AS3 1120: error on a machine, but not another


I was hoping that someone could help me with this problem. I get an error message 1120 on the same machine, but when I take over the project to another machine, everything works fine. I am running Flash CS6 and using a Sizmek template.

I reinstalled Flash and the necessary extensions several times, but still no luck. I'm at the end of my mind as to what could cause this problem and I need to sort it out as soon as POSSIBLE. I get the error messages are the following:

Scene 1, Layer 'actions', frame 2, line 29

1120: access of undefined property EBPanel.

Scene 1, Layer 'actions', frame 2, line 341120: access of undefined property EBBase.
Scene 1, Layer 'actions', frame 1, line 11120: access of undefined property EBBase.

The action script is a standard template provided by Sizmek for use in advertising campaigns. The lines providing the error are:

Line 29: EBPanel.CollapsePanel ("expandedPanel1", "User", true);

Line 34: EBBase.Clickthrough ("Click_Expand1_Default");

Line 1: EBBase.Init (this);

As I said, the same exact project runs and exports absolutely fine on another machine, so the bug must be help somewhere in my installation!

Sorry, reset preferences and reinstalling wouldn't help with your problem (what you know already).

These classes must be available, or you can not compile a swf file.  This computer has access to this class way way.  Find out how and where the class is on the work, and you are on your way to solve the problem on the problematic computer.

Tags: Adobe Animate

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  • (javascript) My script generates an error in a .psd, but not another

    I have this old script that re-arange each pixel in an image, save the image on the hard drive and then apply the re Arrangement even to the last image, repeat.

    The problem is, sometimes I have to close my pc and then I have to restart the process, using one of the latest - generated files and then the script generates an error

    With the help of my script on this .psd works very well:

    With the help of my script on this .psd gives an error:

    My script:

