Bulk Insert to help for all is slow

HII All,
I have two sql scripts. Having just insert statements and the other using bulk insert both do the same thing.

(1) using the Bulk Insert
Set serveroutput on;

          type t_hgn_no is table of r_dummy_1%rowtype
          index by binary_integer;
          type t_flx_no is table of varchar2(4000)
          index by binary_integer;
          l_hgn_no t_hgn_no;
          l_flx_no t_flx_no;

          begin_time number;
          end_time   number;

     select (dbms_utility.get_time) into begin_time from dual;
     dbms_output.put_line('started at : '||begin_time);
     With t as
     Select '100004501' HOGAN_REFERENCE_NUMBER , '320IVLA092811011' FLEXCUBE_REFERENCE_NUMBER from dual 
     union all
     Select '100014501' HOGAN_REFERENCE_NUMBER , '320IVLA092811010' FLEXCUBE_REFERENCE_NUMBER from dual 
     union all
     Select '100024501' HOGAN_REFERENCE_NUMBER , '320IVLA092811009' FLEXCUBE_REFERENCE_NUMBER from dual 
     union all
     Select '100034501' HOGAN_REFERENCE_NUMBER , '320IVLA092811008' FLEXCUBE_REFERENCE_NUMBER from dual 
     union all
     Select '100044501' HOGAN_REFERENCE_NUMBER , '320IVLA092811007' FLEXCUBE_REFERENCE_NUMBER from dual 
     union all
     Select '10006501' HOGAN_REFERENCE_NUMBER , '140IGL2092811951' FLEXCUBE_REFERENCE_NUMBER from dual 
     union all
     Select '100074501' HOGAN_REFERENCE_NUMBER , '320IVLA092811006' FLEXCUBE_REFERENCE_NUMBER from dual 
     union all
     Select '10007501' HOGAN_REFERENCE_NUMBER , '200IVLA092810617' FLEXCUBE_REFERENCE_NUMBER from dual 
     union all
     Select '100084501' HOGAN_REFERENCE_NUMBER , '320SVLA092810002' FLEXCUBE_REFERENCE_NUMBER from dual 
     union all
     Select '100094501' HOGAN_REFERENCE_NUMBER , '320IVLA092811005' FLEXCUBE_REFERENCE_NUMBER from dual 
     union all
     Select '100104501' HOGAN_REFERENCE_NUMBER , '320IVLA092811004' FLEXCUBE_REFERENCE_NUMBER from dual 
     union all
     Select '100114501' HOGAN_REFERENCE_NUMBER , '320IVLA092811003' FLEXCUBE_REFERENCE_NUMBER from dual 
     union all
     Select '100124501' HOGAN_REFERENCE_NUMBER , '320IVLA092811002' FLEXCUBE_REFERENCE_NUMBER from dual 
     union all
     Select '100134501' HOGAN_REFERENCE_NUMBER , '320IVLA092811001' FLEXCUBE_REFERENCE_NUMBER from dual 
     union all
     Select '100144501' HOGAN_REFERENCE_NUMBER , '320SVLA092810001' FLEXCUBE_REFERENCE_NUMBER from dual 
     union all
     Select '10016501' HOGAN_REFERENCE_NUMBER , '140IGL2092811950' FLEXCUBE_REFERENCE_NUMBER from dual 
     union all
     Select '10017501' HOGAN_REFERENCE_NUMBER , '200IVLA092810616' FLEXCUBE_REFERENCE_NUMBER from dual 
     union all
     Select '100217851' HOGAN_REFERENCE_NUMBER , '520USDL092818459' FLEXCUBE_REFERENCE_NUMBER from dual 
     union all
     Select '1002501' HOGAN_REFERENCE_NUMBER , '100PVL2092813320' FLEXCUBE_REFERENCE_NUMBER from dual 
     bulk collect into l_hgn_no
     from t;

     forall i in 1..l_hgn_no.count
     Insert into r_dummy_1 values l_hgn_no(i);


     select (dbms_utility.get_time) into end_time from dual;
     dbms_output.put_line('ended at : '||end_time);

          When others then
               dbms_output.put_line('Exception : '||sqlerrm);
Duration for bulk collect

SQL > @d:/bulk_insert.sql.
starts at: 1084934013
has completed at: 1084972317

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

SQL > select 1084972317-1084934013 double;

