a href for imageshack slideshow image works but not from google reader

Some of my files image loading slow enough from my server, so I decided to host them elsewhere, I tried imgshack but they compress the image, so I just downloaded on my google reader, but once I add google url of readers for this file it comes up with an error (well worked with the url to imageshack).

Screen Shot 2013-08-19 at 14.38.02.png

Link Google Drive:

http://drive.Google.com/UC?export=view & ID = 0B8UhkqE2KgybcnNIXzVSM2MxVHc

Imageshack link:


Link to website (first image):

http://dkphotos.net/portfolio/Studio%20Photography/outdoor/outdoor%20Studio%20Photography. HTML


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" < a href =" http://Drive.google.com/UC?Export=View & ID = 0B8UhkqE2KgybcnNIXzVSM2MxVHc "class ="lightbox"rel ="group1"> < img src =" images/image - 1 T .jpg "style =" float: left; "width ="100"height ="100"border = '10' > < /a > <! - END_IMG - > < a href =" images/image - 2.jpg"class ="lightbox"rel ="group1"> < img src =" images/image - 2T .jpg"style =" float: left; "width ="100"height ="100"border = '10' > < /a > <! - END_IMG - > < a href =" images/image - 3.jpg"class ="lightbox"rel ="group1"> < img src = ' images/image - 3T .jpg' style = «» float: left; "width ="100"height ="100"border ="10"> < /a > <! - END_IMG - > < a href =" images/image - 4.jpg"class ="lightbox"rel ="group1"> < img src = ' images/image - 4t .jpg' style =" float: left; "width ="100"height ="100"border = '10' > < /a > <! - END_IMG - > < a href =" images/image - 5.jpg"class ="lightbox"rel ="group1"> < img src = ' images/image - 5T .jpg' style ="float ". : left; "width ="100"height ="100"border ="10"> < /a > <! - END_IMG - > < a href =" images/image - 6.jpg"class ="lightbox"rel ="group1"> < img src = ' images/image - 6 T .jpg' style =" float: left; "width ="100"height ="100"border = '10' > < /a > <! - END_IMG - > < a href =" images/image - 7.jpg"class ="lightbox"rel ="group1"> < img src = ' images/image - 7 T .jpg' style ="float ". : left; "width ="100"height ="100"border ="10"> < /a > <! - END_IMG - > < a href =" images/image - 8.jpg"class ="lightbox"rel ="group1"> < img src = ' images/image - 8T .jpg' style =" float: left; "width ="100"height ="100"border = '10' > < /a > <! - END_IMG - > < a href =" images/image - 9.jpg"class ="lightbox"rel ="group1"> < img src = ' images/image - 9 T .jpg' style ="float ". : left; "width ="100"height ="100"border = '10' > < /a > <! - END_IMG - > < a href =" images/image - 11.jpg"class ="lightbox"rel ="group1"> < img src = ' images/image - 11 T .jpg' style =" float: left; "width ="100"height ="100"border ="10"> < /a > <! - END_IMG - > < a href =" images/image - 12.jpg"class ="lightbox"rel ="group1"> < img src = ' images/image - 12 T .jpg' style ="float ". : left; "width ="100"height ="100"border = '10' > < /a > <! - END_IMG - > < a href =" images/image - 13.jpg"class ="lightbox"rel ="group1"> < img src = ' images/image - 13 T .jpg' style =" float: left; "width ="100"height ="100"border ="10"> < /a > <! - END_IMG - > < a href =" images/image - 14.jpg"class ="lightbox"rel ="group1"> < img src = ' images/image - 14t .jpg' style ="float ". : left; "width ="100"height ="100"border ="10"> < /a > <! - END_IMG - > < a href =" images/image - 15.jpg"class ="lightbox"rel ="group1"> < img src =" images/image - 15t .jpg"style =" float: left; "width ="100"height ="100"border = '10' > < /a > <! - END_IMG - >

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BeginOAWidget_Instance_2149022: #OAWidget

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@charset "utf-8";

/ * CSS document * /.


background - image: URL(images/bg_body.jpg);

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Width: 1920px;

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ul.navBar li {}

Display: inline;


{img.logo .header

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Clear: both;



Width: 100%;

min-width: 650px;

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do-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, without serif.

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Auto margin: 0; / * centered * /.

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#Box1 {#Box2}

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/ * to reduce the float drop issues in IE * /.

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#Box1 {margin left: 8px; float: left ;}}

#Box2 {margin left: 20px; float: left ;}}

/ * Clear floats after boxes * /.


Clear: both;

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{.cycle-slide show

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Width: 100%;

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Problem solved, added .jpg for the link because apparently lightbox is html nuderstand links

https://doc-0s-7g-docs.googleusercontent.com/docs/securesc/ug2dl6ngof2hegen9nqlvc6a6de2d91 a/ma2qhmo857gb9saqje9fllntlrdl6jkg/1376942400000/10099564583573154067/10099564583573154067 /0B8UhkqE2KgybcnNIXzVSM2MxVHc? e = view & h = 16653014193614665626 & nonce = 6p4h7ef1u0o2a & user = 10099 564583573154067 & hash = t49tp4bkne0vevvips3l5f7flvp8bkvv.jpg"class ="lightbox"rel ="group1"> "

Tags: Dreamweaver

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    You must install it to see if it is legal to do so.

    There is no public database of product keys.

    See you soon.

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    Hi rajuarman,

    -Headset works fine on other computers?

    -Have you installed the audio drivers on your computer?

