Sony Accessories

mw600 headset does not

Hello. After call lower my helmet and I can not power on it. I tried the hard reset. I connected to the charger for the night. Zero response. For the scren don't show any masange. I have no idea what I can do. Help resources.

Coverage of style VCC-24

Hello I recently bought the VCC-24 style cover and install it on the phone, but I never realized that it needed to be connected Via NFC and I have never been able to use window functions at all. After doing some research on these forums, I've recentl


Hello Can I use this headphone(MDR-NC31EM) in my Xperia double M2... Please answer...

MDR-NC31E noise of works do not?

Hello I recently bought a pair of MDR-NC31E headphones for use with my Xperia Z3 (D6603).  The phone recognizes the headset as the noise canceller correct model when I plug them in, but I don't notice any noise past.  With the headset connected, I ca

problem with mdr-nc31em

When I receive the notification of the application... As Facebook when mode phone is not General silence... the noise & hedeast base increase... And the sound is perfect as usual... I like it.Strawberry decrease when the plug on hedeast sound... Not

Compatibility helmet Z1

Hi, I am looking to replace the headphones MH750 stocks provided with my Z1 I read good reviews about the sound quality of the MH1 - C sets but I was wondering if anyone could confirm if they are fully compatible with my device (IE, mic function for

Sony USB Flash Drive for your Smartphone

The Smartphone by Sony USB Flash drive. Otherwise identified as a key USB to Micro. Does anyone know where to get one of these?

Can I go swimming with STH30 headphones

It is said that they are watertight, but does that mean they will be conducive to swimming? Thank you

MDR-nc31em ear mics work as ordinary mics?

So I I bought a pair of noise canceling headphones that come with the Xperia z2, package does not include a pair. And I keep seeing ads on hands-free calling with them, if they do not have a traditional microphone. What I ask that the

My cable broke, suggestion required

I had my EC450 cable connected to the wall charger and the other end simply lying on the bed. I sat down without looking and kind of pulled the * beep * the charger thing. Now his works broken, close but still broken. I know that it is not covered in

DK 31 Pier transfer of data between the computer of the Z1

31 Dk can transfer data to the computer you to the Z1 and Z1 to computer you or this loading dock is only intended to load? And if it's possible transfer of data, it can be if.connecting of damage to computer?

Is - this Sony compatible headphones?

I recently bought the Xperia but it came not with a helmet out of the box, I found this helmet on Sony's official mobile site and I was wondering if it is compatible with the Xperia L? It is compatible with the Xperia Z according to the site, it shou

Headphones SE Original, use on laptop.

Hello.The Atria SE original who came my active xperia are overall excellent and im happy with them while using them with my phone. But when I try to use with laptop, the sound is weak without bass and it isn't fair. But when I push and hold the butto

DK - 31 cable length

I hope this is the right forum! No one knows the length of the DK-31 for the Xperia Z1 dock? It seems rather short in the pictures I've seen. Thank you very much

Ray headfn taken care of?

SONY ERICSSON MH650 and the MH650c what is the difference?I have xperia ray.service senter told me to MH610as indicated, I remembered, I had MH650.What do I do? is MH650 or MH650c or MH610 ray support?

The smartwatch can connect with two phones

I am looking to buy Sony smartwatch, and since I have two android phones, I was wondering if it would be able to view the notifications from two phones? See you soon,. Dimitar

To confirm the connection with Galaxy S4 all the time

Anyone else having to confirm the connection when you connect the headphones MW1 the S4 of the Galaxy? Whenever I turn on bluetooth on the phone and put on the headphones, I have a popup that need to confirm the code, then press OK to connect. I don'

Controller LiveDock

Each simple USB controller works with the LiveDock? IM thinking to buy Controller of And

MW600 frozen!

I've had my MW600 for almost a year now and I love it! About 2 hours ago I got a phone call and tried to make another call a few seconds later. I noticed on my phone (HTC inspired) that the listener not connected the phone. I then checked the earpiec

WTB Sony Ericsson cable DRS - 11

Hello I want to buy Sony Ericsson DRS-11 RS232 cable to interface my T630 phone to a serial port. Where can I buy it in Malaysia? Thank you.