Acer Desktops

has had to do a reset of the W10, lost all OEM software

Reset which resulted in losing all OEM software provided with the laptop, I was wondering if there is somewhere that software and programs can be recovered.  Aspire E 17 ES - 771 g-52PR Lost all the Cyberlink software, as well as all utility provided

Anyone know if aspire it 5745-5425 may have memory improved from 4 GB to 8 GB?

Anyone know if aspire it 5745-5425 may have memory improved from 4 GB to 8 GB?

Aspire One speaker/headphone - no sound when the earphone plug unless the defect of the device is reset

If the speakers are enabled when you connect headphones, headphone does not work unless I go into the control panel playback settings and change the headphones 'by default'.  Then to return to the speakers when headphones are removed, the procedure i

Aspire XC G 703, share printer with a windows XP computer.

I have a HP2132 all in one printer attached to this computer and also have a windows XP SP3 machine, I would like to be able to print to this printer from the XP machine I'm on a home network, could someone guide me through the procedure to set up. T

Can you please provide me with the part number for the screen for model #: NX. SHKAA.001?

Can you please provide me with the part number for the screen for model #: NX. SHKAA.001 (AO1 - 131 M-C1T4)?  The first ten digits of the serial number are NXSHKAA005.

a disk hard mbr does not recognize my card mother xp - 703

Hello. I'm trying to downgrade my windows xp-703 aspire 8.1 for windows 7 and cannot operate. I disabled the secure boot. Windows 7 will allow to install on an MBR disk, but when I put the drive on the MBR (using another computer) that acer will not

Question of printer model # ATC705EB

Just bought a new Acer computer and finish all hang on to the top but the printer. No place to fix the printer cable... I downloaded the manual and here, he says, I think, I need a memory card? You want to make sure before I buy one and find out afte

Acer X 1930 works does not properly after the factory restore

It did not work correctly since the restoration of my desktop Acer X 1930 under Windows 7. Now, it shows: "configuration of the Windows updates failed. Returning from the changes. Could someone please help?

Can't leave the dual mode

Hello, first time here.  I'm lost and could use some help. I plugged my computer (Acer Aspire X) to my TV via the HDMI port.  I watched a movie, everything seemed to go well.  But now I am unable to get out of this mode.  When I select the Intel Grap

Don't Aspire Z5771 monitor no signal

Hello Aspire Z5771 while a Windows 7-64 bit Intel Core i3-2120 3.30 GHz CPU My display shows no. signal while watching a movie, sometimes every 10 minutes.  When I touch the mouse, on which the film returns, I read maybe the hybernating but I can't f

Impossible to adjust the brightness of the screen on V15 Nitro Black edition

I have Acer Aspire V15 Nitro, and I can't adjust the brightness of the screen with + or + touch. Not even in power options. As it is locked somehow to a light post. Does not change when it is on battery regardless of what is specified in power option

Aspire X 3200 upgrade path

Hi all I have an Acer Aspire X 3200, ten characters of the serial number 983FM7ZUCP. Low profile case Processor AMD Phenom 8450 triple-core 2.1GHz MoBo WMCP78M 3 GB of installed memory When I bought it all first, he had 32-bit Windows Vista on it. Th

Aspire Desktop TC-605 - empty remove PCI brackets?

How can I remove empty PCI supports at the bottom of the case? I wanted to add his discreet PCI card into the PCI slot.

I have an Aspire 7739 G. How can I disable the mousepad on the keyboard?

I have an Aspire 7739 G.  How can I disable the mousepad on the keyboard so that only my external mouse works? Thanks for any help on this.

Card mother of ATC-603-eb12

Anyone know where I can get the motherboard for my ATC-603-EB12 computer plug. I wasn't able to find anything on google search on the acer site.

Updates to driver for Acer Aspire 5750Z help

I did successfully a full system restore, which worked very well. Bit, I'm sure that some, if not Hello, my drivers should be updated. Where can I get the driver for Acer Aspire 5750Z updates. I have never done anything like this before advice as to

Reinstall Windows 7, disk failure #2

I decided to upgrade a number of things on my Acer Aspire 5745 before the release of Windows 10 at the end of July.  I upgraded my ram about 3 weeks ago from 4 GB to 8 GB with no problems.  I also bought a new SSD but have not had the time to put in

Acer Aspire M3910 WIndows 10 update

I have an Acer Aspire M3910 with Windows 7 and the Acer eRecovery Management functionality to restore the operating system to the factory settings.  With Windows 10 come out, I was considering upgrading to it but was worried that if I've updated, I c

Acer Aspire M3641-X223W - complete hardware specification

Hi all I bought the Acer Aspire M3641 X223W about 6 years (?) back. Now I want to use it for my homeserver (maybe upgrade some things). But I need the full in the specs of the depth of the material. I know general specifications (4 GB RAM, 640HDD, RA

How keyboard KG-0793 turned on? It is Bluetooth or wiFi?

How keyboard KG-0793 turned on? It is Bluetooth or wiFi?