Binding of varchar2 twice to the cursor on DB_LINK

I have an oracle 12 c database. After the migration of 11g there is a problem with our package that migrates data from a DB2 database. Here is a part of the packaging that is causing trouble and I turned so it can be run on a worksheet.


Directory of l_cur5;

whole l_row;




, ' select 1

of dctp.plastic plc

where plc.code = rpad (?, 60, "")');

DBMS_HS_PASSTHROUGH. Bind_variable@DCMS_DCTP_CHD (l_cur5, 1, '2010000003');


DBMS_OUTPUT. Put_line (l_row);

DBMS_HS_PASSTHROUGH. Bind_variable@DCMS_DCTP_CHD (l_cur5, 1, '2010000003');

l_row: = DBMS_HS_PASSTHROUGH. FETCH_ROW@DCMS_DCTP_CHD (l_cur5, true);            -It crashes here if two variables are varchar2

DBMS_OUTPUT. Put_line (l_row);



while others then





Replacing the value '2010000003' with 2010000003 works ok and the procedure ends without problem.

Having two variables of type varchar2, gives a > ORA-28513: internal error in remote agen heterogeneous < error.

On Oracle 11 g the procedure completed successfully even with two varchar2 variables.

If I close the cursor between the two bonds, that the procedure ends with success.

Does your company have a support contract? If so - talk to your administrator (the person in your company who manages the support), get the CSI number and create an account on MOS.

If you do not support, there's really no channel for reports (or indeed get a fix), as all the patches would require a support contract.

Tags: Database

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  • Get the bind variables name string SQL or the cursor


    Is there way to get of the bind variables name string SQL or the cursor?

    Example of
      l_sql VARCHAR2(2000);
      desctab DBMS_SQL.DESC_TAB;
      curid   PLS_INTEGER;
      l_sql := 'SELECT * FROM emp WHERE mgr = :X and deptno = :Y';
      curid := dbms_sql.open_cursor;
      dbms_sql.parse(curid, l_sql, dbms_sql.NATIVE);
    What I mean with the SQL string:
    I love to get using some functions from above code variable l_sql all the bind variable.
    In this case the function should return array where is for example: X and: Y

    Back to bind the cursor variable names, I mean same but rather string I pass number of cursor.

    Y at - it sucks ready function or some may share a code customized for this purpose?


    Kind regards


    Published by: jarola December 19, 2011 02:44

    I found there are wwv_flow_utilities.get_binds of the function not documented in APEX packages that do what I want.
    Usage example
    set serveroutput on
      binds DBMS_SQL.varchar2_table;
      binds := wwv_flow_utilities.get_binds('select :P1_TEST from dual');
      FOR i IN 1 .. binds.count
      END LOOP;
    anonymous block completed
    But I would not use these functions without papers as those who can change or there is no future versions APEX.
    Is there a documented function or the custom function that do the same thing as wwv_flow_utilities.get_binds?

    Some old basic example code of my friends. Also the media getting the bind variable of PL/SQL code blocks anon.

    SQL> create or replace function GetBindVariables( statement varchar2 ) return TStrings is
      2          --// bind variables names are terminated by one the following special chars
      3          SPECIAL_CHAR    constant TStrings := TStrings(' ',')','+','-','>','<','*',',','=',';',CHR(10),CHR(13));
      5          --// max size of a bind var name
      6          MAX_VARSIZE     constant integer := 100;
      8          pos     integer;
      9          pos1    integer;
     10          occur   integer;
     11          varName varchar2(100);
     12          varList TStrings;
     13  begin
     14          varList := new TStrings();
     16          --// looking for the 1st occurance of a bind variable
     17          occur := 1;
     19          loop
     20                  pos := InStr( statement, ':', 1, occur );
     21                  exit when pos = 0;
     23                  varName := SubStr( statement, pos, 100 );
     25                  --// find the terminating char trailing the
     26                  --// bind variable name
     27                  pos1 := Length( varName );
     28                  for i in 1..SPECIAL_CHAR.Count
     29                  loop
     30                          pos := InStr( varName, SPECIAL_CHAR(i) ) - 1;
     31                          if (pos > 0) and (pos < pos1) then
     32                                  pos1 := pos;
     33                          end if;
     34                  end loop;
     36                  --// extract the actual bind var name (without
     37                  --// colon char prefix)
     38                  varName := SubStr( varName, 2, pos1-1 );
     40                  --// maintain a unique list of var names
     41                  if not varName member of varList then
     42                          varList.Extend(1);
     43                          varList( varList.Count ) := varName;
     44                  end if;
     46                  --// look for the next occurance
     47                  occur := occur + 1;
     48          end loop;
     50          return( varList );
     51  end;
     52  /
    Function created.
    SQL> select
      2          column_value as BIND_VAR
      3  from TABLE(
      4          GetBindVariables('select * from foo where col=:BIND1 and day = to_date(:B2,''yyyy/mm/dd'')')
      5  );

