Bunte Klammern EIB Dateizusammenfuhrung Indesign

Riesen problem und ich weiss nicht mehr weiter!

30 Visitenkarten machen und soll ICH will be sharp mit dem Dateizusammenfuhrung specificities. Habe aus einer Excel-Datei (nach usual instruction) eine Textdatei und sharp generiert mit dem Dateizusammenfuhren-Tool in Indesign formatiert. Hat alles wunderbar everything. Auch die Vorschau der Visitenkarten kommt kreatin individual. However scheitert jeder Versuch eine zusammengefuhrte Datei zu create! Unter Mac und Windows Ausprobiert mit 5.5, 6.0, Indesign CC2015 - der Fehler same everywhere. Nach press 'create file zusammengefuhrte' ID zwar eine neue Datei aber zusammengefuhrte generiert mit Fehlern following:

1. Dokument contains 900 pages equal has ich voreinstelle (in meinem fall Seite 1-30)

2 es sind a Formatierungen bunte eckige Klammern die nicht wegloschen kann ich allen!

3. are wird nur die erste Seite ubenommen, der Inhalt Seite 1 von in der Vorschau auf allen Seiten ist d.h.

Thankyou dringend Hilfe der da Abgabetermin is!

Thanks vorab, Gruss

Merge data from InDesign is buggy with the preview function and multiple records per page. If you have used an extract and then tried to merge multiple records per page, the model is most likely permanently damaged and must be replaced.

In most cases, it is OK to just create a new file and paste the placeholders of the old model, then perform the merge without the help of the preview.

Tags: InDesign

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    Dann ist your Datei zerstört, da gibt're nichts mehr zu problem.

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    Guten Tag

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    If I understand your question, I can confirm that you can produce a form with InDesign, which, in addition to the text fields and other types of fields, you can include a drop-down list box in which, for example, you can list the cities. Use the workspace in Indesign PDF interactive.

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    Wir haben auf Systemen in Windows 7 (64 bit) die neue CC2014-Suite von Adobe installed. IM Installationspaket included sind auch die DPS-Tools, welche den Desktop Content Viewer should be included.

    Wenn nun im Folio Builder von InDesign 2014 die Vorschau eines local Folios angeklickt wird kurz green message, dass der Artikel Länder wird die. Danach passiert nichts mehr. Die Vorschau EIB local SMS sich auf dem Computer nicht Folios. In line-Folios können unter digitalpublishing problemlos. Acrobat.com open werden.

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    Noch sonst Hat someone das problem? Weiss someone, wie man prufen kann, ob der Desktop Content Viewer extension installed ist?

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    See http://helpx.adobe.com/digital-publishing-suite/kb/manual-install-content-viewer.html


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    Die Sprache von zwei factors ab hang:

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    Thank you


    Don't know, if you find a shorter way, but it works:

    UIDRef language = YOUR_TABLE;

    Error result code.



    InterfacePtr textModel;

    TextIndex beginning;

    Len Int32;

    result = table_get_text_model (read, 0, 0, textModel, start, len);

    If (result! = kSuccess) break;

    If (! textModel) break;

    UIDRef frameRef = text_query_frame (textModel, start);

    If (! frameRef) break;

    Int32 pnum = - 1;

    PageRef UIDRef = page_getref (frameRef, &pnum);)

    If (! pageRef) break;



    } While (false);


    Error code (Table_get_text_model)

    Language UIDRef,

    Int32 left,

    top of Int32,

    InterfacePtr & textModel,

    TextIndex & start,

    Int32 & len)


    Result ErrorCode = kFailure;




    textModel = InterfacePtr (Nile);

    Start = 0;

    Len = text::kTextLen;

    Make sure that we have a valid table model

    InterfacePtr tableModel (label, UseDefaultIID());

    if(!tableModel) break;

    convert the network to a network ID address

    GridAddress gridAddress (top, left);

    get the container text table so we could make the text template.

    InterfacePtr tableTextContainer (tableModel, UseDefaultIID());

    if(!tableTextContainer) break;

    textModel = InterfacePtr (tableTextContainer-> QueryTextModel());

    if(!textModel) break;

    InterfacePtr tableTextContent (tableModel, UseDefaultIID());

    if(!tableTextContent) break;

    GA GridArea (up, left, top + 1, left + 1);

    Len = tableTextContent-> GetTextChunk (ga, start);

    If (! len) break;

    result = kSuccess;

    } While (false);

    return the result;



    #if (csversion_<>

    # define ITextFrameC_ ITextFrame


    # define ITextFrameC_ ITextFrameColumn


    UIDRef text_query_frame (InterfacePtr txt, TextIndex istartPos)


    UID uid = kInvalidUID;

    TextIndex startPos = istartPos;



    If (! txt) break;

    INNERE Textrahmen of the items

    InterfacePtr frameList (txt-> QueryFrameList ());

    If (! frameList | frameList-> GetFrameCount ())<= 0)="">

    First INNERER Textrahmen of the items

    InterfacePtr textFrame (frameList-> QueryNthFrame (0) / * QUF,: UseDefaultIID () * /);

    #ifndef (csversion_<>

    Location of RangeData (startPos, startPos);


    TextIndex location = startPos;


    Int32 frameIndex = - 1;

    InterfacePtr tf = InterfacePtr (Nile);

    If (startPos < txt-=""> tf TotalLength ()) = InterfacePtr (frameList-> QueryFrameContaining (location, & frameIndex));

    of other tf = InterfacePtr (frameList-> QueryNthFrame (frameList-> GetFrameCount () - 1));

    If textFrame (tf) tf =;

    If (! textFrame) break;


    Aus dem first inner Textrahmen bilden wir jetzt eine hierarchy.

