Sony Smart

Uninstalling an application of wear - help

I have my installed roll. but it preloads to watch over 2000 picstures and fills the memory of the watch point will not work. How can I keep it sync? or can I just it uninstall the watch?

2 SmartBand does not work after update

Hello! Today, I got an update for SmartBand 2 in its application. I started installation, but this process has suddenly stopped and wasn't finished. Now my band flashes with green light and is not seen by the app more so that I can't pair them up. I

Phone does not save when I click on the SmartBand Button

Hello. I have a Smartband SWR10 and the other day I discovered that nothing happens when I click on the Smartband button. It should start the media player. When I double tap on the button, it must create a bookmark of life on my phone, but the Smartb

2 Smartband reconnection after update of Marshmallow

I recently updated my Xperia Z5 Premium 6.0 Android and since then my Smartband guard 2 reconnect all the time. I tried to reset the phone and smartband, deleted all the data from the Smartband application and also reinstalled. It still all the time,

Cannot be used with Huawei P8 LITE 3 Smartwatch

Well, I have a Sony Smartwatch 1, 2, and today I bought a 3. After you download anddroid wear, following all the instructions, making sure that everything has been updated, I can get the pair watch, but who. No synchronization or any real functionali

smartband 10 Bluetooth unlock on Z3 does not work

Hello!Last updated my xperia Z3 Android 5.0.2.And the subject that's happened. I can not add the smartband as a Bluetooth device that is legal to unlock the phone without graphical key or a PIN. It is only possible to add my sony wireless headphones.

Bluetooth icon is gray?

I'm pairing the watch with a compact Z3 but I noticed today that the bluetooth in my notification bar icon is gray, although I think that they are paired and connected. Is this normal?  I used to watch this morning on a walk and was testing the pedom

running with cards

Are there any apps running that allows me to use the GPS watch and offline maps? I don't want to carry my phone during the race...

My smartwatch does not work

Hi to everyone. This morning I tried to turn on my Smartwatch and it doesn't work. I think that it is hot but not very hot. I press the button more than necessary and it does not work. Any idea?

Support for remote camera

Hi, I can take pictures using my SWR50 with camera of Google, but not with Xperia Z2 using camera with Android 4.4.4

Smart Watch SW3 compatibility

SW3 smart watch can only use with my Xperia S. I know that the experience will be less. But it is quite inconsistent, or it can work. ???

Locate a stolen smartwatch

My 3 Smartwatch was stolen yesterday.  Grrrr!  Anyone know if there is a way of tracking?

Walkman app not listed is not on the SmartWatch 3 SWR50

Hello "I have to wear the walkman application android was last updated on my SP Xperia (C5303) (Android 4.3 Jelly bean). my phone is incompatible? or I do something wrong? any help is greatly appreciated.

reading text on the screen saver

Come to grips with the SW3 - already had a Martian passport which seemed much more user firendly. Can read emails I receive from google fine. When I receive a text on the game, I get a notification that I received a text but am not able to open other

Message "Sytem U."

Have SW2 and constantly receive messages saying ' system U... ". searcing for the GPS' what is it and how to stop these messages. Thank you

USB driver for windows 7 for SW3

How can I connect my SW3 to my windows 7 PC.  Windows cannot find drivers and neither can I! I wanted to check if there are updates of the software SW3 and he told me to connect to my PC (the reason is that I wanted to see if sleep followed is still

Smart Watch 3 disconnects frequently smartphone Xperia Z2

Hi all I have s Sony Smart Watch 3 connected with a smartphone Sony Xperia Z2. It seems that 50% of the time I need to use it, my watch shows that he is "disconnected" (the small icon of cloud with a bar above it) and cannot get the results I'm looki

WIKO birdy sony smartwatch 3

I have some problems with my phone a Birdy of wiko and the smartwatch sony 3. Most of the time, the watch tell me that I am offline but I'm not. Is there something I can do to have a full access to the functionality of my watch? Is there anyone who h

Smartband not available alarm

I'm not able to see the alarm set Smartband on my Smartband program.  Online on Sony user guide has pictures which shows alarm Smartband followed by mode automatic night, notifications and so on in the display.  But on the app on my Xperia Z1, I'm no

Type of notification for Smartband

Hello I would like to know if Sony Smartband will have notification function (vibration) when I received any type of notification on my phone (like Whatsapp, Facebook, etc...). It is possible to decide what app can notify? Thank you! Kind regards.
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