    PS. just realize this code is case-sensitive, while variable bind is not. Should throw a upper() or lower() by adding the name of the var to the list - never really a problem for me because I'm pretty tense when it use cases correctly in the code. ;-)

    Published by: Billy Verreynne, December 19, 2011 06:19

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  • How to assign values to the current element where the cursor is?

    Hi all

    I have a block of "tabular" data, B_Emp (from the Employee table) and the other non-database & non tabular block consisting of a text_items B_Test.

    'Emp_id' is one of the column in the Employee table and I want to attribute all the values of the Emp_id in all text_items of the B_Test in order, when you press a particular key.

    Here's what I wrote in the trigger


    i the number;

    number of l_last_record;

    next varchar2 (40); -to hold the values of cursor system of the next item in the block of B_Test

    next_r varchar2 (40); -to hold the values of cursor system of the next record in the block of B_Emp


    go_block ('B_Emp');

    Set_Block_Property ('B_EMPLOYEES_ALL', DEFAULT_WHERE, "Emp_id is not null");

    execute_query (no_validate);


    l_last_record: =: system.cursor_record;


    next_r: =: SYSTEM. CURSOR_ITEM;

    go_block ('B_Test');


    because me in 1.l_last_record


    go_item (Next);

    : next: =: B_Emp.Emp_id;-here is the problem



    go_item (next_r);


    next_r: =: SYSTEM. CURSOR_ITEM;


    End loop;


    Now, this gives me the expected bad Bind Variable error as there is no block of data with the name "next".

    However, I checked the value of 'next' and 'next_r' (message (' value = ' | next)) and I'm getting the expected values.

    So if somewhere, I am able to put my value in the current item the cursor (because at the beginning of the loop, my cursor system is exactly to the text element where I need to insert the value) so I did not have to use this " : next: =: B_Emp.Emp_id;"


    If somewhere, I am able to return the items in my B_test block dynamically so I can simply use


    ": B_test." dynamic reference for the element ": = : B_Emp.Emp_id;



    Please help me out of this!

    Guy! I found a solution for the same thing.

    We can use integrated a 'copy' to set the values of the element where currently is cursor system.

    The syntax will be

    Copy ((new_value): System.Cursor_Item);

    -where new_value is the variable that contains the data to be assigned.

    In addition, we can assign the values from the system cursor to any variable.

    The syntax will be '

    new_value: =: System.Cursor_Value;

    Thanks a lot guys for your help and concern

    See you soon!

  • Cursor of return of (nested) function - PLS-00201: identifier of the CURSOR must be declared


    I have a function in which I use nested functions (because I don't want to create objects explicit / external, it is a requirement that I don't have any effect on / I don't want to change).

    In my external function, I use cursor by declaring them in IS-section and then open using the loop for instruction.

    In my inner function / nested, I also want to use a cursor.

    There I also said one like I did in an external function within the section IS of the nested function.

    SQL Developer complains about syntax error (';: wait ").

    When you try to compile the whole process I get the following error:

    "Error (97,14): PLS-00201: identifier 'CURSOR' must be declared '.

    It's my external function starts as:

         CURSOR c_outer IS
          SELECT * FROM BLA;

    When it comes to my internal function with the section IS of the external function and stands (inner functions should be at the end of the Section IS to stand behind the statements of variable and cursor, otherwise there will be an error):

    FUNCTION nfn_get_value (num_in IN NUMBER)
          SYS_REFCURSOR c_inner IS
          SELECT *
          FROM BLUB;
          RETURN c_where_in;

    After that there will be another nested function, then the BEGIN section will appear.

    When looking for 'function returns cursor' I can only find solutions where the cursor is declared in section IS (sometimes its an AS-section o_O * worried *) but wihtoug select, just declare type.