    FILE:     spacewarp-turbo.jsx
    WRITTEN:  23 marts 2007
    AUTHOR:   [email protected]
    PURPOSE:  Wild, dude! This script will redraw the picture, one pixel at a time, but it will redraw it horizontally instead of vertically. Sort of if an english text had all its letters redrawn in Japanese writing style. That is: vertically first, and then from right to left.
    It does that over and over again. In theory, the image will reappear after several 1000 times. This script is much faster than the previous version, which redraw the image one pixel at a time.
    LICENSE:  GNU LGPL (GNU Lesser General Public License)
              Read the file copying.txt for details. Basicly, this license is
          copyleft, which means that it uses copyright to encurage use,
          instead of restricting it. The LGPL gives you the right to
          distribute, modify and use the scripts, as long as you grants other
          people the same right. This applies to any derivative work. This is a
          good thing, right? :-)
    ERROR: For some reason, it cannot use a PNG file from the save directory
    For this reason, you will have to copy the latest file to another directory
    when you want to resume
    #target photoshop 
    repeats = 20000000;
    // The folder where the files will be placed: example: mappe = "/c/billeder/";
    mappe = "/c/billeder/"; 
    // The name of the saved images - may not contain space!
    var imgName = "spacewarp_";
    // Should we save the copy of the unmodified file beføre the first run?
    // If you have interrupted the script, and want to restart with the last 
    // generated file, turn this one off, since you already have that image.
    saveAtFirst = false;
    // Should the png contain transparence?
    var trans = false;
    // Should the number contain zeroes?
    nuller = true;
    // Number of ciffers, if the number contain zeroes.
    cifre = 5;
    // Make backup of the settings before they are changed
    var linialBackup = preferences.rulerUnits;
    preferences.rulerUnits = Units.PIXELS;
      ///   FUNCTIONS  ///
    eyedropper = function(docRef,x,y) { // Function which will determinate the color of a pixel
            x2 = x + 1;
                    y2 = y + 1;
                out = [0,0,0]; 
  [[x,y], [x2,y], [x2,y2], [x, y2]], SelectionType.REPLACE, 0, false); // selects the pixel
            for(ch in list = ["Red", "Green", "Blue"]) { 
                histogram = docRef.channels[list[ch]].histogram; // Chooses the red, green or blue color
                for (i = 0; i <= 255; i++) { 
                    out[ch] = i; 
                            out[ch] = out[ch].toString(16); 
                    if (histogram[i]) break; 
                } // i
            if ( i < 16) out[ch] = "0" + out[ch];
            } // ch
        var out1 = out.toString(16);
            out1 = out1.split(",").join(""); // removes all ","
            return out1; 
    pngForNet = function(colorReduction, antalFarver, fil) {
    var id72 = charIDToTypeID( "Expr" );
        var desc14 = new ActionDescriptor();
        var id73 = charIDToTypeID( "Usng" );
            var desc15 = new ActionDescriptor();
            var id74 = charIDToTypeID( "Op  " );
            var id75 = charIDToTypeID( "SWOp" );
            var id76 = charIDToTypeID( "OpSa" );
            desc15.putEnumerated( id74, id75, id76 );
            var id77 = charIDToTypeID( "Fmt " );
            var id78 = charIDToTypeID( "IRFm" );
            var id79 = charIDToTypeID( "PNG8" );
            desc15.putEnumerated( id77, id78, id79 );
            var id80 = charIDToTypeID( "Intr" );
            desc15.putBoolean( id80, false );
            var id81 = charIDToTypeID( "RedA" );
            var id82 = charIDToTypeID( "IRRd" );
            var id83 = charIDToTypeID( "FlBs" );
            desc15.putEnumerated( id81, id82, id83 );
            var id84 = charIDToTypeID( "FBPl" );
            desc15.putString( id84, colorReduction );
            var id85 = charIDToTypeID( "RChT" );
            desc15.putBoolean( id85, false );
            var id86 = charIDToTypeID( "RChV" );
            desc15.putBoolean( id86, false );
            var id87 = charIDToTypeID( "AuRd" );
            desc15.putBoolean( id87, false );
            var id88 = charIDToTypeID( "NCol" );
            desc15.putInteger( id88, antalFarver );
            var id89 = charIDToTypeID( "Dthr" );
            var id90 = charIDToTypeID( "IRDt" );
            var id91 = charIDToTypeID( "None" );
            desc15.putEnumerated( id89, id90, id91 );
            var id92 = charIDToTypeID( "DthA" );
            desc15.putInteger( id92, 100 );
            var id93 = charIDToTypeID( "DChS" );
            desc15.putInteger( id93, 0 );
            var id94 = charIDToTypeID( "DCUI" );
            desc15.putInteger( id94, 0 );
            var id95 = charIDToTypeID( "DChT" );
            desc15.putBoolean( id95, false );
            var id96 = charIDToTypeID( "DChV" );
            desc15.putBoolean( id96, false );
            var id97 = charIDToTypeID( "WebS" );
            desc15.putInteger( id97, 0 );
            var id98 = charIDToTypeID( "TDth" );
            var id99 = charIDToTypeID( "IRDt" );
            var id100 = charIDToTypeID( "None" );
            desc15.putEnumerated( id98, id99, id100 );
            var id101 = charIDToTypeID( "TDtA" );
            desc15.putInteger( id101, 100 );
            var id102 = charIDToTypeID( "Trns" );
            desc15.putBoolean( id102, false );
            var id103 = charIDToTypeID( "Mtt " );
            desc15.putBoolean( id103, false );
            var id104 = charIDToTypeID( "MttR" );
            desc15.putInteger( id104, 101 );
            var id105 = charIDToTypeID( "MttG" );
            desc15.putInteger( id105, 162 );
            var id106 = charIDToTypeID( "MttB" );
            desc15.putInteger( id106, 143 );
            var id107 = charIDToTypeID( "SHTM" );
            desc15.putBoolean( id107, false );
            var id108 = charIDToTypeID( "SImg" );
            desc15.putBoolean( id108, true );
            var id109 = charIDToTypeID( "SSSO" );
            desc15.putBoolean( id109, false );
            var id110 = charIDToTypeID( "SSLt" );
                var list3 = new ActionList();
            desc15.putList( id110, list3 );
            var id111 = charIDToTypeID( "DIDr" );
            desc15.putBoolean( id111, false );
            var id112 = charIDToTypeID( "In  " );
            desc15.putPath( id112, new File( fil ) );
        var id113 = stringIDToTypeID( "SaveForWeb" );
        desc14.putObject( id73, id113, desc15 );
    executeAction( id72, desc14, DialogModes.NO );
      ///   SCRIPTS   ///
    if (documents.length == 0) { alert("Sorry dude! You need to have an image open before running this script!"); } // If no documents are open, display a warning
