2 sets of links as non ordered lists. 2nd set not recognizing correct CSS, help please...


I have two sets of links on my web page, set up in an unsorted list format. the first across the top and the second along the left side. The second set seems to always take on the styles of the first. They are both identified in the different div tags and have their own css styles...

How can you have two sets of links, set up as non ordered lists and edit both independently of each other?

the CSS code is attached...

Thanks for the help!

You have a link to the online site?

Briefly looking at the CSS, each grouped selectors must be declared in its entirety.

for example

a.the li #topMenu, li a.current:hover, li a.current: active {...

Only the first selector refers specifically to the inside

  • inside the div id = "topMenu". Others are global.

    For specifically refers to items only within the #topMenu, the selector should read:

    a.the li #topMenu, li a.current:hover, li a.current #topMenu #topMenu: active {...

    and so on.

  • Tags: Dreamweaver

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      Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release - 64 bit Production
      PL/SQL Release - Production
      CORE Production

      I think that the problem is related to the field of OPERATION.
      Order By properly sorts if I excluded all other fields except for POINT and EXPLOITATION,
      If I order by OPERATION and all other fields in my Order By clause, then the sorting is done correctly. Instead of DESC, it sorts in the order of the CSA.

      TRANSACTION is defined as Varchar2 (4)
      select dtls.description
      , dtls.item
      , dtls.revision
      , upper(dtls.serial) as serial
      , dtls.wo_num
      , dtls.wo_line
      , dtls.operation
      , '' as priorOp
      , dtls.ccn
      , dtls.mas_loc
      , dtls.ord_qty
      , dtls.compl_qty
      , dtls.lab_seq
      , dtls.outside
      , trim(rt.oper_text) as oper_text
      select unique labor.description
      , labor.item
      , labor.revision
      , case when (trim(labor.serial) is null AND trim(cs.c_ss_serial) is not null) then cs.c_ss_serial
      when (trim(cs.c_ss_serial) is null AND trim(labor.serial) is not null) then labor.serial
      else labor.serial
      end as serial
      , labor.wo_num
      , labor.wo_line
      , trim(labor.operation) as operation
      , labor.ccn
      , labor.mas_loc
      , labor.ord_qty
      , labor.compl_qty
      , labor.lab_seq
      , labor.rtg_seq
      , labor.bcr_type
      , labor.outside
      select trim(head.description) as description
      , head.item
      , head.revision
      , head.serial
      , head.wo_num
      , head.wo_line
      , head.operation
      , head.ccn
      , head.mas_loc
      , head.ord_qty
      , l.lab_complete_qty as compl_qty
      , l.lab_seq
      , '0001' as rtg_seq
      , 'CUR' as bcr_type
      , '' as outside
      from (
      select lab.*, sr.serial
      from (
      select i.description, lb.*, wo.item, wo.revision, wo.ord_qty
      from (
      select lt.*, d.operation
      select c.wo_num, c.wo_line, max(c.lab_seq) as lab_seq
      ,c.ccn, c.mas_loc
      from lab_tim c
      where c.ccn = '1' and c.mas_loc = '1' and c.wo_num not like '%INDIRECT%' and c.lab_tran_date between to_date('3/1/2009', 'mm/dd/yyyy') and to_date('3/10/2009', 'mm/dd/yyyy') --and trim(c.wo_num) = '55302'
      group by c.ccn, c.mas_loc, c.wo_num, c.wo_line
      ) lt,
      lab_tim d
      WHERE lt.ccn = d.ccn
      and lt.mas_loc = d.mas_loc
      and lt.wo_num = d.wo_num
      and lt.wo_line = d.wo_line
      and lt.lab_seq = d.lab_seq
      order by lt.wo_num, lt.wo_line, d.operation asc
      ) lb
      ,wo , item i
      WHERE lb.ccn = wo.ccn
      and lb.mas_loc = wo.mas_loc
      and lb.wo_num = wo.wo_num
      and lb.wo_line = wo.wo_line
