Why this request required 2 additional columns in GROUP BY

Hi all

This is my query:
SELECT "parent_level_id",

select   0-fssPV.feed_id                        as "parent_level_id",
         fssPV.feed_description                 as "parent_level_name",
         fssPV.book_id                          as "child_level_id",
         fssPV.book_display_name                as "child_level_name",
         fssPV.parent_scenario_id               as "scenario_id",
         fssPV.scenario_display_name            as "scenario_name",
         nvl(sc.exported, 'N')                  as "exported",
         nvl(fssPV.parent_regressed_cob_date,  fssPV.parent_cob_date)    as "regress_cob",
         fssPV.scn_status_id                    as "scn_status_id",
         fssPV.tgt_scenario_display_name        as "tgt_scenario_name",
         fssPV.load_status_id                   as "load_status_id",
         count(*)                               as "load_count",
        sum(fssPV.present_value)                as "PRESENT_VALUE",
         sum(fssPV.delta)                       as "DELTA",
         sum(fssPV.gamma)                       as "GAMMA",
         sum(fssPV.vega)                        as "VEGA",
         sum(fssPV.present_value) - sum (srbase.present_value) as "PNL",
            select SUM(vsr.original_present_value) 

            from validated_position vp , validated_scenario_result vsr
            VSR.FEED_INSTANCE_ID= fssPV.feed_instance_id
            AND VSR.COB_DATE= fssPV.cob_date
            and vsr.validated_position_id= vp.validated_position_id
             AND vsr.scenario_id in  (SELECT   distinct mn.node_id as "SCENARIO_ID"
                                       FROM     TABLE(pack_scenarios_overview.splitInListIntoLeaves(a_scenario_list, '$', l_cobdate)) nodeIds,
                                                marsnode mn
                                       WHERE    nodeIds.column_value = mn.node_id
                                       AND      mn.close_date is null
from   (

select fssTgts.*,
       mntgt.display_name        as "TGT_SCENARIO_DISPLAY_NAME",
       mnscenario.display_name   as "SCENARIO_DISPLAY_NAME",
       mnbook.display_name       as "BOOK_DISPLAY_NAME",
from (
/** Treewalk to find Feed/Scenario dependencies **/
Select fssBooks.feed_id,
from   (

/** Treewalk (backwards) to find underlying data over FSS control table **/
         /* Initial filter on feed_scenario_status for peformance           */
         /* cannot filter on scenario as we don't know the dependencies yet */
         ( select DISTINCT scenario_id,
           from   feed_scenario_status f,
                  feed_group_xref fgx
           where    cob_date <= l_cobdate -- PVs for this cob must be loaded either today, or its regressed to a previous cob
           and    f.feed_id = fgx.feed_id
           and    fgx.feed_group_id like l_feed_group_id
           and    fgx.feed_id like l_feed_id
  select   feed_instance_id,
           prior scenario_id,
           /* Need to maintain the root values to identify the scenarios that users are seeing */
           CONNECT_BY_ROOT scenario_id        as "PARENT_SCENARIO_ID",
           CONNECT_BY_ROOT feed_id            as "PARENT_FEED_ID",
           CONNECT_BY_ROOT cob_date           as "PARENT_COB_DATE",
           CONNECT_BY_ROOT tgt_scenario_id    as "PARENT_TGT_SCENARIO_ID",
           CONNECT_BY_ROOT regressed_cob_date as "PARENT_REGRESSED_COB_DATE",
           CONNECT_BY_ROOT feed_instance_id   as "PARENT_FEED_INSTANCE_ID"
  from     fss
  start with fss.cob_date = l_cobdate

