr_obj bulk collect into lv_dept_loc_tb;
     10  close cr_obj;
     11  end;
     12  /
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-06504: PL/SQL: Return types of Result Set variables or query do not match
    ORA-06512: at line 9
    SQL> declare
      2  type cr is ref cursor;
      3  cr_obj cr;
      5  lv_dept_loc_tb dept_loc_tb;
      7  begin
      8  open cr_obj for select DEPT_LOC_REC1(dept_dt,eno,loc_dt) from dept_loc_tb_bk1;
      9  fetch cr_obj bulk collect into lv_dept_loc_tb;
     10  close cr_obj;
     11  end;
     12  /
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

    P.S. discover sys_refcursor.

  • Extract data from the table on hourly basis


    I have a table that has two columns date all the hours of the base and the response time. I want to extract data from the date corresponding previous hourly basis with the response time. The data will be loaded into the table every midnight.

    for example: today date 23/10/2012
    I want to extract data from 22/10/12 00 to the 22/10/12 23

    The sub query pulls the date as demanded, but I'm not able to take the time to answer.

    with one also
    (select min (trunc (lhour)) as mindate, max (trunc (lhour)) as AVG_HR maxdate)
    SELECT to_char (maxdate + (level/25), "dd/mm/yyyy hh24") as a LEVEL CONNECTION dates < = * (1) 24;

    Please help me on this.

    Try this

    SELECT * FROM table_nm
     WHERE to_char(hour,'DD') = to_char(SYSDATE-1,'DD')
  • How to ETL extract data from database Oracle 11.1 using Cognos Data Manager 10.1


    I need to run the IBM Cognos Data Manager 10.1 version ETL tool for extracting data from the Oracle11.1 database.

    My understanding is that, from the point of view of database, the best way would to have a stored procedure that will provide a reference cursor in the ETL client tool.

    However, a database procedure the ETL tool running seems not to be possible in this version of the data manager.

    If someone has done this before? What is the best way for this snippet to do?

    Thank you


    Annabelle says:

    My reading of original question: "What is the best way for this snippet to do?"

    Sorry - is NOT helping.

    The BEST way to extract data from a table is to use a SELECT statement.

    You said you want to do.

    So just repeat your original question instead of those that ask you to answer will not move forward us.

  • Extraction of data from two tables without discounting

    Hi friends,

    I have a problem I want to extract data from two tables without discount in the text field when I will enter any value in a text field, then the value of corressponding must come to textfield corressponding.

    for example. There are two table A and B.
    Table A has Colunm

    S_ID number;
    C_ID Varchar2 (30);
    VARCHAR2 (4) s;

    Second table B Colunm name

    S_ID number;
    What varchar (30);
    L_Name varchar (20);

    When I enter in a text field then the c_id 101 s_id, dry, first_name and last_name should come to corressponding text without refresh fields.

    How can I do that.

    Thank you

    You can use Ajax and there are tons of good examples out there for this purpose;
    For example []

  • Script Insert statement to extract data from Table in Oracle 7i

    Hi all, I have an old Oracle legacy system that works for more than 15 years. Every now and then, we need to extract data from this table @ ORacle 7i to import to Oracle 10 G.

    My thoughts are to create a script to Insert statements in oracle 7 and that, to be deployed to Oracle 10 G.

    I found cela scripts in Google and don't know exactly how it works. No explanation on these scripts, would be greatly appreciated. I find that this format can help to produce a set of insert statements in this table to the last table to 10G.