      AND wo.mfg_close_date is null
      AND wo.REL_DATE is not null
      AND (wo.ord_qty - wo.scrap_qty - wo.complete_qty) > 0
      and wo.STATUS 'C'
      and wo.STATUS 'U'
      and wo.item = i.item
      and wo.revision = i.revision
      AND ( i.pc ='2050' ) ) lab, (
      select distinct i.description , wo.item,wo.revision, it.serial, wo.wo_num, wo.wo_line, wo.ccn, wo.mas_loc
      from itm_wosr it, wo, item i
      where it.ccn ='1' and it.mas_loc = '1' and it.wo=wo.wo_num
      and wo.wo_line = wo.wo_line
      and it.ccn = wo.ccn
      and it.mas_loc = wo.mas_loc
      and wo.status = 'I'
      and i.item = wo.item AND ( i.pc ='2050' ) group by wo.ccn, wo.mas_loc, wo.item, wo.revision, wo.wo_num, wo.wo_line, it.serial,i.description )sr
      WHERE lab.ccn = sr.ccn (+)
      and lab.mas_loc = sr.mas_loc (+)
      and lab.wo_num = sr.wo_num (+)
      and lab.wo_line = sr.wo_line (+)
      and lab.item = sr.item (+)
      and lab.revision = sr.revision (+)
      , lab_tim l
      WHERE head.ccn = l.ccn (+)
      and head.mas_loc = l.mas_loc (+)
      and head.wo_num = l.wo_num (+)
      and head.wo_line = l.wo_line (+)
      and head.operation = l.operation (+)
      and head.lab_seq = l.lab_seq (+)
      group by head.description
      , head.item
      , head.revision
      , head.wo_num
      , head.wo_line
      , head.ord_qty
      , head.operation
      , head.ccn
      , head.mas_loc
      , head.serial
      , l.lab_complete_qty
      , l.lab_seq
      ) labor
      ,c_ss cs
      WHERE labor.ccn = cs.ccn (+)
      and labor.mas_loc = cs.mas_loc (+)
      and labor.wo_num = cs.wo (+)
      and labor.wo_line = cs.wo_line (+)
      -----------------------END JUST LABOR -----
      -----------------------BEING OUTSIDE PROCESSING 
      select o.*
      ( --these are parts that are still in the realm the shipping/receiving department.
      Select distinct WOs. description, WOs.item, WOs.revision, WOs.serial, WOs.wo_num, WOs.wo_line
      ,WOs.operation, WOs.ccn, WOs.mas_loc, WOs.ord_qty, WOs.compl_qty
      , '0000' as lab_seq
      , '0001' as rtg_seq
      , 'CUR' as bcr_type
      , WOS.outside
      ( ---Max labor on these (potentially) outside parts
      select shp.description, shp.item, shp.revision,max(lt.operation) as operation
      ,shp.wo_num, shp.wo_line, shp.serial, shp.outside, shp.ccn, shp.mas_loc
      ( ---Outside Proc Only-----Used to get the Work Orders Of Interest
      select i.description, i.item, i.revision, wit.serial, wit.wo_num, wit.wo_line, max(wit.operation) as operation
      , wit.ccn, wit.mas_loc, wit.ord_qty, 1 as compl_qty, '0000' as lab_seq, '0001' as rtg_seq, 'CUR' as bcr_type
      , wit.outside
      from (
      select wo.wo_num, wo.wo_line,wo.item, wo.revision, wo.ord_qty, ot.ccn, ot.mas_loc, ot.operation
      ,ot.outside, ot.serial
      from (
      select a.*
      select c.ccn, c.mas_loc, c.wo as wo_num, c.wo_line,
      when trim(cs.operation) is null then '0'
      else cs.operation
      end as operation
      when trim(c.receiver) is null then '(Out)'
      else '(Rcvd)'
      end as outside
      , c.c_ss_serial as serial
      from c_ss c, c_shipop cs
      where c.c_ss_serial is not null
      and c.ccn = cs.pur_ccn
      and c.mas_loc = cs.mas_loc
      and trim(c.receiver) is null
      and c.ccn = '1' and c.mas_loc = '1' -- and cs.dat_shipped > to_date('9/10/2008', 'mm/dd/yyyy')
      and c.c_shipop_ship_num = cs.c_shipop_ship_num
      and trim(cs.operation) '290.'
      -- and trim(c.wo) = '55302'
      ) a
      order by a.wo_num, a.wo_line, a.operation
      ) ot
      , wo
      WHERE ot.ccn = '1' and ot.ccn = wo.ccn and ot.mas_loc = wo.mas_loc
      and ot.wo_num = wo.wo_num
      and ot.wo_line = wo.wo_line
      AND wo.mfg_close_date is null AND wo.REL_DATE is not null
      AND (wo.ord_qty - wo.scrap_qty - wo.complete_qty) > 0
