UTL_HTTP: ORA-29259: end-of-input reaches the web service call error

Hi gurus,

I'm calling the DB using UTL_HTTP webservice, but I keep getting the following error.  Please note that I am calling only HTTP and HTTPS.

ORA-29273: HTTP request failed

ORA-06512: at "SYS." UTL_HTTP", line 1369

ORA-29259: end-of-input reached

ORA-06512: at "APL_GLOGEXTN. APL_INT_BEM', line 20

ORA-06512: at "APL_GLOGEXTN. APL_INT_BEM', line 50

ORA-06512: at line 1

29273 00000 - "the HTTP request failed.

* Cause: The UTL_HTTP package cannot run the HTTP request.

* Action: Use get_detailed_sqlerrm to check the detailed error message.

Correct the error and restart the HTTP request.

Status code: 1

I call a Web service using the code below

exec utl_http.set_proxy ("");



and the details of the PL/SQL package is expected at the point.

create or replace

package body 'DTS_INT_BEM' as












UTL_HTTP. SET_HEADER (R = > HTTP_REQUEST, name = > 'Content-Type' ', value = > ' text/xml; charset = utf-8 ');

UTL_HTTP. SET_HEADER (r = > http_request, name = > 'Content-Length', value = > LENGTH (REQUEST_ENVELOPE));

UTL_HTTP. SET_HEADER (R = > HTTP_REQUEST, name = > 'SOAPAction', value = > 'Start');


dbms_output.put_line (' status code: 1');



P_RETURN_STS: = HTTP_RESPONSE.reason_phrase;














Procedure CALL_BEM / * (-type_objet_p IN VARCHAR2)

-p_process_name in varchar2,

-p_response out varchar2




l_endpoint_url VARCHAR2 (200): =' ';

l_soap_request VARCHAR2 (30000): = NULL;

l_bpel_return_sts VARCHAR2 (3000);


" l_soap_request: = ' < soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv = ' http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/SOAP/envelope/ "xmlns:bus =" " http://xmlns.Oracle.com/BPMN/bpmnProcess/BusinessRuleProcess ' > < soapenv:Header / > < soapenv:Body > < bus: departure > < Transmission xmlns = " http://xmlns.Oracle.com/apps/OTM " "targetNamespace =" http://xmlns.Oracle.com/apps/OTM "> < TransmissionBody > < GLogXMLElement > < PlannedShipment xmlns =" http://xmlns.Oracle.com/apps/OTM "> < delivery > < ShipmentHeader > < ShipmentGid > < Gid > < domain_name > DTS/EXE < / domain_name > < Xid > 01409 < / Xid > < / Gid > < / ShipmentGid > < ShipmentRefnum > < ShipmentRefnumQualifierGid > < Gid > < Xid > GLOG < / Xid > < / Gid > < / ShipmentRefnumQualifierGid > < ShipmentRefnumValue > DTS/EXE.01409 < / ShipmentRefnumValue > < / ShipmentRefnum > < ShipmentRefnum > < ShipmentRefnumQualifierGid > < Gid '" > < Xid > BM < / Xid > < / Gid > < / ShipmentRefnumQualifierGid > < ShipmentRefnumValue > RIAD-000235 < / ShipmentRefnumValue > < / ShipmentRefnum > < TransactionCode > NP < / TransactionCode > < ServiceProviderGid > < Gid > < domain_name > DTS/DATA < / domain_name > < Xid > RIAD < / Xid > < / Gid > < / ServiceProviderGid > < ServiceProviderAlias > < ServiceProviderAliasQualifierGid > < Gid > < Xid > GLOG < / Xid > < / Gid > < /. ServiceProviderAliasQualifierGid > < ServiceProviderAliasValue > DTS/DATA. RIAD < / ServiceProviderAliasValue > < / ServiceProviderAlias > < RateServiceGid > < Gid > < domain_name > DTS/PCM < / domain_name > < Xid > VESSEL_SERVICE < / Xid > < / Gid > < / RateServiceGid > < TransportModeGid > < Gid > < Xid > BOAT-CO < / Xid > < / Gid > < / TransportModeGid > < TotalWeightVolume > < WeightVolume > < weight > < WeightValue > 57.0 < / WeightValue > < WeightUOMGid > < Gid > < Xid > KG < / Xid > < / Gid > < / WeightUOMGid > < / weight > < Volume > < VolumeValue > 0.3 < / VolumeValue > < VolumeUOMGid > < Gid > < Xid > CUMTR < / Xid > < / Gid > < / VolumeUOMGid > < / Volume > < / WeightVolume > < / TotalWeightVolume > < TotalShipUnitCount > 8 < / TotalShipUnitCount > < StartDt > < GLogDate > 20140217124300 < / GLogDate > < TZId > Asia/Hong_Kong < / TZId > < TZOffset > + 08:00 < / TZOffset > < / StartDt > < EndDt > < GLogDate > 20140311234300 < / GLogDate > < TZId > America/Chicago < / TZId > < TZOffset > - 05:00 < / TZOffset > < / EndDt > < SourceLocationRef > < LocationRef > < LocationGid > < Gid > < domain_name > DTS/DATA < / domain_name > < Xid > HKHKG < / Xid > < / Gid > < / LocationGid > < / LocationRef > < / SourceLocationRef > < / ShipmentHeader > < / shipping > < / PlannedShipment > < / GLogXMLElement > < / TransmissionBody > < / Transmission > < / bus: start > < / soapenv:Body > < / soapenv:Envelope > ';