    In der Ebene uber hierarchy suchen wir jetzt nach nach einem dieser

    Objekt, das ein Graphicrahmen ist. Dieses element ist der gesuchte

    ÄUßERE Rahmen.


    InterfacePtr child (textFrame, UseDefaultIID());

    If (! child) break;



    InterfacePtr parent (child-> QueryParent());

    If (parent == nil) break;

    InterfacePtr graphicFrameData (parent, UseDefaultIID());

    If (graphicFrameData! = nil)


    We have a regular text frame.

    UID =: GetUID (graphicFrameData);



    child = parent;

    } While (child! = nil);

    } While (false);

    If (uid == kInvalidUID) return UIDRef (Nile, kInvalidUID);

    Return UIDRef (: GetDataBase (txt), uid);



    #if (csversion_<>

    # define GLayout_:


    # define GLayout_ Utils ()->


    UIDRef page_getref (const UIDRef & frameRef, int32 * pgNum)


    UIDRef result = UIDRef::gNull;



    If (pgNum) * pgNum = 0;

    If (! frameRef) break;

    InterfacePtr itemHier (frameRef, IID_IHIERARCHY);

    If (! itemHier) break;

    If (! pause frameRef.ExistsInDB ());

    ES more like evil EIB GetOwnerPageUID AB. ICH denke badly, at least

    Ein muss ein Rahmen wohl schon haben Parent. Wenn wir da keinen find,.

    tschüss Dann.

    InterfacePtr parent (itemHier-> QueryParent());

    If (! parent) break;

    PageUID UID = GLayout_ GetOwnerPageUID (itemHier);

    If (pageUID == kInvalidUID) break;

    result = UIDRef (frameRef.GetDataBase (), pageUID);

    If (pgNum)


    IDataBase * db = frameRef.GetDataBase ();

    If (! db) break;

    UIDRef docRef (db, db-> GetRootUID ());

    InterfacePtr PageList (docRef, IID_IPAGELIST);

    If (!.) (Break from PageList);

    Int32 pageIndex is PageList-> GetPageIndex (pageUID);.

    * pgNum = pageIndex;


    } While (false);

    return the result;



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    Thank you.

    using Yosemite 10.10.5

    Reported problems with Illustrator but CS6 is not longer supported by Adobe and was not compatible with the Mavericks and after according to Adobe. Apple does not solve the problem if you run into something, and adobe has no software open source so that others could provide a patch. I'm agree with your position not to be bullied into buying a subscription for the software with my humble OPINION less than stellar customer service I need to contact once a week, it was the decision of the Adobes.

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    If anyone has tested this, I would be recognizing the return flow, thank you.

    It really depends what you do with it, and a large part of the framework has changes in the operating system for how the application is designed to run in. Your workflow can cause problems when the application works for others or you might be able to use it, but keep in mind has more no support for CS5 Adobe or Apple, so do not expect to solve any problems that you can discover.

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    Browser multimedia lla only will show you photos from your photo library, if the library is your system library.  Check in Photos preferences > general, if 'use as a Photo library system' is UO greyedcrossed, as it should be.

    and the application must be fully compatible with El Capitan, or it can only show the iPhoto and Aperture libraries.  You may need to update your copy of inDesign. I don't know, if there is a newer version.

  • Error memory, while using Adobe InDesign

    I've been running Adobe inDesign for a couple of years without any problems. It's the first time I got one, "not enough memory" error when you try to save the document in PDF format.
    Windows 7, Dell Studio XPS, 2.80 GHz processor, memory: 9 GB of Dram, hard disk: 1.5 to, 1.56 MB cache.
    Firefox v33.02
    What should I do to recover the memory?

    Thank you

    Don Schaaf

    Hi Don, this is a site of Adobe that you use in a Firefox tab, or independent InDesign application?

    If it is in the application, you can try the Adobe forum. You can also try to close other applications to free memory and then try again to create the PDF file.

    Please note that if Firefox worked for a while and uses a lot of memory, it may take several minutes for free stuff, like various files are up to date (slowly) to the stop. You can follow his progress in the Task Manager on the process tab press Ctrl + SHIFT + ESC to open the Task Manager, and then on the process tab Firefox is listed under firefox.exe here. Please let it close normally instead of use the button end process, unless it seems to stop (no movement amount of memory used for several minutes).

  • Adobe Indesign CS3 will work with the Apple 10.10.5 system (Yosemite)?

    Adobe Indesign CS3 is compatible with Mac OS X on a Macbook Air 10.10.5?

    Adobe CS3 compatibility with Yosemite


  • The viewer PDF Firefox renders shadows created in Adobe InDesign. He replaces it with a gray flat area.

    The new Firefox integrated PDF viewer will not render gradients-shadows created in Adobe InDesign. He replaces it with a gray flat area - any shape he's sitting behind. Y at - it a fix for this problem?

    The current versions of Firefox have allowed a built-in PDF Viewer that has all of the features that other PDF as Adobe Reader readers have or can not work properly otherwise.

    You can change the action for Portable Document Format (PDF) to Preview in Firefox to use Adobe Reader software or set always ask in "Firefox > Preferences > Applications.

    You can set the pref pdfjs.disabled true on the topic: config page to disable the build-in the PDF Viewer.

    See also:

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