      and wo.STATUS = 'I'
      order by wo.item, wo.revision, ot.operation ) wit
      ,item i
      WHERE wit.item = i.item
      and wit.revision = i.revision
      and i.pc 'boogayaagaa'
      AND ( i.pc ='2050' ) GROUP BY i.description, i.item, i.revision, wit.serial, wit.wo_num, wit.wo_line
      , wit.ccn, wit.mas_loc, wit.ord_qty, wit.outside
      order by i.item, i.revision, operation --<--slows query to 13 seconds from 607ms
      --607 ms
      , lab_tim lt
      where shp.ccn = '1' and shp.mas_loc = '1' and shp.ccn = lt.ccn
      and shp.mas_loc = lt.mas_loc
      and shp.wo_num = lt.wo_num
      and shp.wo_line = lt.wo_line
      and shp.lab_seq < lt.lab_seq
      and shp.ccn = lt.ccn
      and shp.mas_loc = lt.mas_loc
      and lt.wo_num not like '%INDIRECT%'
      and trim(lt.operation) is not null
      and trim(lt.operation) '9000' --2/27/09
      and trim(lt.operation) '9050' --2/27/09
      group by shp.ccn, shp.mas_loc, shp.wo_num, shp.wo_line, shp.operation, shp.item, shp.revision, shp.description
      , shp.outside , shp.serial
      ----*---*---*---*-------*---*---*---*--END OUTSIDE AND LABOR-----*---*---*---*-------*---*---*---*-------
      ----*---*---*---*-------*---*---*---*-BEING OUTSIDE NO LABOR------*---*---*---*-------*---*---*---*-------
      --Get largest operation sent out
      select i.description, i.item, i.revision, wit.serial, wit.wo_num, wit.wo_line, max(wit.operation) as operation
      , wit.ccn, wit.mas_loc, wit.ord_qty, 1 as compl_qty, '0000' as lab_seq, '0001' as rtg_seq, 'CUR' as bcr_type
      , wit.outside
      from (
      select wo.item, wo.wo_num, wo.wo_line, wo.revision, wo.ord_qty, ot.ccn, ot.mas_loc, ot.operation
      ,ot.outside, ot.serial
      from (
      select a.*
      select c.ccn, c.mas_loc, c.wo as wo_num, c.wo_line,
      when trim(cs.operation) is null then '0'
      else cs.operation
      end as operation
      when trim(c.receiver) is null then '(Out)'
      else '(Rcvd)'
      end as outside
      , c.c_ss_serial as serial
      from c_ss c, c_shipop cs
      where c.c_ss_serial is not null
      and c.ccn = cs.pur_ccn
      and c.mas_loc = cs.mas_loc
      and trim(c.receiver) is null
      and c.ccn = '1' and c.mas_loc = '1' -- and cs.dat_shipped > to_date('9/10/2008', 'mm/dd/yyyy')
      and c.c_shipop_ship_num = cs.c_shipop_ship_num
      and trim(cs.operation) '290.'
      --and trim(c.wo) = '55302'
      ) a
      order by a.wo_num, a.wo_line, a.operation
      ) ot
      , wo
      WHERE ot.ccn = '1' and ot.ccn = wo.ccn and ot.mas_loc = wo.mas_loc
      and ot.wo_num = wo.wo_num
      and ot.wo_line = wo.wo_line
      AND wo.mfg_close_date is null AND wo.REL_DATE is not null
      AND (wo.ord_qty - wo.scrap_qty - wo.complete_qty) > 0
      and wo.STATUS = 'I' -- in process
      order by wo.item, wo.revision, ot.operation ) wit
      ,item i
      WHERE wit.item = i.item
      and wit.revision = i.revision
      and i.pc 'boogayaagaa'
      AND ( i.pc ='2050' ) GROUP BY i.description, i.item, i.revision, wit.serial, wit.wo_num, wit.wo_line
      , wit.ccn, wit.mas_loc, wit.ord_qty, wit.outside
      order by i.item, i.revision, operation --<--slows query to 13 seconds from 607ms
      --607 ms
      ) WOs -- outside items
      WHERE WOs.operation > lab.operation
      and WOs.ccn = lab.ccn
      and WOs.mas_loc = lab.mas_loc
      and WOs.wo_num = lab.wo_num
      and WOs.wo_line = lab.wo_line
      and WOs.serial = lab.serial
      order by item, revision, wo_num, wo_line 
      ) dtls
      ,rtg_text rt
      where dtls.ccn = rt.ccn (+)
      and dtls.item = rt.item (+)
      and dtls.revision = rt.revision (+)
      and dtls.OPERATION = RT.OPERATION (+)
      and dtls.rtg_seq = rt.rtg_seq (+)
      and dtls.bcr_type = rt.bcr_type (+)
      order by dtls.item, rt.operation,dtls.wo_num desc
      Published by: NCR March 10, 2009 08:50