    else { // else run the script
    if (saveAtFirst) {
        var docRef = activeDocument;
        bVal = "";
        for (num = 1; num < 9000000; num++) {
              if (num < 10000000000000) c = cifre - 14;
              if (num < 1000000000000) c = cifre - 13;
              if (num < 100000000000) c = cifre - 12;
              if (num < 10000000000) c = cifre - 11;
              if (num < 1000000000) c = cifre - 10;
              if (num < 100000000) c = cifre - 9;
              if (num < 10000000) c = cifre - 8;
              if (num < 1000000) c = cifre - 7;
              if (num < 100000) c = cifre - 6;
              if (num < 10000) c = cifre - 5; // fire cifre
              if (num < 1000) c = cifre - 4;
              if (num < 100) c = cifre - 3;
              if (num < 10) c = cifre - 2;
              // C = Antal nuller
              for (xxx = 0; xxx <= c; xxx++) bVal = bVal + "0";
              bVal = bVal + num;
              if(!nuller) bVal = num; // Ingen nuller
              //alert(mappe + imgName + b + exten);
              var fileRef = new File(mappe + imgName + bVal + ".png"); // Temporary reference to check whether the file exists.
              if (!fileRef.exists) break;
              bVal = "";
        } // for num
        pngSettings = new PNGSaveOptions();
        pngSettings.interlaced = false;
        pngFile = new File(mappe + imgName + bVal + ".png" ); // ?? (Filtype, Objekt, Save as copy?) ??
        docRef.saveAs(pngFile, pngSettings, true);
    } // saveAtFirst
        for (b=0; b<repeats; b++) {
            var docRef = activeDocument;
            // SOURCE
            orgDocHori = 0;    // We are going to transfer from this pixel and to the left.
            orgDocVert = 0;    // The vertical pixel line we are working at
            orgDocWidth = docRef.width.value;
            orgDocHeight = docRef.height.value;
            var newDocRef = documents.add(orgDocHeight, orgDocWidth, 72.0, "File generated by the script spacewarp-turbo.jsx");
            // TARGET
            newDocHori = 0;    // We are going to transfer to this pixel and to the left
            newDocVert = 0;    // The vertical pixel line we are working at
            newDocWidth = newDocRef.width.value;
            newDocHeight = newDocRef.height.value;
            while (newDocHori < newDocWidth && newDocVert < newDocHeight){
                activeDocument = docRef;
                    if ( orgDocWidth == orgDocHori ) {
                        // Press ENTER
                        orgDocHori = 0;
                // If there is space enough to copypaste the rest of the line
                if (orgDocWidth-orgDocHori < newDocWidth-newDocHori ) {
                    x1 = orgDocHori + orgDocWidth-orgDocHori; // Select the last piece of the line
                    y1 = orgDocVert + 1;
          [[orgDocHori,orgDocVert], [x1,orgDocVert], [x1,y1], [orgDocHori, y1]], SelectionType.REPLACE, 0, false);
                    x1 = newDocHori + orgDocWidth-orgDocHori; // select a piece, according to the piece to be inserted.
                    y1 = newDocVert + 1;
                    activeDocument = newDocRef;
          [[newDocHori,newDocVert], [x1,newDocVert], [x1,y1], [newDocHori, y1]], SelectionType.REPLACE, 0, false);
                    // Paste the image into the clipboard
                    newLayerRef = newDocRef.paste();
                    // Move forward in the line
                    newDocHori = newDocHori + orgDocWidth-orgDocHori;
                    // Press ENTER
                    orgDocHori = 0;
                else { // There is not enough space to copy it all!
                    x1 = orgDocHori + newDocWidth-newDocHori; // Select af piece of the line, according to the space available at the target
                    y1 = orgDocVert + 1;
          [[orgDocHori,orgDocVert], [x1,orgDocVert], [x1,y1], [orgDocHori, y1]], SelectionType.REPLACE, 0, false);
                    // Copy the image into the clipboard
                    docRef.selection.copy(); // "The selected area is empty"
                    catch(err) {
                        alert("X VALUE = " + x1 + ", Y VALUE = " + y1 + ", orgDocHori = " + orgDocHori + ", orgDocVert = " + orgDocVert + ", newDocWidth = " + newDocWidth + ", newDocHori = " + newDocHori    + ", orgDocWidth = " + orgDocWidth);
                    x1 = newDocWidth; // select the last of the line
                    y1 = newDocVert + 1;
                    activeDocument = newDocRef;
          [[newDocHori,newDocVert], [x1,newDocVert], [x1,y1], [newDocHori, y1]], SelectionType.REPLACE, 0, false);
                    // Paste the image into the clipboard
                    newLayerRef = newDocRef.paste();
                    // Move forward in the line
                    orgDocHori = orgDocHori + newDocWidth-newDocHori;
                    // Press ENTER
                    newDocHori = 0;
                } // else
            } // while
            activeDocument = docRef;
            activeDocument = newDocRef;
            docRef = activeDocument;
            if (docRef.width.value < docRef.height.value) docRef.rotateCanvas(270);
            bVal = "";
            for (num = 1; num < 9000000; num++) {
                  if (num < 10000000000000) c = cifre - 14;
                  if (num < 1000000000000) c = cifre - 13;
                  if (num < 100000000000) c = cifre - 12;
                  if (num < 10000000000) c = cifre - 11;
                  if (num < 1000000000) c = cifre - 10;
                  if (num < 100000000) c = cifre - 9;
                  if (num < 10000000) c = cifre - 8;
                  if (num < 1000000) c = cifre - 7;
                  if (num < 100000) c = cifre - 6;
                  if (num < 10000) c = cifre - 5; // fire cifre
                  if (num < 1000) c = cifre - 4;
                  if (num < 100) c = cifre - 3;
                  if (num < 10) c = cifre - 2;
                  // C = Antal nuller
                  for (xxx = 0; xxx <= c; xxx++) bVal = bVal + "0";
                  bVal = bVal + num;
                  if(!nuller) bVal = num; // Ingen nuller
                  //alert(mappe + imgName + b + exten);
                  var fileRef = new File(mappe + imgName + bVal + ".png"); // Temporary reference to check whether the file exists.
                  if (!fileRef.exists) break;
                  bVal = "";
            } // for num
            pngSettings = new PNGSaveOptions();
            pngSettings.interlaced = false;
            pngFile = new File(mappe + imgName + bVal + ".png" ); // ?? (Filtype, Objekt, Save as copy?) ??
            docRef.saveAs(pngFile, pngSettings, true);
        } // for b
    } // End of else
    preferences.rulerUnits = linialBackup; // Recal the old settings

