Calculate the start and end date in Connect By - during Hirerchy changes

/ * Formatted 05/20/2013 09:53 (PS5 v5.115.810.9015) * /.

Oracle Database 11 g Enterprise Edition Release - 64 bit Production

Hello, can you please help me or guide me in the calculation of the dates of beginning and end to the underside of logic

I want to calculate the Hirerchy Manager to the Agent.
Then under query works fine and its giving me the expected results
But when there is a change in the Hirerchy Manager or manager gets promoted
Then I need to calculate the start date and end date.
  SID                 VARCHAR2(10 BYTE),
  EMP_MGRS_ID         VARCHAR2(10 BYTE),

Insert into PERSON_DTL
   ('M100', 'M107', TO_DATE('05/20/2013 00:00:00', 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS'), TO_DATE('12/31/9999 00:00:00', 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS'));
Insert into PERSON_DTL
   ('M101', 'M102', TO_DATE('01/01/2010 00:00:00', 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS'), TO_DATE('05/18/2013 00:00:00', 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS'));
Insert into PERSON_DTL
   ('A100', 'M100', TO_DATE('01/01/2010 00:00:00', 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS'), TO_DATE('12/31/9999 00:00:00', 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS'));
Insert into PERSON_DTL
   ('M100', 'M101', TO_DATE('01/01/2010 00:00:00', 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS'), TO_DATE('05/18/2013 00:00:00', 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS'));
Insert into PERSON_DTL
   ('M107', 'M102', TO_DATE('05/20/2013 00:00:00', 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS'), TO_DATE('12/31/9999 00:00:00', 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS'));
Insert into PERSON_DTL
   ('M102', 'M103', TO_DATE('01/01/2010 00:00:00', 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS'), TO_DATE('12/31/9999 00:00:00', 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS'));
Insert into PERSON_DTL
   ('M103', 'M104', TO_DATE('01/01/2010 00:00:00', 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS'), TO_DATE('12/31/9999 00:00:00', 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS'));
Insert into PERSON_DTL
   ('A101', 'M105', TO_DATE('01/01/2010 00:00:00', 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS'), TO_DATE('12/31/9999 00:00:00', 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS'));
Insert into PERSON_DTL
   ('M105', 'M106', TO_DATE('01/01/2010 00:00:00', 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS'), TO_DATE('12/31/9999 00:00:00', 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS'));
SELECT   CONNECT_BY_ROOT (b.sid) agent_sid,
             TRIM (
                LEADING ',' FROM    SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH (b.sid, ',')
                                 || ','
                                 || b.emp_mgrs_id
             START_EFFECTIVE_DT Start_dt,
             END_EFFECTIVE_DT End_dt
START WITH   sid IN ('A101', 'A100')
CONNECT BY   PRIOR b.emp_mgrs_id = b.sid
This is the results that i am getting now.

AGENT_SID    PATH                       START_DT    END_DT

A100    A100,M100,M101,M102,M103,M104    1/1/2010    12/31/9999
A100    A100,M100,M107,M102,M103,M104    1/1/2010    12/31/9999
A101    A101,M105,M106                   1/1/2010    12/31/9999
Results Required

A100    A100,M100,M101,M102,M103,M104    1/1/2010    5/18/2013
A100    A100,M100,M107,M102,M103,M104    5/20/2013   12/31/9999
A101    A101,M105,M106                   1/1/2010    12/31/9999

WITH the CLAUSE will make it readable

SQL> with paths as
  2  (
  3        SELECT   CONNECT_BY_ROOT (b.sid) agent_sid,
  4                 TRIM (
  5                    LEADING ',' FROM    SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH (b.sid, ',')
  6                                     || ','
  7                                     || b.emp_mgrs_id
  8                 )
  9                  PATH,
 10                 START_EFFECTIVE_DT Start_dt,
 11                 END_EFFECTIVE_DT End_dt,rownum rn
 12        FROM   PERSON_DTL b
 13        START WITH   sid IN ('A101', 'A100')
 14        CONNECT BY   PRIOR b.emp_mgrs_id = b.sid
 15  ),
 16  flagged as
 17  (
 18      select agent_sid,
 19             path,
 20             start_dt,
 21             end_dt,rn,
 22             case when path like lag(path) over(order by rn)||'%' then 0 else 1 end flg
 23      from paths
 24  ),
 25  summed as
 26  (
 27      select agent_sid,path,start_dt,end_dt,
 28             sum(flg) over(order by rn) sm
 29      from flagged
 30  )
 31  select agent_sid,max(path) path,max(start_dt) start_dt,
 32         min(end_dt) end_dt
 33  from summed
 34  group by agent_sid,sm
 35  order by agent_sid;