      Wow, 441 lines unformatted SQL.

      Why do you have several ORDER BY?

      Why do you use DISTINCT and GROUP BY at the same time?


      order by dtls.item, rt.operation, dtls.wo_num desc

      Simply means that dtls.wo_num is DESCENDING, rest is GROWING. That means that it is the same as

      order by dtls.item ASC, rt.operation ASC, dtls.wo_num DESC

      So maybe ORDER BY is sort properly after all? -Just a guess



      Published by: Peter on March 10, 2009 08:56
      -Added a note on ASC/DESC

    • dynamic category list link to the product list page does not

      I have a list of dynamic category which is filled from a mySQL database

      <? PHP {? >}

      < li > < a href = "product - list.php? CatID = <? PHP echo $row_Recordset1 ['CatID'];? > "> <?" PHP echo $row_Recordset1 ["productGroupGUID'];? > < /a > < /li >

      <? PHP} while ($row_Recordset1 = mysql_fetch_assoc ($Recordset1));? >

      im not sure if the aboive is correct?

      I need to link to the product page and just show all products in this category

      list of php code is

      $var1_Recordset1 = "-1";

      If (isset($_GET['CatID'])) {}

      $var1_Recordset1 = $_GET ['CatID'];


      @mysql_select_db ($database_lotties, $lotties);

      $query_Recordset1 = sprintf ("" SELECT * FROM lottieProducts, lottieCat WHERE lottieCat.CatID = lottieProducts.CatID AND lottieCat.CatID = %s ", GetSQLValueString ($var1_Recordset1,"int")");

      $Recordset1 = mysql_query ($query_Recordset1, $lotties) or die (mysql_error ());

      $row_Recordset1 = mysql_fetch_assoc ($Recordset1);

      $totalRows_Recordset1 = mysql_num_rows ($Recordset1);

      Thanks in advance

      He made

      $varCat_rsProductData = '0 '.

