You can create an icon in Photoshop CS5.5

I need to convert a tiff image to an icon for use in another web application, is it possible? If so, how?

There are plug-ins that can be downloaded and which will allow you to save files in .ico format.

A quick web search turns to the top of these:

Or the other seems sufficient to save a favicon.ico file, for example.


Tags: Photoshop

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    Hi betsyg,

    You can try and reset the Photoshop preferences to default and check if that helps.

    Note: once you reset preferences, everything in Photoshop will be set as the default workspace, tools & etc.

    Reference: Preferences in Photoshop

    Kind regards


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    Thank you led.  I managed to find another staff member of Benedict who helped erase the activation crashed computers CS3.  He crashed twice in the past two years, and I guess that the two installs exhausted my limit of 2 use even though it was really on the same computer.  In any case everything is ok now but thanks for your help too Nelson

    p.s. Happy holidays

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    You can create your own meta tags? I want one called "Caption" not "Description."

    It is not possible because Photoshop and Bridge use the same file information that are based on the world standard IPTC and they use description for this field.

    However, in practice, many applications DAM respect despite their name or can be configured to read the info in the description and place it in the appropriate field (some call it legend, other notes etc.) for your DAM-based application company.

    Hope this will help you a little.

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    Thank you

    Ilyes Singh

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        Set<Customer> customers ;
    class Customer
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    If you write a custom, ValueExtractor you need to create an index, then you will not have a custom filter.

    Depending on how effective it must be custom Extractor you can use POF and don't have to deserialize the entries to create the index, or it can deserialize the class, which will make the code simpler.

    For example, without the use of POF

    public class MapKeyExtractor extends EntryExtractor implements PortableObject {
        public MapKeyExtractor() {
        public Object extractFromEntry(Map.Entry entry) {
            Set keys = new HashSet();
            CustomerGroup group = (CustomerGroup) entry.getValue();
            Set customers = group.getCustomers();
            for (Customer customer : customers) {
            return keys;
        public boolean equals(Object obj) {
            return (obj instanceof MapKeyExtractor);
        public int hashCode() {
            return MapKeyExtractor.class.hashCode();
        public void readExternal(PofReader in) throws IOException {
        public void writeExternal(PofWriter out) throws IOException {

    The extractor above returns a collection of all the integer values in the keys to all the customerValues of all customers in a ClientType (I guessed you have some accessor methods on classes that you posted).

    You can then use a ContainsFilter for your query. For example to get all values in the cache where the customerValues card contains a 19-key...

    Set results = cache.entrySet(new ContainsFilter(new MapKeyExtractor(), 19));

    You could write a version of the MapKeyExtractor which uses POF and wouldn't not deserialize values, but it's more complicated code, because should extract the POF of value stream map and go down the keys and values extract the key. It's doable, but not worth it unless you're really worried about the execution of updates of the index.

    Discalimer I wrote the code over the top of my head so have not compiled or tested, but it should be OK.


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