    Seems related to the resolution of 1280 x 720 @ 72 dpi works where the 1280 x 720 @ 72,009 PPP pop up an error repeatedly.  When I change the resolution to 72 DPI, it seems to be running. However I leave never finished for the watering duration is longer, then I had to wait.

  • The section 'tasks' FF icon on the Win7 taskbar disappeared on a machine, but not another

    FF 41.0.2 works on Win 7 Pro SP1 on two machines. On one, right click on the icon pinned to the taskbar in Windows 7 displays a "Tasks" section that allows the choice to open a new tab, new window or private by another right click. On the other hand, this section is missing. Unpin and repinning do not solve the problem. How this section is restored?


    Refresh (called "Reset" in older versions of Firefox) can solve a lot of problems in restaurant Firefox as his default factory while saving your bookmarks, history, passwords, cookies, and other essential information.

    Note: When you use this feature, you will lose all the extensions, toolbar customizations, and certain preferences. See article Firefox Refresh - reset modules and parameters for more information.

    Refresh for Firefox:

    1. Open the troubleshooting information page using one of the following methods:

      • Click the menu button

        click Help

        and select troubleshooting information. Should open a new tab containing your troubleshooting information.

      • If you are unable to access the Help menu, type Subject: support in your address bar to bring up the troubleshooting information page.
    2. At the top right of the page, you should see a button that says 'Refresh Firefox' ('reset Firefox' in older versions of Firefox). Click on it.
    3. Firefox closes. Once the update process is complete, Firefox will display a window with the imported information.
    4. Click Finish and reopen Firefox.

    This corrects the problem? Please report to us!

    Thank you.

  • Why Oracle ManagedDataAccess ( throws a System.FormatException "first chance" exception to the debugger when you use OracleCommand.BindByName (on some machines, but not others)?

    Why Oracle ManagedDataAccess ( throws a System.FormatException "first chance" exception to the debugger when you use OracleCommand.BindByName (on some machines, but not others)?

    This occurs when calling a ref cursor-returning packaged function stored with OracleCommand.BindByName set to true.

    When BindByName undefined, it works as expected.

    I've only been able to recreate this problem on a machine in my control. This issue has also reported to me by a customer.

    I tried to change the locale of the system of EN - UK EN-US, but I was not aware of any change in behavior.

    Similarly, I've tried explicitly overriding the default locale of the system with the OracleGlobalization parameters, and it also had no effect.

    Please see the example below.


    Environment (default):

    Windows 7 Professional 64-bit SP1

    Visual Studio 12.0.21005.1 REL / / CAN BE SIGNIFICANT

    .NET framework 4.5.51209

    Local system: EN - UK (but also does not, EN-US).


    "< supportedRuntime version ="v4.0"sku =". NETFramework,Version=v4.5.1"/ >

    Environment (base):

    Windows 7 Professional 64-bit SP1

    Updated Visual Studio 12.0.31101.00 //SEE above 4

    .NET framework 4.5.51209

    Local system: EN - UK


    "< supportedRuntime version ="v4.0"sku =". NETFramework,Version=v4.5.1"/ >

    Call stack:

    mscorlib.dll. Unknown System.Number.StringToNumber(string str, System.Globalization.NumberStyles options, ref System.Number.NumberBuffer number, System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo info, bool parseDecimal)
    mscorlib.dll. Unknown System.Number.ParseInt32(string s, System.Globalization.NumberStyles style, System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo info)
    Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.dll! Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Types.OracleRefCursor.OracleRefCursor (connection Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client.OracleConnection, OracleInternal.ServiceObjects.OracleRefCursorImpl refCursorImpl, Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Types.OracleIntervalDS sessionTimeZone, string commandText, string paramPosOrName, long initialLongFS, long initialLobFS, long [] scnFromExecution) unknown
    Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.dll! OracleInternal.ServiceObjects.OracleParameterImpl.ExtractRefCursorFromAccessor (Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client.OracleConnection conn, accessor OracleInternal.TTC.Accessors.Accessor, long fetchSize, Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client.PrmEnumType enumType, Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Types.OracleIntervalDS sessionTimeZone, string commandText, string paramPosOrName, long longFetchSize, long lobFetchSize, long [] scnFromExecution, int currentRow) unknown
    Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.dll! OracleInternal.ServiceObjects.OracleParameterImpl.GetRefCursorFromBytes unknown (Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client.OracleConnection conn, accessor OracleInternal.TTC.Accessors.Accessor, long fetchSize, Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client.PrmEnumType enumType, Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Types.OracleIntervalDS sessionTimeZone, string commandText, string paramPosOrName, long longFetchSize, long lobFetchSize, long [] scnFromExecution)
    Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.dll! Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client.OracleParameter.PostBind_RefCursor (connection Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client.OracleConnection, OracleInternal.TTC.Accessors.Accessor bindAccessor, long fetchSize, Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Types.OracleIntervalDS sessionTimeZone, string commandText, string paramPosOrName, long longFetchSize, long lobFetchSize, long [] scnFromExecution) unknown
    Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.dll! OracleInternal.ServiceObjects.OracleCommandImpl.ExtractAccessorValuesIntoParam (Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client.OracleParameterCollection paramColl, Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client.OracleConnection connection, string commandText, long longFetchSize, long lobFetchSize, long [] scnFromExecution) unknown
    Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.dll! Unknown Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client.OracleCommand.ExecuteReader(bool requery, bool fillRequest, System.Data.CommandBehavior behavior)
    Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.dll! Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client.OracleCommand.ExecuteReader (unknown)

    > ManagedSimpleRefCursor1.exe! NoddyConsole.Program.Command_ExecuteReader_BindByName_Fails (Line 63 c#)



    using System;

    using System.Collections.Generic;

    using System.Linq;

    using System.Text;

    using Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client;

    using Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Types;

    using System.Data;

    namespace NoddyConsole


    public class Program


    public static int Main (string [] args)


    Error int = 0;

    Errors += Command_ExecuteReader_BindByName_Fails();

    Errors += UseReturnValue_Command_ExecuteNonQuery_BindByName_Fails();

    return errors;


    public static int Command_ExecuteReader_BindByName_Fails()


    Error int = 0;



    var conn = new OracleConnection ("UID = USER; Password = PASS; ("Data Source = / / your-host: 1521 / yours-sid");

    var conn = new OracleConnection ("user Id = UNIT620; Password = UNIT620; ("Data Source = / / ln1apidb01:1521 / fm");

    Conn. Open();


    OracleGlobalization og is conn. GetSessionInfo();

    og. DateFormat = "HH24:MI:SS MON-DD-YYYY";

    Conn. SetSessionInfo (og);

    var cmd is conn. CreateCommand();

    cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;

    BindByName. cmd = true;

    cmd.CommandText = "START: rc: = SHAUN.recreate_issue_1 (in_code = >: in_code); END; « ;

    var prm1 is cmd. CreateParameter();

    PRM1. ParameterName = "rc";

    PRM1. Direction = ParameterDirection.ReturnValue;

    PRM1. OracleDbType = OracleDbType.RefCursor;

    cmd. Parameters.Add (prm1);

    / * SHAUN.recreate_issue_1 * /.

    var prm2 is cmd. CreateParameter();

    PRM2. ParameterName = "in_code";

    PRM2. Direction = ParameterDirection.Input;

    PRM2. OracleDbType = OracleDbType.Varchar2;

    PRM2. Value = "A";

    cmd. Parameters.Add (prm2);

    /* */

    var reader is cmd. ExecuteReader(); FAILS to System.Number.StringToNumber (String str, NumberStyles options, NumberBuffer & number, NumberFormatInfo info, Boolean parseDecimal)

    /* *-/

    OracleRefCursor orc = null;

    cmd ExecuteNonQuery()); must fail here

    ORC = cmd. Parameters ["rc"]. Value as OracleRefCursor;

    If (orc is nothing)

    throws InvalidOperationException new ("Invalid return the ref cursor type");

    var = orc player. GetDataReader();

    /* */

    While (reader. Read


    var values = new object [reader. FieldCount];

    drive. GetOracleValues (values);

    for (int i = 0; i < values.) Length; (++ I)





    drive. Dispose();

    cmd. Dispose();

    Conn. Dispose();


    catch (Exception ex)


    Console.Error.WriteLine (ex) Message);

    Errors ++;