      If (isset($_GET["cat"])) {}

      $varCat_rsProductData = $_GET ["cat"];


      @mysql_select_db ($database_lotties, $lotties);

      $query_rsProductData = sprintf ("" SELECT * FROM lottieProducts WHERE lottieProducts.CatID = %s ", GetSQLValueString ($varCat_rsProductData,"int")");

      $rsProductData = mysql_query ($query_rsProductData, $lotties) or die (mysql_error ());

      $row_rsProductData = mysql_fetch_assoc ($rsProductData);

      $totalRows_rsProductData = mysql_num_rows ($rsProductData);

      link to the chat list


    • Non-breaking space as GREP not recognized?


      I'm trying to insert a non-breaking space in a paragraph numbering style. I have to do this through GREP text characters. The GREP text for a non-breaking space is "^ S". The chips paragraph Style and numbering menu, under Numbering Style > number, I type for example: "text ^ SHello. I expect to see 'text Hello. But I see "text ^ SHello" out. It seems as if "^ S" is not recognized. Is this a bug or I do something wrong?

      This is for CS4.

      Thank you.

      Okay, we don't mean number prefixes longer, we speak of cross references. Different animal.

      I just tried sticking a nonbreaking space in the prefix filed in the numbered list dialog box, and then make a reference to the format to display the paragraph number. The non-breaking space, I pasted is preserved.

    • Setting CSS shaped non ordered lists

      I'm trying to get off the format as shown in the gif attatched to a timeline.  I'm messing around with formatting bulleted lists, but I can't get it quite right.  I want to just make sure I'm on the right track.  I tried to use inline and floating the li of the year to get this right, but just can't.  Any guidance would be appreciated!  Thank you!

      Make a series of GIF images for the years that you want to use.

      Make each

    • element have a class assignment that reflects the year in use.

      • Your description for each year of this
      • Your description for each year of this
      • Your description for each year of this
      • Your description for each year of this
      • Use CSS like this-

        UL {list-style-type: none ;}}

        Li {padding-left: 35px; / * assuming that it is the width of the year pictures so that there is enough space * /}

        Li.year1982 {background-repeat: No.-repeat; background-image: url(_img/year1982.gif) ;}}

        Li.year1983 {background-repeat: No.-repeat; background-image: url(_img/year1983.gif) ;}}

        Li.Year1994 {background-repeat: No.-repeat; background-image: url(_img/year1994.gif) ;}}

        Li.year1996 {background-repeat: No.-repeat; background-image: url(_img/year1996.gif) ;}}

        That should do the trick...

    • need for a training module for a non ordered list of column 3


      on my RESUME, I need a table with 3 columns for my education and professional experience. does anyone know of a training module that will help me with that?

      Definition lists


      36 RESUME that works


      Nancy O.

    • Firefox 9 offers only a non-hierarchical list of bookmarks, not a reversed tree with a few branches expanded; Is there a cure, or else how can I restore Firefox 8?

      The old Firefox offers a bookmark on the left screen with an inverted tree structure. for example


          BBC glossary of business terms
          Fidelity Investments


          ZIP code finder
          google maps
          Chase personal banking


          Turner Classic Movies




          Science Times
          periodic table
          Schrodinger wave equation


      It's like the structure of computer file/subfolder(or file). Some folders may remain closed until that necessary, e.g. weather, but others remain extended until closing, and each visible bookmark can be clicked immediately (without opening another list).

      Hi joelgibson,

      Are you talking about the bookmarks bar? Try hitting CTRL + b. -What are you talking about? You can also create a navigation bar icon to allow this side bar if you do not want to use the keyboard shortcut. Take a look at article in the Knowledge Base controls, buttons, and Toolbars Customize Firefox for details.

      Hope this helps!

    • List of contacts an unexpected behavior. Help, please!

