You can browse a collection of entities to read a given attribute?

I got an entity called < b > the applicant < /b >. and this entity has an attribute called < b > the full name of the applicant < /b >.

I want to go through the applicants < b > collection < /b > and get the full name of < b > < /b > for each applicant and assign it to a variable text separated by commas. Is it possible to do so in the OPA?

That's what I want to do

< b > "names" < /b > is the variable I want to store the list of names

read the collection of applicants
names = concatenation of names & "" & the full name of the applicant & ","

so he's going to give me an output such as < b > James Blunt, David Brown, Julia Guilard < /b >

Published by: Davin Fifield on October 16, 2011 22:57 - removed inappropriate 'moderation' edit

Wow rukbat severe moderation here! I don't know who he is, but I apologize and make sure most of the people on this forum are not so bad.

To answer your question, there is no built-in way to do what you want. Normally display something like this would be an application problem rather than a problem of the rule level, but if you really want to do in a rule, you could do it with a custom function.

Tags: Oracle Applications

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    I'm sorry it will be not possible using free reader application, you will need Acrobat free trial download Adobe Acrobat application | Acrobat Pro DC to redact sensitive data sensitive content removal of PDFs in Adobe Acrobat DC.

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    Hi enrique rafaelh82740736,

    Thanks for your reply.

    You can simply download an update to Adobe Reader version of the below mentioned link and access the services without interruption.


    Let me know if you have any other questions.

    Kind regards

    Ana Maria

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    The complete windows installer can be downloaded from this link.


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    Yes.  The way in which PDF files are processed depends on parameters computer/browser to the end-user, plug-ins installed, etc...  In some cases, the PDF file will launch in the browser window.  In other cases, it can download on the user's hard drive or it can launch in Acrobat (if they have).  Too many unknown variables here...

    The best advice I can give you is to keep it simple.  A link directly to your PDF file and use target = "_blank" to open it in a new window or tab.  And be gentle with your site visitors, tell them that it is a PDF file and about what is the size of the file in KB.

    Link (PDF - 250 KB)

    Nancy O.
    ALT-Web Design & Publishing
    Web | Graphics | Print | Media specialists

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    Here is the link:

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