1084972317 1084934013

(2) using the Insert statement
          begin_time number;
          end_time   number;

                    select (dbms_utility.get_time) into begin_time from dual;
                    dbms_output.put_line('started at : '||begin_time);
                    insert into r_dummy (HOGAN_REFERENCE_NUMBER, FLEXCUBE_REFERENCE_NUMBER)
                    values ('36501', '100CFL3092811385');

                    insert into r_dummy (HOGAN_REFERENCE_NUMBER, FLEXCUBE_REFERENCE_NUMBER)
                    values ('106501', '100CFL3092811108');

                    insert into r_dummy (HOGAN_REFERENCE_NUMBER, FLEXCUBE_REFERENCE_NUMBER)
                    values ('172501', '100SFL1092810013');

                    insert into r_dummy (HOGAN_REFERENCE_NUMBER, FLEXCUBE_REFERENCE_NUMBER)
                    values ('192501', '100SVL2092814600');

                    insert into r_dummy (HOGAN_REFERENCE_NUMBER, FLEXCUBE_REFERENCE_NUMBER)
                    values ('212501', '100SVL2092814181');

                    insert into r_dummy (HOGAN_REFERENCE_NUMBER, FLEXCUBE_REFERENCE_NUMBER)
                    values ('272501', '100AFL309281B2LZ');

                    insert into r_dummy (HOGAN_REFERENCE_NUMBER, FLEXCUBE_REFERENCE_NUMBER)
                    values ('292501', '100AVL2092812200');

                    insert into r_dummy (HOGAN_REFERENCE_NUMBER, FLEXCUBE_REFERENCE_NUMBER)
                    values ('332501', '100SVL2092814599');

                    insert into r_dummy (HOGAN_REFERENCE_NUMBER, FLEXCUBE_REFERENCE_NUMBER)
                    values ('346501', '100AFL309281B2LY');

                    insert into r_dummy (HOGAN_REFERENCE_NUMBER, FLEXCUBE_REFERENCE_NUMBER)
                    values ('372501', '100SVL2092814598');

                    insert into r_dummy (HOGAN_REFERENCE_NUMBER, FLEXCUBE_REFERENCE_NUMBER)
                    values ('382501', '100IVL1092811512');

                    insert into r_dummy (HOGAN_REFERENCE_NUMBER, FLEXCUBE_REFERENCE_NUMBER)
                    values ('422501', '100SFL1092810020');

                    insert into r_dummy (HOGAN_REFERENCE_NUMBER, FLEXCUBE_REFERENCE_NUMBER)
                    values ('432501', '100IVL1092811447');

                    insert into r_dummy (HOGAN_REFERENCE_NUMBER, FLEXCUBE_REFERENCE_NUMBER)
                    values ('462501', '100CFL3092811107');

                    insert into r_dummy (HOGAN_REFERENCE_NUMBER, FLEXCUBE_REFERENCE_NUMBER)
                    values ('492501', '100SVL2092814245');

                    insert into r_dummy (HOGAN_REFERENCE_NUMBER, FLEXCUBE_REFERENCE_NUMBER)
                    values ('542501', '100AVL2092812530');

                    insert into r_dummy (HOGAN_REFERENCE_NUMBER, FLEXCUBE_REFERENCE_NUMBER)
                    values ('592501', '100CFL3092811105');

                    insert into r_dummy (HOGAN_REFERENCE_NUMBER, FLEXCUBE_REFERENCE_NUMBER)
                    values ('612501', '100SVL2092814242');

                    insert into r_dummy (HOGAN_REFERENCE_NUMBER, FLEXCUBE_REFERENCE_NUMBER)
                    values ('632501', '100CFL3092811384');

                    insert into r_dummy (HOGAN_REFERENCE_NUMBER, FLEXCUBE_REFERENCE_NUMBER)
                    values ('712501', '100PVL2092813321');

                    insert into r_dummy (HOGAN_REFERENCE_NUMBER, FLEXCUBE_REFERENCE_NUMBER)
                    values ('722501', '100PVL2092813311');

                    insert into r_dummy (HOGAN_REFERENCE_NUMBER, FLEXCUBE_REFERENCE_NUMBER)
                    values ('732501', '100PVL2092813341');