      Hi guys,.
      I'm having a little problem with pulling down the contact information from the address book (including date of birth).
      Every time I pull the contact information, date of birth comes back corrupted. I wrote a small test program to illustrate.

      I use JRE and 9700 with OS Simulator

      public TestAppScreen()
      call the constructor of the screen
      Name of string [];
      long date of birth = 0;
      SimpleDateFormat sdFormat;
      Contact list list = null;
      List of contacts contacts = null;
      Calendar myCalender = Calendar.GetInstance ();
      myCalender.set (Calendar.YEAR, 1982);
      myCalender.set (Calendar.MONTH, Calendar.NOVEMBER);
      myCalender.set (Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 15);
      Add a new contact to the address book
      try {}
      contacts = (ContactList) PIM.getInstance () .openPIMList (PIM. CONTACT_LIST, PIM. READ_WRITE);
      } catch (PIMException e) {}
      System.out.println (e.getMessage ());
      Contact = contacts.createContact ();
      name = String [new contacts.stringArraySize (Contact.NAME)];
      name [contact.NAME_GIVEN] = "SomeFirstName";
      name [contact.NAME_FAMILY] = "SomeLastName";
      contact.addDate (Contact.BIRTHDAY, Contact.ATTR_NONE, myCalender.getTime () .getTime ());

      try {}
      (contacts.importContact (contact)) .commit ();
      } catch (PIMException e) {}
      System.out.println (e.getMessage ());

      Retrieve the contact
      try {}
      list = (ContactList) PIM.getInstance () .openPIMList (PIM. CONTACT_LIST, PIM. READ_ONLY);
      Enumeration contactEnum = list.items ();
      {while (contactEnum.hasMoreElements ())}
      Contact contactTemp = (Contact) contactEnum.nextElement ();
      name = (contactTemp.getStringArray (Contact.NAME, 0));
      Date of birth = contactTemp.getDate (Contact.BIRTHDAY, 0);
      } catch (Exception e) {}
      System.out.println (e.getMessage ());
      sdFormat = new SimpleDateFormat ("MMM DD, yyyy hh." "") "'SSS');

      Add (new RichTextField ("name:" + name [Contact.NAME_GIVEN] + "" + name [Contact.NAME_FAMILY]));
      Add (new RichTextField ("birth date:"+ sdFormat.formatLocal (birthdate) '));
      Add (new RichTextField ("originalCalInMillisec:" + myCalender.getTime () .getTime ()));
      Add (new RichTextField ("birthdateCalInMillisec:" + date of birth));

      Here is my result:

      name: SomeFirstName SomeLastName

      Date of birth: 14 November 1982 19:00:00.000

      originalCalInMillisec: 406227608000

      birthdateCalInMillisec: 406166400000

      Date of birth is wrong

      Am I missing something? I'm about to pull out my hair.

      Any help would be greatly appreciated.

      What is the difference between the time that you set, and what you got back?

      If it's basically the difference between the hour GMT (time zone 0) and your time zone (GMT - 6 hours where I am, for example), then it is probably a problem with the time zones.

      I ran into the issue before the implementation of the RIM of the PIM database.  You book a date, and then bring it back, and it is now offset by the time zone difference.

      Seems to me that you have a difference of 5 hours, which would be time GMT-5 or right side?

      Here is an excerpt of code that we use to set the date for the PIM mess.

          public long localTimeAdjust(long date)
              Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
              cal.setTime(new Date(date));
              TimeZone zone = TimeZone.getDefault();
              int offset = zone.getOffset(1, // AD
              return offset;
    • Targeted rule list arrow does not appear new CSS rule? DW - CC

      I am currently enrolled in Adobe Dreamweaver for school, and because of the mistake of transition, that adobe has ever done, we are running CC using books CS6. Adobe Dreamweaver CS6 revealed by the Bishop of Sherry. I'm on Chapter 3, page 3-14 to apply a rule. With the instructions changed to CC, it is said that the number of the step 3 and 4 should work. I'm supposed to use my new rule using the target rule list arrow and the rule is not displayed in the list. I am so confused and so frustrated with Adobe at this point.  Is there advice? Am I supposed to do something with CSS and the rule so that it appears in the target rule list?  If there is more information you need to help me find a solution, ask, and I'll do my best.

      rab1drabb1t wrote:

      I am currently enrolled in Adobe Dreamweaver for school, and because of the mistake of transition, that adobe has ever done, we are running CC using books CS6.

