Double slider

Hello, Hello,

What is the best way to make a double slider to select a range of values?

By that I mean you have a cursor with MIN / values of MAX and two sliders, a LOW and high. One is of course always lower than the other (strict or not).

I tried a simple way with 2 separate sliders (named HIGH and LOW) and set the MIN from that HIGH to the current value of the BASS and put the MAX of the BASS to the current value of the HIGH. But since their change of min/max, they kind of change dynamically in annoying ways.

You have better suggestions?


What happened to just have two sliders, one for your min and the other for your max value. The two sliders would have the same range but you would take into account for the values programmatically. You would like to check to see if all of the max value is greater than the min value in your code.

Is not an option for you?

Best regards

Tags: NI Software

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  • Button double slider (min/max)


    I'm working on a project of calculator with sliders. 1 cursor should now have a double-button with min and Max tried to use other examples, but I can't work in the current script. I hope someone can help me.

    It must be double:

    slide of skills

    skillSb.addEventListener (Event.CHANGE, onSkilChange)

    [code] import fl.controls.ComboBox

    import fl.controls.Slider

    import fl.controls.DataGrid

    import fl.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridColumn



    var levelArray:Array = new Array ("disastrous", "miserable", "mediocre", 'low', 'insufficient', 'fair', "solid", "excellent", "wonderful", "exceptional", "brilliant", "beautiful", "worldclass", "supernatural", "titanic", "alien", "mythical", "magical" and "utopian", "divine")

    var trainingArray:Array = new Array ("Guardians", "Defense", "Defensive Positions", "Crossing", "WingAttack", "Abyssal", "Rating", "Fire", "Short pass", "thanks to", "Set Pieces")

    var trainingBase:Array = new Array (3.0206,5.4824,10.9648,3.2341,5.3902,4.6613,4.8536,8.0893,4.2989,5.0575,0.9938)

    slide years

    yearsSb.addEventListener (Event.CHANGE, onYearsChange)

    slide of days

    daysSb.addEventListener (Event.CHANGE, onDaysChange)

    slide of skills

    skillSb.addEventListener (Event.CHANGE, onSkilChange)

    slide of sublevel

    subSb.addEventListener (Event.CHANGE, onSubChange);

    coach slide

    coachSb.addEventListener (Event.CHANGE, onCoachChange)

    assistans slide

    assSb.addEventListener (Event.CHANGE, onAssChange)

    slide of intensity

    intensitySb.addEventListener (Event.CHANGE, onIntensityChange)

    slide of endurance

    staminaSb.addEventListener (Event.CHANGE, onStaminaChange)

    for (var i = 0; i < trainingArray.length; i ++) {}

    trainingCb.addItem ({label: trainingArray [i], data: trainingBase [i]})


    trainingCb.addEventListener (Event.CHANGE, changeEvent)

    trainingCb.selectedIndex = 0


    CGI Columns = ['week', 'Skills', 'Length', 'âge'];

    var weekCol:DataGridColumn = new DataGridColumn()

    weekCol.dataField = "Week"

    weekCol.sortOptions = Array.NUMERIC;

    weekCol.width = 50

    dg.addColumn (weekCol)

    var skillCol:DataGridColumn = new DataGridColumn()

    skillCol.dataField = "Skill"

    skillCol.width = 150

    skillCol.sortOptions = Array.NUMERIC;

    dg.addColumn (skillCol)

    var lengthCol:DataGridColumn = new DataGridColumn()

    lengthCol.dataField = "Length"

    lengthCol.width = 75

    dg.addColumn (lengthCol)

    var ageCol:DataGridColumn = new DataGridColumn()

    ageCol.dataField = "Age"

    ageCol.width = 75

    dg.addColumn (ageCol)


    var: number

    var days: Number

    var yearsFactor:Number

    var level: number

    var sublevel: Number

    var levelFactor:Number

    var trainingFactor:Number

    var coachFactor:Number

    var assistentsFactor:Number

    intensity: number var

    endurance: number var

    weeks: number var

    var skillUp:Number

    var baseLevel:Number

    var newLevel:Number

    commissioning chart mc

    var graphMc:MovieClip = new MovieClip()

    graphMc.x = 80

    graphMc.y = 680

    for (i = 0; i < levelArray.length; i ++) {}

    var skilLab:skillLabel = new skillLabel()

    skilLab.txt.text = levelArray [i] = "sl" + i

    skilLab.x = 30

    var graphPoint:point = new focus() = "gp" + i

    graphMc.addChild (skilLab)

