Apple Pay

ApplePay, Felica and not Japanese products.

Hello I was wondering something with the new version of the iPhone 7 and Apple Watch series 2... -Felica technology will soon be in the NFC for iPhones that are shipped to the Japan. I guess this applies to Apple that are shipped to the both Japan wa

Transmitter does not yet support this card? Apple pays

I received a message after trying to add my card to pay Apple and once I pushed next to add a message came and said 'your transmitter does not offer support for this card' has anyone else had this problem? Or went to their bank? I went to my Bank and

Can not add credit card to pay Apple

When I try to add my credit card to pay the Apple, the pop-up message keep state "software update to add this apple pay card. And I am already updated to iOS 9.3.5 but the rest message pop up.

Why would I use apple pay on my actual card?

Why would I use apple pay on my actual card? Why put another man in the middle. It is easier to pull out my card that he must get out of my phone. What are the real benefits? I can understand if you have an Apple Watch. But otherwise what's the point

Cannot add the debit card to Apple Watch

I discovered lately that my Apple Watch does not have to pay for Apple.  I deleted the card from my iPhone 6 and added with no problems, but when I try to add the same card to my Apple Watch, it fails with the error pop up not added card - Contact yo

Problems to add maps for portfolio apple

I recently bought a Apple SE and wanted to add my HSBC account we based as I live in France and could not complete the operation. I called HSBC and they say you must be present in the United States to do this. I entered my credit card Chase on my por

Why my iPhone isn't Apple pay?

Hey, I got an iPhone 6s I want to add ApplePay and sace my cards but I'm not able to find an option. cchecked youtube, but that does not help.

Apple pays lock screen

When I double tap the home button to lock the screen to bring up the portfolio to pay Apple, all my cards appear with the exception of Starbucks. Someone knows why? I have the Starbucks app on my iPhone 6 s; Starbucks card is already in my portfolio.

Apple pay help

phone is version 9.3.4 region is US I have reset all settings the buttons holding high and home to restart portfolio app has not yet pay Apple and it appears under my icloud settings which gives iPhone 5s so this is important

How can I set p apple pay on my iPad. There is nothing in the settings

I just got an iPad pro and have an earlier version. There is no booklet in settings, but that's what the instructions do say.

Apple pays fingerprinting

New to the iPhone and the 6s.  I have "ve put in place ApplePay and everything speaks to pay using your finger/thumbprint.   I put in place a code 6 digit to access the ApplePay/Wallet (even to try to understand both), but can I pay with it using the

Apple pays on several iPhones/same AppleID

OK, here's my dilemma so. For various reasons, I have two iPhones (work) and the other for personal stuff that exploit the same AppleID. I can add up to 8 cards of different credit and debit cards to each phone (on my personal phone, company on my wo

Any compensation from Apple in my portfolio

How can I add my credit card to my wallet from apple (iphone6) that I don't have the map add feature. I have newest version 9.3.3.

If I were a bank how do I join the community to pay apple?

If I were a bank how do I join the community to pay apple?

Portfolio & Apple pay lack of parameters

Just noticed that I couldn't use my credit car. removed to add it again, but could not. Began to scroll to the top and he don parameters without finding the icon Wallet & Apple pay, he is gone. Why? and how do I get that back. My wallet with all othe

Apple pay B & H App

I tried to make a purchase with the app B & H and pay using Apple pay (I'm in canada). I got the check with apple pay and the transaction appears on my Amex card (thanks to the apple cover), but the purchase never happened. Everytime I open Apple Wal

No option to configure the card credit or debit for Applepay on my SE

Hello! I just changed my 5 in an SE and wanted to create pay Apple, but as soon as I open the application portfolio, there is no option for the addition of debit or credit card, only to scan passbords. And I have the same problem on my Air 2 as well.

The verification code, I received my Bank has a dashboard, it there is no dashboard on the keyboard - or is it?

Trying to set up Apple pay on my phone (6) and on my watch - at the same time running the latest version of the software, I am asked to type in a cade to check that I receive by text. The code includes a dashboard - like in 123-45, but I do not see a

Watch does not open apple pay always.

When I put my watch on, I get my password. Then it is supposed to be ready to charge Apple when I press on the sidebar twice.  It seems to work fine until I really need to work, as on the cash register, then always when I press on the side bar twice,

Disappointed with the availability and restrictions

Hey community! I live in Czech Republic, Central Europe. We have one of the best in Europe's contactless payment structure. As soon as this month in my country, banks are the release of applications for the Android platform (since they have an open N