Validation of text fields


How do next: I have the 'TF' text field, I want only the values: 0, 1 could be entered in this field (like a mask). If I for example go value_2 it is not all simply it.

Thank you.


Use a dynamic action "Advanced" - on the unlock key.

use what the code

var theValue = $('#P1_FILE_MIMETYPE').val();
if (theValue!=0&&theValue!=1) {

or more cryptic:

if ($('#P1_FILE_MIMETYPE').val()!=0&&$('#P1_FILE_MIMETYPE').val()!=1) {

Kind regards

Tags: Database

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    I created a PDF form and need a text field which I formatted to a date field to validate if a date has been entered. For example if I have tab on this area and there are no registration, I want an alert to be produced by telling the user that the field is in need of a date is valid. Thank you

    Figured it out.

    onBlur for this area, I used:

    If {(lastValueInvalid)
    Event.Target.Value = "";
    lastValueInvalid = false;

    If (event.value == "") {}
    App.Alert ("required field (cannot be empty): Please enter a valid Date of decision (example: 03/04/2015) ');

    Then I added under the Javascript:

    lastValueInvalid = false;

    function FCDate_Keystroke (errorMessage, format)


    var value = AFMergeChange (event);

    If (! value)


    If (event.willCommit)


    var date = AFParseDateEx (event.value, format);

    If (! date)


    FieldValidationPending = true;

    lastValueInvalid = true;

    If (! event.silenceErrors)

    App.Alert (ErrorMessage);

    } else {}

    FieldValidationPending = false;

    lastValueInvalid = false;



    on the other


    If (!.) FC_DATE_KEYSTROKE_RE.test (value))


    App.Beep (0);

    Event.RC = false;




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    Can someone help me to give better suggestion.

    Kind regards
    Harish Sharma

    1002384 wrote:

    Thanks for the reply, but I'm still confused, I put this "not regexp_like (: Px_ITEM, ' [[: space :]]')]])" in PL/SQL Expression validation in the Expression of Validation 1, but I have to put in exp2.

    You seem to be an existing posting of editing rather than creating a new. 2 validation expression is not used with PL/SQL Expression validations: all the necessary code is contained in 1 Expression of Validation. Review validation options Type: those who use the Validation Expression 1 and 2 Expression of validation explicitly state what values will each. Other types of validation use only 1 Expression of Validation or not.

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    Hi, I am trying to understand how to validate a text field, there is no spaces only lit allowed characters.

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    var sprytextfield6 = new Spry.Widget.ValidationTextField ("spryRegisterLastname");

    I was reeding on the useCharacter mask, how would I go about using that. Like this?

    var sprytextfield6 = new Spry.Widget.ValidationTextField ("spryRegisterLastname", "none", {characterMasking: / dA-Z /, useCharacterMasking:true, validateOn: ["blur", "change"]});

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    Any help would be appreciated


    Thanks Gramps that works great.

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    Hello allbody!

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    This must be tested THOROUGHLY. My test was very limited. Given a two-digit year validation checks only two numbers (\d\d).

    Form1.Page1.Subform1.TF1::exit - (JavaScript, client)

    If (!) ((this.isNull))) {}

    var regEx = /^(0[1-9]|[_12][0-9]|3[01]) (0 [1-9] | 1 [012]) \d\d$/;

    var str = this.rawValue;

    Str = str.substring (0.6);

    If (regEx.test (str)) {} ("valid MMDDYY");


    else {} ("invalid MMDDYY");




  • Validation of the text fields (LCD 8.0)


    I have a text field where users enter a code including an af of four letters, say B, C, D or E, followed by 4 digits, for example B0123.  I know how to validate the model to get a follow-up character of 4 digits using A9999 in the value-> Validation of model.  But can G1234, and G is not an "authorized" letter.

    Now, I would like to use something like what follows the model validation to ensure that only the 4 allowed letters are used:

    Model validation: ' B 9999 | ' C 9999 | WOULD LIKE TO 9999 | ' E 9999

    Unfortunately, this does not work.  Suggestions how to achieve my goal?  (No, a drop-down list is not an option, because there are hundreds of possible options).

    Thank you and see you soon


    You have the script saved in wrong position must also implement "A9999" as a Validation rule.

    Here you go..."timeStamp =" "2009-05 - 28 T 21: 01:36Z ' uuid ="20ed2889-046c-4f10-b0f1-0fd547c50b92">"

    } else {}"Value in this should start with one of R, D, G, S, C");





             Adobe LiveCycle Designer 8.0
             Adobe LiveCycle Designer 8.0

























                BRITISH COLUMBIA



             EEEE, MMMM D, YYYY
             MMMM D, YYYY
             MMM D, YYYY
             SS Z
             SS Z
             SS HAS
             h: mm A

             z, zz9.zzz
             $z, zz9.99 | ($z, zz9.99)
             z, zz9%



  "/ >

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    Mattias salvation,

    Returns a string with v ('itemname') - you can use nv ('itemname') to return a number or do to_number(:itemname) instead


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    Which prevents the user to type numbers or the Arabic letters in the text field. The thing is that it works but sometimes it doesn't for example:

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    Other what to do
    I'm doing something wrong?

    Help, please
    Thank you

    What about:

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    faithkkuddles888 wrote:

    I had deleted all associated with HTML, CSS and the files of the current folder Spry support and continued to get the error message.

    I guess that since the Adobe rep told me to clear my browsers and try again it means that the support files that are automatically placed in the current folder Spry come from the internet. That is my question at this point. Thank you.

    No, they aren't. The Spry support files are placed when and if they are necessary and they are certainly not placed there directly from the internet.