    < pre >
    -Step 1: create this procedure:
    create or replace function ExtractData (v_table_name varchar2) return varchar2 as
    Boolean b_found: = false;
    v_tempa varchar2 (8000);
    v_tempb varchar2 (8000);
    v_tempc VARCHAR2 (255);
    for tab_rec in (select table_name from user_tables where table_name = upper (v_table_name))
    b_found: = true;
    v_tempa: =' select ' insert into ' | tab_rec.table_name |' (';
    for col_rec in (select * from user_tab_columns)
    table_name = tab_rec.table_name
    order by
    If col_rec.column_id = 1 then
    v_tempa: = v_tempa | " ' || Chr (10) | " ' ;
    on the other
    v_tempa: = v_tempa |', ". Chr (10) | " ' ;
    v_tempb: = v_tempb |', ". Chr (10) | " ' ;
    end if;
    v_tempa: = v_tempa | col_rec.column_name;
    If instr(col_rec.data_type,'CHAR') > 0 then
    v_tempc: = "' |' | col_rec.column_name |'| " ' ;
    elsif instr (col_rec.data_type, 'DATE') > 0 then
    v_tempc: = "' to_date ("'| to_char('|| col_rec.column_name||',''mm/DD/YYYY HH24 '') | ") (', "' dd/mm/yyyy hh24"') "';
    on the other
    v_tempc: = col_rec.column_name;
    end if;
    v_tempb: = v_tempb | " ' || Decode('|| col_rec.column_name||',''Null'','||v_tempc||') | " ' ;
    end loop;
    v_tempa: = v_tempa |') values ('| v_tempb |'); "from ' |" tab_rec.table_name | « ; » ;
    end loop;
    If not b_found then
    v_tempa: ='-Table ' | v_table_name | 'not found ';
    on the other
    v_tempa: = v_tempa | Chr (10) | "select"-commit; "double;';
    end if;
    Return v_tempa;
    display errors

    -STEP 2: run the following code to extract the data.
    Go head
    set pages 0
    game of stripes on
    fixed lines 2000
    the feeding off value
    trigger the echo
    var retline varchar2 (4000)
    coil c:\t1.sql
    Select 'set echo off' from dual;
    Select 'spool c:\recreatedata.sql' from dual;
    Select ' select "-these data was extracted on" | TO_CHAR (sysdate, "mm/dd/yyyy hh24" ") double;' double.

    -The following two lines as repeat as many times as the tables that you want to extract
    exec: retline: = ExtractData ('dept');
    print: retline;

    exec: retline: = ExtractData ('emp');
    print: retline;

    Select 'off spool' from dual;
    spool off

    -Step 3: run the updated c:\recreatedata.sql waiting for output to recreate the data.


    < / pre >


    Well what this script do.
    You will pass a table name as input to the function that will return varchar2 (string - insert statement). It will generate 2 t1.sql of sql script that contains the output sequence.

    Will use the first passed the user_tables scipt to check if the input table name exists and if there is the will reterive user_table_columns column names and generate the following sql script.
    Now, this t1.sql will run to generate a final sript formally orders insert that will run you on the target schema (make sure that the table exists).

    * #t1.sql*

    set echo off
    spool recreatedata.sql
    select '-- This data was extracted on '||to_char(sysdate,'mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi') from dual;
    select 'insert into MY_OBJECT1 ('||chr(10)||'OWNER,'||chr(10)||'TOTAL) values ('||decode(OWNER,Null,'Null',''''||OWNER||'''')||','||chr(10)||''||decode(TOTAL,Null,'Null',TOTAL)||');' from MY_OBJECT1;
    select '-- commit;' from dual;
    spool off

    Then @t1.sql runs, and the general insert for the infeed table table.

    -- This data was extracted on 03/09/2009 23:39
      VALUES   ('MDSYS', 92800);
      VALUES   ('TSMSYS', 256);
      VALUES   ('DMSYS', 15104);
      VALUES   ('TESTME', 128);
      VALUES   ('PUBLIC', 2571392);
      VALUES   ('OUTLN', 768);
      VALUES   ('CTXSYS', 21888);
      VALUES   ('OLAPSYS', 78336);
      VALUES   ('KLONDIKE', 2432);
      VALUES   ('SYSTEM', 51328);
      VALUES   ('EXFSYS', 21504);
      VALUES   ('DBSNMP', 4096);
      VALUES   ('ORDSYS', 216192);
      VALUES   ('SYSMAN', 111744);
    -- commit;

    Hope this helps

  • Extract data from database using php script and entry for datagrid.

    Hi all

    I intend to use the php script below to extract data from a database.

    I want to then display it in a datagrid control, the datagrid control has Ref columns job, the company and the position.

    The php script I have is

    <? PHP
    $hostname_conn = "localhost";
    $username_conn = "";
    $password_conn = "";

    $conn = mysql_connect ($hostname_conn, $username_conn, $password_conn);

    @mysql_select_db ("videochat");

    $query = "SELECT * FROM work."