invoke_bpel_ws (l_endpoint_url, l_soap_request, l_bpel_return_sts);

dbms_output.put_line ('-' | l_bpel_return_sts);



Thanks in advance for the help.


Hi Billy,

Thanks for the reply. It was with the proxy setting.

Once UTL_HTTP. SET_PROXY has been set properly, I no longer get the error of end-of-input.

Thanks for the help...

Kind regards


Tags: Database

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    Hi all

    I call using UTL_HTTP and SOAP_API Web services, mentioned below, similarly

    FUNCTION to CREATE or REPLACE add_numbers (p_int_1 in NUMBER, p_int_2 number)



    l_request soap_api.t_request;

    l_response soap_api.t_response;

    l_return VARCHAR2 (32767).

    l_url VARCHAR2 (32767).

    l_namespace VARCHAR2 (32767).

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    " l_namespace: = ' xmlns =" http://Oracle-base.com/webservices/ "';

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    soap_api.add_parameter (p_request = > l_request,)

    p_name = > "int2"

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    p_value = > p_int_2);

    l_response: = soap_api.invoke (p_request = > l_request,)

    p_url = > l_url,

    p_action = > l_soap_action);

    l_return: = soap_api.get_return_value (p_response = > l_response,)

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    p_namespace = > NULL);

    RETURN l_return;


    It works very well when the number of records is less (the XML output is small), but when the number of records in the source database is passed then I'm not able to get the output XML file.

    I get the error message,

    error code:-29273, msg error: ORA-29273: HTTP request failed

    ORA-06512: at "SYS." UTL_HTTP", line 1369

    ORA-29259: end-of-input reached

    I am gettting error on line,


    Can someone help me with this problem? Is it possible to increase the size HTTP_RESPONSE?

    Thank you

    Abbas Qureshi


    have you checked the end of your XML data? You wrote:

    > Looped it returns two values XML we have a length 32767 and other is 122.
    Perhaps you can see which part of your HTTP response is missing.

    Kind regards


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    Thank you


    Your file config.xml needs the ip address or the url in the "whitelist".  Use the access for that tag.  for example:


    The piece above is not secure because it whitelists ALL------* areas.  You can put your url in the uri.

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    Thank you


    It will work only after that the process is 'complete'.. then you need to check the status... .and when that is complete, then you can check the results.


  • missing namespace for the parameters in the web service call

    We try to call a web service developed by Java & XFire. The WSDL is valid for WS - I Basic Profile and it works very well with SoapUI. The query generated automatically by SoapUI is the following:

    "" "" "< soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv = ' http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/ ' xmlns: your =" http://www.example.org/test8/ " xmlns:tes1 =" http://www.example.org/test8 "> "
    < soapenv:Header / >
    < soapenv:Body >
    < your: parameters >
    < a >
    < tes1:id > 44444444444445 < / tes1:id >
    < tes1:b >
    < tes1:id >? < / tes1:id >
    < / tes1:b >
    < /a >
    < id >? < /ID >
    < / your: parameters >
    < / soapenv:Body >
    < / soapenv:Envelope >

    When we put this in Flex, what we are seeing is that the namespace for the parameters element is missing. We see it in the proxy logs. The server receives this message and parameters is not in namespace, so the server complains that the parameters is missing. We can reproduce this exact behavior by removing namespace in the query with SoapUI.

