Bug with the file in a folder path autocompletion under


I just updated to the Mavericks and re - install Edgecode. And now, it's very strange that the autocompletion of a file in a subfolder path is absolute...


In one file style.css inside a CSS file, when I write: background-image: url (.. / the autocompletion to find something like this "Volume/users/username/myFolder/img", etc. instead of "... / img" and it does not list the file in the folder...)

Someone at - it the same problem?


Please report bugs. This has been fixed for the next version of edge Code CC.


Tags: Edge Code

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    Thank you.

    Hi Pustiu,

    Thanks for posting in the Microsoft Community.

    You want to know how to select the files in a folder using a list with the files you want and after that rename only the files using another list with desired new names.

    I would have you post your query in the TechNet forums because it caters to an audience of it professionals.

    Your query will be better addressed there.

    Check out the link-


    We know if you need help. We will be happy to help you. We, at tender Microsoft to excellence.

    Thank you.

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    Hi Junniji,

    Check the attached vi. I did what Bob was trying to explain in the vi. I documented the steps described in the block diagram. Take a look. I had few comments on your code as well. Always try to connect the wires of the error when coding and try to keep the neat code so that its easy to debug and understand the flow (even if it's a test code ).

    A Subvi missing in vi who sent you there. I hope that you will have in your pc

    Kind regards

    (Give glory to good answers, mark it as a Solution If your problem has been solved )

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    Hello Closrapexa, welcome.

    1. do you have this problem started recently?

    I recommend trying the system restore to bring the system back to a State before the problem started. Try this:
    1. click on START
    2. click on "all programs".
    3. click on "Accessories".
    4. click on "system tools."
    5. click on "system restore."
    6 follow the prompts shown to restore your system to a date before the problem started. Although the system restore does not target the personal data, it is recommended that you back up all data such as music, photos and documents in case something is not bad.
    Let us know what happens
    Thank you!

    Ryan Thieman
    Microsoft Answers Support Engineer
    Visit our Microsoft answers feedback Forum and let us know what you think.

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    Please provide details...

    is first Pro in the list to open it with?

    If it is not on the list, use this tutorial to add it to the list:


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    Hi r13hunter,

    It seems that some programs running on the computer fails to load at startup of the system. Try these steps and check the result.
    Step 1: Find the program that causes this problem and delete or fix
    a. Click Start, type msconfig and press to enter.
    b. click on Startup tab, in the list, search for the path of the xbd.exe file and the associated program.
    c. Once you have found the path of the item and the associated program, repair or reinstall the program.
    See Uninstall or change a program

    Step 2: If the problem persists, perform the clean boot to find this good program that is causing the problem to the system startup
    a. open the article: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/929135
    b. Article, follow "step 1: perform a clean boot" the implementation of these measures will disable all programs not Microsoft currently running on the computer.
    c. restart the computer and check if the problem persists.
    d. If the problem does not persist in the boot, it means that some programs non-Microsoft is the source of the problem.
    e. to find the program that is causing the problem, try "step 2: enable half the services" to "step 6: resolve the problem.
    f. Once you find the culprit, check if there is any updates to update or fixes to the program. If you find, install them and check the difference or reinstall the latest program.
    g. Article, follow "step 7: reset the computer to start as usual.

    Visit our Microsoft answers feedback Forum and let us know what you think.

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    Sometimes, you need a context!

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    Windows 7, PC. I did not any changes to the program that I know. I don't want to have to restore every week or two in order to resume the desired files opening sequence. Either way, when I open the files outside of the elements, they are in the order: RAW, JPG.

    I'd appreciate any help.

    rockyc wrote:

    Sorry to be so obtuse, but what page I'm on when I want to do a right-click on the menu bar? Thank you

    You're in Windows Explorer, not in a page of items or view:

    You right-click on the free space of the title bar with the file name, date etc.

    Opens the Windows menu on the right,

    and if you click on the last option (other = other), you get the full list of criteria, you can choose for another column.

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    [this] is happening?

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    Ascent: 51.2

    descent: 51.2

    height: 102.4

    head: 0

    I tried to reexporting the police, the same problem. I also have the same problem when I export the scene editor and read it with Ctrl + Enter.

    It seems THAT the good in the editor... I don't know what to do. I reinstalled even the police. :/

    Also, I have this problem with all fonts... or at least every 5 different fonts, I tried.


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    Looks like it is a problem with Windows.

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    Hi chrism43238735,

    May I know the process to convert Doc to PDF files. If you use Acrobat to convert the files, and then with the same application you open.

    If you used another process, in this case try using the Adobe Acrobat Reader application. Adobe - Adobe Acrobat Reader DC Distribution

    Thank you


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    Conflicts, found during the postback.

    Invalid transport JCA endpoint configuration, exception: javax.resource.ResourceException: cannot find class oracle.tip.adapter.file.outbound.FileInteractionSpec Java

    Cannot find Java class oracle.tip.adapter.file.outbound.FileInteractionSpec

    I have deployed and singled out OSB FileAdapter manage server clusters. An excerpt from the config.xml file.

    < app deployment >

    < name > FileAdapter < / name >

    SOA_Cluster,OSB_Cluster< target > < / target >

    RAR < module-type > < / module-type >

    /app/Oracle/FMW/Oracle_SOA1/SOA/connectors/FileAdapter.rar < source path > < / source-path >

    < deployment-order 321 > < / order of deployment >

    < plan-dir xsi: Nil = "true" > < / plan-dir >

    /app/Oracle/shared/SOA_Cluster/DP/FileAdapterPlan.XML < plan-path > < / plan-path >

    DDOnly <-security model dd > < / security-dd-model >

    > mode staged < nostage < / scene-mode implementation >

    < / app-deployment >

    Also inside console-> deployments --> FileAdapter--> objectives and OSB_Cluster is also checked.

    Here is the file .jca

    < name of the adapter-config "writeFile" = 'File adapter' adapter = wsdlLocation = "writeFile.wsdl" xmlns =" " http://platform.integration.Oracle/blocks/adapter/FW/metadata ">

    < connection-factory location = "ist/HAFileAdapter" / >

    < endpoint-interaction portType operation 'Write_ptt' = 'Write' = >

    < className = "oracle.tip.adapter.file.outbound.FileInteractionSpec interaction-spec" >

    < property name = "PhysicalDirectory' value = 'C:\ORACLE' / >

    < property name = value "Append" = "false" / >

    < property name = "FileNamingConvention" value="a_%SEQ%.doc"/ >

    < property name = "NumberMessages" value = "1" / >

    < / interaction-spec >

    < / interaction of endpoint >

    < / adapter-config >

    No idea what could be wrong.

    Thank you.

    In case someone else runs into this problem, please go through

    DOC - ID 1360565.1

    Thank you

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    Please check the used domain in the domain and the server is entered, it can be the reason for the absence of the field.

    Thank you


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    Use this module.


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