Button double slider (min/max)


I'm working on a project of calculator with sliders. 1 cursor should now have a double-button with min and Max tried to use other examples, but I can't work in the current script. I hope someone can help me.

It must be double:

slide of skills

skillSb.addEventListener (Event.CHANGE, onSkilChange)

[code] import fl.controls.ComboBox

import fl.controls.Slider

import fl.controls.DataGrid

import fl.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridColumn

import fl.data.DataProvider


var levelArray:Array = new Array ("disastrous", "miserable", "mediocre", 'low', 'insufficient', 'fair', "solid", "excellent", "wonderful", "exceptional", "brilliant", "beautiful", "worldclass", "supernatural", "titanic", "alien", "mythical", "magical" and "utopian", "divine")

var trainingArray:Array = new Array ("Guardians", "Defense", "Defensive Positions", "Crossing", "WingAttack", "Abyssal", "Rating", "Fire", "Short pass", "thanks to", "Set Pieces")

var trainingBase:Array = new Array (3.0206,5.4824,10.9648,3.2341,5.3902,4.6613,4.8536,8.0893,4.2989,5.0575,0.9938)

slide years

yearsSb.addEventListener (Event.CHANGE, onYearsChange)

slide of days

daysSb.addEventListener (Event.CHANGE, onDaysChange)

slide of skills

skillSb.addEventListener (Event.CHANGE, onSkilChange)

slide of sublevel

subSb.addEventListener (Event.CHANGE, onSubChange);

coach slide

coachSb.addEventListener (Event.CHANGE, onCoachChange)

assistans slide

assSb.addEventListener (Event.CHANGE, onAssChange)

slide of intensity

intensitySb.addEventListener (Event.CHANGE, onIntensityChange)

slide of endurance

staminaSb.addEventListener (Event.CHANGE, onStaminaChange)

for (var i = 0; i < trainingArray.length; i ++) {}

trainingCb.addItem ({label: trainingArray [i], data: trainingBase [i]})


trainingCb.addEventListener (Event.CHANGE, changeEvent)

trainingCb.selectedIndex = 0


CGI Columns = ['week', 'Skills', 'Length', 'âge'];

var weekCol:DataGridColumn = new DataGridColumn()

weekCol.dataField = "Week"

weekCol.sortOptions = Array.NUMERIC;

weekCol.width = 50

dg.addColumn (weekCol)

var skillCol:DataGridColumn = new DataGridColumn()

skillCol.dataField = "Skill"

skillCol.width = 150

skillCol.sortOptions = Array.NUMERIC;

dg.addColumn (skillCol)

var lengthCol:DataGridColumn = new DataGridColumn()

lengthCol.dataField = "Length"

lengthCol.width = 75

dg.addColumn (lengthCol)

var ageCol:DataGridColumn = new DataGridColumn()

ageCol.dataField = "Age"

ageCol.width = 75

dg.addColumn (ageCol)


var: number

var days: Number

var yearsFactor:Number

var level: number

var sublevel: Number

var levelFactor:Number

var trainingFactor:Number

var coachFactor:Number

var assistentsFactor:Number

intensity: number var

endurance: number var

weeks: number var

var skillUp:Number

var baseLevel:Number

var newLevel:Number

commissioning chart mc

var graphMc:MovieClip = new MovieClip()

graphMc.x = 80

graphMc.y = 680

for (i = 0; i < levelArray.length; i ++) {}

var skilLab:skillLabel = new skillLabel()

skilLab.txt.text = levelArray [i]

skilLab.name = "sl" + i

skilLab.x = 30

var graphPoint:point = new focus()

graphPoint.name = "gp" + i

graphMc.addChild (skilLab)

graphMc.addChild (graphPoint)


addChild (graphMc)


function onYearsChange (e) {}

yearsVal.text = yearsSb.value.toString)



function onDaysChange (e) {}

daysVal.text = daysSb.value.toString)



function onSkilChange (e) {}

skillVal.text = levelArray [skillSb.value - 1]



function onSubChange (e) {}




function onCoachChange (e) {}

coachVal.text = levelArray [coachSb.value - 1]



function onAssChange (e) {}

assVal.text = assSb.value.toString)



function onIntensityChange (e) {}

intensityVal.text = intensitySb.value.toString)



function onStaminaChange (e) {}

staminaVal.text = staminaSb.value.toString)



function changeEvent (e) {}




function calc() {}

Years = yearsSb.Value

Days = daysSb.Value

Level = skillSb.Value

Colourful = subSb.value / 10


levelFactor =-1.4595 * Math.pow ((level+subLevel)/20.2) + 3.7535 *(level+subLevel)/20-0, 134 9

trainingFactor = trainingBase [trainingCb.selectedIndex]

coachFactor = 1 + (7 - Math.min (coachSb.value, 7.5)) * 0.091

assistentsFactor = 1 + (1.041392685-(Math.log (assSb.value + 1)) * Math.LOG10E) * 0.2749



weeks = yearsFactor * levelFactor * trainingFactor * coachFactor * assistentsFactor * intensity * endurance

weeks = Math.Max (Weeks, 1).