                    insert into r_dummy (HOGAN_REFERENCE_NUMBER, FLEXCUBE_REFERENCE_NUMBER)
                    values ('742501', '100PVL2092813319');

                    insert into r_dummy (HOGAN_REFERENCE_NUMBER, FLEXCUBE_REFERENCE_NUMBER)
                    values ('752501', '100PVL2092813308');

                    insert into r_dummy (HOGAN_REFERENCE_NUMBER, FLEXCUBE_REFERENCE_NUMBER)
                    values ('762501', '100PVL2092813338');

                    insert into r_dummy (HOGAN_REFERENCE_NUMBER, FLEXCUBE_REFERENCE_NUMBER)
                    values ('772501', '100PVL2092813316');

                    insert into r_dummy (HOGAN_REFERENCE_NUMBER, FLEXCUBE_REFERENCE_NUMBER)
                    values ('782501', '100PVL2092813305');

                    insert into r_dummy (HOGAN_REFERENCE_NUMBER, FLEXCUBE_REFERENCE_NUMBER)
                    values ('786501', '100CFL2092810051');

                    insert into r_dummy (HOGAN_REFERENCE_NUMBER, FLEXCUBE_REFERENCE_NUMBER)
                    values ('792501', '100PVL2092813335');

                    insert into r_dummy (HOGAN_REFERENCE_NUMBER, FLEXCUBE_REFERENCE_NUMBER)
                    values ('802501', '100PVL2092813313');

                    insert into r_dummy (HOGAN_REFERENCE_NUMBER, FLEXCUBE_REFERENCE_NUMBER)
                    values ('812501', '100PVL2092813302');

                    insert into r_dummy (HOGAN_REFERENCE_NUMBER, FLEXCUBE_REFERENCE_NUMBER)
                    values ('822501', '100PVL2092813332');

                    insert into r_dummy (HOGAN_REFERENCE_NUMBER, FLEXCUBE_REFERENCE_NUMBER)
                    values ('832501', '100PVL2092813310');

                    insert into r_dummy (HOGAN_REFERENCE_NUMBER, FLEXCUBE_REFERENCE_NUMBER)
                    values ('852501', '100PVL2092813329');

                    insert into r_dummy (HOGAN_REFERENCE_NUMBER, FLEXCUBE_REFERENCE_NUMBER)
                    values ('862501', '100PVL2092813307');

                    insert into r_dummy (HOGAN_REFERENCE_NUMBER, FLEXCUBE_REFERENCE_NUMBER)
                    values ('872501', '100PVL2092813299');

                    insert into r_dummy (HOGAN_REFERENCE_NUMBER, FLEXCUBE_REFERENCE_NUMBER)
                    values ('882501', '100PVL2092813326');

                    insert into r_dummy (HOGAN_REFERENCE_NUMBER, FLEXCUBE_REFERENCE_NUMBER)
                    values ('922501', '100PVL2092813304');

                    insert into r_dummy (HOGAN_REFERENCE_NUMBER, FLEXCUBE_REFERENCE_NUMBER)
                    values ('932501', '100PVL2092813296');

                    insert into r_dummy (HOGAN_REFERENCE_NUMBER, FLEXCUBE_REFERENCE_NUMBER)
                    values ('952501', '100PVL2092813300');

                    insert into r_dummy (HOGAN_REFERENCE_NUMBER, FLEXCUBE_REFERENCE_NUMBER)
                    values ('962501', '100PVL2092813293');

                    insert into r_dummy (HOGAN_REFERENCE_NUMBER, FLEXCUBE_REFERENCE_NUMBER)
                    values ('972501', '100PVL2092813323');

                    insert into r_dummy (HOGAN_REFERENCE_NUMBER, FLEXCUBE_REFERENCE_NUMBER)
                    values ('982501', '100PVL2092813297');

                    insert into r_dummy (HOGAN_REFERENCE_NUMBER, FLEXCUBE_REFERENCE_NUMBER)
                    values ('1002501', '100PVL2092813320');

                    insert into r_dummy (HOGAN_REFERENCE_NUMBER, FLEXCUBE_REFERENCE_NUMBER)
                    values ('1012501', '100PVL2092813294');

                    insert into r_dummy (HOGAN_REFERENCE_NUMBER, FLEXCUBE_REFERENCE_NUMBER)
                    values ('1022501', '100PVL2092813290');

