Calendar JavaScript does not date... Help!

This form makes me crazy! This is the third time I had to ask the help of this forum trying to complete a simple form. The timing of entry seems to work fine, but no date is recorded in my database. Someone at - it suggestions... this thing is me grinding to a halt. Thanks in advance!

Here is the code:

< cfinclude template = "mp_ck_auth1.cfm" >

< cfquery name = "CheckUser" datasource = "manna_premier" >
WHERE UserID = #Session.UserID #.
< / cfquery >

< html >
< head >

< style type = "text/css" >

background-color: #FFF;
border: 1px solid #000;
position: absolute;
z index: 32767;

background-color: #FFF;

background-color: #333;
color: #FFF;
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font size: 13px;
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text-align: center;
letter-spacing: 2px;

background-color: #CCC;
Color: #000;
do-size: 12px;
make-weight: bold;
text-align: center;
do-family: Arial, Helvetica, without serif.
Width: 32px;

background-color: #EEE;
Color: #000;
font size: 13px;
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do-family: Arial, Helvetica, without serif.
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cursor: pointer;

background-color: #F3F3F3;
} / * This code hover does not work for IE * /.

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< title > manna Pro Products, LLC < /title >
< body >

< table class = "ds_box" cellpadding = "0" cellspacing = "0" id = "ds_conclass" style = "" display: none; ">"
< tr > < id td = "ds_calclass" >
< table > < /tr >
< /table >

< script type = "text/javascript" >
<!-<! [CDATA]

Project: Date Picker Dynamics (DtTvB) - 2006-03-16
The script featured on JavaScript Kit -
Code to start...
Set the initial date.
var ds_i_date = new Date();
ds_c_month = ds_i_date.getMonth () + 1;
ds_c_year = ds_i_date.getFullYear ();

Get the item by Id
function ds_getel (id) {}
return document.getElementById (id);

Download the left and the top of the element.
function ds_getleft (el) {}
var tmp = el.offsetLeft;
El = el.offsetParent
{while (El)}
tmp += el.offsetLeft;
El = el.offsetParent;
return tmp;
function ds_gettop (el) {}
var tmp = el.offsetTop;
El = el.offsetParent
{while (El)}
tmp += el.offsetTop;
El = el.offsetParent;
return tmp;

Output element
var ds_oe = ds_getel ('ds_calclass');
var ds_ce = ds_getel ('ds_conclass');

Output control
var ds_ob = ";
function ds_ob_clean() {}
ds_ob = ";
function ds_ob_flush() {}
ds_oe.innerHTML = ds_ob;
function ds_echo (t) {}
ds_ob += t;

var ds_element; Text element...

var ds_monthnames =]
'January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June ',.
'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December '.
]; You can translate it into your language.

var ds_daynames =]
'Sun', 'Mon', 'Mar', 'Sea', 'Thursday', 'Sun', 'Sam '.
]; You can translate it into your language.

Model calendar
function ds_template_main_above (t) {}
"return ' < table cellpadding = '3' cellspacing ="1"class ="ds_tbl">"
+ "< tr >".
+ ' < class td = "ds_head" style = "" cursor: pointer "onclick =" ds_py (); "> & lt; & lt; < table > '
+ ' < class td = "ds_head" style = "" cursor: pointer "onclick =" ds_pm (); "> & lt; < table > '
+ ' < class td = "ds_head" style = "" cursor: pointer "onclick =" ds_hi (); ' colspan = "3" > [close] < table > '
+ ' < class td = "ds_head" style = "" cursor: pointer "onclick =" ds_nm (); "> & gt; < table > '
+ ' < class td = "ds_head" style = "" cursor: pointer "onclick =" ds_ny (); "> & gt; & gt; < table > '
+ "< /tr >".
+ "< tr >".
+ '< td colspan = "7" class = "ds_head" >' t + '< table >.
+ "< /tr >".
+ "< tr >";

function ds_template_day_row (t) {}
return '< class td "ds_subhead" = >' t + '< table > ";
Set the width in CSS, XHTML Strict 1.0 does not have the width for her property.