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    Drop-down menu field has 3 caps (A, B, C).

    If A is selected, the text box = 15 default, but has the ability to change in the text box.

    If B or C is selected, the text box = 0 or "by default, but it has the ability to change in the text box.

    If I use an if/then with a .value, I'll be able to get the numbers to work, but do not have the ability to edit and keep them there. If I enter another number in another area, the JavaScript code will run and change the text box to 0 or 15.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you

    Instead to use script logic for the text field, use the drop-down validation script. In this way, that it only will be triggered when you change the value in the drop-down list field, not when you change any field in the file (as the calculation script).

  • How can I activate a check box if the data have been entered in a different text field?

    Hello. I would use four check boxes on a form, each of which will enable (check) if the data have been entered in four text fields of form on a different page in the same form.


    Page 1 will have a question like... How many apples did you eat last month? "Text1" = 3

    So, given that the user has responded to 3 in the field 'text1', "checkbox1" must now be verified on page 2.

    ... and so on for the other three.

    Note: The answers to the questions will be like a number. If the user enters 0 (zero), then I don't want the boxes to activate it. So, any greater than zero response will check the checkbox.

    Follow-up to question...

    Is it possible for a text field quite different form whether visible or not visible (default read-only text) based on the status of each check box mentioned above?


    "checkbox1" will have a field of text next to it named "date1" with a date hidden. If "checkbox1" is checked (because of the above), then the date will be visible.

    ... and so on for the other three.

    Thank you very much!

    -You can use something like this as the custom of your text field validation script:

    if (event.value=="3") this.getField("checkbox1").checkThisBox(0, true);

    -Yes, but you shouldn't make it dependent on the box to check, but integrate it in the script above, like this:

    if (event.value=="3") {
        this.getField("checkbox1").checkThisBox(0, true);
        this.getField("date1").display = display.visible;
    } else {
        this.getField("date1").display = display.hidden;

    If you also want to uncheck the checkbox where the value of the text field is not 3 then double online #2 but with the false instead of true value in the else block.

  • The exact text of the text field to another field read-only

    Is there a way to display the string of exact text in the field of text within other text fields read-only?

    For example. I have fields of name on the first page and I have the same names mentioned in the other pages, but want to fill the other pages with the text name of the 1st page.

    Options tab > Default value doesn't seem to work, so maybe I can use calculate tab > simplified field notation.

    I have a domain called "Client_1_Name_Cover" and "Client_2_Name_Cover", so name to bind these two text fields only reading on other pages.

    You can use the validation script custom following in each of the two fields of name on the first page:

    Copy the value of this field in the field read-only

    getField("Client_1_Name_Readonly").value = event.value;

    but you must replace 'Client_1_Name_Readonly' with the actual name of the field read-only.

  • Can I do 2 text fields each other?

    I do a form and I want the user to be able to enter the amount of money they want withheld each pay period in a text field OR the amount they held each year in a different text field.  I would like to set up the form so that they can only enter the dollar amount in one area or the other, but not both fields. No field is compulsory.

    If this requires some sort of custom script, someone would have an example they could tell me where I could copy/paste? I'm not very versed in script.

    Thanks for any help,

    ~ bexterinni

    As event validation custom of each field, enter this code (say they are called 'Field1' and 'Field2'):

    Field1 script:

    If (event.value) this.getField("Field2").value = "";

    Field2 script:

    If (event.value) this.getField("Field1").value = "";

  • Check that only one box to advance to the text field

    I work in Acrobat Pro ms, I created a form and I have the following problem. The application form concerning the rental income, either monthly or annual (the format is less).

    What I want to happen, is if possible, if the user clicks on the checkbox monthly (monthly) the cursor goes to the 2 text and the user has entered the monthly amount.

    If the user clicks on the annual check (per year), the cursor goes to Text1, the user enters the annual amount. This amount is automatically divided by 12 and shows in the Text2 text field; and the cursor goes in the following text, Text3 field.

    Naturally, I don't want the user to click on the two boxes, but I don't know that the coding would take care of that, just do not know how come with the coding.

    £ Rental income monthly

    £ Annual if, Yes $ Text1 / Text2 $12

    Thanks for the help.

    You have 3 separate issues here:

    -Exclusive box

    -Jump to another field

    -Calculate the monthly payment

    -Exclusive box: you must give the two fields of the same name (say "times"), but the different export value, say "Monthly" and "annual".

    -Jump to another field: As the MouseUp event of the 'Monthly' box enter this script:


    As the event MouseUp "Annual" box enter this script:



    -Calculation of the monthly payment: so you want this value to be entered by the user if the "Monthly" option is enabled, but being calculated if the "Annual" option is selected? It's a little complicated to implement in a single field, but you can try to use something like this as the "Text1": custom validation script

    if (event.value && this.getField("RentalPeriod").value=="Yearly")
         this.getField("Text2").value = Number(event.value)/12;
  • show or hide text fields based on another text field value

    Hi, I have 3 text fields totals. by default, first text field is visible & other hidden two. what I want to do is if enter all the values in the first text box, other two text fields should automatically visible. Likewise, if I remove the value in the first text box, and then two other fields should automatically hide again. so thanks for giving me a java script for that. also I need javascript for hidden text fields. This script should check the values in the first field work and text (visible or hide). Thanks in advance...

    As the custom field the validation script enter this code (of course, set the names of the other fields as required):

    if (event.value=="") {
        this.getField("Field2").display = display.hidden;
        this.getField("Field3").display = display.hidden;
    } else {
        this.getField("Field2").display = display.visible;
        this.getField("Field3").display = display.visible;

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