AF:selectOneChoice do not return value

Hi all

I use JDeveloper 11 g, EntityObjects, and ADF Faces.

I am trying to use a selectOneChoice to send a value. I created a managed bean that returns a list of items. The selectOneChoice is filled out correctly, but the selected value will not be sent, so a null is written to the database.

My code:

& lt; AF:selectOneChoice value = "#{bindings." ExpresionOral.inputValue}.
label = "#{bindings." ExpresionOral.label}.
shortDesc = "#{bindings." ExpresionOral.hints.tooltip}.
required = "true" & gt;
& lt; f: selectItems value = "#{collections.nivelIdiomaEnum}" / & gt;
& lt; / af:selectOneChoice & gt;

public List & lt; SelectItem & gt; {getNivelIdiomaEnum()}
FacesContext ctx = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance ();
Settings regional locale = ctx.getViewRoot () .getLocale ();
ArrayList & lt; SelectItem & gt; list = new ArrayList & lt; SelectItem & gt ;();
for ({nIdioma:NivelIdioma.values())} NivelIdioma
Point SelectItem is new SelectItem (nIdioma, nIdioma.getName (local));.
List.Add (Item);
back list;

Thank you


Hi Joseba,

Your code looks fine. However, my hunch is that the getNivelIdiomaEnum() method does not return the list itself for the publication, if yes, then you need to fix your code accordingly. You can also try the selectOneChoice valuePassThru attribute set to true, it can thus correct.

Kind regards

~ Simon

Tags: Java

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    The presence of special characters is exactly what I had suspected.

    You must use the function replace in the query that is run by the "application process" that is called by your AJAX call. This process of applicition generates the XML code, which is then used by your Javascript to build the LOV.


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    I have the page element declared as 'source' to a column of data.

    What is a parameter for Source used?

    If it's still, by replacing the value that exists in the session state, then that could explain it.

    This means first of all, you do your calculation or procesess, and after that to read data in the element.
    And gets what you read database element.

    Kind regards

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    V_Input Nvarchar2,

    V_Split_Pattern in Nvarchar2)

    Ret_Tbl RETURN pipeline


    v_string nvarchar2 (32767): = v_input | v_split_pattern;

    v_indexfound NUMBER (5);

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    v_buff nvarchar2 (32767).



    v_buff: = null;

    v_indexfound: = REGEXP_INSTR (v_string, v_split_pattern, v_index);


    WHEN v_indexfound = 0;

    v_buff: = SUBSTR (v_string, v_index, v_indexfound - v_index);

    IF (v_buff IS NOT NULL) THEN

    pipe ROW (v_buff);

    END IF;

    v_index: = v_indexfound + 1;



    END Splitstring;

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    I have to use regexp_instr for template matching.

    There are easier ways to break up the delimited strings only to use slow methods code PL... for example

    SQL > ed
    A written file afiedt.buf

    1 with t as (select 1 | s, 3: 4, 5, 6, 7' as double inp)
    2  --
    3 end of test data
    4  --
    5 Select regexp_substr (inp,'[^ |] +', 1, level) as val
    6 t
    7 * connect regexp_substr (inp,'[^ |] +', 1, level) is not null
    SQL > /.

    s, 3

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         my_values            IN          emp.dept_no%TYPE,
         p_cursor        OUT sys_refcursor
         quoteValues     VARCHAR2 (256);
         SELECT     '''' || REPLACE(my_values, ',', ''',''') || ''''
           INTO     quoteValues
           FROM     DUAL;
         OPEN p_cursor  FOR
              SELECT          emp_no,
                FROM     emp
               WHERE     dept_no IN (quoteValues);
    END check_values;
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    How can I solve this problem?

    Thank you

    user20090209 wrote:
    So why then is not running? If I hard code the values above in where condition it runs very well.

    Watch your WHERE clause:

    WHERE dept_no IN (quoteValues);

    Expressions how many there are in the list? A straight, single. So regardless of the value of quoteValues, this INTEGER value is compared to dept_no. What you're trying to do can be done through dynamic SQL LIKE operator or collection.

