BB10 Beta4 ActionBar questions

There seems to be a lot of problems with the ActionBar BB10 AIR SDK 4 beta. I then test the code to create a simple ActionBar:

import flash.display.DisplayObjectContainer;
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.display.StageAlign;
import flash.display.StageScaleMode;
import qnx.fuse.ui.actionbar.ActionBar;
import qnx.fuse.ui.actionbar.ActionPlacement;
import qnx.fuse.ui.core.Action;
import qnx.fuse.ui.core.TabAction;

[SWF(backgroundColor="#777777", frameRate="60")]
public class ActionBarTest extends Sprite

  private var actionBar:ActionBar;
  private var actionBarOverflow:Sprite;

  public function ActionBarTest()
    super();    // set up stage
    stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT;
    stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;
    stage.addEventListener( Event.RESIZE,   function(e:Event):void { actionBar.y = stage.stageHeight-actionBar.height; });

    // set up overflow
    actionBarOverflow = new Sprite();

    // set up actionbar
    actionBar = new ActionBar();
    actionBar.backButton = null;        

    if(true) // test: turn tabOverflowParent on/off
      actionBar.tabOverflowParent = actionBarOverflow;

    if(false) { // test: switch between actions and tabs
      actionBar.backButton = null;
      actionBar.addAction(new Action("A1", "star.png", null, ActionPlacement.ON_BAR));
      actionBar.addAction(new Action("A2", "star.png", null, ActionPlacement.ON_BAR));
      actionBar.addAction(new Action("A3", "star.png", null, ActionPlacement.ON_BAR));
      actionBar.addAction(new Action("A4", "star.png", null, ActionPlacement.ON_BAR));
      actionBar.addAction(new Action("A5", "star.png", null, ActionPlacement.IN_OVERFLOW));
      actionBar.addAction(new Action("A6", "star.png", null, ActionPlacement.IN_OVERFLOW));
      actionBar.addAction(new Action("A7", "star.png", null, ActionPlacement.IN_OVERFLOW));
      actionBar.addAction(new Action("A8", "star.png", null, ActionPlacement.IN_OVERFLOW));
      actionBar.addAction(new Action("A9", "star.png", null, ActionPlacement.IN_OVERFLOW));
      actionBar.addAction(new Action("A10", "star.png", null, ActionPlacement.IN_OVERFLOW));
      actionBar.addAction(new Action("A11", "star.png", null, ActionPlacement.IN_OVERFLOW));
      actionBar.addAction(new Action("A12", "star.png", null, ActionPlacement.IN_OVERFLOW));
    } else {
      actionBar.addAction(new TabAction("T1", "star.png"));
      actionBar.addAction(new TabAction("T2", "star.png"));
      actionBar.addAction(new TabAction("T3", "star.png"));
      actionBar.addAction(new TabAction("T4", "star.png"));
      actionBar.addAction(new TabAction("T5", "star.png"));
      actionBar.addAction(new TabAction("T6", "star.png"));
      actionBar.addAction(new TabAction("T7", "star.png"));
      actionBar.addAction(new TabAction("T8", "star.png"));
      actionBar.addAction(new TabAction("T9", "star.png"));
      actionBar.addAction(new TabAction("T10", "star.png"));
      actionBar.addAction(new TabAction("T11", "star.png"));
      actionBar.addAction(new TabAction("T12", "star.png"));    }


  } // constructor
} // class
} // package

He has a couple of if(true/false) conditions to test different scenarios.

With actions A1... A12:

  • "Back" button is always reserved, even if there is no back button
  • Only 3 actions are displayed, even if there is room for a 4th
  • Order of measures on ActionBar is incorrect: A4 A1 A2
  • Menu of overflow of action appears in the "extended" form, and not with some icons like waterfalls/Webworks
  • Menu of overflow of action is never displayed on the desktop AIR
  • Action tags do not appear in the peripheral action of 720 x 720 bar

Tabbed T1... T12:

  • When the tab overflow is displayed again, the before selected tabs have blue border
  • The tab in ActionBar buttons are grayed out sometimes out (but still selectable)
  • If actionBar.tabOverflowParent is defined, menu overflow is never hidden on the selection of the item or by tapping elsewhere
  • If actionBar.tabOverflowParent is not set, the tab overflow is not displayed on the desktop AIR
  • Menu of infinity tab is badly calibrated, making it the last tab inaccessible if overflow is behind actionbar and there are several tabs will fit on the screen
  • Tabs do not appear in the peripheral action of 720 x 720 bar

Hey Jon,

Here are the answers to your questions below, or in some cases as to why explanations sometimes. John, with an 'h', has responded and is correct on some of them, but thought I would confirm them as well.

