
Novice question: PhoneGap and AJAX

I having difficulty getting even basic AJAX to work with PhoneGap developer and wanted to see if someone could help me.I'm currently testing using the W3Schools PHP AJAX sample, so I can sort of "accumulation" my PhoneGap/AJAX capabilities to develop

Download the people with reduced mobility

Hellothe button 'Download a .zip file' is disabled on our Phonegap Build account. We do not have any application to our GBP account.Today we downloaded an application with a file config.xml bad, we couldn't build it, so we have removed the applicatio

Plugin de Cordova for Universal Windows with reminder of repeated successes

I am trying to add support for Windows universal platform for the plugin following (BluetoothSerial). This plugin reads the data sent by the bluetooth to Serial Port devices. As you can see from this code, I am very close to the goal, but looks like

Try to understand the build process phonegap

I am trying to build an APK. Last night, I imported the zip file and corrected the errors. I intend only to build an APK then I don't insert the iOS/windows keys. I tried to wait until the end of the process, but it was late and I let him. Today, whe

Build error Android

I get this error message: Construction date: 2016-04-01 16:19:37 + 0000 /Project/Cordova/node_modules/q/q.js:126 throw e; ^ Error: Project contains at least a plugin that requires a system library. This is not supported with ANT. Please build using g

How can I update the content of my application

Hello everyone I am new to phone gap and I'm creating an app from Gallery News and events for iPhone and android using the gap app builder phone. After I design the app in adobe Dreamweaver and publish the application how can I modify the content of

PhoneGap build fail (perhaps android SDK Java changes?)

I use phongap build cli 6.0.0Since last 24/03/2016 the build for my app Android fail, recent changes made in support of android sdk libraries in phonegap build there?I'm building an application without problems until the day before... (23/03/2016)I g

How to listen to .swf in phonegap?

Hi, im, creating an application for local television. they have their live in.swf format. So how stream swf in phonegap apps. and how to make them sensitive.

PhoneGap user to Setup WiFi connection proxy settings

HelloCan I configure the proxy for the active WiFi connection settings? I checked API, plugins and found only the solution how to read these settings.If no solution is ready so how can I create my own plugin (where should I start reading).Thanks in a

Nrebie needs help

HelloI have been using PhoneGap to test an application that I'm developing - in javascript and HTML 5.Everything is good as long as I'm using HTML "brute", DOM, Google Maps, etc, but now I want to take advantage of native code PhoneGap and finds it d

Can someone help me or give me a sample of a sqlite, phonegap jquerymobile listview?

HelloI know I asked a lot and it may seem greedy, but I really need help. I search for days tried almost everything, build video codes from scratch, and and even brought models. I downloaded the github files and nothing seems to work. If anyone can h

How can I disable features of the Android device in my application to build PhoneGap?

Hi, I have implemented a simple application in Cordoba and downloaded the Phonegap Build project.  The application compiled with success and I am able to use the QR code to download the application and install it on an android device, but the install

I have difficulties to make the mobile app

I made an html document, which is added to the desktop app and followed all the steps for the installation of mobile but when I launch the app it does not show on my phone. I use windows and I tried on the iOS and Android phones, but not luck. I have

will not install on an iOS device...

HelloWe have completed a generation for an application and are being tested to see how it works on different devices and installation works.  I installed the software on 3 iphones and ipad Tester and and 3 devices android without problem.  However, I

IOS app do not compile in phonegap build after adding support for Push Notifications

As the title says, I have an app for android and iOS using phonegap to build and push-plugin to the repository of the NPM. It worked perfectly for android, but for iOS, the events have not fired. Then I read that the AppID should have the active poss

Normal (internal) link to external site opens in Safari on iOS after upgrade to cli - 6.0.0

I just tested this again with a recompilation; It still does not work...My app has a normal link, (a href), to an external site, which should open in the application itself. This works very well in Android. But in the iOS, it opens externally in Safa

Broken links in your help

Sorry Adobe - I could not find nowhere elsewhere to point out to you. All help links are detailed on this page: links on the left are fine, it's just one below the main content which are broken.just

An Android compilation with pedestrian crossing is now defective

HelloIt seems that Android compilation with pedestrian crossing is now defective. I get the following when having error < plugin name = "cordova-plugin-concordance-webview" source = "MNP" / > my config.xml file:---------------------------------------

CSS turns on iPhone 4

I have a few CSS changes that look like this:{div.growableContainer}Width: 80px;position: absolute;left: 50%;left margin:-40px;Top: 0px;-webkit-transition: turning 2 s;transition: turning 2 s;}{div. Grown}transform: scale3d (30, 30, 1);-webkit-transf

First Android app, what of next?

Someone at - it a tutorial or resources that I can share to help kick foot to start a local storage authenticate and form then sync app.I am trying to get into Codeigniter, node, and Phonegap suddenly a little trippy
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