                    insert into r_dummy (HOGAN_REFERENCE_NUMBER, FLEXCUBE_REFERENCE_NUMBER)
                    values ('1032501', '100PVL2092813317');

                    insert into r_dummy (HOGAN_REFERENCE_NUMBER, FLEXCUBE_REFERENCE_NUMBER)
                    values ('1042501', '100PVL2092813291');

                    insert into r_dummy (HOGAN_REFERENCE_NUMBER, FLEXCUBE_REFERENCE_NUMBER)
                    values ('1052501', '100PVL2092813287');

                    insert into r_dummy (HOGAN_REFERENCE_NUMBER, FLEXCUBE_REFERENCE_NUMBER)
                    values ('1062501', '100PVL2092813315');

                    insert into r_dummy (HOGAN_REFERENCE_NUMBER, FLEXCUBE_REFERENCE_NUMBER)
                    values ('1072501', '100PVL2092813288');

                    insert into r_dummy (HOGAN_REFERENCE_NUMBER, FLEXCUBE_REFERENCE_NUMBER)
                    values ('1082501', '100AFL309281B2LX');

                    insert into r_dummy (HOGAN_REFERENCE_NUMBER, FLEXCUBE_REFERENCE_NUMBER)
                    values ('1092501', '100PVL2092813312');

                    insert into r_dummy (HOGAN_REFERENCE_NUMBER, FLEXCUBE_REFERENCE_NUMBER)
                    values ('1102501', '100PVL2092813285');

                    insert into r_dummy (HOGAN_REFERENCE_NUMBER, FLEXCUBE_REFERENCE_NUMBER)
                    values ('1112501', '100PVL2092813284');

                    insert into r_dummy (HOGAN_REFERENCE_NUMBER, FLEXCUBE_REFERENCE_NUMBER)
                    values ('1122501', '100PVL2092813309');

                    insert into r_dummy (HOGAN_REFERENCE_NUMBER, FLEXCUBE_REFERENCE_NUMBER)
                    values ('1142501', '100PVL2092813281');

                    insert into r_dummy (HOGAN_REFERENCE_NUMBER, FLEXCUBE_REFERENCE_NUMBER)
                    values ('1152501', '100PVL2092813306');

                    insert into r_dummy (HOGAN_REFERENCE_NUMBER, FLEXCUBE_REFERENCE_NUMBER)
                    values ('1162501', '100PVL2092813282');

                    insert into r_dummy (HOGAN_REFERENCE_NUMBER, FLEXCUBE_REFERENCE_NUMBER)
                    values ('1166501', '100CFL3092811383');

                    insert into r_dummy (HOGAN_REFERENCE_NUMBER, FLEXCUBE_REFERENCE_NUMBER)
                    values ('1212501', '100IVL1092811445');

                    insert into r_dummy (HOGAN_REFERENCE_NUMBER, FLEXCUBE_REFERENCE_NUMBER)
                    values ('1232501', '100IVL1092811526');

                    insert into r_dummy (HOGAN_REFERENCE_NUMBER, FLEXCUBE_REFERENCE_NUMBER)
                    values ('1272501', '100IVL1092811441');

                    insert into r_dummy (HOGAN_REFERENCE_NUMBER, FLEXCUBE_REFERENCE_NUMBER)
                    values ('1292501', '100IVL1092811523');

                    insert into r_dummy (HOGAN_REFERENCE_NUMBER, FLEXCUBE_REFERENCE_NUMBER)
                    values ('1302501', '100PVL2092813303');

                    insert into r_dummy (HOGAN_REFERENCE_NUMBER, FLEXCUBE_REFERENCE_NUMBER)
                    values ('1312501', '100PVL2092813279');

                    insert into r_dummy (HOGAN_REFERENCE_NUMBER, FLEXCUBE_REFERENCE_NUMBER)
                    values ('1322501', '100PVL2092813278');

                    insert into r_dummy (HOGAN_REFERENCE_NUMBER, FLEXCUBE_REFERENCE_NUMBER)
                    values ('1332501', '100PVL2092813301');

                    insert into r_dummy (HOGAN_REFERENCE_NUMBER, FLEXCUBE_REFERENCE_NUMBER)
                    values ('1342501', '100PVL2092813276');

                    insert into r_dummy (HOGAN_REFERENCE_NUMBER, FLEXCUBE_REFERENCE_NUMBER)
                    values ('1352501', '100PVL2092813275');