With actions A1... A12:

"Back" button is always reserved, even if there is no back button

[JD] - it is correct based on the directives of UX

Only 3 actions are displayed, even if there is room for a 4th
[JD] - ActionBar won't show up to 3 shares.

Order of measures on ActionBar is incorrect: A4 A1 A2
[JD] - need to double check the rules on this one.


Menu of overflow of action appears in the "extended" form, and not with some icons like waterfalls/Webworks
[JD] - menu overflow of Action appears always expanded. I think you are confused with the context Menu, which looks like, but has different behavior.
You can see that it is the same thing as waterfalls if you add a contact, then select this contact. 3 points in the actionbar button shows the overflow from the action.
If you long press the contact in the list, you will see the context menu, which is different.


Menu of overflow of action is never displayed on the desktop AIR
[JD] - in this case is because we have no way of knowing how deep should show the menu to. So we use NativeWindows to display the menu at the top of your application window. Because NativeWindows is not supported on any other mobile AIR platform in addition to BlackBerry, Flash Builder will not be displayed on the desktop. FDT allows you to show on the desktop if you add the following to your app descriptor, extendedDesktop mobileDevice extendedMobileDevice.


Action tags do not appear in the peripheral action of 720 x 720 bar
[JD] - what is expected. This is the same behavior when you use the ActionBar in landscape on the device of 768 x 1280 as well. It's making the content more room.

Tabbed T1... T12:

When the tab overflow is displayed again, the before selected tabs have blue border
[JD] - corrected in the final version of the sdk.


The tab in ActionBar buttons are grayed out sometimes out (but still selectable)
[JD] - in this example, it looks like a bug, but it is in fact correct. When the tab overflow menu is fully developed, actions are disabled. In most cases they are not visible because the action bar hosted on the right. Here things look like it is in a weird State, but if implemented properly things work as expected.


If actionBar.tabOverflowParent is defined, menu overflow is never hidden on the selection of the item or by tapping elsewhere
[JD] - it is because it is expected that you cover the tabOverflowParent with your content. This property is here so that you can control the depth of the menu. Based on the UX guidelines menu should be under your content and the content comes alive to the right to reveal.

If actionBar.tabOverflowParent is not set, the tab overflow is not displayed on the desktop AIR
[JD] - we use NativeWindow in this case. Same as above.

Menu of infinity tab is badly calibrated, making it the last tab inaccessible if overflow is behind actionbar and there are several tabs will fit on the screen
[JD] - when the overflow tab menu is visible the actionbar should animate the road indicating the correct size of the menu tab overflow.

Tabs do not appear in the peripheral action of 720 x 720 bar
[JD] - same as Actions

Here is a sample of update based on your which helps to show how you really want to set up.

    import qnx.fuse.ui.actionbar.ActionBar;
    import qnx.fuse.ui.actionbar.ActionPlacement;
    import qnx.fuse.ui.core.Action;
    import qnx.fuse.ui.core.TabAction;

    import flash.display.Bitmap;
    import flash.display.BitmapData;
    import flash.display.Sprite;
    import flash.display.StageAlign;
    import flash.display.StageScaleMode;

    [SWF(backgroundColor="#777777", frameRate="60", width=768, height=1280)]
    public class actionbarsample extends Sprite
        private var actionBar:ActionBar;
        private var actionBarOverflow:Sprite;
        private var __slideX:Number = 0;
        private var content:Sprite = new Sprite();

        public function actionbarsample()

            // set up stage
            stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT;
            stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;
            stage.addEventListener( Event.RESIZE, function( e:Event ):void
                actionBar.y = stage.stageHeight - actionBar.height;
            } );

            // set up overflow
            actionBarOverflow = new Sprite();
            addChild( actionBarOverflow );

            content.addChild( new Bitmap( new BitmapData( stage.stageWidth, stage.stageHeight, false, 0xFFFFFFFF ) ) );

            addChild( content );