    $result = mysql_query ($query);

    $row = mysql_fetch_array ($result);

    $ref = $row ["jobref"];
    $company = $row ['company'];
    $position = $row ["position"];

    echo "< Ref > $ref < / Ref >";
    echo "< company > $company < / company > ';
    echo "< location > $position < / location >."

    ? >

    Could someone show me how I chuck this data in a grid?

    Thank you


    You should start using the authority, either zendamf which is used by the data wizards in flashbuilder 4 or with amfphp which is probably better than zend but has not all nicities such as the creation of objects of value.


    This project uses amfphp, basically, it uses remoteobjects so returned php is in a ready to put directly into a grid or a datagroup arraycollection collection.

    If you need help with this sort of thing PM me and I can do a login session...

    the PHP services for calls used in the application


    class pets


    var $db_host = "localhost";

    var $db_name = "flashhub_pets";

    var $db_user = "flashhub_david";

    var $db_pwd = "david";

    function pets()


    Define the methodTable for this class in the constructor

    $this-> methodTable = array)

    "getPets"-online (table)

    'description' => 'Pets, database',

    'access' => 'remote '.




    function getAllPets()


    $mysql = mysql_connect ($this-> $this-> db_user, db_host), $this-> db_pwd;

    @mysql_select_db ($this-> db_name);

    $Query = "SELECT * from pet;

    $Result = mysql_query ($Query);

    return ($Result);


    function getTypeOfPets ($category)


    $mysql = mysql_connect ($this-> $this-> db_user, db_host), $this-> db_pwd;

    @mysql_select_db ($this-> db_name);

    $Query = "SELECT * from pet where CATEGORY = $category;

    $Result = mysql_query ($Query);

    return ($Result);


    function getCategories()


    $mysql = mysql_connect ($this-> $this-> db_user, db_host), $this-> db_pwd;

    @mysql_select_db ($this-> db_name);

    $Query = "SELECT * from category";

    $Result = mysql_query ($Query);

    return ($Result);





  • Query to extract data from source DB driver using process mapping pre...

    Hi all
    I have a source for the query to retrieve the data from the source database. Looking for suggestion what could be the best approach to extract data from the source database.using owb 11 GR 1 material.
    I'm in printing, create the process of mapping driver prerequisite for aid to perform immediate with Create table T1 as a sql query. Petition to the sides of the Insert into T1 Select * from Source_Table in the different database.

    Certainly, need to create Db users in the Source database, to get privileges to read the data of source_database.
    Is - this good aproach to or of any other alternative to achieve this.

    Means, create the table in the transit area (desired area, where I am) and using driver mapping process before you run the select query to retrieve data from a data source.

    Would apreciate your previous answer.
    Thank you

    You can mark Correct or useful if it solves your purpose.

  • Extracting data from table without refreshment and without using the tab key.

    Hi friends,

    I have a problem I want to extract data from table without discount in the text field without using the Tab key. When I enter a field value any value then the text corressponding should enter into corressponding textfield without using the Tab key.

    for example. When I get back emp_id 101 in a text field then first_name and last_name, address would come in to the text fields corressponding without refresh and use the Tab key.

    How can I do that.

    Thank you

    Hi Maury,

    I guess it's similar to: retrieving data without refreshing rather than Re: value of a textfield should enter into an another textfield without using the TAB ?

    If so, the only change you want to bring on the first is to use the parameter "Onkeyup" instead of "onchange" in the 'HTML Form attributes of the element' element.

    Note, however, that the user must move away from the issue at some point (for example, to click on a button), so the onchange will fire anyway.


  • extract data from XMLType using vbscript on OleDB?


    We have a problem where the XMLType column data to get in on Windows x 64 worked very well, but we have moved to Patch 21 and the column type changed to binary storage default, and we started to do read errors when the data was greater than 32 k (or so it seems).

    I opened a SR, and Oracle support sent me a VB script to test playback of the table on OleDB.  However, their script doesn't seem to work as announced, so after a lot of gooling, came to us with the following to read a column of xmltype - not the same table, just to test that the vbscript works:

    REM need to re-register the dll OLEDB as there is a problem with the oracle client and the dll registration

    REM start following an administrator command prompt

    REM regsvr32.exe c:\Users\finite9\oracle\product\11.2.0\client_2\bin\oraoledb11.dll

    the con value = createobject ("adodb.connection")

    con. Open "provider =; user id = finite9; password = password1; data source = TSTDB ".