                    insert into r_dummy (HOGAN_REFERENCE_NUMBER, FLEXCUBE_REFERENCE_NUMBER)
                    values ('1376501', '100AFL309281B2LW');

                    insert into r_dummy (HOGAN_REFERENCE_NUMBER, FLEXCUBE_REFERENCE_NUMBER)
                    values ('1382501', '100PVL2092813272');

                    insert into r_dummy (HOGAN_REFERENCE_NUMBER, FLEXCUBE_REFERENCE_NUMBER)
                    values ('1392501', '100PVL2092813298');

                    insert into r_dummy (HOGAN_REFERENCE_NUMBER, FLEXCUBE_REFERENCE_NUMBER)
                    values ('1402501', '100PVL2092813273');

                    insert into r_dummy (HOGAN_REFERENCE_NUMBER, FLEXCUBE_REFERENCE_NUMBER)
                    values ('1412501', '100PVL2092813269');

                    insert into r_dummy (HOGAN_REFERENCE_NUMBER, FLEXCUBE_REFERENCE_NUMBER)
                    values ('1446501', '100RNF6092810019');

                    insert into r_dummy (HOGAN_REFERENCE_NUMBER, FLEXCUBE_REFERENCE_NUMBER)
                    values ('1452501', '100IVL1092811436');

                    insert into r_dummy (HOGAN_REFERENCE_NUMBER, FLEXCUBE_REFERENCE_NUMBER)
                    values ('1492501', '100CFL3092811382');


                    select (dbms_utility.get_time) into end_time from dual;
                    dbms_output.put_line('ended at : '||end_time);
          When Others Then
                     dbms_output.put_line('Exception Occured '||sqlerrm);
duration for the insert script
SQL> @@d:/insert_bhanu.sql
started at : 1084984928
ended at : 1084988401

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

SQL> select 1084988401 - 1084984928 from dual;

I waz impossible of past all of the code... He has almost 13851 records. Please suggest me the best option, and if there is another way to achieve this.
I need to provide a solution optimized to my clients.


792353 wrote:

I have two sql scripts. Having just insert statements and the other using bulk insert both do the same thing.

Not really valid for the purposes of comparison.

The fundamental question is what makes in bulk for faster processing. It is a well-known and easily answered--reduction in context switches between SQL and PL/SQL engines. And that's all. Nothing more and nothing magical.

The easiest way to show this difference is to eliminate all other factors - especially I/O as a trial may be at a disadvantage by the physical i/o, while the comparison test can be promoted by e/s logic. Another factor that must be eliminated is extra unnecessary SQL that adds more overhead (such as the use of DOUBLE and unions) and so on.

Remember that it is critical for the reference driver to compare like with like and eliminate all other factors. As simplistic as maybe keep it. For example, something like the following:

SQL> create table foo_table( id number );

Table created.

SQL> var iterations number
SQL> exec :iterations := 10000;

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

SQL> declare
  2          t1      timestamp with time zone;
  3  begin
  4          dbms_output.put_line( 'bench A: hard parsing, normal delete' );
  5          t1 := systimestamp;
  6          for i in 1..:iterations
  7          loop
  8                  execute immediate 'delete from foo_table where id = '||i;
  9          end loop;
 10          dbms_output.put_line( systimestamp - t1 );
 11  end;
 12  /
bench A: hard parsing, normal delete
+000000000 00:00:07.639779000

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

SQL> declare
  2          t1      timestamp with time zone;
  3  begin
  4          dbms_output.put_line( 'bench B: soft parsing, normal delete' );
  5          t1 := systimestamp;
  6          for i in 1..:iterations
  7          loop
  8                  delete from foo_table where id = i;
  9          end loop;
 10          dbms_output.put_line( systimestamp - t1 );
 11  end;
 12  /
bench B: soft parsing, normal delete
+000000000 00:00:00.268915000

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

SQL> declare
  2          type TNumbers is table of number;
  3          t1      timestamp with time zone;
  4          idList  TNumbers;
  5  begin
  6          dbms_output.put_line( 'bench C: soft parsing, bulk delete' );
  7          idList := new TNumbers();
  8          idList.Extend( :iterations );
 10          for i in 1..:iterations
 11          loop
 12                  idList(i) := i;
 13          end loop;
 15          t1 := systimestamp;
 16          forall i in 1..:iterations
 17                  delete from foo_table where id = idList(i);
 18          dbms_output.put_line( systimestamp - t1 );
 19  end;
 20  /
bench C: soft parsing, bulk delete
+000000000 00:00:00.061639000

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.