skillUp = 1/WEEK.

To = level + sublevel

newLevel = to

var dosta:Boolean = false

var weeksNo:Number = 0

var weeksCount:Number = 0

var dp:DataProvider = new DataProvider()

{while (!) Dosta)}

weeksNo ++

weeksCount ++

days += 7

if(Days>111) {}

years ++

days = days-112



newLevel += skillUp

If ((newLevel-Level) > = 1) {}

dp.addItem ({Week: weeksNo, Skill: (Math.floor (newLevel)) + "-" + levelArray [Math.floor (newLevel)-1], length: weeksCount + 'weeks', age: years + ' y ' + day + ' d' "})

level ++

weeksCount = 0


If (newLevel > = 20 | years > = 31) {}

Dosta = true



dg.dataProvider = dp

drawGraph (dp)


function reCalc() {}


levelFactor =-1.4595 * Math.pow (newLevel/20.2) +3.7535*newLevel/20-0.1349

weeks = yearsFactor * levelFactor * trainingFactor * coachFactor * assistentsFactor * intensity * endurance

weeks = Math.Max (Weeks, 1).

skillUp = 1/WEEK.


function drawGraph (dp) {}

If (DP. Length > 0) {}

var lastRow = dp.getItemAt (dp.length - 1).

var weekNo:Number = parseInt (lastRow.Week)

var topSkill:Number = parseInt (lastRow.Skill)

var firstRow = dp.getItemAt (0)

var baseSkill:Number = parseInt (firstRow.Skill)-1

var skillH = 300 /(topSkill-baseSkill)

var weekW = 450/weekNo


draw the greed


graphMc.graphics.moveTo (50.0)

graphMc.graphics.lineTo (50,300)

graphMc.graphics.lineTo (500,300)


for (i = 0; i < weekNo + 1; i ++) {}




for (i = baseSkill; i < = topSkill; i ++) {}




draw line


graphMc.graphics.moveTo (50,300)

for (i = 0; i < dp.length; i ++) {}

var r = dp.getItemAt (i)

var s = parseInt (r.Skill)

var w = parseInt (r.Week)



for (i = 0; i < levelArray.length; i ++) {}

var sl = graphMc.getChildByName ("sl" + i)

SL.y = 300-skillH *(i-baseSkill+1)

If (sl.y < 0 | sl.y > 300) {}

SL. Visible = false

} else {}

SL. Visible = true


var pm = graphMc.getChildByName ("gp" + i)

If (I < baseSkill | I > = topSkill) {}

GP. Visible = false

} else {}

r = DP.getItemAt (i-baseSkill)

s = parseInt (r.Skill)

w = parseInt (r.week)

GP. Visible = true

GP.txt.Text = r.Age

"" gp.txtW.text = r.Week + "w".

GP.y = 300-skillH *(i-baseSkill+1)

GP.x = 50 + w * weekW





/ * Click here to go on stage and play


Home.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, fl_ClickToGoToScene);

function fl_ClickToGoToScene(event:MouseEvent):void


removeChild (graphMc);

delete graphMc headphones, if there is

graphMc = null;

MovieClip (this.root) .gotoAndPlay (1, "scene 1");



[/ code]

You doing anything with your skillmaxSb.value in calc()

PS: you must either use a hihlighter code to put this many on this forum, or concentrate on the essential.

Tags: Adobe Animate

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    Hi Brad,

    In fact, I called technical support and got my problem solved. Please guide me to this example however. It has been extremely helpful.

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    Hello, Hello,

    What is the best way to make a double slider to select a range of values?

    By that I mean you have a cursor with MIN / values of MAX and two sliders, a LOW and high. One is of course always lower than the other (strict or not).

    I tried a simple way with 2 separate sliders (named HIGH and LOW) and set the MIN from that HIGH to the current value of the BASS and put the MAX of the BASS to the current value of the HIGH. But since their change of min/max, they kind of change dynamically in annoying ways.