    Return (true);


    return errors;


    public static int UseReturnValue_Command_ExecuteNonQuery_BindByName_Fails()


    Error int = 0;



    var conn = new OracleConnection ("UID = USER; Password = PASS; ("Data Source = / / your-host: 1521 / yours-sid");

    Conn. Open();


    OracleGlobalization og is conn. GetSessionInfo();

    og. DateFormat = "HH24:MI:SS MON-DD-YYYY";

    Conn. SetSessionInfo (og);

    var cmd is conn. CreateCommand();

    BindByName. cmd = true; // ####

    cmd.CommandText = "START: rc: = SHAUN.recreate_issue_1 (in_code = >: in_code); END; « ;

    cmd.CommandText = "START: rc: = SHAUN.recreate_issue_2; END; « ; No params, works

    var prm1 is cmd. CreateParameter();

    PRM1. ParameterName = "rc";

    PRM1. Direction = ParameterDirection.ReturnValue;

    PRM1. OracleDbType = OracleDbType.RefCursor;

    cmd. Parameters.Add (prm1);

    / * SHAUN.recreate_issue_1 * /.

    var prm2 is cmd. CreateParameter();

    PRM2. ParameterName = "in_code";

    PRM2. Direction = ParameterDirection.Input;

    PRM2. OracleDbType = OracleDbType.Varchar2;

    PRM2. Value = "A";

    cmd. Parameters.Add (prm2);

    /* */

    var reader is cmd. ExecuteReader();

    OracleRefCursor orc = null;

    HERE does NOT cmd. BindByName = true; System.FormatException first-chance exception in at System.Number.StringToNumber (String str, NumberStyles options, NumberBuffer & number, NumberFormatInfo info, Boolean parseDecimal)

    cmd ExecuteNonQuery());

    ORC = cmd. Parameters ["rc"]. Value as OracleRefCursor;

    If (orc is nothing)

    throws InvalidOperationException new ("Invalid return the ref cursor type");

    var = orc player. GetDataReader();

    While (reader. Read


    var values = new object [reader. FieldCount];

    drive. GetOracleValues (values);

    for (int i = 0; i < values.) Length; (++ I)





    drive. Dispose();

    ORC. Dispose();

    cmd. Dispose();

    Conn. Dispose();


    catch (Exception ex)


    Console.Error.WriteLine (ex) Message);

    Errors ++;




    Return (true);


    return errors;





    create or replace package THAT SHAUN is

    type ref_cur_type is ref cursor;

    function recreate_issue_1)

    in_code varchar2: = null

    ) return ref_cur_type;

    end SHAUN;


    create or replace package body what SHAUN


    function recreate_issue_1)

    in_code varchar2: = null

    ) return ref_cur_type is ref_cur ref_cur_type;


    Open the ref_cur for

    Select UO.object_name from user_objects UO;

    Return ref_cur;

    end recreate_issue_1;

    end SHAUN;



    Thanks a lot to qualify again for me Alex.  I'll try upgrading to the latest version of the provider.

    The difference in behavior between the two hosts was found to be reduced to differences in configuration VS.

    Checking 'Just my code' prevents the first chance thrown in the debugger exception. As in fact, the exception is handled in the provider, it is enough for me.

  • Find my iPhone - appear on my machine, but not get my iPhone

    Find my iPhone - appear on my machine, but not get my iPhone

    Welcome to the Apple community.

    There is no 'Get my iPhone', not sure what you're talking about.

  • Why disable Flash Player addon allow videos work on one site but not another?

    I am running Firefox 37.02, Windows 7. I also have flash shockwave V17.0.0.134 & V18.0.0.95 addons. The V18 version is beta and downloaded from Adobe to try to resolve this ongoing problem. He has not solved it. By trial and error, I have established that when I disable the addons above mentioned (notice, disabling seems to disable the other) I am able to get videos from Web site to play (for example: video on but not another (example: Conversely, if the addons are enabled, the videos on the site work but those of the are not. By 'not' I mean that commercial video games earlier but the video of the main object that is to run thereafter is not. I get a black screen and the commercial video recycled again and again. I contacted the support group who said that they were not aware of all the problems. They suggested that I use the Chrome browser, which is what they use without problem.

    It's weird. You can try using the Firefox Add-on FlashBlock to disable flash on some websites but not others:

  • Firefox crashes at startup for a single user, but not another

    Crash ID: bp-df3a48d7-363c-4d2f-87d3-f73902140723
    Version: 31
    Crashes at startup for a single user, but not another. Both are directors.
    I uninstalled and reinstalled. No change to each user.
    Crashes in safe mode as well (hold down the SHIFT key)
    No present addons in the other user.
    Ran Malwarebytes and cleaned
    Ran CCCleaner and clean up all registry including uninstalled Firefox entries.