    The question is why flex removes namespace for the element parameters?

    We use the literal to the WSDL document, and I paste below. We have been stuck on this for over a week, so if anyone has any suggestions I would be eternally grateful. Thank you

    <? XML version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"? >
    < wsdl:definitions
    ' xmlns:SOAP =' http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/soap/ "
    ' xmlns:TNS =' http://www.example.org/test8/ '
    ' xmlns:WSDL =' http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/ '
    "container =" http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema "
    name = "test8".
    targetNamespace =" http://www.example.org/test8/" > "
    WSDL: < types >
    < xsd: Schema
    "targetNamespace =" http://www.example.org/test8/ "
    xmlns:Q1 =" http://www.example.org/test8" > "
    < xsd: import
    schemaLocation = "Test8.xsd."
    namespace =" http://www.example.org/test8" > "
    < / xsd: import >

    < xsd: complexType name = "fooRequestType" >
    < xsd: SEQUENCE >
    < xsd: ELEMENT
    name = "a".
    Type = "Q1:A" >
    < / xsd: element >
    < xsd: ELEMENT
    name = "id".
    Type = "xsd: String" >
    < / xsd: element >
    < / xsd: SEQUENCE >
    < / xsd: complexType >
    < xsd: complexType name = "fooResponseType" >
    < xsd: SEQUENCE >
    < xsd: ELEMENT
    name = "b".
    Type = "Q1:B" >
    < / xsd: element >
    < xsd: ELEMENT
    name = "id".
    Type = "xsd: String" >
    < / xsd: element >
    < / xsd: SEQUENCE >
    < / xsd: complexType >
    < / xsd: Schema >
    < / wsdl: types >
    < name of the WSDL: message = "fooRequest" >
    < wsdl: part
    name = "parameters".
    Type = "tns:fooRequestType" / >
    < / wsdl: message >
    < name of the WSDL: message = "fooResponse" >
    < wsdl: part
    name = "parameters".
    Type = "tns:fooResponseType" / >
    < / wsdl: message >
    < name of wsdl: portType = "Test8" >
    < name of wsdl: Operation = "foo" >
    < message wsdl: Input = "tns:fooRequest" / >
    < message wsdl: output = "tns:fooResponse" / >
    < / wsdl: Operation >
    < / wsdl: portType >
    < wsdl: Binding
    name = "Test8SOAP".
    Type = "tns:Test8" >
    < soap binding:
    style = "document".
    "transport =" http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/http " / >
    < name of wsdl: Operation = "foo" >
    WSDL: input >
    < use of soap: body = "literal" / >
    < / wsdl: Input >
    < wsdl: output >
    < use of soap: body = "literal" / >
    < / wsdl: output >
    < / wsdl: Operation >
    < / wsdl: Binding >
    < wsdl:service name = "Test8" >
    < wsdl: port
    Binding = "tns:Test8SOAP."
    name = "Test8SOAP" >
    "" < soap: address location = ' http://www.example.org/test8 ' / >
    < / wsdl: port >
    < / wsdl:service >
    < / wsdl:definitions >

    the XSD containing A and B:

    <? XML version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"? >
    "" "" "" < scheme xmlns = " http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" targetNamespace = ' http://www.example.org/test8 ' xmlns:tns = ' http://www.example.org/test8 ' elementFormDefault = "qualified" >

    < name complexType = 'A' >
    < element
    name = "id".
    Type = "string" >
    < / item >
    < element
    name = "b".
    Type = "tns:B" >
    < / item >
    < / sequence >
    < / complexType >

    < complexType name = "B" >
    < element
    name = "id".
    Type = "string" >
    < / item >
    < / sequence >
    < / complexType >
    < / schema >

    The solution seems to be that Flex doesn't support unwrapped no literal document. Flex only supports rpc literal or literal wrapped document. This seems to be because flex adds the name of the xml message method and in the unpacked literal document there is no message name in the soap message.

    It took a lot of time to understand this, partly because we did not know exactly what is wrapped meant (there is no option in Eclipse WTP for her, no way to verify no wrapped with a tool, etc.). If Flex said that she did not support unpacking literal document we would have saved ourselves a week or two.

  • The secure web service call error.