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    What happened to just have two sliders, one for your min and the other for your max value. The two sliders would have the same range but you would take into account for the values programmatically. You would like to check to see if all of the max value is greater than the min value in your code.

    Is not an option for you?

    Best regards

  • Min / Max in the subquery

    I'm currently doing tests on Oracle, Postgres and MySQL.
    However, Oracle returns me "ORA-00934: Group feature is not allowed here" the same query works with others.

    The idea is to return first, Min, Max, last prices for one day on a particular ID.
      min(quotes.received_time) as opening_time,
      (SELECT ask_price FROM "price_quotes" WHERE id=quotes.id AND received_time >=timestamp'2012-12-10 00:00:00' AND received_time < timestamp'2012-12-11 00:00:00' AND received_time=min(quotes.received_time) ) AS opening_price,
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      max(quotes.ask_price) as max_price
      "price_quotes" quotes
      quotes.received_time >= timestamp'2012-12-10 00:00:00' and quotes.received_time < timestamp'2012-12-11 00:00:00'
      AND quotes.id = 668792
    GROUP BY quotes.id ORDER BY quotes.id ;
    I tried to use HAVING and pass the query to the place WHERE but no luck.

    This is the Create Table:
    CREATE TABLE "price_quotes"
       id number(8),
       received_time timestamp, 
       mid_price float, 
       bid_price float,
       ask_price float,
       mid_yield float,
       bid_yield float,
       ask_yield float,
       mid_spread float,
       bid_spread float,
       ask_spread float,
       product_id number(8), 
       product_yield float,
       PRIMARY KEY ( id , received_time )
    Sample data:
    INSERT INTO "price_quotes" VALUES ( 668792, timestamp'2012-12-10 08:00:00', 103, 120, 110, 7, 8, 9, 2.100, 3.050, 4.28999, 29, 1.050);
    INSERT INTO "price_quotes" VALUES ( 668792, timestamp'2012-12-10 10:00:00', 99, 98, 100, 4, 2, 3, 0.100, 0.050, 0.28999, 24, 0.050);
    INSERT INTO "price_quotes" VALUES ( 668792, timestamp'2012-12-10 16:00:00', 100, 99, 101, 5, 3, 4, 0.200, 0.100, 0.29999, 25, 0.100);
    INSERT INTO "price_quotes" VALUES ( 668792, timestamp'2012-12-10 17:00:00', 10, 9, 11, 1, 2, 3, 0.210, 0.330, 0.99, 15, 1.100);

    Published by: 986853 on February 7, 2013 12:23


    986853 wrote:
    Thanks for the info, I have edited and corrected the post.

    Thank you.
    Be sure to post the results desired from these sample data.

    This is the Create Table:

    CREATE TABLE "price_quotes"
    id number(8),
    received_time timestamp, ...

    In Oracle, the names of table in double - quotes are a huge pain.
    In addition, if you do not need to register the fractions of a second, use DATEs instead of TIMESTAMPs. They are more effective, and there are a lot more built-in features for dealing with DATEs.
    Of course, if you're trying to minimize the differences between the databases, which may influence your decision.

    Here are the results you want from the given sample data?

         ID _TIME       _PRICE PRICE _TIME       _PRICE _TIME      PRICE
    ------- ---------- ------- ----- ---------- ------- ---------- -----
     668792 10-DEC-12      110    11 10-DEC-12       11 10-DEC-12    110
            00000 AM                 00000 PM           00000 AM

    Here's a way to recover them with the FIRST and LAST fucntions aggregate:

    SELECT       id
    ,       MIN (received_time)     AS opening_time
    ,       MIN (ask_price)
               KEEP (DENSE_RANK FIRST ORDER BY received_time)
                                    AS opening_price
    ,         MIN (ask_price)     AS min_price
    ,       MAX (received_time)     AS closing_time
    ,       MIN (ask_price)
               KEEP (DENSE_RANK LAST  ORDER BY received_time)
                                    AS closing_price
    ,       MIN (received_time)
               KEEP (DENSE_RANK LAST  ORDER BY ask_price)
                                    AS max_price_time
    ,       MAX (ask_price)     AS max_price
    FROM       price_quotes
    WHERE       received_time     >= TIMESTAMP '2012-12-10 00:00:00'
    AND       received_time <  TIMESTAMP '2012-12-11 00:00:00'
    -- AND        id           = 668792
    GROUP BY  id
    ORDER BY  id
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    The boxes are not visible (i.e., they show a ToolTip if you hover and work if the click in this area) or whatever should not happen at all?