    Dynamic SQL:

         my_values            IN          emp.dept_no%TYPE,
         p_cursor        OUT sys_refcursor
         quoteValues     VARCHAR2 (256);
         OPEN p_cursor  FOR
              'SELECT          emp_no,
                FROM     emp
               WHERE     dept_no IN (' || my_values || ')';
    END check_values;

    AS the operator:

         my_values            IN          emp.dept_no%TYPE,
         p_cursor        OUT sys_refcursor
         quoteValues     VARCHAR2 (256);
         OPEN p_cursor  FOR
              SELECT          emp_no,
                FROM     emp
               WHERE     ',' || my_values || ',' LIKE '%,' || dept_no || ',%';
    END check_values;


         my_values            IN          sys.OdciVarchar2List,
         p_cursor        OUT sys_refcursor
         quoteValues     VARCHAR2 (256);
         OPEN p_cursor  FOR
              SELECT          emp_no,
                FROM     emp
               WHERE     dept_no IN (SELECT * FROM TABLE(my_values));
    END check_values;

    and pass my_values as a sys. OdciVarchar2List ('2345 ', '1245','9076 ').


  • LOV query is not valid, a display and a return value is necessary, column n


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    with two table, I create lov

    the tables are
       (     "ID" NUMBER, 
         "CUSTOMER_NAME" VARCHAR2(255), 
         "CUSTOMER_ADDRESS1" VARCHAR2(255), 
    But who show me LOV query is not valid, a display and a return value is needed, the column names must be
    different. If your query contains a query online, the first CLAUSE in the SQL statement must not belong to the query online.

    How to solve this problem.

    Thank you

    Published by: 805629 on January 10, 2011 03:46

    Published by: 805629 on January 10, 2011 03:58

    Published by: 805629 on January 10, 2011 03:59


    But the correct way is a join outher

    where SD.DEPT_CODE=:P16_MARKET
  • BPEL does not receive "return value" of MS SQL, stored procedure


    We are facing this problem citing a MS SQL stored procedure the BPEL (jdbc 1.2 driver). We have created the wsdl for the stored procedure correctly using a command line utility tool provided with Oracle SOA Suite.
    But the question is THAT BPEL is not able to get the data present in the statement of "return" of the procedure. We receive null output. But it is able to extract the data from the output variable, if any. Case 1 below is for the return statement. Case 2 is for the output variable

    Case 1: in the following, the output is returned using the return statement. The BPEL that calls this procedure is to obtain a NULL value as an answer to this.

    ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo]. [AddNumbersRet]
    -Add the parameters for the procedure
    @Number1 int,
    @Number2 int
    -SET NOCOUNT ON added to avoid additional results sets from
    -interfering with SELECT statements.

    -Controls insert for procedure here
    Return (@Number1 + @Number2);

    Case 2: in the following, the output is returned using the SumOfNums output variable. The BPEL that calls this procedure is to obtain a correct answer.

    ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo]. [AddNumbers]
    @Number1 int,
    @Number2 int,
    @SumOfNums int output

    -SET NOCOUNT ON added to avoid additional results sets from
    -interfering with SELECT statements.

    Set @SumOfNums = (@Number1 + @Number2);


    Case 1 is a failure and case 2 is successful. We cannot change our procedures similar to case 1 to use variables of output because of dependencies on other applications.

    All the world is facing this problem? This looks like a bug in BPEL. Please, share your experiences.

    Thanks and greetings


    Published by: user10980910 on December 8, 2009 05:16

    There is a gap in the command line utility that was addressed in the adapter configuration (AS11gR1) Wizard. The API is a procedure, not a function, so does not return the query for the parameters that the utility made anything for the RETURN statement.

    The adapter configuration wizard is unable to say if there is a RETURN statement either, but it provides the user with a check box that can be used to indicate the presence of the declaration. In the wizard, if you check the checkbox, a parameter is added to the XSD to the RETURN statement. In essence, the adapter will process the procedure as a function and you will get the value of the PERFORMANCE.

    Usually, I wish to indicate that you certainly should NOT change the generated XSD. But you might be able to do it, by adding the necessary element to the OutputParameters for your RETURN statement. Add the following immediately AFTER the element of 'Lines', which occurs first in the XSD and BEFORE all items for the other none.

    Use a value for the "" that is meaningful to you. The wizard uses the name of the stored procedure with the name of the element. We could call this "RETURN_VALUE" or else if is more to your liking. Add the item after you generate the XSD using the command line utility, and then use the XSD when you model your BPEL processes. The WSDL should already have the content for this element handling.