    The cursor focus is added in the Begin block to the way open for instruction. But I don't want to open it yet. I want to open the cursor using the loop statement. I am able to reopen? used can it be two sliders while one will not be closed properly?

    How to fix to return a cursor that I can use in my external function.

    Advice would be appreciated.

    Thanks in advance.

    Maybe I got the soultion
    First of all, I found this thread:

    said the following:

    2) a ref cursor is just a cursor.  a ref cursor is just a cursor.  a ref cursor is just a cursor.... (keep saying it over and over

    But fortuneately I also found this post:

    where thankfully someone shared her knowledge with others:

    In view of this block of code - you may see more "prominent" unlike - any

    How many times you run this block - cursor C will always be select * twice.  The ref

    cursor is not guaranteed.

    Another difference is that a ref cursor can be returned to a client.  a plsql 'cursor cursor.

    cannot be returned to a client.

    Another difference is a cursor can be global - a ref cursor cannot (you cannot set

    them outside a procedure / function)

    Another difference is a ref cursor can be passed to the subroutine - a subroutine

    cursor cannot be.

    This explains why the samples seem always fair with open (Ref) cursor within the section to START.

    I expeceted this (as I wrote in the first post) and ask if the course of opening will be sent back twice or just redirect. I suppose it it reassigns who were just a little in performance.

    But I can't yet find this good explanation of this type anywhere within the documentation and of course I didn't read it all. Shame on me, but I'm always engaged by internet download.

    I would be grateful if someone could say my last statement and leave a comment on double-distribution of the refcursors has reopened.

    Thanks in advance.

  • Open with the cursor


    I have a block of code on a report in the grid control, and it works well.
    What bothers me is that I need to specify the parameter in the
    Open the cursor so many times. I know that there is an easier way.
    Here is a simple example of this article:

    T1d: = sysdate - 90

    my_str: = ' select * from my_table where collection_timestamp
    between: 1 and (: 1 + 1)';

    my_cursor cursor open for my_str using t1d, t1d.

    However - in my code I use this about 24 times. Any help would be appreciated.

    Thank you


    Rate the original question when you asked it... However, it is possible to 'normalise' your bind variables in the query using subquery factoring for example

      dt1    date;
      my_str varchar2(32767);
      dt1 := sysdate - 90;
      my_str := 'with t as (select :1 as dt from dual)
                 select *
                 from my_table, t
                 where collection_timestamp between t.dt and (t.dt + 1)';
      open cursor my_cursor for my_str using dt1;

    If you are linking to the weighted subquery just inside, and then this subquery is used throughout the application to provide the values.

  • Function of the cursor

    Dear all,

    I got a general question about the features of a cursor.

    I got a slider that has multiple where conditions such as


    Suppose I spent where different conditions at this cursor, ORACLE doesn't all the features like PARSING, SYNTAX as a Where condition checking etc is evolving (GOLD) Oracle will bind the values during the execution of the cursor so that it is PARSED but EXECUTED MULTIPLE times.

    Receive your answer on that.

    Thank you

    Hi Maddy,

    Cursor is a district of merory where is the analysis of the SQl statement.

    If you change a condition surely new analysis view will be.

    CURSOR C_EMP(p_empno NUMBER, P_ename in varchar2) IS SELECT EMPNO, ENAME FROM EMP WHERE EMPNO = P_EMPNO AND > ENAME = P_ENAME and (other condition);

    the two above statements are different from each other that so surely a new analysis view will be.

    But if you use bind variables in the sliders, then no new analysis in view will be, it will be just exceute...
    Go through the link for more understanding below...