    graphMc.addChild (graphPoint)


    addChild (graphMc)


    function onYearsChange (e) {}

    yearsVal.text = yearsSb.value.toString)



    function onDaysChange (e) {}

    daysVal.text = daysSb.value.toString)



    function onSkilChange (e) {}

    skillVal.text = levelArray [skillSb.value - 1]



    function onSubChange (e) {}




    function onCoachChange (e) {}

    coachVal.text = levelArray [coachSb.value - 1]



    function onAssChange (e) {}

    assVal.text = assSb.value.toString)



    function onIntensityChange (e) {}

    intensityVal.text = intensitySb.value.toString)



    function onStaminaChange (e) {}

    staminaVal.text = staminaSb.value.toString)



    function changeEvent (e) {}




    function calc() {}

    Years = yearsSb.Value

    Days = daysSb.Value

    Level = skillSb.Value

    Colourful = subSb.value / 10


    levelFactor =-1.4595 * Math.pow ((level+subLevel)/20.2) + 3.7535 *(level+subLevel)/20-0, 134 9

    trainingFactor = trainingBase [trainingCb.selectedIndex]

    coachFactor = 1 + (7 - Math.min (coachSb.value, 7.5)) * 0.091

    assistentsFactor = 1 + (1.041392685-(Math.log (assSb.value + 1)) * Math.LOG10E) * 0.2749



    weeks = yearsFactor * levelFactor * trainingFactor * coachFactor * assistentsFactor * intensity * endurance

    weeks = Math.Max (Weeks, 1).

    skillUp = 1/WEEK.

    To = level + sublevel

    newLevel = to

    var dosta:Boolean = false

    var weeksNo:Number = 0

    var weeksCount:Number = 0

    var dp:DataProvider = new DataProvider()

    {while (!) Dosta)}

    weeksNo ++

    weeksCount ++

    days += 7

    if(Days>111) {}

    years ++

    days = days-112



    newLevel += skillUp

    If ((newLevel-Level) > = 1) {}

    dp.addItem ({Week: weeksNo, Skill: (Math.floor (newLevel)) + "-" + levelArray [Math.floor (newLevel)-1], length: weeksCount + 'weeks', age: years + ' y ' + day + ' d' "})

    level ++

    weeksCount = 0


    If (newLevel > = 20 | years > = 31) {}

    Dosta = true



    dg.dataProvider = dp

    drawGraph (dp)


    function reCalc() {}


    levelFactor =-1.4595 * Math.pow (newLevel/20.2) +3.7535*newLevel/20-0.1349

    weeks = yearsFactor * levelFactor * trainingFactor * coachFactor * assistentsFactor * intensity * endurance

    weeks = Math.Max (Weeks, 1).

    skillUp = 1/WEEK.


    function drawGraph (dp) {}

    If (DP. Length > 0) {}

    var lastRow = dp.getItemAt (dp.length - 1).

    var weekNo:Number = parseInt (lastRow.Week)

    var topSkill:Number = parseInt (lastRow.Skill)

    var firstRow = dp.getItemAt (0)

    var baseSkill:Number = parseInt (firstRow.Skill)-1

    var skillH = 300 /(topSkill-baseSkill)

    var weekW = 450/weekNo

    draw the greed,0xffffff) (50.0) (50,300) (500,300),0xcccccc)

    for (i = 0; i < weekNo + 1; i ++) {}*i,0)*i,300)


    for (i = baseSkill; i < = topSkill; i ++) {},300+baseSkill*skillH-skillH*i),300+baseSkill*skillH-skillH*i)


    draw line,0xff0000) (50,300)

    for (i = 0; i < dp.length; i ++) {}

    var r = dp.getItemAt (i)

    var s = parseInt (r.Skill)

    var w = parseInt (r.Week)*weekW,300+baseSkill*skillH-s*skillH)


    for (i = 0; i < levelArray.length; i ++) {}

    var sl = graphMc.getChildByName ("sl" + i)

    SL.y = 300-skillH *(i-baseSkill+1)

    If (sl.y < 0 | sl.y > 300) {}

    SL. Visible = false

    } else {}

    SL. Visible = true


    var pm = graphMc.getChildByName ("gp" + i)

    If (I < baseSkill | I > = topSkill) {}

    GP. Visible = false

    } else {}

    r = DP.getItemAt (i-baseSkill)

    s = parseInt (r.Skill)

    w = parseInt (r.week)

    GP. Visible = true

    GP.txt.Text = r.Age

    "" gp.txtW.text = r.Week + "w".