  • Popup LOV does not return a value in editable tabular report

    I'm having a problem with a Popup LOV in a report updated in table form. When you select value, the popup remains and the value is not returned to the element. I guess that's because the popup does not know which element to fill? I don't know how to fix.


    workspace: csd_apex_demo
    user name: demo
    password: demo
    application: 35976 - Jason demo
    page: 3-1 report

    Thank you


    Looking more closely, I see that you mix display_and_save with popup_from_lov. The p_item_id parameter seems to have no effect on the generated javascript code and I think that javascript doesn't work, but not like you might expect. If you use Firefox with Firebug you can inspect the items and watch what happens when you click on an element of the pop-up window. It is by the way of the return value, but it is stored in the first element of display_and_save line which is a named element f08 hidden. All the items are named f08 in this column as a result of your use of the p_idx = 8. But the javascript code to handle the valve of the popup is generated once and so is assuming that it is zero array position. He uses the name attribute and no id and I suspect that it is followed by the line number in their own country (IE in the popup_lov procedure).

    I don't see how to change the way the javascript code generated here then perhaps another solution is needed. I guess that display_and_save is used here so that you can coordinate the f08 array that is posted, but there is no process here "send" to confirm that this is your intention.

    If you remove the display_and_save and just see the 'reason' the works of popup. If you change the popup to something other than p_idx = 8 it will work also. But now we must find a way to align the line ID is displayed.

    There are several ways to coordinate the shipment but they will in part depend on if you want to display only one line of a popup lov field or several lines. I would like to know where you go and I can help you set up the form and submit processes.


  • Possibility to get a popup to display the display value "" and not the "return value".

    Version - Application Express

    I have a list of values that exceed 1500 files and am so impossible to use a Select list.

    When you use a popup lov after choosing the recording, apex displays the return value (in my case a number). Is it possible to let him use the display value (in my case, a text string).



    Benton says:

    Version - Application Express

    I have a list of values that exceed 1500 files and am so impossible to use a Select list.

    When you use a popup lov after choosing the recording, apex displays the return value (in my case a number). Is it possible to let him use the display value (in my case, a text string).

    See limiting the number of values in a LOV

    If it comes to a page element, and then change the type of Popup LOV key.

    If there is a control in a table, it's another reason to upgrade to a supported version, or the tabular form will need to be converted to be manually generated and processed in order to allow the appropriate control be returned using the apex_item.popupkey_from_lov method

  • LOV using personaliztion is not return a value.


    I have a requirement where I need to add a field to a seeded page. This field must have a value list using customization that must search the EmployeeName but must return corresponding EmployeeId. To achieve this, I followed the below mentioned steps

    1 created EmployeeVO that contains two columns EmployeeName and EmployeeId IN JDEV.
    2. created AM and EmployeeVO annexed.
    3 created EmployeeVORN (/ xxlc/oracle/apps/eam/workplan/lov/webui/EmployeeVORN.xml) and imported.
    4 is went to customization and followed the below mentioned steps
    4.1 has created a MessageLOVinput XX_EMP_NAME with /xxlc/oracle/apps/eam/workplan/lov/webui/EmployeeVORN.xml
    Guest: employee name
    4.2 create a following LOV Mapping EMP_NAME_MAPPING
    LOV box item: EmployeeName
    Point of criteria: XX_EMP_NAME
    Goods return: (empty)
    4.3 create an another following LOV Mapping EMP_ID_MAPPING
    LOV box item: EmployeeId
    Point of criteria: XX_EMP_NAME

    That's what I've done so far to implement LOV using customization. I can see the name of the employee on the page with the torch trigger. I click on the button of the torch and search for an employee name and after finding it, select using quick selection. But the moment quick selection is made, I see no return value (or EmployeeName EmployeeId) in the region of the employee name field.

    Can guys you please tell me where I'm wrong in the application my requirement. Please help me in this regard.

    Waiting for your response.

    Thank you

    Hey, Sunil,.

    Please close the thred.

    Meher Irk

  • SelectOneChoice show the correct value with switching problem


    I use JDeveloper and I have a non-trivial application of SelectOneChoice.

    Here's my usecase:

    I have to show LOV to set the State according to the connected person.

    So, I implemented attribute LOVs view that each filtered for in the light of the type of person (owner or non-owner).