function ds_template_new_week() {}
return '< /tr > < tr > ";

function ds_template_blank_cell (colspan) {}
return ' < td colspan = "' + colspan + '" > < table > '

function ds_template_day (d, m, y) {}
return ' < class td = "ds_cell" onclick = "ds_onclick (d + ',' + m + ',' + y + ')" > ' d + '< table > ";
Set the width of the line of the day.

function ds_template_main_below() {}
return '< /tr > ".
+ '< /table > ';

It is inspired by calendar...
function ds_draw_calendar (m, y) {}
Start by removing the output buffer.
Here, we will make the header
ds_echo (ds_template_main_above (ds_monthnames [m - 1] + ' ' + y));
for (i = 0; I < 7; i ++) {}
ds_echo (ds_template_day_row (ds_daynames [i]));
Make a date object.
var ds_dc_date = new Date();
ds_dc_date.setMonth (m - 1);
ds_dc_date.setFullYear (y);
ds_dc_date. SetDate (1);
If (m == 1 | m == 3 | m == 5: m == 7 | m == 8 | m == 10: m == 12) {}
days = 31;
} Else if (m == 4: m == 6 | m == 9 | m == 11) {}
days = 30;
} else {}
days = (y % 4 == 0)? 29: 28;
var first_day = ds_dc_date.getDay ();
var first_loop = 1;
Beginning of the first week
ds_echo (ds_template_new_week());
If Sunday is not the first day of the month, make an empty cell...
If (first_day! = 0) {}
ds_echo (ds_template_blank_cell (first_day));
var j = first_day;
for (i = 0; I < days; i ++) {}
Today is Sunday, a new week.
If this Sunday is the first day of the month,
We already have a new line for you.
If (j == 0 & &! first_loop) {}
New week!
ds_echo (ds_template_new_week());
Do a rank of this day here!
ds_echo (ds_template_day (i + 1, m, y));
Is not first loop more...
first_loop = 0;
What is the next day?
j ++;
j % = 7;
Make the footer
ds_echo (ds_template_main_below());
And we will show...
To scroll in the display.
ds_ce. ScrollIntoView();

Function to display the calendar.
When the user clicks on the date, it will define the content of t.
function ds_sh (t) {}
Set the element to set.
ds_element = t;
Make a new date and set the current month and year.
var ds_sh_date = new Date();
ds_c_month = ds_sh_date.getMonth () + 1;
ds_c_year = ds_sh_date.getFullYear ();
Draw schedule
ds_draw_calendar (ds_c_month, ds_c_year);
To change the position correctly, we must show first. = ";
Move the calendar container!
the_left = ds_getleft (t);
the_top = ds_gettop (t) + t.offsetHeight; = the_left + 'px '; = the_top + 'px ';
To scroll in the display.
ds_ce. ScrollIntoView();

Hide the calendar.
function ds_hi() {} = 'none ';

Moves to next month...
function ds_nm() {}
Increase the current month.
ds_c_month ++;
We have past December, back to next year.
Increase the current year and set the month of January.
If {(ds_c_month > 12)
ds_c_month = 1;
ds_c_year ++;
Redraw the calendar.
ds_draw_calendar (ds_c_month, ds_c_year);

Moves to the previous month.
function ds_pm() {}
ds_c_month = ds_c_month - 1; Impossible to use the dashboard dashboard here, getting the invalid page.
We stayed in January, let's go back to the previous year.
Decrease the current year and set the month of December.
If (ds_c_month < 1) {}
ds_c_month = 12;
ds_c_year = ds_c_year - 1; Impossible to use the dashboard dashboard here, getting the invalid page.
Redraw the calendar.
ds_draw_calendar (ds_c_month, ds_c_year);

Moves to next year...
function ds_ny() {}
Increase in the current year.
ds_c_year ++;
Redraw the calendar.
ds_draw_calendar (ds_c_month, ds_c_year);