AGENT_SID  PATH                                     START_DT  END_DT
---------- ---------------------------------------- --------- ---------
A100       A100,M100,M101,M102,M103,M104            01-JAN-10 18-MAY-13
A100       A100,M100,M107,M102,M103,M104            20-MAY-13 31-DEC-99
A101       A101,M105,M106                           01-JAN-10 31-DEC-99

Tags: Database

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    Take a look how the TO_DATE plsql function works... ie... to_date(:P101_START_DATE,'mm-DD-yyyy')<=to_date(:P101_END_DATE,'mm-dd-yyyy'),>

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    Attached is the form for display:

    To view the results in a regular time format, you can use:

    $.rawValue = Num2Time (diff/3600000, "HH: mm")

    For a flexible time entry check this example.

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    Hi Avi.

    Dates of start and end standards are OOTB field in the metadata of the asset. So they you must set the cs.sitepreview property in the file futuretense.ini in the 'management '.

    CS.sitepreview = ContentManagement

    You can check out the documentation for more details about this property: futuretense.ini - 11 g Release 1 (

    If you need something different, maybe you need create your own attributes Start Date and end using types date: Data Design: active models - 11 g Release 1 (

    Kind regards


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    ASUS motherboard

    NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 ( driver version)

    16 GB OF RAM

    Cintiq 22HD

    Win 10

    Is it a question of PS or Cintiq?

    Thanks for help.

    OK, here is therefore an update.

    The problem is not at all with Photoshop or Cintiq, with Windows 10 parameters of the stylus.

    Fortunately, there is a small piece of free software that you can download called "Fix my pen" (by Smith Reddy) which defines the features of Windows Tablet PC in the registry for you (essentially by disabling everything related to it):

    viziblr - News - difficulty my pen makes your Wacom tablet JUST WORK on Windows 7

    It works fine on Win10 too.

    Now, as my original problem with Photoshop to do a line connecting the start and end of the brush strokes left, however I have another question more small that came after running difficulty my pen. The lines that I draw now are not smoothed by a software more. You can see the difference below.

    Fix My Pen sets a lot of things in the registry, but you cannot individually control which setting is disabled. So I guess that one of them is the cause.

    I expect response from Smith about it, cause I have no idea who he is.

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    Use the BaselineProjectHelper class to get a list of all the base lines for a given project.  Go through the list looking for basic lines you are interested in.

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    Browse the list of activities tearing you start and end dates.

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    For performance, seek assistance loadBaselineActivities to reduce database queries.



  • Find records overlapping start and end dates

    Hi all

    I have a table with begin and end date columns. I need to find the records that overlap with a few values in corresponding column.

    Table: MG_AUTH_AGNT
    I need to find records containing dates that overlap.

    Examples of data

    If the customer has two records with the same MGATH_SERV_GRP, MGATH_STAT, MGATH_TYP and start and end dates of the first disc are 01/JAN/2009 AND 01 / JAN / 2009.
    start and end dates of second record are 15/JAN/2009 and 15/FEB/2009.
    Here are the dates overlap. with my select query, I should get these two recordings.

    I am using the following query. But it is too slow. Could you please suggest a better sql?