      It's really a misrepresentation (and it seems a little silly, nobody has communicated with someone from Adobe to obtain the very simple fix).

      If you have a CC subscription, you also DWCS6 as part of this subscription. Here's how you get DWCS6 under CC...


      I'm guessing that your admin guys don't realize that when they made the purchase. I don't know why someone might get a version of a program deleted the books that they intend to use, especially with this correct version being available via Adobe in and of itself...

      Creative Suite 6

      If they refuse to install the software that they already pay for your class can use the correct combination of program/book, an alternative would be to get rid of the CSS designer panel and return to one that more closely resembles that of DWCS6 by pressing Ctrl + Alt + Shift + P.

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      Is there anyway that I can make a list from one number other than 1? For example 6?

      Best info I could get to- http://www.timrivera.com/tests/ol-start.html

      This seems to work...

      1. It's a

      2. It's two

      3. It's three

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      Hi, your sisters Notebook is under warranty and it could be a hardware problem.

      As the laptop is only one week.

      I suggest that advise you your sister back to the place where it has been sold since.

      Slan go foill, Paul

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      Not sure if the problem is hardware or software. Reinstalled Vista (32 bit) and all programs. Make sure that the appropriate driver has been installed at HP. Can access the internet via ethernet, but wireless is detected with excellent resistance but will only give local access. I would be grateful for any feedback. In addition, it used to work properly. Not sure what happened to bring about change.

      I'm fighting this same question for months.  I fixed it just a few minutes ago.  I had been looking for Bulletin Board after Board.  Here's what I did - I hope it helps.

      Enter the network and sharing Center

      Other right of the connection - click to view the status of

      Click on properties

      Under your driver, click CONFIGURE
      Click on the DRIVER tab

      Click on update DRIVER

      Have windows search for the driver update.

      Once this is installed, I could immediately get Internet restored.  Months of frustration finally taking charge!

      Good luck!

    • Message from blackBerry Smartphones I get after you set up e-mail. Help please

      What should I do to remedy this?

      Dear customer of AT & T Yahoo!:

      We noticed that you access using mail not secure electronic settings in your email program.

      We want to make sure that your AT & T Yahoo! Member ID, password, and e-mail messages are transmitted securely between your e-mail (such as Outlook or Outlook Express) software and servers AT & T Yahoo! Mail. To meet this need, please enable SSL via the instructions available on the support Web site.

      As several mail notifications have already been sent to this topic, we ask that you Please make the necessary changes immediately. Don't forget, you need to make these changes, if you want to continue to send and receive e-mail using an e-mail client.

      Thank you for your cooperation,

      The at & T Yahoo! customer support

      What email address this message comes, you can chk mail from yahoo or BB to find the senders e-mail address.

      also chk this thread: http://groups.google.com/group/alt.usenet.offline-reader.forte-agent/browse_thread/thread/2084bb2287...

    • Help, please! blank page in the list of updates (vista SP2) to install company

      Hello, I have a business edition of vista with SP2 and you have a problem to view the updates that must be installed: currently I have a notification of updates 26, but when I click on the link to view this list, I have only a white page!
      Please see below for details and I'll appreciate your help on this issue.