    I try to access a web service secured through a simple BPEL process in SOA Suite 11 g. When I test it through the company Manager, I get the following error. Since this is a guarantee websecure I put the policy(oracle/wss_username_token_client_policy) WS in the external reference and also provided identifying information. If someone had a similar error or know the solution please let me know. Also, I'm not sure if its related to security, or is - the way I am calling the service.

    Error message:
    Error ID reference: 80014
    Lack of time may 22, 2011 12:54:45
    Anomaly of the non-recoverable system:
    javax.xml.ws.soap.SOAPFaultException: 99999: unknown Service

    Error message: {http://schemas.oracle.com/bpel/extension} remoteFault
    Error default/Mocking!1.0*soa_be35cb3e-5f05-49df-a696-a653d5703681/BPELProcess1/30017-BpInv0-BpSeq0.3-3 ID
    Lack of time may 22, 2011 12:54:46

    Anomaly of the non-recoverable system:
    < bpelFault > < faultType > 0 < / faultType > < remoteFault xmlns = "http://schemas.oracle.com/bpel/extension" > < a name = "summary" part > < summary > 99999: unknown Service < / summary > < / part > < part name = "detail" > < details > & lt; con xmlns:Con: fault = "http://www.bea.com/wli/sb/context" > & lt; Con: errorCode > 99999 & lt; / con: error code > & lt; Con: reason > unknown Service & lt; / con: reason > & lt; Con: location > & lt; Con: node > PipelinePairNode1 & lt; / con: node > & lt; Con: pipeline > PipelinePairNode1_request & lt; / con: pipeline > & lt; Con: Stadium > stage1 & lt; / con: Stadium > & lt; / con: location > & lt; / con: fault > < / detail > < / part > < part name = "code" > < SOAP: server code > < / code > < / piece > < / remoteFault > < / bpelFault >

    This occurs if you have several (different webservices) WSDL imported into your project and they share common artifacts(XSD's). In this case, what you do, it's just that you separated from xsd to wsdl and deleted conflicts. This approach is suggested when you do not have control on WSDL that may be provided by different team and they all share common XSD.

    Thank you

  • best practices for the web service call

    Can I add a web service by using the standard data connection Wizard - works fine. I can also do it in Javascript which give me a little more flexibility. Is there a guideline or wisdom for which is better?

    Everything depends on your condition...

    For example, if you know your address Web service at the time of the design itself, then it would be better to put in the tab of data connection.

    But if your webservice address changes at runtime based on the environment in that your application is deployed, then you can use the java script code to change the webservice dynamically address.

    Thank you


  • Conversion error in CFML arguments to the Java classes for the web service call.

    Hi all.

    I'm working on writing a small application that uses a web service that is provided by our IVR (Angel.com). I am able to connect, however, when I try to do something with complex objects, I get the error indicated in the title.

    He seems to have a problem with the table because when I remove it, or it becomes a simple string, I get errors on the function could not be found. I'm relatively new to web services, and especially dealing with complex data types, so any help would be appreciated.

    You can see my test page to


    I use the language WSDL can be found at


    Some examples of code that does what I want to do in Java / Apache Axis


    Here is a description of the function that I have problems with


    And my code is attached.

         <cfset email = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx">
         <cfset pin = "xxxxxxxxxxxx">
         <cfinvoke webservice="http://www.angel.com/outbound/wsdl/OutboundCallService.wsdl" method="login" returnvariable="login">
              <cfinvokeargument name="email" value="#email#"/>
              <cfinvokeargument name="pin" value="#pin#"/>
         <cfdump var="#login#">
         <cfset Token = login.getToken()>
         <cfdump var="#token#">
         <cfset CallItem.maxWaitTime = 100>
         <cfset CallItem.phoneNumbers[1] = "7632344306">
         <cfset CallItem.siteNumber = 100041>
         <cfinvoke webservice="http://www.angel.com/outbound/wsdl/OutboundCallService.wsdl" method="placeCall" returnvariable="call">
              <cfinvokeargument name="Token" value="#Token#"/>
              <cfinvokeargument name="CallItem" value="#CallItem#"/>
         <cfdump var="#call#">

    If you are not initializing phoneNumbers tabular before adjustment


    It will be passed as a structure with a key of 1.  This could cause your conversion of argument error.



    Will result in

    1 7632344306
    SITENUMBER 100041

    Will result in

    1 7632344306
    SITENUMBER 100041

    -Jason Morgan

  • Dump of the results of the Web Service call in the container

    Hi, I was not able to get my webservice call to work yet, but I'm curious as to what I can dump results in inspection? Rich text editor, text or other area?