    Select MG_AUTH_AGNT m, MGATH_clnt, MGATH_beg_DT, MGATH_END_DT, MGATH_NHIC_ERR_CD, id where m.MGATH_SERV_GRP = '1' and m.MGATH_STAT = 'A' and MGATH_clnt = (select distinct MGATH_clnt of MG_AUTH_AGNT d where d.MGATH_SERV_GRP = m.MGATH_SERV_GRP and d.MGATH_TYP = m.MGATH_TYP and m.MGATH_CLNT = d.MGATH_CLNT and d.MGATH_STAT = m.MGATH_STAT and ((trunc (m.MGATH_beg_DT) & gt; = trunc (d.MGATH_beg_DT) and trunc (m.MGATH_beg_DT) & lt;=trunc(d.MGATH_END_DT)) or (trunc (m.MGATH_END_DT) & gt; = trunc (d.MGATH_beg_DT) and trunc (m.MGATH_END_DT) & lt; = trunc (d.MGATH_END_DT)) or (trunc (m.MGATH_beg_DT) & lt; = trunc (d.MGATH_beg_DT) and trunc (m.MGATH_END_DT) & gt; = trunc (d.MGATH_END_DT))) MGATH_clnt order MGATH_beg_DT

    Published by: user10727414 on March 17, 2009 01:36

    user10727414 wrote:
    My data is correct

    501184242 = 28-AUG-07 = 31-DEC-9999
    501184242 = 28-AUG-07 = 31-DEC-9999
    501184242 = 20-DEC-07 = 31-DEC-9999
    501184242 = 20-DEC-07 = 31-DEC-9999

    And we had to guess that a year of "99" was in fact "9999" were we? Hang on I'll go and dust off my crystal ball.

    Well, now we know the correct dates (?), we'll put that in the original request...

    SQL> ed
    Wrote file afiedt.buf
      1  with mypeople as
      2  (select 501184242 as id, to_date('28-AUG-2007','DD-MON-YYYY') as stdt, to_date('31-DEC-9999','DD-MON-YYYY') as endt from dual union all
      3   select 501184242, to_date('28-AUG-2007','DD-MON-YYYY'), to_date('31-DEC-9999','DD-MON-YYYY') from dual union all
      4   select 501184242, to_date('20-DEC-2007','DD-MON-YYYY'), to_date('31-DEC-9999','DD-MON-YYYY') from dual union all
      5   select 501184242, to_date('20-DEC-2007','DD-MON-YYYY'), to_date('31-DEC-9999','DD-MON-YYYY') from dual union all
      6   select 2, to_date('19/01/2009','DD/MM/YYYY'), to_date('24/01/2009','DD/MM/YYYY') from dual)
      7  -- END OF TEST DATA
      8  select id, stdt, endt
      9        ,case when lead(stdt) over (partition by id order by stdt,endt) <= endt
     10                or lag(endt) over (partition by id order by stdt,endt) >= stdt then 'Overlap'
     11              else 'Ok'
     12         end as status
     13  from mypeople
     14* order by id, stdt, endt
    SQL> /
            ID STDT      ENDT      STATUS
    ---------- --------- --------- -------
             2 19-JAN-09 24-JAN-09 Ok
     501184242 28-AUG-07 31-DEC-99 Overlap
     501184242 28-AUG-07 31-DEC-99 Overlap
     501184242 20-DEC-07 31-DEC-99 Overlap
     501184242 20-DEC-07 31-DEC-99 Overlap

    Looks like it works for me.

    If it does not work for you then maybe had better give us a statement of create table and insert to your data in the example statements then we can see what you're trying to do.

  • Start and end Date Validation

    OK I'm lost and sought and made changes to what I do, but not sure I correct datasets or written something wrong.

    I have two date fields in my form. A Start Date and an end Date

    I put a validation that indicates the Start Date/time cannot be greater than the end Date/time or so I think that's what he said. But if I put and a date in the form of an hour after the beginning of end date, it throws the error

    Here are my details and maybe I'm just storing data wrong or something

    Validation ENDDATE: PL/SQL error:
    If to_date(:P6_DTGSTART) > to_date(:P6_DTGEND)
    raise_application_error (-20001, 'End Date must be greater than the Start Date.');
    end if;

    When I look at the data stored in the database SQL Workshop, this is what I see
    DTGSTART 11-29-2010

    The entry in the form is a DatePicker to the format: DD-MON-YYYY HH24
    If the entry as well as:

    Start date/time November 29, 2010 09:25
    End date/time November 29, 2010 10:25

    The end date may be on the same date, but time must be greater than the start date/time

    Thank you

    Check it out now...