            // set up actionbar
            actionBar = new ActionBar();
            actionBar.backButton = null;

            actionBar.addEventListener( DragEvent.DRAG_MOVE, onDragMove );

            if (true) // test: turn tabOverflowParent on/off
                actionBar.tabOverflowParent = actionBarOverflow;

            if (true)
                // test: switch between actions and tabs
                actionBar.showTabsFirstOnBar( false );
                actionBar.reserveActionSpace( true );
                actionBar.backButton = null;
                actionBar.addAction( new Action( "A1", "star.png", null, ActionPlacement.ON_BAR ) );
                actionBar.addAction( new Action( "A2", "star.png", null, ActionPlacement.ON_BAR ) );
                actionBar.addAction( new Action( "A3", "star.png", null, ActionPlacement.ON_BAR ) );
                actionBar.addAction( new Action( "A4", "star.png", null, ActionPlacement.ON_BAR ) );
                actionBar.addAction( new Action( "A5", "star.png", null, ActionPlacement.IN_OVERFLOW ) );
                actionBar.addAction( new Action( "A6", "star.png", null, ActionPlacement.IN_OVERFLOW ) );
                actionBar.addAction( new Action( "A7", "star.png", null, ActionPlacement.IN_OVERFLOW ) );
                actionBar.addAction( new Action( "A8", "star.png", null, ActionPlacement.IN_OVERFLOW ) );
                actionBar.addAction( new Action( "A9", "star.png", null, ActionPlacement.IN_OVERFLOW ) );
                actionBar.addAction( new Action( "A10", "star.png", null, ActionPlacement.IN_OVERFLOW ) );
                actionBar.addAction( new Action( "A11", "star.png", null, ActionPlacement.IN_OVERFLOW ) );
                actionBar.addAction( new Action( "A12", "star.png", null, ActionPlacement.IN_OVERFLOW ) );
                actionBar.showTabsFirstOnBar( true );
                actionBar.reserveActionSpace( false );
                actionBar.addAction( new TabAction( "T1", "star.png" ) );
                actionBar.addAction( new TabAction( "T2", "star.png" ) );
                actionBar.addAction( new TabAction( "T3", "star.png" ) );
                actionBar.addAction( new TabAction( "T4", "star.png" ) );
                actionBar.addAction( new TabAction( "T5", "star.png" ) );
                actionBar.addAction( new TabAction( "T6", "star.png" ) );
                actionBar.addAction( new TabAction( "T7", "star.png" ) );
                actionBar.addAction( new TabAction( "T8", "star.png" ) );
                actionBar.addAction( new TabAction( "T9", "star.png" ) );
                actionBar.addAction( new TabAction( "T10", "star.png" ) );
                actionBar.addAction( new TabAction( "T11", "star.png" ) );
                actionBar.addAction( new TabAction( "T12", "star.png" ) );

            content.addChild( actionBar );

        private function onDragMove( event:DragEvent ):void
            __slideX += event.deltaX;
            content.x = Math.round( __slideX + stage.stageWidth );
        // constructor
    // class
} // package

Tags: BlackBerry Developers

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    Hey osus,.

    Thank you for bringing this place. In fact, we are looking at this question. My apologies for now see it sooner.

    The workaround, which is actually a better UX experience, would be to put a tabOverflowParent and adding in your content.

    Check out my sample code that I posted on this thread for and one example on how to do this.

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    The appearance of the button is different. Tab buttons have a selected state. Like normal views "tab", a tab is selected to show what view is currently displayed. Actions are more like a button that performs a "momentary" action in the display.

    If you have the tab buttons, you can have an action button "back". If you allow a person return to the previous page of a back action, then you can not use tabs.

    There are a lot of elements of the action that we have no examples and why one form be used over another. Personally, I did have a lot of time playing with it. I know that you can take the back button and make draggable to expose a bottom view. Once there is more applications BB10, I might have better ideas of how to improve the UX on BB10, but right now, I just use Basic Actions, without tab.

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    BBUI uses your HTML fragments as a main source to display content to the user. If you push a new screen, everything you post is deleted and replaced by the content of your HTML fragment.

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    on the existing page to the transition between the content. It's the approach that BBUI uses, which make you rather manually so do not lose your current screen content.

    There is an example of this here:

    Notice the tabs with, by default, display: No.

    In the JS file, you can see how they pass between these panels:

    The end result is that your main Interface remains the same, with the changing content only, and you don't lose what you have currently on the page.

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    Don't know what version of device/OS refer you to but for PB or BB10 to answer question 1: right now it seems that we will see the same functionality to implement controls in the bar near the clock, PB and BB10. Maybe an OS, PB, inspires others, BB10? I also think that the HTML5 media API should follow the implementation of devs, so if you set the

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    Linux123 wrote:

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    Applications submitted through BBWorld indeed pass tests and checking for malware. Indeed, even if you install APKs (that you can on a device BB10), those are also checked by the Guardian BB app to see if they are known to contain malware or other problems. It is perfect? Without no doubt... but I do not remember all any confirmed report of malware, viruses, or other such things on BB devices. BBs are still safer mobile devices available.

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    Good luck!