    Set rs = createobject ("adodb.recordset")

    RS. Open 'select SW_REPLY changedate', con

    While not on the place. EXPRESSIONS OF FOLKLORE

    MsgBox rs. Fields ("ChangeDate"). Value

    RS. MoveNext


    RS. Close

    Set rs = nothing

    con. Close

    the value con = nothing

    This works perfectly and displays 12 rows in this column in a vbscript dialog box, but I am not able to do to extract the XMLType column clob data.  I try with for example. RS. Open 'select REPLYDATA.getclobval () from SW_REPLY', stupid but just get errors.

    Is it possible to extract data from XMLType on OleDB with vbscript?  It cannot be OleDB itself which poses problem, because it has worked in our application and although with < 32 k of data.  But it would be nice to have a working test case while we were able to test out our app.  If it is with vbscript or c# is irrelevant.

    ignore the message, it is possible.  Support of Oracle gave me this:

    the con value = createobject ("adodb.connection")

    con. Open "provider =; user id = finite9; password = password1; data source = DEVTST ".

    Set rs = createobject ("adodb.recordset")

    RS. Open "select t.REPLYDATA.getclobval () as xmltestdata OF SW_REPLY t", con

    While not on the place. EXPRESSIONS OF FOLKLORE

    MsgBox rs. Fields ("xmltestdata"). Value

    RS. MoveNext


    RS. Close

    Set rs = nothing

    con. Close

    the value con = nothing

    but there is a problem when xmldata exceeds a certain size.  small starters work well if.

  • I want to extract data from a PDF using Java

    I would prefer to extract data from a PDF file and convert them to XML. Is there an API that allows to convert a PDF to an Adobe XML format? Ideally, I would like to add a few JAR files to my classpath, similar to PDFBox. I don't want to install a bunch of components side server or something like that.

    Thank you!

    Then Adobe does not offer a solution that meets your needs - sorry.

    Our solution on the server side is our LiveCycle product family which, however, includes a collection of Java APIs.

  • How to extract data from SAP and COBOL using ODI

    Hi people,

    Can you please let me know the procedures in ODI to extract data from SAP and COBOL?

    Thank you all for the help.


    You can download the Patch 8571830 to Oracle metalink.

    It has a new technology 'SAP ABAP' and KMs to extract and load data-
    RKM SAP ERP and SAP to Oracle ERP LKM.

    Thank you

  • How to use a substitution variable in a rule of load?

    I need to use a substitution variable in a rule of load in a column, I will receive a parameter to correct the month and year of the values in the loading data, could someone tell me if this is possible. I put an expression '& Yearproc' in the value column, but it does not work.

    If you are a member of the WORLD (or even if not, you can register for free associate membership) you can download the presentation from Glenn since 2009 Kaleidoscope "little used Essbase features (such as data mining and triggers) ' - there is a section to this presentation on the substitution variables - it does a great job showing how it works.

    Go to:, and then Tech, then Essbase/Hyperion resources and search for Schwartzberg. It is currently the ninth presentation on the list - I think that this change based on the popularity of downloads.

    Kind regards

    Cameron Lackpour

  • 1074118649 error occurred at niUSRP extract data from Rx (2D CBD) .vi


    When I was trying the example of the USRP OR which is "niUSRP EX Rx synchronized to multiple entries (MIMO Expansion)", a mistake is released which is

    1074118649 error occurred at niUSRP extract data from Rx (2D CBD) .vi

    A workflow command has been issued in the past.

    can anyboay help me solve the problem?

    Thank you very much


    Hi andy,.

    what you need to do is reversing the Oder river where the screw niUSRP the value and niUSRP configure a1.1ppear. Time of first setting then set up trigger. The example works correctly with version 1.1, since you are using version 1.2, that changes must be made.

    In the example, you can set the clock to standard time (start time = 0) even if you had already triggered the reception. Thus, samples received will be acquired with time stamp later where the error.

    Best regards

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