Sony Smart

Vibrant blue flashing SB2

Hello, I have recentlt noticed on my screen that my sb2 is not connected to my phone more so I reset the band now flashing blue and vibrating like crazy? Can not solve it

Eve, how to enable it?

Hello everyone, recentlt bougjt a SB2 and I wonder how put it in standby mode before going to bed? It will do it automatically or how it works?

Weight update

How can I update my weight within the app or lifelog SmartBand?

Pulse gap and inaccurate measures breed (Smartband2 with Android Lifelog)

This problem of differential pulse me frustrated for a long time until a recent update of lifelog. But in the google group + lifelog beta, developers claim that it is a problem of firmware of the swr12 and it is up to the hardware team to resolve. Ho

2 Smartband had crazy

Hello I'm usually charging 2 Smartband by phone charger... but today I had the bad idea to recharge at the office via a USB cable connected to the PC. Well, after 1 hour, I unplugged then the Smartband of the PC, but I have had the following effects:

The smart alarm will still vibrate if I disable bluetooth of my phone at night?

I have smartband2, I want to make sure if smart alarm will still vibrate in the morning without connection bluetooth with my phone? Thank you!

RSS feed swr30 app?

Is there any application management rss to talk about smartband?

Heart rate chart smartband 2 - z3 compact Xperia

Hello I'm not able to see the chart of bpm. Nor in lifelog, smartband 2 app or Google to adapt.Yesterday, I used all day BPM Mode (3 lights Orange) and, today, in normal Mode. I see only my BPM underway, but it seems that no data is stored. Any thoug

2 SmartBand does not connect to new phone

I had a SmartBand 2 for the new year, that it was connected to my old Sony Xperia z3, but I had to have a new because I broke the screen and now I can't seem to connect to the new phone. I tried all the troubleshooting but to no avail. However, I hav

Compatibility romaric Mi4

Hello world!Does anyone know if Sony Smartband talk SWR30 is compatible with Xiaomi Mi4? Thank you in advance for your help!

How to activate the temperature ambient display - SW3

This sounds nooby but how do you go?

on the voice control

I noticed that if your not connected to the internet the voice command does not work... is it really need that your phone must be connected to internet to be able to work the voice command?

How can I turn off alarm to talk about smartband

Hello. I don't know that it's the morning somewhere I have a set alarm on the conversation of my smartband. However, when the alarm is of I wrong turn it off and keep it.(1) I push all the buttons until it turns off(2) it only snooze unit and it keep

smartband talk

The smartband speaks really smart?How do you respond to a message by using the talk of smartband... Can someone help

notification of WhatsApp works do not since the recent update

Since the recent update, which enabled the monitoring of sleep, that I do not see notifications whatsapp over on the talk smartband.

Feature Request - more than a favorite

This is a feature request. The function "Call Favourite" could not store more than one contact? Favorites of perhaps fifteen? You have the Volume Up & Down control NOT control the volume while on this screen and instead scroll through a list of sever

parameters of

Can someone tell me how to change the clock on the home screen of my SWR30 to a 12: 00 clock?

Smartband talk is disconnected and does not restore

1 week old and it comes up with 'Samrtband is disconnected, you may be off' is 8 inches away, restarted my z3 xperia and always the same, both fully charged.

Voice command

Is it possible to use the voice command Google Nows with the band?

Shows smart 3 and z3 compact battery

Hi guys,. The life of the battery of my compact new Z3 has been amazing, until I plugged my new watch smart sony 3. The battery is dead in less than 6 hours while the smart watch was about 60% Can you give me some advice? I'm not very happy at the mo
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