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    Developer benefits other follow-up.  It seems that this problem has been fixed in the /next/ branch of bbui.js:

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    I'm doing some research development trying to validation of data transfer between an Android (Galaxy Nexus - 4.0.1) device and the Alpha of Dev BB10 via NFC P2P/SNEP.  I grabbed your NfcTool and was able to transfer a vCard from the Alpha to the Android smoothly - vCard mailing (SNEP) running in the results of the tool in the Nexus receiving the vCard and saving it as a contact.  It's the other way I have problems with...

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    setNdefPushMessageCallback() method to send a TNF_WELL_KNOWN RTD_URI message.

    In my NfcWorker: prepareToTestSnep() I called him nfc_register_ndef_push(), and in my::handleTestSnepEvent() NfcWorker I get successfully NFC_NDEF_PUSH_EVENT code every time I put the devices back to back and touch the screen of the Android.

    The problem is, as far as I know, there is no method of support on the side of the operation of the SNEP (!) reading.

    The call to nfc_get_ndef_message_count() in parseNdefMessage() returns 0, so there seems to be no messages actually receive at this point, without doing anything else... I don't know what method to call or what to do to receive the message of the Android.

    As far as I know, the call of nfc_register_ndef_push() only lets you configure to be able to do a nfc_create_ndef_message() to send, but is not the right thing to you set up to make a reception.

    Can someone please shed some light on how the side reception of the SNEP transaction is performed on BB10 or if it's even possible yet?

    I've tried everything I can think, swim around in that time service of NFC platform without papers, without success.  I've implemented nfc_register_ndef_reader(), nfc_register_tag_readerwriter(), nfc_llcp_register_connection_listener(), but no matter what, I get only the NFC_NDEF_PUSH_EVENT code when devices are in the range, and it seems there is no way to receive the data.

    Please inform me!  Thank you!


    Hey once again Martin,

    I really appreciate the effort you spent on another tool tests and writing / confirming the SNEP feature in the Dev Alpha.  Your confirmation it works gave me encouragement to continue trying to get this to work - and I finally did!  As a result, I have some great results to share:

    The problem was not with the format of the URI registration, which was quite valid (TNF type 1, completely adhering to the definition of the Type of folder URI NFC Forum RTD - URI 1.0).  Has not solved the problem by trying a text record type instead.  The problem did not manifest itself between two Android Galaxy Nexus, who had no problem exchanging URI, text documents, etc.

    The problem was this: the NFC on my Dev Alpha does NOT work correctly when the device is connected to the computer via USB!

    It is a conclusion that is always reproducible.  When I reboot the Dev Alpha and never connect it to the computer, I can run the NFCTool and read properly URI valid TNF_WELL_KNOWN and text documents sent from the Android device.  If at any time I connect it to the computer, this feature stops working entirely and will resume only if I turned the unit off and it reboot again without connection to the computer.  I can't just unplug it without restarting, because it does not address the issue.

    Well, then!  Is this a known fault?  This documented anywhere?  Is this a fault with all Alphas Dev or just that we received?  Y at - it solution to address the State of the NFC system without requiring the long reboot of the device?  I'm really intrigued to hear what you / RIM have to say about it.

    I'm not happy all the time lost to spin my wheels with a configuration that was destined to never function properly... but on the other hand, I am incredibly relieved that I figured out the problems and can begin to move forward with development.  I hope that others can benefit from my troubles!

    Thanks for your help Martin - I'm happy just having someone to keep with me through this fiasco.  Ciao for now.


  • Releases of question on 2 separate, one for Playbook and the other for BB10


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    What I hope we can do is just uncheck the BB10 of the current version and let the Playbook checked, then submit a new version with only selected BB10. However, I wasn't sure if this overwrite the version of the Playbook and pull it store since the release "more recent" doesn't have the verified Playbook. Is it possible to have these 2 releases by-side, but be in the same "application"?

    Thank you

    It works as you expect it. In fact you don't have to uncheck the BB10 phones on the old version.

  • Question of BB10 Dev Alpha: debugging token is invalid

    I'm trying to get a token of debugging on my dev alpha device and it just cannot work. I can create, validate, and install the token, but it generates an error: debugging token is not valid. Or not applicable for this device. OS version

    Build ID: 196525

    PIN: 29D939F4

    Start: 28 June 21:32:34 UTC 2012

    I use BlackBerry 10 WebWorks SDK

    I just restarted the device. It is currently 21:26 according to my computer clock and the BB10 clock is synchronized with the clock of my computer... it of doesn't look right... the listed start time is 5 minutes in the future.