Why an empty table? Eliminates potential problems with the physical versus logical I/O. Why a delete and not Insertstatement? The same reason.

The foregoing shows how slow hard analysis is clear. It has the advantage of soft analysis. It has the advantage of reducing the change of context, at the expense of additional memory - as bench 3 consumes much more memory (PGA) that other points of reference.

Also note that these marks the exact same delete SQL statements - using different approaches. Where the approach only (and not the SQL) made the difference. This means that we can draw valid conclusions on each of these approaches.

Can we say the same thing with the scripts you used to "show" that the treatment bulk is apparently slow?

Tags: Database

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    I'm really sorry that you are having problems. I asked the relevant team to address this issue.

    From now on, the best way is to download the CS6 help PDF from the Web. You can then configure your product to open the help PDF downloaded when you select the menu help/press F1 by following the steps described in this article.

    Thank you

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    Basically, Adobe move or in many cases have already moved away from being installed on your hard drive help files. Setup base Lr is more includes help documents, instead it will take you to the page that I shared with you earlier.

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    Adobe plans to offer files of reference PDF for download in June 2012 and apologizes for the inconvenience. If you encounter error messages, such as "Adobe Help Vieweris not available. Please reinstall the application," see the troubleshooting document:http://helpx.adobe.com/creative-suite/kb/help-manager-troubleshoot-error-codes.html

    Online help is updated and provides a complete reference. Online help for all Adobe products is available at http://helpx.adobe.com/support/


    In almost all cases, there is NO need to reinstall the application of CS product or the help Manager.  Error strings are obsolete and incorrect. See the Troubleshooting document referenced above for more details and troubleshooting steps.

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    Timeout 5

    Serverfarm my_server_farm

    (4) if I lab, a lab environment, can the certificate be exported first and then imported to the ACE of the Production, or each environment should have its own certificate?

    An example configuration that someone could share would be also greatly apprecaited.

    Thank you


    Hello Raman,

    In fact, there is a small typo. Correct your understanding about the probe. The port of the probe must be 443 as you pointed out or one probe https http and no probe, if port 80 is used.

    In addition, it is not mandatory to have two serverfarm in the case of end to end ssl (if that's what you ask after referring to the example). In short:

    SSL---> customer termination---> ace---> RSERVERS.

    Communication between the client and ACE is encrypted. Rservers ACE is clear. So here you have rservers to listen on port 80 or 8081 etc. Survey should be on port 80.

    Initiation of SSL---> in this case communication between ACE and rservers is encrypted. Therefore the probe should be port 443.

    End to end SSL---> in this case that you must book for listening on 443 and front end as backend is encrypted. Survey should be on 443.

    Also, troubleshooting ssl commands would be:

    show stats client crypto

    show crypto server stats

    I hope this helps.

    Kind regards


  • Jerky mouse mouseover function for all while the menu (file, options, help) and the key back/forward/home too. More scrolling is choppy every Web site.

    Jerky mouse mouseover function for all while the menu (file, options, help) and the key back/forward/home too. More scrolling is choppy every Web site since the update to version 3.6 to 4 RC1.

    Gel mouse pointer when it comes across objects that use some sort of animation or gradual highlighting when hovering on (which is basically all the Firefox 4 items menu, tabs, etc.) But also a lot of things on the Web pages as the green buttons on this page that change color when you hover over them).

    After rebooting my system, however, the problem seems to have disappeared!

    [, WinXP SP3 - 4 GB RAM, Core i5 M520, driver Nvidia NVS3100M, Firefox 4.0]

  • Using Acrobat Pro and what impression on network printer it prints very slow. I have found that if we choose to print the image works fine. But how do I print as image remains for all of my PDF files. I have to choose each time now and it's not always r

    Using Acrobat Pro and what impression on network printer it prints very slow. I have found that if we choose to print the image works fine. But how do I print as image remains for all of my PDF files. I have to choose every time now and that is not always known.

    Hi jeans37547790,

    Please do mention it below as follows to change the settings:

    Open Acrobat > click file > print > click on advanced > and check the box that says "Print as Image".