    Thank you

  • can I choose the photo of the start and end positions to get rid of black borders?

    I tried to use the trial version of first elements 8 before buy you to see if it's able to do what I need to.

    I want to create a dvd photo, which is simple. I would like to use the scale feature to get rid of black borders and choose the start or end point of the photo.  the resolution of the photos are also terrible on screen, and when I import out in an uncompressed avi file. The photos are really high resolution and are very well in other programs.  Some of the photos sparkle even with anti flicker option enabled up to 100%.

    Adobe first elements may be able to make a dvd photo, or should I look at another adobe program?

    As Steve, pre can get you a DVD-video or a BD (for HD projects), but these will be on video and will be limited to the resolution of these two broadcast formats. If this is what you want, then the pre will do just fine.

    Regarding the images, I would NOT use all (or many) on the scale. Instead, I want to resize the images to match the size of the frame of the video project in Photoshop. This ARTICLE will give you some information and some advice.

    Good luck


  • Get start and end date of week by month and year

    How I need the week is here - a week always begins on a Sunday so from February, it will be

    begin the week of end of week

    12-02-1 02/12/04
    02/12/05 02/12/11
    02/12/19 02/12/25

    So, because the first week does not start on a Sunday he's leaving

    1 (Wednesday) to 4th (saturday) just like a calendar.

    Thanks in advance

    If far from Solomons help I have this

    This is for January
    WITH t AS)
    SELECT TRUNC (TRUNC (to_date('01-01-12','MM-DD-YY'), 'YYYY')-1, 'W') + (LEVEL-1) * 7 week_start_date
    SELECT week_start_date,
    LEAST (LAST_DAY (to_date('01-01-12','MM-DD-YY')), week_start_date + 6) week_end_date
    WHERE week_start_date > = TRUNC (to_date('01-01-12','MM-DD-YY'), 'MM')
    AND week_start_date < ADD_MONTHS (TRUNC (to_date('01-01-12','MM-DD-YY'), 'MM'), 1)

    begin the week of end of week

    If satrts Sunday of the week:

    WITH t AS (
               SELECT TRUNC(TRUNC(&dt,'MM') + 1,'IW') - 1 + (LEVEL - 1) * 7 week_start_date
                FROM  DUAL
                CONNECT BY TRUNC(TRUNC(&dt,'MM') + 1,'IW') - 1 + (LEVEL - 1) * 7 <= LAST_DAY(&dt)
    SELECT  GREATEST(week_start_date,TRUNC(&dt,'MM')) week_start_date,
            LEAST(LAST_DAY(&dt),week_start_date + 6) week_end_date
      FROM  t
      WHERE week_start_date <= LAST_DAY(&dt)

    For example:

    SQL> DEFINE dt="DATE '2012-01-17'" -- January
    SQL> WITH t AS (
      2             SELECT TRUNC(TRUNC(&dt,'MM') + 1,'IW') - 1 + (LEVEL - 1) * 7 week_start_date
      3              FROM  DUAL
      4              CONNECT BY TRUNC(TRUNC(&dt,'MM') + 1,'IW') - 1 + (LEVEL - 1) * 7 <= LAST_DAY(&dt)
      5            )
      6  SELECT  GREATEST(week_start_date,TRUNC(&dt,'MM')) week_start_date,
      7          LEAST(LAST_DAY(&dt),week_start_date + 6) week_end_date
      8    FROM  t
      9    WHERE week_start_date <= LAST_DAY(&dt)
     10  /
    --------- ---------
    01-JAN-12 07-JAN-12
    08-JAN-12 14-JAN-12
    15-JAN-12 21-JAN-12
    22-JAN-12 28-JAN-12
    29-JAN-12 31-JAN-12
    SQL> DEFINE dt="DATE '2012-02-25'" -- February
    SQL> WITH t AS (
      2             SELECT TRUNC(TRUNC(&dt,'MM') + 1,'IW') - 1 + (LEVEL - 1) * 7 week_start_date
      3              FROM  DUAL
      4              CONNECT BY TRUNC(TRUNC(&dt,'MM') + 1,'IW') - 1 + (LEVEL - 1) * 7 <= LAST_DAY(&dt)
      5            )
      6  SELECT  GREATEST(week_start_date,TRUNC(&dt,'MM')) week_start_date,
      7          LEAST(LAST_DAY(&dt),week_start_date + 6) week_end_date
      8    FROM  t
      9    WHERE week_start_date <= LAST_DAY(&dt)
     10  /
    --------- ---------
    01-FEB-12 04-FEB-12
    05-FEB-12 11-FEB-12
    12-FEB-12 18-FEB-12
    19-FEB-12 25-FEB-12
    26-FEB-12 29-FEB-12
    SQL> DEFINE dt="DATE '2012-03-07'" -- March
    SQL> WITH t AS (
      2             SELECT TRUNC(TRUNC(&dt,'MM') + 1,'IW') - 1 + (LEVEL - 1) * 7 week_start_date
      3              FROM  DUAL
      4              CONNECT BY TRUNC(TRUNC(&dt,'MM') + 1,'IW') - 1 + (LEVEL - 1) * 7 <= LAST_DAY(&dt)
      5            )
      6  SELECT  GREATEST(week_start_date,TRUNC(&dt,'MM')) week_start_date,
      7          LEAST(LAST_DAY(&dt),week_start_date + 6) week_end_date
      8    FROM  t
      9    WHERE week_start_date <= LAST_DAY(&dt)
     10  /
    --------- ---------
    01-MAR-12 03-MAR-12
    04-MAR-12 10-MAR-12
    11-MAR-12 17-MAR-12
    18-MAR-12 24-MAR-12
    25-MAR-12 31-MAR-12


    Published by: Solomon Yakobson, January 12, 2012 13:19

  • Shifts start and end date


    I have an obligation to make the fiscal quarters following the date of beginning and end given.
    For example if I have

    start date: 1 January 09
    end date: 31 December 09

    I divide it into 4 quarters as below:

    T1: 1 January 09-31 March 09
    Qtr2: 1 April 09-30 June 09
    Qtr3: 1 July 09-30 September 09
    Qtr4: 1st October 09-31 December 09

    Help, please.

    Kind regards


    SQL> SELECT ADD_MONTHS(to_date('01-JAN-2008','DD-MON-YYYY'),(ROWNUM-1)*3) start_dt,(ADD_MONTHS(to_date('01-JAN-2008','DD-MON-YYYY'),ROWNUM*3))-1 End_Date
      2  FROM DUAL
      3  CONNECT BY ADD_MONTHS(to_date('01-JAN-2008','DD-MON-YYYY'),(LEVEL-1)*3) <=to_date('30-SEP-2009','DD-MON-YYYY');
    --------- ---------
    01-JAN-08 31-MAR-08
    01-APR-08 30-JUN-08
    01-JUL-08 30-SEP-08
    01-OCT-08 31-DEC-08
    01-JAN-09 31-MAR-09
    01-APR-09 30-JUN-09
    01-JUL-09 30-SEP-09
    7 rows selected.

    See you soon,.

  • Alternate greeting - start and end date

    We have 8.6 connection of the unit. I know alternate greetings may have end dates, but our users also want the start dates. Is this possible? I have not seen it mentioned anywhere, but I thought I would check before giving up on this subject.

    Unfortunately not.


  • Start and end date of week 1-5 a month

    I wanted to print the date of beginning and end of the week for a given month.  If the month last_week overlaps the next month, I don't want to print the week5. If the week5 overlap with next month, then it must be printed.


    TRUNC (to_date(:P_DATE,'MM/DD/YYYY'), 'IW') 'SW1', / * start of week 1 * /.

    TRUNC (TO_DATE (: P_DATE, "MM/DD/YYYY '") + 6, 'IW')-1 'EW1', / * end of week you 1 * /.

