Sony Accessories

MDR-AS600BT internet connection after pairing problem

I have a huge problem. Whenever I connect immediately decreases my wireless headset mdras600bt with nfc/Bluetooth with my Tablet z3 Internet speed connection. Watch youtube in 720 p is impossible without a break and wait for it loading or buffering.

Z1 Compact with SmartWatch 1?

Is it possible to get the compact Xperia Z1 to work with Smartwatch 1? Maybe the rooting and different firmware?

SBH70 program installation starts at each connection...

Got the SBH70 headphones for use with my Z3 xperia, everything works fine, sound is great and - for me the best - the earpods fits exactly ^^ One thing that is very boring: with each connection, the application of sbh70 configuration comes with the s

SBH50 and xperia compact z3 with lollipop 5.1.1

Hello world. My SBH50 can not display notifications of my xperia z3 compact, because it is impossible to grant permission to the notifications on android lollipop 5.1.1 (SBH50 app is not indicated on the list). Is there a solution?

sbh52 dual multipoint problem with Sony Z3

I use Sony Xperia Z3 double D6633 and I use sbh52 since February, but I can't at all mutlipoint, even I update my phone to 5.1 lolipop, multipoint does not appear and sound with gray and cannot not selected


I can't connect to a strand of Wi - Fi my z1. After a few months or reboot connect .my phon update. get android to the old version, but the problem is solved. All the settings are correct phone modem and modem. Tried with the other. Has the same prob

SBH20 LAG after a few seconds of inactivity

Hello I just bought a SBH20. I use it on my computer with Windows 7 and I could sync it with no problems and it recognizes my computer. However, if I don't listen any noise for a few seconds, when I reanude my music/movie/whatever there very late, un

twinning with several accessories

Hello I intend to buy a bluetooth headset to pair with my Z3 Compact Xperia, but I already have a SmartBand speech, which is usually connected to my camera. So, is it possible to link the two headphones (or maybe some bluetooth speakers, too) and my

SBH 52 headphones with microphone

I used this camera and everythink works fine except one thing. When I connect my headset with microphone (romaric Piston 2.0), and then uses SBH52 build-in microphone instead of what is in my helmet. I tried Googling this problem, but without success

view of massage smart watch

Before upfate to 5 android so I read massage smart shows that phone (z3 c) mark is read. But after I 5 raed massage smart wath and z3

SBH 80 reset fail

Hi, my 80 SHB cannot open after charging, so I followed the guide of online user to reset. After the helmet vibrates briefly, the SHB80 may not yet open. Help, please.

BTN 200 controls

Hi, I bought a set of wireless 200 btnheadphones, I use a z3 Xperia and they have paired however I am unable to use the game/pausearch or skip functions, any suggestions?

SBH20 play/pause, next, previous buttons do work (Xperia Z3)

Hello. I bought SBH20 but play, pause, next, previous buttons do not work. Volume buttons and the button play/pause for accept/reject calls work. I use it with a connection with Xperia Z3. Can U help me what could do? Do not want to withdraw. Thank y

Sony Smartwatch 2 - device not detected when connected to laptop computer

Hi when the connection of my smartwatch 2 in my laptop I get the USB device cannot be detected / no driver error and PC companion doesn't recognize it too. I know this isn't a laptop problem that I connect my Xperia Z tablet and Z1 phone him fine. An

Headset sbh60 Sony can connect to Windows wireless?

I have a new Sony sbh60 bluetooth headset, and it works fine on my Sony Experia.  I also try to connect headphones to my Ipad or my Windows laptop, 8 via bluetooth, but Windows (and IOS) are not picking up the device. The device can work with other S

SmartWatch2 and Lenovo P770

Hello to all. I have a problem with the connection SW2 and Lenovo P770: (1) very difficult connect both devices. Smartconnection don't see the watch. (2) if the beginning shows up-to-date then phone is blocked and after 1 minute, it reboot. In the fo

SmartWatch 2 on LG P880

Hello I just bought a SW2 and I try to use it with my LG P880. After starting it up while try I noticed quickly that it didn't work as expected. After some googling I found that there are other people out there with the same problem. I synced once up

SmartWatch/Smartwatch compatibility 2

Hello I wanted to ask if the Smartwatch or 2 Smartwatch would work with a 1020 Lumia and iPhone 4S. Upward, I read the version of Bluetooth for the Lumia 1020 is version 3, while the iPhone 4S is version 4, but two smartphones are not Android and I w

Smart Pro MW1 wireless headset - software 0.1.E.1.5 Playbackproblem

The 0.1.D.0.6 softwareversion is the last where the audio of my S3 is functional. 0.1.E.1.5 is the same as 0.1.E.1.4, its judgment of milliseconds to seconds. Luckywise it was possible to go down with the Sony updated 0.1.D.0.6 not as it written some

SmartTags NT2 GPS / how to reset loan from profile on grey label?

Hello out there I have a Xperia S and I use Xperia SmartTags NT2 with chip connect software. The SmartTags NT2 Xperia are green, grey, purple and orange tags. Each of the tags has its own first setting with the smart connect software. Connect softwar
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