    I created switcher LOV for attribute as java method in module impl invoked by EL expression adf.source.getApplicationModule () .getTaskStateLOVSwitcher (adf.object, CreatedByIdFk);

    to get connected user binded query parameter id.

    public static String getTaskStateLOVSwitcher (ViewRowImpl, String createdById, time stamp dateInsert vri) {}
    ViewObject vo = vri.getApplicationModule () .findViewObject ("TaskViewParTaskTypeIdEx1");
    String userId = getBindValue (vo, "BindProcessedByUserId") m:System.NET.SocketAddress.ToString ();
    Output string;
    If (createdById.trim () .equals (userId)) {}
    output = "LOV_TaskStateIdFkOwner";
    } else
    output = "LOV_TaskStateIdFkNotOwner";
    return output;

    I've used this many fragments of jsff perspective.

    There are fragments where it works fine (but I still don't understand why the switch method is called 3 times)

    And there are fragments where it fails. When there are two lines with different LOV to show SelectOneChoice shows an incorrect value.

    I can see the newspaper that LOV switcher method is called 6 or more times and first 3 times it works with values previously selected line and next time, it runs with the current line.

    He result is SelectOneChoice sets the value of the line previously selected in the first round and goes the LOV index.

    I found in the < getViewPort > ADFc log < ControllerState > message: no port view found ID...

    Is the source of the problem and what is the solution?

    Thank you.

    After eliminating all the differences between 'good' and 'bad' fragments I found a problem in the fragments of masters who defined a real line of iterator.

    Define RangeSize = 10 (not 25) table completely setting to change this behavior in common sense.

  • How to use the return value of TestComplete (using COM) as a variable in the conditional statement (for example loops) TestStand


    I have setup a COM interface for TestStand (TS) to run some scripts in TestComplete (TC).  Normally, when TestComplete has finished executing the script, it returns a 0 or 1 to designate the success/failure during the TestStand step (step test for example String value).  It worked well.

    However, now I need TestComplete to regain a vaule (e.g. 32) TS and TS need to assess this value in a while statement. So if the TC value is 32, I would have some statement in TS ike:

    While (return value! = 30)

    Do something...

    Thank you


    No, the program does not have a new thread.  It's just a single sequential thread. She called other sequential files, and that's all.

    I think I'll have some luck with the StationGlobal.  It seems to work (for example by setting the StationGlobal a single sequence file automatically updates the Stationglobal in another movie file, sort of like passing the reference value)

    Thank you!

  • Use the return value to do step digital multiple success or failure


    I use a multiple digital step to check several measurements by an external DMM through a function created in CVI.  I would like to use the return value of the function to replace the global status of the step. The reason is that the return value indicates a communication error, while steps are being taken, and which would lead to a "fake" fake or false 'Pass '.

    What I would do is more or less this >

    If the return value is 0, then check if the measuremets are between the limits

    If return value! 0 = there was a communication error so step continues to operate independently of the measure.

    I tried combining multiple digital step with a step of pass/fail, but it does not work.

    I also trie to change the expression of the status of the multiple digital steps but basically ignores him.

    Any ideas?

    Thank you


    Why don't you just make that return the value limits for multiple numerical limit stage.  Comparison of the EQ value and the low limit to 0.

    That would make the most sense.

  • Return value of DLL LabVIEW Build to the Prototype of the function

    Hi all

    I know LabVIEW can generate a DLL with return value with a function like prototype

    Sub nomfonction (arguments);

    We could define the return value to arguments.

    However, LabVIEW build a DLL with return value instead of "null" in the United States

    int nomfonction (arguments);

    In fact, I could achieve this when my part of connector VI has a 1 linked indicator.

    I could get my prototype of function dll in the application as Builder

    Double functioname (void); or well functioname (void); or some

    Although I could do above, this applies only when my VI has 1 single output.  If the VI

    1 more arguments, I still get

    Sub nomfonction (arguments);

    So I missed something? Or is this a limit of LabVIEW?

    Please don't get angry if this question has been asked before, I'm lack of subject

    LabVIEW to communicate with other languages.

    Thank you

    Jean Cyril

    You can.  In the construction specifications, under source files, go to set your prototype.  on the right, there is a drop down 'Output VI' which is what you want.  Note that I only saw him able to return numeric values.

Maybe you are looking for