  connect by (prior fss.regressed_cob_date = fss.cob_date and
              prior fss.scenario_id = fss.scenario_id and
              prior fss.feed_id = fss.feed_id and
              prior fss.tgt_scenario_id is null
             ) -- Connect if regressed (rule: same feed/book/scenario, different cob)
          or (prior fss.tgt_scenario_id = fss.scenario_id and
              prior fss.cob_date = fss.cob_date and
              prior fss.feed_id = fss.feed_id and
              prior fss.feed_instance_id = fss.feed_instance_id
             ) -- and connect if paste as (rule: same feed/cob/book, different scenario)
  ) fssLinks,
  feed_scenario_status fssBooks
where isLeaf = 1
and   fssLinks.parent_feed_id = fssBooks.feed_Id
and   fssLinks.parent_cob_date = fssBooks.cob_date
and   fssLinks.parent_scenario_id = fssBooks.scenario_id
) fssTgts,
position p,
scenario_result sr,
marsnode mntgt,
marsnode mnbook,
marsnode mnscenario,
feed_static fs
where fssTgts.feed_id = fs.feed_id
and   fssTgts.parent_tgt_scenario_id = mntgt.node_id (+)
and   mntgt.close_date (+) is null
and   fssTgts.feed_instance_id = p.feed_instance_id
and   fssTgts.book_id = p.book_id
and   fssTgts.cob_date = sr.cob_date
and   fssTgts.scenario_id = sr.scenario_id
and   p.feed_instance_id = sr.feed_instance_id
and   p.position_id = sr.position_id
and   p.book_id = mnbook.node_id
and   mnbook.close_date is null
and   fssTgts.parent_scenario_id = mnscenario.node_id
and   mnscenario.close_date is null
) fssPV
left outer join scenario_control sc
  on fssPV.parent_feed_instance_id = sc.feed_instance_id
  and upper(fssPV.scenario_display_name) = upper(sc.scenario)
/* Join to SBM to calculate P&Ls */
left outer join scenario_base_map sbm
  on  fssPV.scenario_id = sbm.scenario_id
  and sbm.begin_cob_date <= l_cobdate
  and sbm.end_cob_date > l_cobdate
left outer join scenario_result srbase
  on  fssPV.cob_date = srbase.cob_date
  and fssPV.feed_instance_id = srbase.feed_instance_id
  and nvl(sbm.mapped_scenario_id, l_original_scn_id) = srbase.scenario_id
  and fssPV.position_id = srbase.position_id
/* Only display (root) scenarios that users have selected */
where fssPV.parent_scenario_id in (SELECT   distinct mn.node_id as "SCENARIO_ID"
                                   FROM     TABLE(pack_scenarios_overview.splitInListIntoLeaves(a_scenario_list, '$', l_cobdate)) nodeIds,
                                            marsnode mn
                                   WHERE    nodeIds.column_value = mn.node_id
                                   AND      mn.close_date is null

group by fssPV.feed_id,
--         fssPV.feed_instance_id,
--         fssPV.cob_date
In this query for the initial section where I select the part "ORIGINAL_PRESENT_VALUE".
            select SUM(vsr.original_present_value) 

            from validated_position vp , validated_scenario_result vsr
            VSR.FEED_INSTANCE_ID= fssPV.feed_instance_id
            AND VSR.COB_DATE= fssPV.cob_date
            and vsr.validated_position_id= vp.validated_position_id
             AND vsr.scenario_id in  (SELECT   distinct mn.node_id as "SCENARIO_ID"
                                       FROM     TABLE(pack_scenarios_overview.splitInListIntoLeaves(a_scenario_list, '$', l_cobdate)) nodeIds,
                                                marsnode mn
                                       WHERE    nodeIds.column_value = mn.node_id
                                       AND      mn.close_date is null
Even if fssPV.feed_instance_id and fssPV.cob_date are not used anywhere in the clause SELECT requires tobe added to the last clause GROUP BY else
the query if compile it successfully does giving "not a group of" error.

Can someone tell me why that is the problem and why these columns must be added to the final GROUP BY clause.


Hi, Michael,

Aashish S. wrote:
Even if fssPV.feed_instance_id and fssPV.cob_date are not used anywhere in the clause SELECT requires tobe added to the last clause GROUP BY else
the query if compile it successfully does giving "not a group of" error.

In fact, you use both of these columns in the SELECT clause, when you calculate the original_present_value:

select SUM(vsr.original_present_value) 

from validated_position vp , validated_scenario_result vsr
VSR.FEED_INSTANCE_ID= fssPV.feed_instance_id
AND VSR.COB_DATE= fssPV.cob_date
and vsr.validated_position_id= vp.validated_position_id
AND vsr.scenario_id in  (SELECT   distinct mn.node_id as "SCENARIO_ID"
FROM     TABLE(pack_scenarios_overview.splitInListIntoLeaves(a_scenario_list, '$', l_cobdate)) nodeIds,
marsnode mn
WHERE    nodeIds.column_value = mn.node_id
AND      mn.close_date is null

Since the scalar subquery is correlated to the fsspv.feed_instance_id and fsspv.cob_date, it is depenedant on these columns, the same, say TRUNC (fsspv.cobb_date, 'YEAR') is depenedant on fsspv.cob_date.