    Thank you!

    OK, I'm a newbie at this and I find it really useful and easy to use. Shows all the different types of traffic generated in an easy to use/display format. Very well designed tool! I'm going to buy a license shortly... Thanks for the tip!

  • APEX 4.2.3 consume the web service returning a PDF problem

    Using APEX 4.2.3 on a database of Oracle 11 g R2, Firefox 31.7, we ask a service web restful one before the process of page header, to download a PDF Code file used:


    CLOB l_clob;

    l_blob blob.

    l_sql_delimiter varchar2 (30);

    l_lang_context integer: = DBMS_LOB. DEFAULT_LANG_CTX;

    l_warning integer: = DBMS_LOB. WARN_INCONVERTIBLE_CHAR;

    l_dest_offset integer: = 1;

    l_source_offset integer: = 1;

    l_Json VARCHAR2 (4000);


    l_clob: = null;

    DBMS_LOB.CREATETEMPORARY (l_blob, true);

    -Generate here the content of your file in l_clob.


    hr_Pkg.call_rest_webservice (l_Json, 'TestME.Pdf', l_Clob);

    Logger.log ('CLOB SIZE IN PAGE: ' | sys.) DBMS_LOB. GetLength (l_clob));

    sys. HTP.init;

    sys.owa_util.mime_header (' application/pdf', FALSE, 'UTF-8');

    sys. HTP.p ("Content-length: ' |") sys.DBMS_LOB.GetLength (l_clob));

    sys. HTP.p ('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename = "TestME.Pdf" ');


    () DBMS_LOB.converttoblob

    dest_lob = > l_blob,

    src_clob = > l_clob,

    amount = > DBMS_LOB. LOBMAXSIZE,

    dest_offset = > l_dest_offset,

    offset = > l_source_offset,

    blob_csid = > DBMS_LOB. DEFAULT_CSID,

    lang_context = > l_lang_context,

    WARNING = > l_warning


    Logger.log ("SIZE of BLOB: ' |") sys. DBMS_LOB. GetLength (l_blob));

    sys.wpg_docload.download_file (l_blob);


    exception when others then

    sys. HTP. PRN (' error: ' |) SQLERRM);



    We run in the question, that the PDF file is empty with the exception of a few fill-able fields that must be completed in advance by the call to the web service.

    When you run the web service directly from the browser, the PDF that is generated is very well and seems to be complete. And the size of the file that is created as the clob from the web service call is exactly the same size it as the pdf file received directly from the web service.

    When we compare the size of the clob to the size of the blob, we see that the blob is slightly larger in size than the clob.

    Any suggestions? (Sample code for posting to the hosted site for Oracle will not work because you can not call the hosted instance web services and web service is hosted BEHIND our firewall).

    Thank you

    Tony Miller
    Software LuvMuffin
    Ruckersville, WILL

    Problem is resolved... As opposed to the use of the APEX apex_web_service.make_rest_request must use the utl_http.begin_request and then treats the query returned through utl_http. READ_RAW and who then saving it in a temporary BLOB.

    Maybe when we update to the APEX 5, I'll see if I can deal with it using standard APEX packages...

    Thank you

    Tony Miller
    Software LuvMuffin
    Salt Lake City, UT

  • How to get the response from the web service


    My requirement is necessary send the UI ADF input parameter and get web service respone. I created proxy WSDL-based methods. Now in my action button earpiece that I wrote the logic below.

    {} public void submitAction (ActionEvent actionEvent)
    Add the code in the event here...
    BigDecimal merNam = null;
    String number = this.it1.getValue (m:System.NET.SocketAddress.ToString ()); my entry value
    merNam = new BigDecimal (number);
    MV MerchantValidate = new MerchantValidate(); / / created by jdeveloper when proxy generation.
    mv.setMerchantNumber (merNam); / / the value input to the web service
    System.out.println ("merchant number is:" + mv.getMerchantNumber ());

    Mr. MerchantValidateResponse = new MerchantValidateResponse(); / / create object of response class
    String result = mr.getResult (); / / try to get the answer
    System.out.println ("result:" + result); / / I'm getting null as a result
    / * this.setResult (mr.getResult ());
    System.out.println ("the answer is:" + this.getResult ()); * /

    Can someone help how to pass values to the web service and get the response. And how can we get the Web service data control.