    This is not useful if firefox crashes at startup. because you cannot start to create the new profile.

  • SRM failover for virtual machines but not all VMDK disks to include

    Hi, I have a number of VMs that need failover protection, but not all the VMDK disks must be included when switching to the opposite site. For example, a virtual machine can have 3 discs and players only need 1 & 2, switch to the recovery site - SRM can be configured to ignore the 3rd disc?

    Thank you

    I was not aware of a fact that replied vmdk cannot be detached. I think that this is normal.

    Why you are replicating data, you do not need? You can place these VMDK on LUN not replicated?

  • Aspire laptop connects to a wireless network, but not another

    First of all, I need to let you know that my home network consists of a Motorola router/modem from my ISP. I have the wireless off, then I use a cat5 ethernet cable to connect a Belkin wireless router, so that I can use the two USB ports on the back for a network storage device to make regular backups on all the pc in the House, and my printer not wireless, so we can print of anyroom home instead of taking the computer back to where the printer is. So about three days ago, I got my Aspire 5734Z-4386 laptop, and I don't have a wireless connection. So I checked my phone, and he always had a relationship with the Belkin. I took ten minutes to troubleshoot the Atheros AR5B93 wireless card. Could not understand why I didn't have a connection, it was great to work for about 12 hours before.

    If for some reason, I used another pc and connected on the Motorola and wireless turned on and immediately the Aspire showed a connection available, I clicked it and it says "connecting" for a few seconds and showed 'internet connection '. I spent about 5 minutes to surf the internet and then disconnected from the Motorola and reconnected to the Belkin, it says "connecting" for about a minute, then came to the yellow triangle, no internet. Back and clikced Motorola, once again the internet connection, but not on the Belkin. So I'm the other pc and checked the Web for the Belkin page to ensure that the Aspire had not been blacklisted in some way, there is nothing here to explain why I can't connect. So I spent three days, the adapter of the uninstall and re - install, I used the Motorola to download the latest driver for the adapter.

    When the Aspire is the Belkin network with the rest of the other pc, I have no problem, move files from and to the Aspire. I can use the Aspire to connect to one of the other pc and right click on a file and copy them to the Aspire and watch the file appear on the Aspire, take the Aspire and copy a file to another pc or use another pc to access the Aspire. But I can't get internet connection, unless I'm on the network from Motorola. Now, I had the wireless on the Motorola off so all attached devices would be on the same network, then we can share files, and other connected activities.

    I will admit that I am totally confused, it's not logical at all. I mean if someone else told me that their computer did this, I would have told them "it's impossible". Engineering wise, wise technology it not is not possible for an adapter do what made mine. But he does. Can someone please help me understand what is happening and how to fix it? I don't often admit defeat, but this time I've been beaten almost to death.

    Have you tried to reboot the router?

  • "Could not find the main class" Java error on Windows 7, but not Windows XP

    Hi all

    It's the first app I try to package and virtualize with ThinApp.

    It is an old business application that usually runs on Windows XP SP3 x 86.

    The. MSI that I generated with Thinapp works very well when it is installed on a Windows XP SP3 x 86.

    However, our main goal to use Thinapp is to install on a Windows 7 SP1 x 64.

    But in doing so, the application triggers a Java Virtual Machine Launcher error message saying: "could not find the main class. Program will exit. »

    I thought that it was because the app includes a 1.4.2 JVM and that my XP has not any JVM pre-installed, but the main image on my W7 has a 1.7 JVM. But even after I uninstalled the 1.7 and installed JVM 1.4.2 on the W7 machine, I kept getting the error message so I guess that it is not bound.

    Y at - it an option that I missed during my MSI generation so that it can run on a Windows 7 x 64?

    Thank you all for your help.


    With the help of Lachi, we found that the app natively works on W7, no need for ThinApp it if the goal is just to make it work on W7, from a XP world.

    The only change we had to make (and the error was the same ThinApp-ed, which is what I originally shared) is that the application should work with Windows 7 in "classic" mode "of the screen (without Aero and the menu start XP-style). This is because the application runs an old integrated version of Java (1.4) and it makes the system calls seeking specific .dll to display, which are not accessible by default if Aero is enabled.

    Closed topic

  • Screw system configuration return a code error-2147220608 in LV2013 but not in LV2012 on my system sbRIO

    I worked to deploy a minor correction to an existing system that has worked. Part of this upgrade was to move to LV2013. The configuration of the system live that I used successfully in LV2012 to change the comment and the host name of the error code return now target sbRIO-2147220608 in 2013 when I try to save the changes. By looking at the detailed of the Save Changes (System) .vi result output, I get the message "the IP address and the gateway must be on the same subnet." The problem is twice 1) I'm not change the IP address or gateway on the system and 2) IP address and the gateway are preconfigured by MAX OR and with a subnet mask of Based on my understanding and conversations with my COMPUTER service is a valid combination.