You will have to perhaps put the SUM in the main query, not the scalar subquery, or replace the scalar subquery with a join (probably faster). Without knowing your table, or the results you want from your data, I can't say more.

Whenever you have a problem, post a small example of data (TABLE CREATED and instructions INSERT for all tables) and the desired results from these data.
Simplify the problem as much as possible. In this case, I think you can show that the problem is using just two tables, the alias fsspv and mn ones.
If you can illustrate your problem using commonly available tables, like those of the scott schema, then you don't need to display all data; just the results you want.

Looks like you're doing something like this:

SELECT       job
,       COUNT (*)     AS cnt
,       (          -- Begin scalar sub_query to compute min_loc
            SELECT     MIN (loc)
          FROM     scott.dept
          WHERE     deptno     = e.deptno
       ) min_loc     -- End scalar sub_query to compute min_loc
FROM       scott.emp     e
,            deptno     -- Omitting this causes ORA_00979: not a GROUP BY expression

When you really should do something like this:

SELECT       job
,       COUNT (*)     AS cnt
,       MIN ( (          -- Begin scalar sub_query to compute min_loc
            SELECT     loc
          FROM     scott.dept
          WHERE     deptno     = e.deptno
           ) ) min_loc     -- End scalar sub_query to compute min_loc
FROM       scott.emp     e

to achieve these results:

JOB              CNT MIN_LOC
--------- ---------- -------------
CLERK              4 CHICAGO
MANAGER            3 CHICAGO
ANALYST            2 DALLAS

Tags: Database

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    Welcome to the forum!

    user7363993 wrote:
    The query below is from the HR schema that is included in the database.
    If we separate the subquery gives us an error, but if we execute all of the query, execute it, and sends us a result (fake, of course).

    In fact, the results are correct. Not what you were expecting, maybe, but they're right.
    If the request is reasonable or not is a separate issue.

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    If you simply run the subquery, you get an error because there is no column called department_id in any table that is in the scope. (Places would be the only scope table; in fact, the places would be the only table, period).

    What you posted is a correlated subquery . In a correlated subquery, you can reference columns of the query of the mother. Employees and locations of the tables are in scope in the subquery.
    It might be easier to understand if you wrote the query like this:

    SELECT  last_name
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    ,      job_id
    FROM      employees     e
    WHERE      department_id = (
                             SELECT  e.department_id
                       FROM    locations         l
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    It is 100% equivalent to the query you posted. I wasn't to give alias names to all tables and qualify the column names with those aliases in the subquery. Since there is no ambiguity (i.e. department_id exists only in the employees table and location_id exists only in the table of communities) the compiler doesn't care if you qualify the columns with the table alias or not.
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    Hi Paul,.

    Please contact the Microsoft Community.

    I'll get to see the steps of troubleshooting from here-


    In addition, I would like to you contact Microsoft Hardware Support for assistance more.


    We know if you need help.

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    Kind regards

    Erik Alm

    You are right that additional columns added to the widget resource attributes cannot be sorted (asc or desc). I share your frustration in that. For the moment, there is no way to do this in vC Ops 5.8. I look forward to changes in future versions that allow this feature.

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    Now, we have achieved the following:

    1. the required VO was already extended previously and the additional column (LAST_UPDATE_DATE) is already present in the definition of the EO. So, we just added the tag for LAST_UPDATE_DATE in YOUR XML in the form:

    < ViewAttribute

    Name = "LAST_UPDATE_DATE".

    IsPersistent = "false".

    Type = "Oracle.jbo.domain.date"

    ColumnType = "DATE".

    AliasName = 'LAST_UPDATE_DATE. '

    Expression = "LAST_UPDATE_DATE."

    SQLType = 'DATE' >

    < / ViewAttribute >

    2 added a new MessageStyledText column, and updated the following property:

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    # # 0 in detail

    1. java.lang.NullPointerException

    at sun.misc.FloatingDecimal.readJavaFormatString(FloatingDecimal.java:989)

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    Kind regards


    Hi Zahid,

    This is the error:

    29000: unexpected exception caught: oracle.jbo.NoObjException, msg = Houston-25003: TaskEO.LAST_UPDATE_DATE object of type entity activity not found

    Tag entity by its use should have only name of EO and not the name of the attribute.