    GP.y = 300-skillH *(i-baseSkill+1)

    GP.x = 50 + w * weekW





    / * Click here to go on stage and play


    Home.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, fl_ClickToGoToScene);

    function fl_ClickToGoToScene(event:MouseEvent):void


    removeChild (graphMc);

    delete graphMc headphones, if there is

    graphMc = null;

    MovieClip (this.root) .gotoAndPlay (1, "scene 1");



    [/ code]

    You doing anything with your skillmaxSb.value in calc()

    PS: you must either use a hihlighter code to put this many on this forum, or concentrate on the essential.

  • 12 '' macbook 2015 double slider

    My macbook cursor often jumps position when I write pages, notes, e-mail, etc..  I brought it to Apple twice - the first time they replaced the macbook and the second time they replaced the top box, but none solved the problem. The question was so bad that I turned off the tap to click, and now my cursor jumps no position more.

    BUT there are still often two sliders on the screen - an above my typing and other soaring or I form, placed randomly on the page.  They do not disappear when I start typing, either.

    Is this normal?  If not, is there any suggestions of what I can do to make repair? I want to type it in again!

    A reboot seems to fix this kind of problem.

    If this does not work, scroll through the search options until you see the menu 'Go '. Press 'Go' and the Option at the same time, and you will see the hidden from the Finder menu. Navigate to Preferences/ Move this file to the desktop and restart.

    If it works, the double cursor will disappear. You can then take the file you put on the desktop of your computer and trash.

  • Why don't duplicate the slide appear in TOC?

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    I use 8 Captivate.

    Thank you

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    hand (SPACEBAR)

    Zoom (command + space)

    Option + do drag does not create a copy either, although the cursor changes to double slider

    Go to System Preferences > keyboard > keyboard shortcuts. Change your shortcut for Spotlight (use the command + space by default, you can change it).

    If it's not her, some third party software (often a browser extension) is striking strikes. Quit all applications, restart. Open InDesign before first load something else and try again.

  • Naming objects

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    Is it possible to name objects so that if copy you them to another slide, they are not all start with the generic name and number?

    I give all my objects and groups a name so I know what they are - I usually just precede the generic name of my specific name - for example, change "Button_147" to "Next_Button_147".  But as soon as I duplicate the slide or copy the button to another slide, the next button becomes plain of 'Button_150' or something else.

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    Is there a way to get around this?

    No, each object can be controlled by actions and for that reason needs a unique ID. But you can have an object that is displayed for the rest of the project (and hide when you don't need more) to keep the unique ID. However only the button shape and non-interactive objects can be handled this way, not normal buttons.

    Why I like the shape buttons - Captivate 6! -Captivate Blog

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    You will need to confirm which version of Mac OS, and Keynote, you use as your profile shows very old software that is obsolete and is no longer supported. I assume his keynote address version 4 If you are using Mac G5.

    IV never heard of Keynote, do what you describe in any version, so we need the details of how you have the presentation put in place. If you post a sample file that illustrates this problem on Dropbox I review on my old power Mac.

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    Using El Capitan? If so, in Mail, go to preferences-> look at one and activate the option "use the classic setup."

  • Why a slide should a double tap to move to the next slide, the others are simple taps


    I have 4 slides of film in a keynote presentation.  3 of them, a single tap once begins the next slide.  But I have a slide film which stops, but needs two cocks to move on to the next.  They all look the same transitions and effects (IE, no)

    Any ideas?


    The usual culprits are either an object on the slide, visible or invisible, with animation attached, or the slide is duplicated

  • Slide double result

    Hello again,

    I have inserted a few question slides in a project (CP9) and also changed the quiz for "submit answers".

    Unfortunately, I have two result slips now that doesn't seem to be correct.

    If I try to erase is a CP just says: 'the result slide will be hidden' but I can´t delete the redundant.

    One seems to be the old settings and one for the new selection of quizzes (for example present all).

    What should I do?
    In the worst cases, I have to delete the quiz of all and start from scratch.

    How do I do that?

    Thanks for any help!

    Here's a solution that worked for me.

    1. Create another project
    2. Copy / paste all of your slides in question in this new project
    3. Delete the question slides in your original project
    4. Delete (as opposed to hide), the result of the Quiz slides (since there is no question slide more in the project)
    5. Copy / paste the slides in question of this new project in the original project. This operation has recreated a range of Quiz in your file with a single test at the end of the quiz results slide.
  • Help with Captivate Slide Focus - Double click

    First of all, I would like to say this being my first experience of Captivate - fix a bug.

