Face recognition

Why all the faces are detected?  I have pictures that the face recognition does not pick up on. How can I add them?

Home sharing password

I was under the impression that the Apple ID password and home sharing password were one and the same, however, when I try and connect to the share house I get the message "home sharing could not be enabled because Apple ID or password is incorrect."

Can develop is no longer window of saved passwords which shrinks web address to make it unreadable when the "Show passwords" option is selected? e

HelloAfter the last update that I can develop is more saved passwords window shrinking the web address to make it unreadable when the "Show passwords" option is selected? What passwords are shown the window compresses web addresses that leaves the ww

listed in the iTunes library, but when try to read message indicates missing.

My iTunes are listed, but when I try to play I received the message that they do not find.  When I try to add music to the slideshow, the entire library is not listed only a few songs.

Key3db and signons.sqlite are breaking Firefox.

Earlier today, starting Firefox (and only FF - IE worked / works very well) is no longer load google or youtube or some other sites, but instead to give this screen "could not load", he would keep trying to load and would just never got anywhere. The

Qosmio X 500-149 - USB, eSATA does not

Hello I was wondering if anyone can help/advise on that... I had an X 500-149 for several years now. First gen Intel i7/8 GB of RAM. Never made any change of harware. Updated the operating system to win 10 months ago. A few days back, ports USB and e

I see not shown downstairs Sync firefox icon right after the upgrade to Firefox 3.6 of Firefox 6.0 and I don't know if it works. Someone has the same problem and know solutions?

I can see the icon if open 'Option' under the 'Tool' menu, but when I look upward into the 'add-on' under the same menu, I don't see Firefox Sync in the list. I don't know if the update to Firefox Sync for Firefox 6.0 is not ready or other problems w

no fingerprint reader after fixing Norton Internet Security

I just got a dv6tqe of Pavilion, and there was a problem with the protection of Norton Internet Security SONAR that required me to remove the Norton software and then re - install.  However, once I did this, the fingerprint reader no longer works.  T

Problems with text messages on k920

Hi all I am a new owner of a Pro Z2 and kitkat so new. I have a pretty annoying problem and I hope it can be fixed. Whenever I try to use another program in addition to the stock text message program text I am unable, a notification appears and warns

Why used my computer connect to the Internet?

Have a Compaq Presario CQ57. It does not connect to my home network. Rpet 'server not found '. My other computer connects fine. What is my problem?

The wizard of the driver NI-VISA creates drivers that are compatible with the 64-bit Windows XP/Vista version?

The wizard of the NI-VISA driver creates drivers that are compatible with 64-bit Windows XP/Vista?

Install the 80246002 failure Code

Why my installation "updated version of the software printer Canon fail June 2013? Just bought Pixma MX922 and installed on the desktop Windows 8.1...

How to make the network I have a WinbitXP, 32 bit SP 3 to a Win 7, 64?

How to make the network I have a WinbitXP, 32 bit SP 3 to a Win 7, 64?

white pixel on acer iconia w510 difficulty anyway?

I recently noticed a white pixel bright on my Tablet his only visible on white screens and are visible on the desktop. Is it possible to fix this? Can it be sent repair. I'm picky when it comes to my devices and that a small pixel does not bother me.

Waiting for reboot, not compensation

When I start, I get an alert that my computer resarting is necessary before the update can continue (several months).  Try to load Nero, I alert that there is a restart of panding to happen before it can load.  Did not get it when I loaded Norton rec

Sansa Fuze not recognised by Windows 7 laptop

Hello My 8 GB rocket has been recognized by my computer laptop windows 7 the first day I got it, and now it happens as a device "unrecognizable."  When you look at the properties, I get an error Code 43, which means that the device has "reported prob

Upgrades from vista to win 7transfer Windows Mail as well

Original title; upgrade from vista to win 7 I have win vista, win the transfer of mail if I update for win 7

WRT54GS can't connect to IE but can connect to Firefox

I have recently change DSL broadband through Comcast and I can't get on IE. I can get on IE when I connect my cable modem directly to my computer, but when I connect my cable modem to my WRT54GS it does not connect to IE but I can't get on Firefox. I

Download Walkman 8.4.A.5.3 error

I have a sony xperia Zl, eager to upgrade to the new version of walkman 8.4.A.5.3, but it seems impossible to download (original message ' no's you can download ").

Is there a free Windows 7 upgrade if I already bought Windows Vista?

original title: Hello,. Why should I buy a new copy of win7. When I have already paid for win vista Home premium? to upgrade because you guys can't stand anmore... I shouldn't get a free upgrade from vista to win7...?  I don't want to be feel obliged