  • Using of the dynamic SQL and the cursor in a procedure

    Here is the procedure:
    create or replace
    Procedure type_paiement_total
        cursor xbtable is select table_name from user_tables where table_name like 'XB%';
        n_table user_tables.table_name%type;
        req     varchar2(256);
        journal varchar2(2);
        mois varchar2(2);
        an varchar2(2);
        for n_table in xbtable
          execute immediate 'insert into xx_jk_xb (
          clie_code,journal, periode,origine, xb_ecri,xb_libe  ,dos_code,xb_debi,xb_cred,xb_term
    select c.code,  
    '||n_table.table_name ||' xb,
    dossier d,                      
    client c                    
    where xb.cmpt=''4111''                    
    and xb.doss  =d.code                    
    and c.code   =d.clie
    and c.role=''1''' using n_table.table_name;
          execute immediate 'insert into xx_jk_logxb (recnum,xb_ref,trsf) values (seq_logmreg.nextval,:1,''OK'')' using n_table.table_name;
          fetch xbtable into n_table;
        end loop;
    What he does (or what I intend to do)
    take the datas of a whole bunch of pictures and put them in the "XX_JK_XB" table and make a log of the tables covered in xx_jk_logxb give just the source table and the status (OK).
    Now when I run the procedure I get a "missing expression" th ' immediate «insert into xx_jk...»» »

    I just can't tell what is the problem here.


    Seems to me that you are wrong assuming that the binding can be done by name and no position when you use immediate enforcement.


    SQL> create table foo_tab( c1 varchar2(10), n1 number );
    Table created.
    SQL> begin
      2          for i in 1..10
      3          loop
      4                  execute immediate 'insert into foo_tab values( to_char(:1), :1 )' using i;
      5          end loop;
      6          commit;
      7  end;
      8  /
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-01008: not all variables bound
    ORA-06512: at line 4
    SQL> begin
      2          for i in 1..10
      3          loop
      4                  execute immediate 'insert into foo_tab values( to_char(:1), :1 )' using i,i;
      5          end loop;
      6          commit;
      7  end;
      8  /
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

    As you can see, 1 PL/SQL block attempts to re - use bind variable: 1 new - and only link once.

    Fact does not work like that - you must link it again. Binding is done by bind - 1 position = 1 to the help of var, 2nd = 2nd bind using var, etc.. Name of the connection variable used is irrelevant and not unique.

  • To Word on MacBook Pro photo collage, photo is not displayed, but the cursor moves to the bottom of the page. Tried rebooting already

    I try to copy and paste a picture of Word on a MacBook Pro, but it does not show. The cursor moves to the right distance to the bottom of the page and by positioning the mouse on the space shows that it is there, just invisible. I tried to reboot twice.

    Thanks for any help!

    It is the forum Pages.

    Have you tried Microsoft Word for Mac forum?


  • When you type in Firefox, the cursor moves to the left while everything is written backwards.

    Recently, whenever I try to type so that Firefox 9.01, the cursor moves to the left while everything is written backwards. I can normally type into a word document to have done with it and cut and pasted in this message. I use Windows XP. I closed Firefox and restarted my computer twice with no success to solve this problem.

    Maybe this recent thread on the issue even helps.

  • Hi, while writing an email online using Firefox 3.6.3, I was using one of the "CTRL + left arrow or right" to move the cursor on the text. I must have pressed some other key because the screen has become huge - and I can't scroll vertically or horizont

    Hi, while writing an email online using Firefox 3.6.3, I was using one of the "CTRL + left arrow or right" to move the cursor on the text. I must have pressed some other key because the screen has become huge - and I can't scroll vertically or horizontally, which makes the pages of Mail of Hotmail impossible. I have connected since using the Explorer MSFT and it works very well. This problem occurs only on the page of Mail of Hotmail Live not on the home page or other.
    Could you please let me know if there is a problem with Firefox, or if you have any advice on how to restore the appearance of Hotmail in Firefox?

    This has happened

    Just once or twice

    == I'm compiling an email in Hotmail Live

    See this:

  • If I'm totally off power to my PC, (storm in the region) to reset, the cursor appears, but will not move until I restart again.

    If I just powerdown (overnight), leaving a/c, connected, the cursor appears and moves, as my mouse moves.  HOWEVER, if I powerdown and completely disconnect the PC, 110V, to keep safe from one close shot of lightning, THEN the problem appears.  After the storm passed, I plug the PC into the 110 outlet, turn on the computer and restart it.  The cursor appears in the center of the screen, but it will not move when I move my mouse.  THE ONLY THING I can do is hit briefly, the power button to turn off the back and then click New to reboot (twice now)... then the cursor appears in the center of the screen and moves when I move my mouse.