    It's very urgent pls help. I'm not for this technology.



    You can view the tutorial for a good understanding on creation and use of a Web Service data control:


    Thank you

  • How to consume the web service using PLSQL in 11g


    I created a site using jDeveloper, web services which when I put in the web browser and press enter, it will display the settings screen and when I pass the value for the parameter, and then it displays the output of the XML returned by the PL/SQL (called in the Web Service) package. Now, I want to call this webservice in PL/SQL and read XML data and fill in the staging table. Can anyone suggest me how to achieve this functionality by using Oracle PL/SQL

    I use the database 11g and jDeveloper Version :-Studio Edition version

    Thank you very much in advance.


    The WSDL file describes the web service.

    To obtain the WSDL, you enter the URL of the web service and add some ? WSDL to the URL. This indicates the web service to return to its definition.

    For example

    URL of the Web Service: http://wsf.cdyne.com/WeatherWS/Weather.asmx

    WSDL URL: http://wsf.cdyne.com/WeatherWS/Weather.asmx?WSDL

    When you read (using 'web browser' UTL_HTTPpackage) the XML response from the web service, read as strings (PL/SQL varchar2, size 32 K max).

    You should read the answer as the strings, then writing/writeappend these channels in a CLOB (using the DBMS_LOB package). If you are VERY sure that the web service call ALWAYS returns an XML of less than 32 k, you can skip using a CLOB.

    Whatever it is, read you the response from the web service in the form of text (such as plain text, it is what is sent). The next step on your part is to parse text into an XML DOM (document object model) - and storing the DOM in an Oracle XmlType variable.

    When in a DOM, you can use Oracle XML functions to extract the attributes and values of the key element of the response from the web service.

  • Database does not start... ALTER database open; change the database open * ERROR at line 1: ORA-03113: end of file on the channel of communication process ID: 10400 Session ID: 418 serial number: 3 -.

    HI during startup of the database of the following errors is. Please help solve the problem.

    SQL > alter database open;

    change the database open * ERROR at line 1: ORA-03113: end of file on the channel of communication process ID: 10400 Session ID: 418 serial number: 3 -.


    Please see the alerts log entries



    Oracle Database 11 g Enterprise Edition Release - 64 bit Production

    With the options of partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing.

    Using parameters in spfile D:\APP\ADMINISTRATOR\PRODUCT\11.2.0\DBHOME_1\DATABASE\SPFILEATTNDPRD server-side. ORA

    Parameters of the system with default values:

    process = 400

    sessions = 624

    memory_target = 4G



    DB_BLOCK_SIZE = 8192

    compatible = ""

    log_archive_format = "ARC%S_%R.%T."

    db_create_file_dest = 'D:\oracle\oradata. '

    db_create_online_log_dest_1 = "D:\oracle\oradata".

    db_create_online_log_dest_2 = "C:\oracle\oradata".

    db_recovery_file_dest = 'C:\oracle\oradata\flash_area. '

    db_recovery_file_dest_size = 8G

    undo_tablespace = 'UNDOTBS1.

    Remote_login_passwordfile = "EXCLUSIVE."

    db_domain = «»

    dispatchers = "(PROTOCOL=TCP) (SERVICE = ATTNDPRDXDB)" "


    AUDIT_TRAIL = 'DB '.

    db_name = "ATTNDPRD".

    open_cursors = 300

    diagnostic_dest = "D:\APP\ADMINISTRATOR".