    NEXT_DAY (trunc (to_date(:P_DATE,'MM/DD/YYYY'), 'IW'), 'Monday') 'SW2 '.

    NEXT_DAY (TRUNC (TO_DATE (: P_DATE, "MM/DD/YYYY") + 6, 'IW'), 'Sunday') 'EW2. "

    NEXT_DAY (NEXT_DAY (trunc (to_date(:P_DATE,'MM/DD/YYYY'), 'IW'), 'Monday'), 'Monday') "SW3."

    NEXT_DAY (NEXT_DAY (TRUNC (TO_DATE (: P_DATE, "MM/DD/YYYY") + 6, 'IW'), 'Sunday'), 'Sunday') 'EW3. "

    NEXT_DAY (NEXT_DAY (NEXT_DAY (trunc (to_date(:P_DATE,'MM/DD/YYYY'), 'IW'), 'Monday'), 'Monday'), 'Monday') "SW4".

    NEXT_DAY (NEXT_DAY (NEXT_DAY (TRUNC (TO_DATE (: P_DATE, "MM/DD/YYYY") + 6, 'IW'), 'Sunday'), 'Sunday'), 'Sunday') 'EW4. "

    NEXT_DAY (NEXT_DAY (NEXT_DAY (NEXT_DAY (trunc (to_date(:P_DATE,'MM/DD/YYYY'), 'IW'), 'Monday'), 'Monday'), 'Monday'), 'Monday') 'SW5. "

    NEXT_DAY (NEXT_DAY (NEXT_DAY (NEXT_DAY (TRUNC (TO_DATE (: P_DATE, "MM/DD/YYYY") + 6, 'IW'), 'Sunday'), 'Sunday'), 'Sunday'), 'Sunday') 'EW5.


    SW1 EW1 SW2 EW2 SW3 EW3 SW4 EW4 SW5 EW5

    Is it possible to get it without using the next_day() several times for each week and to limit the accumulation of the week last in a month.

    Check my last answer. And if this isn't what you need, then the expected results for each month in 2015.


  • Set the start and end of a graph


    I already searched the topic but have not found an answer. I'm a newbie to LabWindows.

    I write an application. For the application, there is a graph that shows a signal, axis is-> voltage and x-> time axis. By default the signal starts with the value 0 in the time axis. But my signal does not begin with 0. I would change the start value and the value of the end of the shaft manually. Does anyone know how it works (between AutoScaling)?

    I have also two x-axis in my chart. I put them with the offset (10 v and the other to-10V), but I would like to have two x axis starting with the 0 value in different heights. Is it possible to implement who?

    Best regards

  • REGEXP_REPLACE remove the start and end quotes.

    Hello guys,.

    I have a problem with my regular expression and I hope someone can help me with this?

    Imagine the following sample_data:


    WITH sample_data AS


    SELECT "'[email protected] "' double UNION ALL e

    SELECT "'[email protected] ' double UNION ALL e

    SELECT ' [email protected] "' double UNION ALL e

    SELECT "'[email protected] "' double UNION ALL e

    SELECT ' [email protected] "' double UNION ALL e

    SELECT "'[email protected] ' like e dual FROM


    SELECT e, REGEXP_REPLACE (e, '(^'')? (. *) (''$)', '\2')

    OF sample_data;


    I would like to remove all the quotes of beginning and end of the email. I made previous regexp, but she does not return the correct result. I know not why, but for some reason, when my email ends with a quote, the main quotation is not deleted.

    Can someone help me with this?

    Thank you

    Another solution...

    WITH sample_data AS
             (SELECT '''[email protected]''' AS e FROM DUAL
              UNION ALL
              SELECT '''[email protected]' AS e FROM DUAL
              UNION ALL
              SELECT '[email protected]''' AS e FROM DUAL
              UNION ALL
              SELECT '''[email protected]''''' AS e FROM DUAL
              UNION ALL
              SELECT '[email protected]''' AS e FROM DUAL
              UNION ALL
              SELECT '''''[email protected]' AS e FROM DUAL)
    SELECT e, REGEXP_REPLACE (e, '(^''+)|(''+$)')
      FROM sample_data

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