    Yes, I still think it's the battery.  If the computer is turned off but still plugged into the wall, food always provides a small amount of power to the motherboard to keep a ready"" State.  In fact, if you stop it, but keep it is plugged, you can send a packet to 'Wake-on-LAN' through the Ethernet that would then turn on your computer so you don't have to press any button at all.  This requires that some things are always under tension even when the rest of your computer is turned off.  Remove the plug from the wall removes this standby power and now the BIOS of your motherboard must hold his memory by falling back on the battery.


  • HP 520-1165a TouchSmart desktop PC, touchscreen random takes control of the cursor

    When you "touch"touch screen, a small diamond seems to take the place of the mouse cursor, correct."

    I have a problem with my PC, if the cursor of the mouse is in use, the touch diamond screen will be "pop up" and take control of the cursor at random intervals, interupting what I was doing at the time, or automatically the link located in the center of the screen at the time of opening.

    The "pop up" diamond is always in the same 2 places, for the most part, dead center of the screen, but occasionally also appears at the bottom left of the screen by opening the menu of windows automatically.

    In this case the on screen keyboard tab also appears on the side of the screen.

    By clicking on the mouse takes control back to the mouse cursor, but it gets very frustrating because it can occur more than once in an hour and becomes increasingly more regular.

    I had this same problem about a year ago and was covered by my warranty from suppliers, but it took 6 weeks for delivery - repair - return of my PC and I don't want to wait that long again. They had to reinstall my whole system and all information, downloads etc... have been lost. Fortunately I got the majority of my backup files, but it was still a pain to restore all when it's obviously a problem with this PC.

    I love my HP PC and no other issues with performance. It's my player of social media, my music player, my movie player, my full entertainment system, and this insidious problem is purely a gene.

    I very rarely use the touchscreen function, is possible to dissengage this feature to possibly fix my problem?

    Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

    Yours Sincerely

    Phil ward.

    NB: Yes, I cleaned the screen, and no, it's not a random flying insect, activation of the touch screen (although this happens :-))

    PS: It has happened twice while compose this letter.

    Hello @phlipant,

    Welcome to the HP Forums, I hope you enjoy your experience! To help you get the most out of the Forums of HP, I would like to draw your attention to the Guide of the Forums HP first time here? Learn how to publish and more.

    I understand that you are having problems with Ghost keys on your desktop HP TouchSmart 520-1165 a. I provided you with the HP support document: A desktop HP TouchSmart - calibration of the screen (Windows 7) PC, I need to you use to make sure that your touch screen is calibrated correctly.

    Please re-post if you need extra support. Thanks for posting on the HP Forums. Have a wonderful day!

  • The cursor moves at will while I type and live your work I've done. I can trash the model

    Is it possible to reduce the sensitivity of the mouse pad?

    I have a laptop that is still under warentee.  It has been in the repair shop and I contacted HP support twice.  I can't type a full sentence without the cursor to jump to another location and screwing up what I already typed.  I know there is a double click on the mouse pad to turn off, but this is unacceptable, because I have to keep turning to move the slider to a different spot to activate a function then shut off again.  I can be: go back to HP for a real computer, or, let the neighbors dog chew on it for a few days then throw it in the trash?  I have a HP printer that works fine for me, but for the money spent on this computer, I do not think that all other HP products are in my future if this problem is not resolved quickly.

    At this point, there wasn't anyone who seems to understand how to fix it.  The phone Wizard really tried to find a solution, but it probably wasn't something that was covered in her flip chart.

    I had other computers and not one of them was like this...  Maybe I bought a top of the cell line for no!

    It is a Pavilion dv6-6149nr.

    It is run out of warentee July 1st of this year.  I am discusted with it and the lack of help for the problem.  I've set up with this problem for long enough.