    You can check the problems caused by a corrupt localstore.rdf file.

    You can check for problems with preferences.

    Delete a possible user.js file and files numbered prefs-# .js and rename (or delete) the file prefs.js to reset all the prefs by default, including the prefs set via user.js and pref which is no longer supported in the current version of Firefox.

  • min/max with outputs ttl statistics

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    Thus, the two questions are: 1) why the DMM is not working at the release of the Y/t modules or Module Min/Max of Stat?  (2) why the bitmask Module cannot evaluate its entries? The added sine wave is continuous and constant phase.

    Any help would be appreciated. This has really baffled me, trying to debug.

    It dawned on me that the DMM is placed where they will not work because they are supposed to show a too short period of tension. They would appear between 5V and 25V depending on the number of 5V wfm summary, but each TTL output, they try to show are nothing more than the duration milliseconds--not a good application for a DMM. Now, it's just a question of what is the problem with the 16-bit conversion package around!

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    In collaboration with Dasylab 10.  I'm looking to collect peaks min/max on a form of sinwave we will run.  Is this possible?  If so, how?  Or I have to just to oversample and sift through data?

    Thank you!

    Select this option.

    Use the statistics module called Minimum / Maximum.

    This will display the value (you choose minimum, maximum or both), or will display a TTL signal, with a peak TTL (5V) to record highs.

    Adjust the hysteresis value to avoid detection from noise and spikes, or use a moving average to smooth out the signal.

  • Bug min &amp; Max?

    Hi all

    I noticed a strange behavior in the min & Max node in the snippet below. It is set to compare items. According to the size of array, as determined by 'Dimension' the resultant y table for the 'Signal' gives different results.

    It is supposed to read:

    NaN, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, NaN...

    But when I get a value for the 'Dimension' of 16 or more, it reads:

    NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN, 2, 2, 2...

    For small values of 'Dimension', the code snippet works as expected.

    With the help of probes, it seems that min (NaN; x) = x for tables with 15 elements and less and larger paintings is min (NaN; x) = NaN

    Certainly it is not provided for

    I guess I'm missing something obvious and I'm about to learn something.

    Or is it really a bug?

    With the help of LV 2011 SP1



    A solution to your problem is to put a loop around the comparison.  It will give consistent results.

    What I find interesting, it's the result of more than 16 items of tables is the same that if you compare the aggregates.

    It also has appearss to be precise to NaN.  If you use a different value for your table, you don't see the value changes.

    I can also confirm the same behavior in LV2012.

  • Min/Max for the calculation of depreciation

    Hey guys, I'm looking to find a curve of free vibration damping factor. I'll use the logarithmic decrement method. I understand that I must get the min max of 2 cycles in my FV curve.

    How to 'point' to the different cycles in my curve? IE. I want to get the min/max of the cycle 1 (before disintegration) and then the 6th cycle after.

    Can someone give me advice?

  • Calibration of a filter CPL Positions mini/maxi

    Well, then you rotate a CPL filter to vary the amount of filtering. I have never saw one that is marked with the designations showing where the rotation is maximum and minimum filtering. I found a gross way, but apparently very effective, the positioning of the filter very close of the min/max posts filtering. Attach one to your goal and then look in your camera to an LCD flat screen which is powered on, of course, while you turn the filter. My question is simple. What is the best practice, if there is one, for the marking of the mini/maxi positions of your filter? I was tempted to use Nail Polish.

    Waddizzle wrote:
    Well, then you rotate a CPL filter to vary the amount of filtering. I have never saw one that is marked with the designations showing where the rotation is maximum and minimum filtering. I found a gross way, but apparently very effective, the positioning of the filter very close of the min/max posts filtering. Attach one to your goal and then look in your camera to an LCD flat screen which is powered on, of course, while you turn the filter. My question is simple. What is the best practice, if there is one, for the marking of the mini/maxi positions of your filter? I was tempted to use Nail Polish.

    There is no minimum/maximum positions. The degree of polarization of incident light depends on the angle whereat the sun shines on the subject. The best practice is to rotate the filter until the sky is darker sound or it seems bleak for your application. If instead you are photographed a puddle, the ideal position is when you see the correct amount of reflection (or even any) therein. That's really ridiculously simple: what you see is what you get. and if you don't like it, change it.