      2009-12-01 16:59:38:837 1092 918 Agent *.
      2009-12-01 16:59:38:838 1092 918 Agent * END * Agent: finding updates [CallerId = AutomaticUpdates]
      2009-12-01 16:59:38:838 1092 918 Agent *.
      2009-12-01 16:59:38:866 1092 12cc to THE > # RETURN # to THE: research updates [CallId = {E714C492-FBD4-4242-B9AF-23A387873ADA}]
      2009-12-01 16:59:38:867 1092 12cc to # 26 updates detected
      2009-12-01 16:59:38:881 1092 918 report REPORT EVENT: {A51BA924-F788-4870-AD30-D95DCDA9058D}-2009-12-01 16:59:38:821 - 0000 1 147 101 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 0 AutomaticUpdates success software sync Windows Update Client detected successfully 26 updates.
      2009-12-01 16:59:38:881 1092 918 CWERReporter finish event management report. (00000000)
      2009-12-01 16:59:38:882 1092 918 CWERReporter finish event management report. (00000000)
      2009-12-01 16:59:38:957 1092 12cc to THE #.
      2009-12-01 16:59:38:957 1092 12cc to # END # in THE: research updates [CallId = {E714C492-FBD4-4242-B9AF-23A387873ADA}]
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      2009-12-01 16:59:38:981 1092 12cc to THE #.
      2009-12-01 16:59:38:981 1092 12cc to no. feature updates available.
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      2009-12-01 16:59:38:981 1092 12cc to THE #.
      2009-12-01 16:59:38:982 1092 12cc to THE timeout parameter next detection at 2009-12-02 13:48:11
      2009-12-01 16:59:38:982 1092 12cc setting of to THE pending client directive to 'install approval. "
      2009-12-01 16:59:43:835 1092 918 CWERReporter finish event management report. (00000000)
      2009-12-01 16:59:54:182 1092 launched CE4 again to THE client for directive 'Install approval', session id = 0x1
      2009-12-01 20:00:55:866 1092 16 c 4 putting featured update notifications.  fIncludeDismissed = true
      2009-12-01 20:00:55:866 1092 16 c to THE star no. 4 updates available.
      2009-12-01 20:01:07:235 1092 16 c 4 putting featured update notifications.  fIncludeDismissed = true
      2009-12-01 20:01:07:235 1092 16 c to THE star no. 4 updates available.

      Hi Tati70,

      Welcome to the Microsoft Answers site!

      (1) what is the version of Internet Explorer you are using?

      This problem can occur for several reasons. You may experience this problem if one or more of the following conditions are met:

      > Internet Explorer settings may be incorrect.

      > Some third party such as antivirus programs, firewall and accelerators Web applications adversely affect the ability of your computer to connect to the Windows Update Web site.

      > Internet Explorer damaged or incompatible settings can prevent you from accessing Windows Update.

      You can reset Internet Explorer and see if that can solve the problem.

      Warning: Resetting Internet Explorer settings is not reversible. After a reset, all previous settings are lost and cannot be recovered. Rather than reset, you can reset the settings or delete your webpage history. For more information, see the links at the bottom of this topic.

      You can access the links below and use the tool to reset the version of Internet Explorer you are using.

      Reset Internet Explorer version 7:


      Reset Internet Explorer version 8:


      Let us know if the problem is solved or for help

      Visit our Microsoft answers feedback Forum
      http://social.answers.Microsoft.com/forums/en-us/answersfeedback/threads/ and tell us what you think

    • PS Cs6 - set the image at 300 DPI, but the text is always pixelly. Help, please!

      I am having trouble with the text tool in Photoshop cs6. I used it in my computer in my class, and it's a little weird. I put my photo at 300 DPI and the resolution is slightly more than 1000 x 1300 pixels. When I use the text tool, words are always pixely, could someone PLEASE tell me why this is happening? I know that PS is not super great text as illustrator is, but when I do the same in Cs4 and set it to actual pixels, the text was not entirely pixely. Help, please.

      Select the text and check the setting of the AA in the Options bar.  You probably set to None

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