Windows Vista using Windows features turn on or off does not

I am trying to turn on IIS in Windows Vista using the Windows features turn on or off. I check the box IIS and click OK. Then I get a message that says "Please wait while the features are configured. This may take several minutes. "There is a progress bar but it is blank and there is a Cancel button, but it is disabled. I tried to create a new user account, and it does not solve the problem. If it's any help, when I use the Task Manager to end the task, he said something along the lines of "this programming is waiting for a user input. How can I solve this problem? Is there another way to turn on IIS?

Sorry I have not responded earlier. I never saw your post. Maintenance has been done on the forum yesterday and your message appeared as if by magic.

There are many problems with vista that will most probably never be fixed. If they could have fixed them easily Microsoft would not be rushed on Windows 7.

The only hope would be SP3 but it seems unlikely.

It's a shame because that Vista could have and should have be the best OS to date, but because of all the problems, complain and impatient people and $$$ along Windows 7.

No need to throw your laptop Vista in the drink!

I got rid of 98% of the problems in this way.

When I bought my last laptop I paid extra for the OS DVD and reinstalled the operating system after SP2 came out (and was very happy also to get rid of the full factory image of... Dell put on my system).

SP1 was on my DVD of the OS, so I bought SP2 from Microsoft (it costs $4 more delivery charges) and after installing the OS, I installed SP2 before the drivers, utilities and Applications, in that order, and most of the problems have disappeared.

Tags: Windows

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