    Use instead under the tag:

    EntityUsage = "TaskEO".

    Also, I mentioned that rather tags manually, add it please try Wizard VO to add this attribute in EO attributes available list.

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    • Thirdly, no mention of this before it happens.

    I signed in and out and restarted iTunes, without result.

    Please notify.

    The official response from Apple seems to be to use QuickTime stand-alone player - If you see a message "this movie requires QuickTime" in iTunes - Apple Support -although I don't know how it will work with DRMd files. However the various threads on the subject suggest reopening iTunes in 32-bit mode (its 64-bit default mode does not have QuickTime):

    "This movie requires QuickTime, which is not supported by this version of iTunes."

    iTunes won't play on Mac quicktime videos more.

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    original title: HOW can I STOP ASKING to COMPRESS the FILES in OUTLOOK EXPRESS

    How to stop demand for files compressed in my Outlook Express? This request appears on my screen of many times while I'm working, even when I go on the internet, it always appears & crashes me typing.  I have a lot of emails and I don't want to compress their files.

    Compress, (Compact in American English), removes waste of space, not your messages. Please read below, but if compact you and still get the prompt, after return. It is another question.

    Why OE insists on compacting folders when I close it? :

    Compacting your folders periodically is a must to keep OE works fine and at some point, you may lose all your saved messages if you do not. When you delete or move messages, the space they used remains until you compact.

    Never touch anything until the compression is finished.* *.


    With SP2, Automatic compaction in the background has been removed because of problems he has caused. Now, you will get a prompt to compact after 100 closures of OE, you need to do, and do not touch anything until it's finished. If you compact manually, at your convenience, this will also set the counter to zero. See this for more information:

    If you are fully patched, you will now see a copy of your dbx files copied to the Recycle Bin as BAK files. If something goes wrong when compacting, the messages can be easily restored from this backup. A compact manual resets also the counter in the back of the registry to zero now.

    For more information, see the information framed in red here:

    To keep things running smooth and harden faster:

    Do not archive mail in default OE folders. It will eventually become corrupt and you may lose mail. Create your own folders defined by the user for mail storage and move your mail to them. Empty the deleted items folder regularly. Keep user created folders under 300 MB, and also empty as is possible to default folders.

    And backup often.

    Outlook Express Quick Backup (OEQB Freeware)

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    clear an error: invalid value "" request-requires-System. "

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    Someone at - it suggestions? I hope I don't have to redo something here, but I tell myself that I'll do all what I need to do my application upwards and running as it should. Thanks in advance guys!

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    Haha what do you mean you're not too bright. you really made the right decision here. in the first step of creating a project, you can choose the Flex SDK hero. You cannot choose the BB SDK because it works only as a reference library.

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  • Additional column in a table

    Hi all

    I would like to add an additional column in a table, and it must have the values Valiid or Invallid.

    I mean that I need to have the list of values for the invallid or column showing which.

    Please let me know, how to get there.

    Thank you


    Hi Kumar,

    user624202 wrote:

    Hi all

    I would like to add an additional column in a table, and it must have the values Valiid or Invallid.

    I mean that I need to have the list of values for the invallid or column showing which.

    Please let me know, how to get there.

    Thank you


    Assuming that you want to add the column to capture valid or not valid and store it in the database, if this is the case.

    1 Add this column that will contain the values for valid and invalid in the table to your query in a table

    Here I added the status column that will keep VALID and INVALID in the database

    from EMP

    2. go to the attributes of the region-> column to change the STATE of

    Goto column attributes

    Display as-> list of selection (named LOV)

    Named LOV-> select your Lov

    Attributes of tabular form Goto

    Owner of the reference Table-> select the scheme name

    Reference Table name-> the name of the table

    Name of column reference-> give the name of column

    Hope this helpe you,

    Kind regards


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    Working Group to update windows. But the same working group is impossible to get the update when connecting with the field. The two cases, we use our local DNS server address. No problem with most of the windows 7/2008 R2. Customers Windows XP are no

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    Bank dvd r disc has no name DVD r dvd of MR I have files of weighting to burn I put the blank dvd in eject tells you to put the dvd in. I can play other DVDs on power dvd ok my computer inspiron 150 moveis.