    Here's what I did.

    blackberry-debugtokenrequest -storepass storepass -devicepin 29D939F4 debugtokens\

    Info: Debug token created.

    blackberry-debugtokenrequest -verify debugtokens\

    Issue date: 28 June 2012 02:02:59 CEST
    Expiration date: 28 July 2012 02:02:59 CEST

    Info: Debug checked token.

    I checked the device PIN above (702102004) is correct. This is the decimal version of my device PIN (29D939F4)

    I tore the debugging, and here's the manifest token:

    Archive-manifest-Version: 1.2
    Archive-created-by: BlackBerry BAR package v1.4

    The package author: XXXX
    Package name: debug.token
    Package version:
    Package-Type: debug-token
    Package-author-certificate-Hash: XXXX
    Package-author-Id: XXXX
    Package-Id: XXXX
    Package-Version-Id: XXXX
    Package - Issue Date: 2012-06 - 29 T 00: 02:59Z

    Debug-token-system-Actions: run, multi_window, multi_instance, run_air_native, run_native
    Debug-token-expiration Date: 2012-07 - 29 T 00: 02:59Z
    Debug-token-device-Id: 702102004

    I was thrown for a moment of the date (Date of show-package -: 2012-06 - 29 T 00: 02:59Z) until I realized it was just

    my current time converted to offset - 0. I am currently in Toronto, where it is now UTC - 4.

    blackberry-deploy -installDebugToken "C:\Program Files (x86)\Research In Motion\BlackBerry 10 WebWorks SDK\" -device -password password

    Info: Send request: install Debug Token
    News: Expired session reset
    Info: Send request: install Debug Token
    Info: Action: install Debugging token
    Info: File size: 2273

    Yet, the device don't like this token. Here is the result.

    Any ideas to know what could be the problem here?

    Thank you



    I had the same problem with my alpha chips and debug dev. Setting date/time is the source of the problem.

    Here is the fix:

    • The mode of development
    • Set your date/time to June or the date in the past.
    • Check your token security and debugging
    • Debugging token becomes valid

      My date is June 25

    Let me know if this solution worked for you! Worked for me.

  • BlackBerry Z30 BB10, player Android, applications, General questions

    I need to know if the following apps.will Android works on the last drive Android OSs:

    (1) chrome

    (2) Firefox

    (3) Google Maps

    (4) approx. Bible (YouVersion)

    (5) PDF (no app display of PDF documents)

    (6) apps. who can read Office documents (Word, Excel, Powerpoint)


    (8) LinkedIN

    (9) YouTube

    (10) OneDrive (OneDrive storage access)

    (11) DropBox (DropBox storage access)

    (12) mSecure (portfolio secure notes - allows you to store notes, notes, accounts in a format encrypted with Dropbox sync)

    (13) Worldmate (app. tavel with ability to synchronize calendar)

    For some of the apps. If the Android app does not work, can you recommend above, native applications of BB 10 with similar functionality? Can a blink of light led (at the front of the phone) Z30 in different colors, if yes, what colors and can it be used by / controlled by other applications?

    Finally, the BB 10 can fully synchronize with Google and Hotmail? I have a Google and Hotmail account. I want to synchronize fully two accounts with Z30. I really want to buy a Z30, but this will depend on the answers to these questions. Thanks for your help. GOD bless you all.

    Are there

    Chrome did not
    Firefox won't work.
    Google Maps doesn't but BBMaps does the same thing and works more pleasant on the BlackBerry.
    Bible app has not tried
    PDF support is built into the Z30.
    Office Documents app is incorporated with Documents to Go
    Yes, Pandora
    LinkedIn has built in app
    YouTube integrates an app
    OneDrive is a dedicated application of BB
    Dropbox is a dedicated application of BB
    mSecure (Yes, but I think that you must have already purchased on an Android device to download.) BB comes with password Keeper built in. With OS 10.3 this fall, that I am sure that you will be able to buy it directly on the BlackBerry
    WorldMate is called BlackBerry Travel on BB devices.

    Google and Hotmail full syncs. Google dropped Exchange Active Sync for BB users, so you're left with IMAP, Mac OS x Server and Caldav sync that works, but not as beautiful as Exchange Active Sync. Hotmail works very well.

  • Runtime Android and model question BB10


    I have an Android app that works very well on the Blackberry Playbook.

    According to the value of Build.MODEL to the Android SDK, I display a message to the user about the model of the device.

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    Does anyone know what Build.MODEL returns Blackberry 10? Is this the same as on the Playbook?

    Thank you.


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    3. application building and moved to the Simulator with success, but what I see is the journal of BlackBerry!

    Take a look at this site.

    1. all set up correctly.

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