    Harry Payne

    North West 912 1630

    Orem, Utah 84057



    Check if this Post is useful: click here

  • changing value of text with the cursor

    Hi you all

    I need a help from your side

    I have created a slider and change the size of the listview text with the cursor

    Here is my code

     Slider {
                           id: slider
                            fromValue: 8.0
                            toValue: 16.0
                            value: 8.0
                            layoutProperties: StackLayoutProperties {
                                spaceQuota: 0.1
                            preferredWidth: 200.0
                            maxWidth: 250.0
                            preferredHeight: 20.0
                            visible: true
                            enabled: false
                            horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Center
                   onImmediateValueChanged: {
    // descriptionText is the id of label
              descriptionText.textStyle.fontSize = FontSize.PointValue
               descriptionText.textStyle.fontSizeValue = immediateValue
    i am adding data to listview using remote source
      Container {
                id: listviewContainer
                layout: StackLayout {
                ListView {
                    id: myListView1
                    dataModel: dataModel1
                    //  source: "asset:///models/xmldata.xml"
                    //      }
                    // Use a ListItemComponent to determine which property in the
                    // data model is displayed for each list item
                    listItemComponents: [
                        ListItemComponent {
                            type: "item"
                            Container {
                                rightPadding: 20
                                leftPadding: 20
                                horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Center
                                verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Center
                                layout: StackLayout {
                                    orientation: LayoutOrientation.TopToBottom
                                Container {
                                    topPadding: 40
                                    horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Fill
                                    layout: DockLayout {
                                    // The Item content container
                                    Container {
                                        verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Top
                                        horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Right
                                        layout: StackLayout {
                                            orientation: LayoutOrientation.RightToLeft
                                // Description text label
                                Label {
                                    id: descriptionText
                               //     objectName: descriptionText
                                    //  leftMargin: 20
                                    horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Right
                                    verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Top
                                    text : ListItemData.des
                                    textStyle.color: Color.create("#868686")
                                    textStyle.textAlign: TextAlign.Justify
                                    multiline: true
                                    textFormat: TextFormat.Plain
                                    textStyle.fontSizeValue: 8.0
        attachedObjects: [
            GroupDataModel {
                id: dataModel1
                // Sort the data in the data model by the "pubDate" field, in
                // descending order, without any automatic grouping
                sortingKeys: [ "date" ] //[ "pubDate" ]
                sortedAscending: false
                grouping: ItemGrouping.None
            DataSource {
                id: dataSource1
                objectName: ""
                // Load the XML data from a remote data source, specifying that the
                // "item" data items should be loaded
                query: "/news/property/"
                type: DataSourceType.Xml
                onDataLoaded: {
                    // After the data is loaded, clear any existing items in the data
                    // model and populate it with the new data
                    //      dataModel.insert(data)
    // in the end i am calling on creating complete
    onCreationCompleted: {
            // When the top-level Page is created, direct the data source to start
            // loading data

    problem I am facing is, it does not find the descriptionText variable, which is the id of the label

    can someone help?

    OK, the problem is that listItemComponents attached to a control, such as ListView have their own context. ListItemComponent documentation refers to what I think. If you must do the following:

    1. do you have a property that is defined as an attribute of the ListView

    2 bind your fontSizeValue to listItemComponent tag to the ListView. Note, however, to do this, you need to get a reference to the ListView using your label ListItem.view is found in the container. Not obvious, I know.

    3. do you have your cursor to update the property you have defined for the ListView.

    Cursor---> p_font_size ListView property<---------->

    Like this:

    {To ListView
    ID: myListView1
    property real p_font_size: 10


    type: 'point '.
    ID: sample

    {Of container
    ID: mainListViewContainer

    ID: descriptionText

    textStyle.fontSize: FontSize.PointValue
    textStyle.fontSizeValue: mainListViewContainer.ListItem.view.p_font_size


    and elsewhere on your page

    Slider {}
    ID: slider

    fromValue: 8.0
    toValue: 16.0
    value: 8.0
    layoutProperties: {StackLayoutProperties}
    spaceQuota: 0.1
    preferredWidth: 200.0
    maxWidth: 250,0
    preferredHeight: 20.0
    visible: true
    enabled: true
    horizontalAlignment: P

    onImmediateValueChanged: {}
    myListView1.p_font_size = immediateValue

    I test it and it works. Please make this response as the solution if it works for you too :-)

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    Original title: Programas compatibility application applications app applications Juego Juegos Heredado USO caudal Cuelgue Cuelgues The Magentic program does not work with newer versions of windows

  • Download Windows updates

    Sony vaio desktop crushed irretreviably my wife last week when downloading a updated windows. We contacted Sony who said it was a coincidence that the download could not have caused the accident. Well... tonight all by downloading a windows update my

  • (Redirected) dell vostro 270 s

    Hello I have a dell vostro 270 s pc with me and I want to upgrade the graphics card... often I use the asus nvidia geforce en210 silent 1 GB of ddr3 memory (graphics of silent/d1/1gd3/v2 (lp))?  and if for what souud of mods that I do to do? Please s