    But the fact that the angle is so big difference means that polarizers do not work very well with wide angle lenses. On one side of the image to the other, the angle can be very different. If the sky can appear half blue and half white.

    Yes, some of the laws of physics must be amended or repealed. But this result is probably not in our lives, given the means of partisan political bickering, we're cursed. He must learn to live with things as they are, alas, rather than as we would like them to be.

  • Date field min, max attribute does not

    Hi team,

    I use in my application webworks, html date field. I want to control the date range of selection user with min and Max device attribute shows the native date picker after giving the input focus, but its does not not the given range.

    Please suggest me how to do?

    Kind regards


    Thank you, it seems that the spec meets the min/max of what I could find.

    I reported it to the WebWorks team.

  • Can we use the two Min max and MRP element


    We can user Min max and the MRP of planning for the element in the same Org (

    Thanks in advance


    Hi Ravi,

    There are no restrictions such as a... but it would be an unnecessary activity.

    If your release to users even planned orders by mistake... you would create duplicate supplies.

    Is there any need specific job for which you want to use both of these methods of planning as a whole?

    Kind regards

    Mohan Balaji

  • How AutoSchedule Min Max planning?

    Hi all

    How Auto Min Max planning calendar?

    Thanks in advance.

    'Min - max planning report' is a concurrent request under the responsibility of the inventory.  You will need to just this simultaneous broadcast to run - no. Restock will create throughout the report while repopulate Yes will create demand for recordings of interface for min - max amounts.

  • Get the date range min/max for consecutive events.

    Hi all...

    I am fairly new to the programming of the DB and is working on some examples I picked up a few places. The database version is 10g R2.

    I would like to configure the data here and I can explain my requirement.

    create table table_1
    (product_id varchar2(25),
    region_id  number,
    event_id number
    event_date date,
    event_status number(1))

    Now the data because it is->

    insert into table_1 values ('Prod-1',10, null, to_date('01-feb-2014','dd-mon-yyyy'),null)
    insert into table_1 values('Prod-1',10, 1001, to_date('10-mar-2014','dd-mon-yyyy'), 1)
    insert into table_1 values('Prod-1',10, 1001, to_date('20-mar-2014','dd-mon-yyyy'), 3)
    insert into table_1 values('Prod-1',10,1002, to_date('01-apr-2014','dd-mon-yyyy'), 1)
    insert into table_1 values('Prod-1',10, 1002, to_date('10-apr-2014','dd-mon-yyyy'), 3)

    If the table now contains the following data

    select * from table_1; 


    ------------------------- ---------- -------- --------- ------------

    Prod-1 10 1 February 14

    Prod-1 10 1001 10 March 14 1

    Prod-1 10 1001 20 March 14 3

    Prod-1 10 1002 1 April 14 1

    Prod-1 10 1002 April 10, 14 3

    Now, the condition is as follows:

    Above is the dates start and end for the tests on a product in a given region. The event_status column indicates the dates of beginning and end. Event_status = 1, for the date of beginning and the event_status = 3 of the end date.

    A new event is now coming from March 21 and ending on March 31.

    The power required is a product identifier / region; If there are events that are ending and then count the days, for example, 1001 to end on March 20, but now the new event begins on 21 March... and the new event ends on 31 March and event 1002 begins 01 - Apr... and so on.

    The output required for this is as follows:


    ------------------------- ---------- -------------- --------------

    Prod-1 10 10 14 March 10 April 14

    The output should give a product identifier / region, when events are immediately after the other, out the min date of beginning and end of max for all these manifestations of "back to back".

    Now I wrote the code for this, but it goes into a purely 'loop' for application in PLSQL... But my head tells me that if the results are correct. the PLSQL implementation is not the most efficient and effective way.

    Can someone help me to form the query? I tried to use functions analytical min/max but it gives me the start and end dates back even if my events are not "back to back" or previous/succeed each other... so my query result is not quite correct.

    Am reading on the TYPE clause but would be grateful if someone could help me with this query... or any other form better to implement this event so PLSQL can be used. The database version is 10g R2.

    Thank you


    PS - The number of such events back to back is limited to 4 and the events could be created in any order. But if someone could help me with the scenario above; am sure I could make a request addressed to any change in the order. :-)

    No this isn't a recursive with clause, perhaps the UNION ALL you got confused. She will work with 10g.

    Since there are 2 tables that you said, the block all_data brings together only the lines of the two tables. table_1 start_date and end_date are built from the event_status (where the max in group by).

Maybe you are looking for