    -Not the problem only occurs when trying to play music in Internet Explorer?

    Your question does contain all the required information necessary for us to help you. Please include more information to continue troubleshooting as a result.

    Please see How to ask questions and provide the information required to help others.

    In the meantime, check out these articles:

    Tips for solving common audio problems

    No sound in Windows

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    Looks like you need to set up the transfer on your iPhone text messages:

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    1. the first thing to do is to make sure that the computer is completely virus/malware-free. Googling around this error produced quite a few links where the posters were or had been infected with Spyware Protect 2009 rogue.


    Once the scanning is complete (do not skip the preparatory stages no more), if the problem persists:

    2. double-click on my computer, right-click the icon for your hard drive, click left to get its properties. If you see options to set Quota management make sure that they are disabled.

    3. in the case - BUT ONLY AFTER YOU ARE sure THAT THE MACHINE IS MALWARE/VIRUS-FREE - copy the lines between asterisks (not including the asterisks) below and paste it into Notepad. Save as undopolicy.reg somewhere, you will find. And then double-click the .reg file, that you have just made to melt in your registry. I hope that this will take care of the issue.

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

    'EnableProfileQuota ' = -.
    'ProfileQuotaMessage ' = -.
    "MaxProfileSize" = -.
    'IncludeRegInProQuota ' = -.
    'WarnUser ' = -.
    'WarnUserTimeout ' = -.

    MS - MVP - Elephant Boy computers - don't panic!

  • Random image work but still get error


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    Error #2007: Request parameter must be non-null.

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    var ImgReq01:URLRequest = new URLRequest("images/random/image01.jpg");
    var ImgReq02:URLRequest = new URLRequest("images/random/image02.jpg");
    var ImgReq03:URLRequest = new URLRequest("images/random/image03.jpg");
    var ImgReq04:URLRequest = new URLRequest("images/random/image04.jpg");

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    var imgRandom = imgList [Math.floor (Math.random () * imgList.length - 1)];

    var imgLoader:Loader = new Loader();
    imgLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener (Event.COMPLETE, onComplete);
    imgLoader.load (imgRandom);

    function onComplete(event:Event):void
    var randomImage:Bitmap = Bitmap (imgLoader.content);
    randomImage.x =-203;
    randomImage.y =-280;
    addChild (randomImage);
    event.currentTarget.removeEventListener (Event.COMPLETE, onComplete);

    I understand no no matter who might shed light on why I get this error message?

    Thank you very much

    the line:

    var imgRandom = imgList [Math.floor (Math.random () * imgList.length - 1)];

    is the place where it fails.

    Math.Random () returns a value between 0 and 1. Including zero, excluding 1.

    Multiply it by the length of the results list something between 0 and something less than the length of the list.

    subtract 1 and you have something less than zero.

    That should do it

    var imgRandom = imgList [Math.floor (Math.random () * imgList.length)];

    No subtraction, just rounding down. Thus, he never returned a number being the length of the table prevent errors on this end. It will never be less than zero because Math.Random () returns nothing less than zero errors preventing on this end.

  • WordPress Image downloaded but not displayed

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    I was pulling my hair out on this for days, so I thought I would ask for help with this issue. I searched all forums in WordPress and there is no solution to the problem. I also tried to add below line of code in wp - config.php, but this just removes all images of each page. Could that be a permalinks issue? I have it currently and / category%/%postname%/.

    Your help would be greatly appreciated:


    Your images are all back 500 error in URL rewrite Module.

    I assume that your site is running on IIS from Microsoft Windows Server:

    (Which explains why the images work after you change them too.)

    Or set up your Apache Server


    Kenneth Kawamoto


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    You can temporarily rename the file to places.sqlite.sav as a test.

  • Firefox manages not to display images much (but not all) on the Web sites that I visit, certain images are displayed and some are not even if they are in the same format.

    I recently changed my ISP because I had connectivity problems. Especially my router would be closed sporadically. As part of my attempt to identify issues, I ran some spyware that I was told that I could trust. Since then, I have a problem looking at many websites as much (but not all) images are missing, even on websites that I know very well, including my own. What is odd, is that on one site each page has an image jpg under the navigation bar and all these jpg appear except for one who does not even appear when I reload images. This problem also makes security of sensitive sites as my amateur full site look Bank that scares me. The problem does not occur on other web browsers.

    What spyware software do you run?

    Make sure that allow you pages to choose their colors and you have not enabled high contrast in the Windows accessibility settings.

    • Check the permissions for the domain in the active tab in "tools > Page Info > Permissions.
    • Check that the images are enabled: Tools > Options > content: [X] loading images automatically
    • Check exceptions in "tools > Options > content: Load Images > Exceptions.
    • See the tab "tools > Page Info > media ' for blocked images (scroll all the images with the cursor key).

    If an image in the list is grayed out and there is a check mark in the box "block Images of..." and remove this mark to unlock the images from this area.

    There are also extensions (Tools > Modules > Extensions) and security software (firewall, antivirus) that can block images.

  • PSC 1350 printer works but not scanner


    Have just upgraded to Windows 7.  I have the printer psc 1350 to work & print documents.  I can not get the computer recognized or even to recognize the scanner function.  I have the installation discs and who have tried but still no scanner function.

    Site Web of HP said that the Windows 7 software should recognize the psc1350.  It recognizes the printer function but NOT the scanner function.

    Any ideas?


    Open the program to Scan and Fax from Windows, and then follow the steps set out below, the steps for Windows 7 are identical:


    Kind regards


Maybe you are looking for