    Here is the screenshot:


    Let us know if you face any problem.

    Thank you!


  • Exception handlers in bulk collect and for all operations?

    Hello world

    My version of DB is



    Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bi

    PL/SQL Release - Production

    CORE Production

    AMT for Linux: Version - Production

    NLSRTL Version - Production

    My question is, what are the possible exception handlers can add us in a bulk collect and for all operations?

    When we use for all, we add except exception and sql % bulk_exceptions. But apart from that what can we add to bulk collect?

    Kind regards


    Save stores Exception all the exceptions that occur during in bulk in a collection of treatment and at the end of the most much treatment raises an exception. The SQL % BULK_EXCEPTIONS collection has all exceptions. It's the right way to handle the exception during treatment in bulk. And that's all you need. Don't know what else await you.

  • Is it possible for someone to insert a logo when you fill out a form to fill out? I'm looking for all the options under the button 'add a text field.

    I have created a form to fill out that is a contract, but I need a way for the person who is to fill the form to insert their logo.  Is it possible for someone to insert a logo when you fill out the form to fill out? I'm looking for all the options under the button 'add a text field.

    It is not possible within a text field, either. If they have Acrobat, they can use the built-in under Tools - editing content Add Image tool.

    If they drive XI or higher, they can use a button form field you will need to set up for them, but the image must be in PDF format.

  • All my photos are displayed such as BW because somehow I saved a preset to quickly develop and it records in BW.  This is for all of my photos.  Individually, I can cancel their but did need help how to get rid of the pre-selection, so he's going to defau

    All my photos are displayed such as BW because somehow I saved a preset to quickly develop and it records in BW.  This is for all of my photos.  Individually, I can cancel their but need help how to get rid of the preset then all photos of goes to Default or in the shot. Thank you

    Go to the develop module and highlight all the images in the film at the bottom of the screen. Enable automatic synchronization, and then click the reset button. To reset all the images in your camera default settings.

  • Can I extend my Muse site for ALL mobile devices with the help of a CC Team account?


    I would like to extend my Muse site for all mobile devices, but not sure if she is free to do using a regular team CC account. Could someone help?

    Thank you!


    Hi Ryan,

    You can create a Mobile version of the site of the version CC team account Muse.

    Kind regards


  • Bulk Insert for 10 million records - error - Snap shot too old


    I try to use 'Bulk Insert' for the insertion of 10 million documents. This piece of code is placed in the procedure. For my bad, I have found often the procedure (managed by a batch process) becomes the question of "Snapshot too old" error-ed
    Through a few blogs made me feel this cold size Undo retention aid increase.
    My question is: fact between it "COMMIT" contributes to the error. The value of the validation between the Bulk Insert is 100,000.

    Thanks in advance!

    974675 wrote:
    Hi Hoek,

    Thanks for the link to the blog.
    You want to know, how intermediate VALIDATIONS could be processed in bulk insertion.

    don't NO If ENGAGE inside the LOOP!

  • Need help LOCAL for ALL my apps from master collection CS6

    HELP for CS products went down hill every version from CS4. I just installed CS6 master collection and can't get help to work 90% of applications. It shouldn't be so difficult. I shouldn't lose hours searching so enless this damn user seas to try to get simple help for a product. Adobe is just trying to slide off it is supported of the responsibilities on the public.

    I want FULL LOCAL HELP CONTENT for ALL my CS6 master Collection Apps installed on MY machine. and when I click on 'Help' that is what I want. I don't want to go online to get help.

    How to do that and how 'LOCAL' by default for ANY help


    Try this solution of two parts:

    Part i: the Adobe installer helps to use offline Help content (if exists) as a source rather than the configured online help

    1. start Adobe if installed Help.exe on your machine with CS6 products. I found that it installed on my machine Win7 to C:\Program Files (x 86) \Adobe\Adobe Help\Adobe Help.exe. It will open the Adobe help Manager preferences.

    2 Select 'Yes' radio button for 'General Settings' > ' display local help only content:

    Part II: Download and set up help offline (PDF) for your product from the adobe.com website.

    1. read the "help offline use in Adobe products | http://helpx.Adobe.com/x-productkb/global/offline-help.html KB download PDF for your CS6 or current CC version helps.