    Sun 24 May 13:43:09 2015

    PMON started with pid = 2, OS id = 5792

    Sun 24 May 13:43:09 2015

    VKTM started with pid = 3, OS id = 6500 high priority

    VKTM clocked at (10) precision of milliseconds with DBRM quantum (100) ms

    Sun 24 May 13:43:09 2015

    GEN0 started with pid = 4, OS id = 13072

    Sun 24 May 13:43:09 2015

    DIAG started with pid = 5, OS id = 1424

    Sun 24 May 13:43:09 2015

    DBRM started with pid = 6, OS id = 8240

    Sun 24 May 13:43:09 2015

    PSP0 started with pid = 7, OS id = 2980

    Sun 24 May 13:43:09 2015

    DIA0 started with pid = 8, OS id = 12956

    Sun 24 May 13:43:09 2015

    MA started with pid = 9, OS id = 13356

    Sun 24 May 13:43:09 2015

    DBW0 started with pid = 10, OS id = 14248

    Sun 24 May 13:43:09 2015

    DBW1 started with pid = 11, OS id = 17900

    Sun 24 May 13:43:09 2015

    LGWR started with pid = 12, OS id = 5564

    Sun 24 May 13:43:09 2015

    CKPT started with pid = 13, OS id = 16736

    Sun 24 May 13:43:09 2015

    SMON started with pid = 14, OS id = 14068

    Sun 24 May 13:43:09 2015

    RECCE has started with pid = 15, OS id = 16288

    Sun 24 May 13:43:09 2015

    MMON started with pid = 16, OS id = 10884

    commissioning 1 dispatcher (s) for '(ADDRESS =(PARTIAL=YES) (PROTOCOL = TCP))' network address...

    commissioning or shared server 1...

    Environment ORACLE_BASE = D:\app\Administrator

    Sun 24 May 13:43:09 2015


    Sun 24 May 13:43:09 2015

    MMNL started with pid = 17, OS id = 16128

    Mount of redo thread 1, with mount id 3325657453

    Database mounted in exclusive Mode

    Disabled lost write protect


    Sun 24 May 13:43:23 2015

    change the database open

    Sun 24 May 13:43:23 2015


    Sun 24 May 13:43:23 2015

    Arc0 started with pid = 21, OS id = 10084

    Arc0: Started archiving



    Sun 24 May 13:43:24 2015

    Arc1 started with pid = 22, OS id = 18400

    Sun 24 May 13:43:24 2015

    ARC2 started with pid = 23, OS id = 17280

    Arc1: Started archiving

    ARC2: Started archiving

    Arc1: become the "no FAL' ARCH

    Arc1: become the "no SRL" ARCH

    ARC2: Become the heartbeat ARCH

    Errors in the d:\app\administrator\diag\rdbms\attndprd\attndprd\trace\attndprd_ora_10400.trc file:

    ORA-19815: WARNING: db_recovery_file_dest_size 8589934592 bytes is 100.00% used and has 0 bytes remaining available.


    You have choice to free up space in the recovery area:

    1 consider changing STRATEGY OF RETENTION of RMAN. If you are using Data Guard

    then consider changing POLICY of DELETE ARCHIVELOG RMAN.

    2 back up files on a tertiary device such as a tape with RMAN


    3. Add space drive and increase the db_recovery_file_dest_size setting to

    reflect the new space.

    4 remove the unnecessary files using the RMAN DELETE command. If a service

    the system control has been used to remove the files, and then use the RMAN DUPLICATION and

    Commands DELETE has EXPIRED.


    Errors in the d:\app\administrator\diag\rdbms\attndprd\attndprd\trace\attndprd_ora_10400.trc file:

    ORA-19809: limit exceeded for file recovery

    ORA-19804: cannot recover disk 44571136 bytes limit 8589934592 space

    ARCH: 19809 error creating archive log file to ' C:\ORACLE\ORADATA\FLASH_AREA\ATTNDPRD\ARCHIVELOG\2015_05_24\O1_MF_1_10343_%U_. ARC'

    Errors in the d:\app\administrator\diag\rdbms\attndprd\attndprd\trace\attndprd_ora_10400.trc file:

    ORA-16038: log 2 # 10343 sequence can be archived

    ORA-19809: limit exceeded for file recovery

    ORA-00312: wire 2 1 online journal: ' D:\ORACLE\ORADATA\ATTNDPRD\ONLINELOG\O1_MF_2_8LRQYD8B_. JOURNAL"

    ORA-00312: wire 2 1 online journal: ' C:\ORACLE\ORADATA\ATTNDPRD\ONLINELOG\O1_MF_2_8LRQYDF6_. JOURNAL"

    USER (ospid: 10400): put an end to litigation because of the error 16038

    Sun 24 May 13:43:24 2015

    ARC3 started with pid = 24, OS id = 2188

    Errors in the d:\app\administrator\diag\rdbms\attndprd\attndprd\trace\attndprd_arc2_17280.trc file:

    ORA-19815: WARNING: db_recovery_file_dest_size 8589934592 bytes is 100.00% used and has 0 bytes remaining available.


    You have choice to free up space in the recovery area:

    1 consider changing STRATEGY OF RETENTION of RMAN. If you are using Data Guard

    then consider changing POLICY of DELETE ARCHIVELOG RMAN.

    2 back up files on a tertiary device such as a tape with RMAN


    3. Add space drive and increase the db_recovery_file_dest_size setting to

    reflect the new space.