    Warrior of wire


    R & D work on implementing a fix for this bug. In the meantime, here is a workaround:

    If you write the correct IP address and write the host name and the comment, then your backup will be successful. We realize that this is not a very pretty or intuitive solution, but it should work until a fix is implemented.

  • Thumbnails PSD ARE visible on my 'old' Win10 machine but not on my new

    I have PS CC on a Windows 10 machine and my PSD thumbnails appear when I look in the Explorer (or just go to OPEN it in the program, see below) I have NOT installed a third-party codec on my machine.  I bought a new machine of win10 last week and I can't see the PSD thumbnails in the solution, despite one Explorer setting file associations is the same as my old win10 machine.  (Both are 64-bit) So what's happening?  The only difference is one has 10 Windows as an upgrade and the other as a pure install since it is a new machine.   Everyone repeat myself you need third party software to see them, but obviously I don't have and I would see them in Explorer on my machine. If it's truly 'impossible' how can you explain what I see below?  (The orange icon is to ACDSee and it is installed and bound to the same on my new machine). Thank you!

    View of the OLD WINDOWS 10

    Maybe another program installed a PSD codec on your old machine?

    Perhaps the trial Microsoft Blend. Display thumbnails in Windows Explorer - Microsoft Community

  • software Adobe reader x 1 always says there was an error in this document, but not where or what to do

    software Adobe reader x 1 always says in response. cannot find the document, there is a mistake, but there is no guide what to do. If anyone can help?

    Hi Theo,.

    Please answer these questions, so that we can properly diagnose the problem:

    1. what version of Windows operating system is installed on the computer?

    2 the problem is specific to a particular document?

    3 what is the accurate and complete error message that you receive?

    4 have you made changes on the computer before this problem?

    Check this link to find out which Windows operating system is installed on the computer:

    Operating system Windows am I running?

    Please get back to us with answers. Your request is important to us.

  • Get ORA-00942 error with the clause, but not when the user sys.


    About 3 weeks ago we increased our memary to PGA_aggregate_target = 60 GB, SGA_target = 58 GB Oracle instance. About 1 week ago our cognos user started having errors ORA-00942 for these queries generated with clause, with the same authorization. i.e.

    with 'aBmtQuerySubject4' as
    'BANK_NOTE_ADI_INFO_T '. ' ' RDP_ID ' 'RDP_ID '.
    'BANK_NOTE_ADI_INFO_T '. ' ' FI_ID ' 'FI_ID '.
    'CountResultQuery5' as
    (select count ("aBmtQuerySubject4". "BANK_NOTE_COUNT_NB") 'C_1' "
    , count (1) 'C_2' of 'aBmtQuerySubject4 '.
    After having count (*) > 0)
    Select 'CountResultQuery5 '. "' C_2 ' 'Count1.
    of 'CountResultQuery5 '.

    with 'aBmtQuerySubject4' as
    (select "BANK_NOTE_ADI_INFO_T". ' ' LOAD_ID ' 'LOAD_ID '.
    'CountResultQuery5' as
    (select count ("aBmtQuerySubject4". "LOAD_ID") 'C_1' "
    , count (1) 'C_2 '.
    of 'aBmtQuerySubject4' having count (*) > 0
    Select 'CountResultQuery5 '. "' C_2 ' 'Count1' of 'CountResultQuery5 '.

    -output like:

    ERROR at line 3:
    ORA-00942: table or view does not exist

    ERROR at line 3:
    ORA-00942: table or view does not exist

    Since 2 days ago, we get ORA-0403.

    One thing I noticed that the coguser can run above queries correctly after they are run by a user sys...

    Could you please help me on how I can resolve ORA-00942 error?

    Thank you very much, much in advance for all your help and your advice! :-)


    "One thing I've noticed the coguser can run over queries correctly after they are run by a user sys... »


    Do you mean that queries can be run successfully as a sys user, or as long as once a sys cognos user user has run the query at least once?


  • NPIV enabled on the virtual machine, but not seen in the comments


    I have a 5.0 with an HBA qlogic esxi. I created a VM and rhel is installed.

    Then I activated the npiv on this virtual machine and saw that it generated node WWN and port WWN.

    However, when I logged in the comments, I am not able to see the names of ports in

    / sys/Class/scsi_host/Host {n} / device / fc_host:host {n} / port_name

    Are there additional configuration on the side of the virtual machine to allow the WWNS within the guest?

    Thanks in advance.


    This is a very detailed description of all the required tasks for use with VMware NPIV.

    NPIV: N-Port ID Virtualization

    Kind regards


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