    2. After downloading the PDF locally follow the section "using the help within your Adobe PDF product from" put PDF files on your computer so that it works with Adobe products.

    As mentioned on the KB.

    • Windows 7
    • Windows 8
      C:\Users\Public\Public Documents\Adobe\PDF\pdf\
    • Mac OS
      / Users/Shared/Documents/Adobe/PDF/pdf /.

    Important: CS6 help PDF must be copied to the Adobe\PDF\pdf\cs6\ folder in order to work with the version of CS6 Adobe products.

  • Is it possible to insert totals for all columns in both interactive rep

    Hi, I have an interactive report with 150 columns. Is it possible that I can format all columns at once using this format 999G999G999G999G999G999G990 (it takes a lot of time for formatting each column individually).

    Thanks in advance

    Published by: robik on May 29, 2012 08:36

    Published by: robik on May 29, 2012 08:37

    I guess you have to go

    Actions > Format > Aggregate > Function (Sum) > column (column1)

    Repeat for all columns, I guess, don't FORGET not to SAVE THE REPORT AT THE END :)

  • Performance issue Bulk Insert PL/SQL table type

    Hi all

    I put in work of a batch to fill a table with a large number of data records(>3,000,000). To reduce the execution time, I used PL/SQL tables to temporarily store data that must be written to the destination table. Once all documents are piling up in the PL/SQL table I use a FORALL operator for bulk insert the records in the physical table.

    Currently, I follow two approaches to implement the process described above. (Please see the code segments below). I need to choose how to best wise performance between these two approaches. I really appreciate all the comments of experts about the runtime of the two approaches.

    (I don't see much difference in consumption of time in my test environment that has limited the data series. This process involves building a complex set of structures of large product once deployed in the production environment).

    Approach I:_
    TYPE of test_type IS test_tab % ROWTYPE directory INDEX TABLE;
    test_type_ test_type.
    ins_idx_ NUMBER;
    ins_idx_: = 1;
    test_type_ (ins_idx_) .column1: = value1;
    test_type_ (ins_idx_) .column2: = value2;
    test_type_ (ins_idx_) .column3: = value3;
    ins_idx_: = ins_idx_ + 1;

    I_ FORALL in 1.test_type_. COUNTY
    INSERT INTO test_tab VALUES (i_) test_type_;

    Approach II:_
    Column1 IS a TABLE OF TYPE test_tab.column1%TYPE INDEX DIRECTORY.
    Column2 IS a TABLE OF TYPE test_tab.column2%TYPE INDEX DIRECTORY.
    Column3 IS a TABLE OF TYPE test_tab.column3%TYPE INDEX DIRECTORY.
    column1 column1_;
    column2_ Column2;
    column3_ Column3;
    ins_idx_ NUMBER;
    ins_idx_: = 1;
    column1_ (ins_idx_): = value1;
    column2_ (ins_idx_): = value2;
    column3_ (ins_idx_): = value3;
    ins_idx_: = ins_idx_ + 1;

    FORALL idx_ in 1.column1_. COUNTY
    IN n_part_cost_bucket_tab)
    column1_ (idx_),
    column2_ (idx_),
    column3_ (idx_));

    Best regards

    Published by: nipuna86 on January 3, 2013 22:23

    nipuna86 wrote:

    I put in work of a batch to fill a table with a large number of data records(>3,000,000). To reduce the execution time, I used PL/SQL tables to temporarily store data that must be written to the destination table. Once all documents are piling up in the PL/SQL table I use a FORALL operator for bulk insert the records in the physical table.

    Performance is more than just reducing the execution time.

    Just as smashing a car stops more than a car in the fastest possible time.

    If it was (breaking a car stopping all simply), then a brick with reinforced concrete wall construction, would have been the perfect way to stop all types of all sorts of speed motor vehicles.

    Only problem (well more than one actually) is that stop a vehicle in this way is bad for the car, the engine, the driver, passengers and any other content inside.

    And pushing 3 million records in a PL/SQL 'table' (btw, that is a WRONG terminology - there no PL/SQL table structure) in order to run a SQL cursor INSERT 3 million times, to reduce the execution times, is no different than using a brick wall to stop a car.

    Both approaches are pretty well imperfect. Both places an unreasonable demand on the memory of the PGA. Both are still row-by-row (aka slow-by-slow) treatment.

Maybe you are looking for