    4 remove the unnecessary files using the RMAN DELETE command. If a service

    the system control has been used to remove the files, and then use the RMAN DUPLICATION and

    Commands DELETE has EXPIRED.


    Instance of stopped by USER, pid = 10400





    Now it works very well... with following


    using sqlplus

    • Startup mount
    • ALTER database noarchivelog;
    • ALTER database open;





  • How to add THE web service to the ACL?

    I want to access a web service from a PL/SQL procedure (using UTL_HTTP) since a 11g R2 database. However, before you do anything, I need to give access to the web service by adding the web service to the access control list (ACL).

    I want to test the web service is full here: http://www.service-repository.com/service/overview/-1789095104

    This is a free WS, you can use to test the code WS.  The endpoint is http://www.w3schools.com/webservices/tempconvert.asmx

    Therefore, adding www.w3schools.com to list ACL will be fine, I think? Am I wrong?

    I tried the method below but I get this error and the user guide is not clear what to do.

    SQL > exec dbms_network_acl_admin.assign_acl (LCD = > 'temp_ws1.xml', host = > 'www.w3schools.com');

    BEGIN dbms_network_acl_admin.assign_acl (LCD = > 'temp_ws1.xml', host = > 'www.w3schools.com'); END;


    ERROR on line 1:

    ORA-31001: handle or path of the invalid resource name ' / sys/acls/temp_ws1.xml '.

    ORA-06512: at "SYS." DBMS_SYS_ERROR', line 86

    ORA-06512: at "SYS." DBMS_NETWORK_ACL_ADMIN', line 94

    ORA-06512: at "SYS." DBMS_NETWORK_ACL_ADMIN', line 479

    ORA-06512: at line 1

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.


    host-online "www.w3shools.com."

    is not the same thing as this,

    host-online "www.w3schools.com".

  • Call to Web Service of Oracle PL/SQL not to call the Web service in SOA Server


    Try to call the Web service to oralce pl/sql function

    created a function

    Unable to invoke the web service from the server of the SOA.


    Server sys.utl_dbws. SERVICE;

    APPEL_ sys.utl_dbws. CALL;

    service_qname sys.utl_dbws. QNAME;

    port_qname sys.utl_dbws. QNAME;

    response sys. XMLTYPE;

    application sys. XMLTYPE;


    sys.utl_dbws.set_http_proxy ("hostname: Port'");

    service_qname: = sys.utl_dbws.to_qname ("ns1", "process");

    Server: = sys.utl_dbws.create_service (service_qname);

    APPEL_: = sys.utl_dbws.create_call (server);

    sys.utl_dbws.set_target_endpoint_address (APPEL_, ' http:/host name: port/soa-infra/services/OFS/HelloWorld/helloworld_client_ep ');

    sys.utl_dbws.set_property (APPEL_, 'OPERATION_STYLE', 'process');

    asks: = sys. XMLTYPE ("< ns1:process xmlns:ns1 ="http://xmlns.oracle.com/OFSOrderServices/HelloWorld/HelloWorld"> < ns1:input > < / ns1:input > < / ns1:process > '"); 

    answer: = sys.utl_dbws.invoke (APPEL_, request);

    return response.extract('//HelloWorld/child::text() ','http://xmlns.oracle.com/OFSOrderServices/HelloWorld/HelloWorld'). getstringval(); 

    DBMS_OUTPUT. Put_line ("values of the OutputsVariables8");

    -Of return ';


    Run - the code below:

    Select HelloWorld_WebServices ('Hi') to double;


    ORA-29532: Java call terminated by eception Java exception: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError

    ORA-06512: at "SYS." UTL_DBWS', line 403

    ORA-06512: at "SYS." UTL_DBWS', line 400

    ORA-06512: at the 'APPS '. HELLOWORLD_WEBSERVICES', line 74

    29532 00000 - "Java call terminated by eception Java exception: %s."

    * Cause: A mistake or a Java exception has been reported and could not be

    solved by Java code.

    * Action: Modify Java code, if this behavior is not expected.


    Fixed the error

    After loading once again of DBA and network provided access files JAR/JVM firewall

    and the correction on the threshold

    Return response.extract (' / result/child::text () ','xmlns = "http://xmlns.oracle.com/OFSOrderServices/HelloWorld/HelloWorld" '). getstringval();

Maybe you are looking for