Xperia Tablet

How to reset my tab?

How to reset my tab

Xperia Tablet S - flickering of screen during games

I have a problem where, while playing games, I get some serious flickering along the left side of the screen. I use the latest version of the ICS. Is anyone at Sony know on this subject and how to fix it? I can post a video when I get home. See you s

removal of the home screens

Hello: I have 5 home screens on my tablet s. How can I remove 2 empty? Thanks, Vikram

Entry on TV

any body out there

How many days does for delivery a sony vaio leptop in miami?

Hi, my name is Jessica and I am of the Brazil. My aunt is going to the USA for 5 days and I'm going to buy a sony vaio leptop online and I'll send for her to miami, I want to know how many days it takes to deliver? Thank you for our help and sorry if

Xperia s slow internet

I just got a new Xperia S Tablet but it is very slow using the internet and a few times the connection drops Moreover, it is not the internet. I have another connected device works fine Any idea?

How can I save the elegant white background on the set of apps.

I have a sony S series tablet. The set of apps was a white information with little burst above the icons. Was elegant!, now, in the last update have a horrible black background. Not all icons are very good, because it's horrible the new app tray. How

Guest mode does not appear on my sony S1 Tablet

I have the Sony Tablet S1 but the guest mode does not present as an option where it should be in the upper right. I've checked everything and I am on the correct operating system, but it is not yet here.

Sony Tablet Driver for XP

My XP computer does not recognize my Sony Table S. I can't find a driver. Help!

I have Sony tablet and also have a Sony laptop. My laptop connect well but my tablet can not connect?

Let me know how can I connect my tablet to my router, I have already download the latest version of android, but still problems with my Tablet wi - fi

Updated 4.0.3 version 5 for other countries

What 5 version will be available for countries other than the U.S.? I have a version of 3G in Japan Sony Tablet, and its latest operating system is only release 1a. I'm really looking forward to the functionality of the guest mode. Thank you.

Touchscreen ICS problem

Hello. Im having problems with my touch panel specifically on the lower part of the Tablet when you put on the fashion landscape or across the front camera when you put on the fashion portrait. I noticed it right after the update to my table 3.2 in I

How to mount the SD card into the PC?

I just got an Xperia S tablet a few days ago. I found when I connect the tablet to the PC via USB, internal memory only present in computer science, not the sd card. My question is if there is a way I can access SD card via PC? It is runing 4.0.3 rel

Sony WT19i not updated to Android 4.0

HelloI recently purchased sony eric love with walkman (wt19i) and when I tried to updeage it to android ICW by companion sony PC, I got this erroe - in the section prepare - "unable to install or start phone software update components. The phone is c

Play Google store has stopped

I improve my OS to 4.0.3 version. I try to download apps, but there is an error message "Google play store ceased. So, I can install any application again now. Could someone help or answer me? Thank you.


HelloThis is Soham Sarkar of the India. I'll buy a Sony Tablet S 3 G. Y at - it another option to connect to the internet other than wifi wifi is not available everywhere.Thank you.

16 GB to WIFI?

What means of 16 GB WIFI? and the Malaysia have the 3G version or not? When Sony will come out there?

.gif does not not with Gallery

. Animated GIF image works on browser, but when recording it and display it in the Gallery does not have. On Samsung galaxy tab 10.1. GIF animation images work in the Gallery, then how is it does not work on my Sony tablet s when sound using the View

On support for language UTF-8 on Sony tablet S

Today, I found Tablet Sony does not support UTF-8 language. as the Uyghur language. It is RTL language, but become a strange mark on the tablet of Sony.However, there is a way can change fonts on this tablet as 'ROOT' technique, but it looks like ill

Wi - Fi disconnect policy does not?

I'm sure it's a bug: my wifi * always * disconnects when the screen turns off, regardless of what I put my preference to the "political Wi - Fi connection" setting.