Xperia Tablet

Is it possible to command Z2, without invoice Tablet? CUS I want that he order it as a gift.

Is it possible to command Z2, without invoice Tablet? CUS I want that he order it as a gift.

get heat

When I using my hand put z1 it becomes so much heat between 2 to 5 min

Video camera Sony DCR-SR68

I bought a Sony DCR - SR 68 camcorder opportunity, taking nice videos. The problems started when I tried to connect the camera to my computer to download videos; the computer does not recognize the camera. I bought a new power cord patch directly to

Walkman app displaying album covers, incorrect on Xperia Z tab how to remove?

In the title. Im getting the album art that is not using the info to download music. How can I remove those that he downloaded? Thank you

Sony Vaio series C Neon Green cell phone

Where can I buy the laptop series vaio c in neon green. Only place I found it was on the site of the Australia...

Xperia Mr how can I install apps on SD card or move applications on SD card

It's SONY Mobile Xperia Mr. How can I install apps on SD card or move applications on SD card?

Update problems Jelly Bean on Xperia S compresses

I think that we need a new topic for the bugs and problems of update of Jelly Bean.

Sony xperia j wifi does not?

Sony xperia j smartphones Android 4.1.2 update, I have unfortunately WiFi is disabled

Walkman App Stopped working after update - how to fix?

After that I did Release6b update on my Xperia Tablet S, SGPT123US/S, the Walkman App has stopped working and I can't figure out how to fix it. I just get a dialog box that says that "Unfortunately, the Walkman has stopped" with a button 'OK' wheneve

Installed app... invisible or hidden?

I have an application which is installed but not visible anywhere... is it hidden app option somewhere tha tmight be hide the icon? KC

I can throw my sony to my Bravia hx750 S tablet content?

throwing the contents of s tablet to tv >

Well stop ignoring me and others

Free jelly bean and the fix within 24 hours or I will fully boycot sony...

Just released a fix already

The s1 Tablet has had problems since the launch. the xperia s tablet has had problems since the launch. Stop just release release the update hurry release frozen bean I knew you were working on it at the port for tablet s1 also. Hurry also apoligy al

For the man who knows everything

Suffice to say what information you have received. Useful information of the customers need, not only to apologize and hide things we do or used to know. Please make sure to mean the truth why sony has removed the part of the video and the news to up

Just thought

Their less expensive tablets on the market with much better support and more quickly update cycle then sony has. Is their all what sony will do to compensate for this and address this issue? many people paid like + 400 Euros for their tablets. Sony h

I would like to request a refund

How could I go about this in the United States? I bought this tablet in December. Lack of updates and solutions are DISMAL. Factory reset, many settings, do absolutely NOTHING. Look, this product was EXPENSIVE. It seems to me a superior product, unti

Distance... How you can set the amplifier to the default volume?

Does anyone know how to set your amp to the default volume control without having to switch between devices to change the volume? Can you have 2 devices on the screen at the same time. As the box of cable and the AGP? I had other remote controls sony

Xperia Tablet - ps3 remote?

Does anyone know how to connect a ps3 to xperia Tablet remotely if possible?

How to factory reset sony tablet s desktop

I have sony tablet of wifi only model. I have updated the software to the latest version as she asked to update. After the successful update, the device is continuously restart after I turn it on. I tried factory reset, but this problem of restart is

Walkman app

the walkman app will only be for the s xperia compresses or the old version of s tablet will allow?