    I have a slide (in fact, all of the slides in the CBT) with highlight 3 boxes (superior, middle section, the bottom section) in which the legends and the buttons are placed on top. All HBs are at the bottom of the timeline above the slide. When spotted in Captivate or publication into an LMS, it takes several mouse clicks to highlight and the buttons run. I tried to move deadlines autour, but nothing doesn't seem to eliminate the need to click somewhere on the slide to give focus first and then clicking on the second time on a button to activate it. Help, please! Thank you very much. Donna

    Sorry, I forgot to mention add this line in thetag of the html file

    Thank you

  • Problem with volume slide bar time long-term z5 double

    Whenever I press the volume button to increase the volume upwards or downwards in all cases, such as when you watch a video or listen to a song or during the call of tge.., the bar sliding volume appear at the top of my screen, but it takes very long time and unusual to be disappeared from the screen. Or I have to touch anywhere on the screen to disapper immediately.
    I'm having this problem for the last 3 months.
    Before that, he worked correctly, and disappearing in normal conditions and little time and no need to touch the screen to disappear it.
    What should I do?
    And what has caused this problem?

    Thank you
    After the startup of the phone in safemode, it remained normal.
    And now, it disappears in normal time ;-)

  • Double click on the ios10 lock screen does not display Apple pay even if it is enabled in the settings

    Double click on the ios10 lock screen does not display Apple pay even if it is enabled in the settings.

    Hello JPMain,

    Thank you for using communities of Apple Support. I understand Apple pay is not an option when the double click the Home button. I know access pay Apple for a locked screen can do so useful everyday. I'm happy to help you to get this resolved with you.

    I recommend first restart your iPhone. This can solve many unexpected behaviours. Follow the steps below if necessary.

    1. Press and hold the sleep/wake button until the Red slider appears.
    2. Drag the slider to turn off your device completely off.
    3. Once the device turns off, press and hold the sleep/wake button again until you see the Apple logo.

    Restart your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch

    If the problem persists, the next option would be to reset all settings. It takes all the defaults, including passwords and Wi - Fi networks, alerts, notifications, brightness, wallpaper and sounds. This will also remove your cards Pay of Apple. Even if no content is lost with this step, it is always a good idea to back up first. If you do not have a recent backup, use the following link for assistance if necessary.

    The backup of your iPhone, iPad and iPod touch

    Once you have correctly saved, reset all settings in settings > general > reset > reset all settings.

    Have a great day!

  • What is tap/double tap process

    My slide to unlock iPad won't work and I can't get into my iPad.

    I searched communities and found a suggestion that I'm using the tap/double-tap process.

    I'm sure that it's simple, but I can't wrap my head around it.  What exactly am I supposed to do?

    Thank you.

    Try force restart unit of home support and the power button at the same time. Keep the keep until the device restarts. Release the buttons.

  • slide show does not play in photo.only shows first photo

    Just upgraded to El Capitan.

    When I select an Album for a slide show, only the first frame appears, with the title of the album. I tried all variants of projections, but nothing works!

    I tried all variants of projections, but nothing works!

    What exactly have you tried already?

    A slideshow play project properly, if you select the photos in the album, use the command "file > new slide show?

    The problem occurs only in your existing photo library or in any library of Photos? To test with a different see the library of Photos of this help page:

    Create a photo library

    • If the photo is open, choose Photos > Photos of quit smoking.
    • Hold down the Option key and double click on the Photos icon in the Applications folder (or click on the pictures of the Dock icon) to open the pictures.
    • In the select Library dialog box, click on create new.
    • Type a library name and choose a location to store the library.
    • Click OK.

    Switch between any libraries

    • If the photo is open, choose Photos > Photos of quit smoking.
    • Hold down the Option key and double click on the Photos icon in the Applications folder (or click on the pictures of the Dock icon) to open the pictures.
    • In the select Library dialog box, do one of the following:
      • Click the library that you want to use, then click on choose a library.
      • If the library you want does not appear in the select Library dialog box, click other library, navigate to the location of the library, select it, then click on choose a library.

    Is your photo library a library iCloud, or photos stored locally on your Mac?

    If slideshows do play not only in your existing photo library, but well play in a differnet photo library, try to repair the library as described here:

    Important: You must back up your library before repair of your library.

    • If the photo is open, choose Photos > Photos of quit smoking.
    • Press Option-command and double-click on the Photos icon in the Applications folder (or click the Photos icon in the Dock). The library of repair window opens.
    • Click on fix to rebuild your library.

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