Moves to the previous year...
function ds_py() {}
Reduction in the current year.
ds_c_year = ds_c_year - 1; Impossible to use the dashboard dashboard here, getting the invalid page.
Redraw the calendar.
ds_draw_calendar (ds_c_month, ds_c_year);

The format of the release date.
function ds_format_date (d, m, y) {}
2-digit month.
M2 = '00' + m;
M2 = m2.substr (m2.length - 2);
day 2-digit.
D2 = '00' + d;
D2 = d2.substr (d2.length - 2);
return y + '-' + m2 + '-' + d2;

When the user clicks on the day.
function ds_onclick (d, m, y) {}
Hide the calendar.
Set the value of it, if we can.
If (typeof (ds_element.value)! = 'undefined') {}
ds_element. Value = ds_format_date (d, m, y);
Maybe we want to define the HTML in there.
} else if (typeof (ds_element.innerHTML)! = 'undefined') {}
ds_element.innerHTML = ds_format_date (d, m, y);
I don't know how we should view, only he warn the user.
} else {}
Alert (ds_format_date (d, m, y));

And this is the end.

[]] >-->
< /script >

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< td colspan = "5" > < a href = "bookings.cfm" target = "_self" onMouseOut ="MM_nbGroup ('out'); "onMouseOver =" MM_nbGroup ('over', 'manna_premier_menu_r10_c3',' images/manna_premier_menu_r10 _c3_f2.jpg','images/manna_premier_menu_r10_c3_f4.jpg',1);' onClick = "MM_nbGroup ('down', 'navbar1', 'manna_premier_menu_r10_c3', ' images/manna_premier_me nu_r10_c3_f3.jpg', 1); "" > < img name = "manna_premier_menu_r10_c3" src = "images/manna_premier_menu_r10_c3.jpg" width = "134" height = "12" border = "0" id = "manna_premier_menu_r10_c3" alt ="" / > < / a > < table >
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"< td > < img src ="images/spacer.gif"width ="1"height ="22"border ="0"alt =" "/ > < table >
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"< td > < a href =" mpremier_faq.cfm"target ="_self"> < img name ="manna_premier_menu_r12_c3"src =" images/manna_premier_menu_r12_c3.jpg "width ="36"height ="12"border ="0"id ="manna_premier_menu_r12_c3"alt =" "/ > < /a > < table >"
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"< td > < img src ="images/spacer.gif"width ="1"height ="12"border ="0"alt =" "/ > < table >
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"< td > < img name ="manna_premier_menu_r13_c3"src ="images/manna_premier_menu_r13_c3.jpg"width ="36"height ="22"border ="0"id ="manna_premier_menu_r13_c3"alt =" "/ > < table >
"< td > < img src ="images/spacer.gif"width ="1"height ="22"border ="0"alt =" "/ > < table >
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"< td rowspan ="2"colspan ="2"> < img name ="manna_premier_menu_r14_c6"src ="images/manna_premier_menu_r14_c6.jpg"width ="42"height ="259"border ="0"id ="manna_premier_menu_r14_c6"alt =" "/ > < table >
"< td > < img src ="images/spacer.gif"width ="1"height ="12"border ="0"alt =" "/ > < table >
< /tr >
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"< td colspan ="3"> < img name ="manna_premier_menu_r15_c3"src ="images/manna_premier_menu_r15_c3.jpg"width ="92"height ="247"border ="0"id ="manna_premier_menu_r15_c3"alt =" "/ > < table >
"< td > < img src ="images/spacer.gif"width ="1"height ="247"border ="0"alt =" "/ > < table >
< /tr >
< b >
"< td rowspan ="2"> < img name ="manna_premier_menu_r16_c1"src ="images/manna_premier_menu_r16_c1.jpg"width ="4"height ="42"border ="0"id ="manna_premier_menu_r16_c1"alt =" "/ > < table >
< td colspan = "9" > < a href = "mpremier_main.cfm" target = "_self" onClick ="MM_nbGroup ('down', 'navbar1', 'manna_premier_menu_r16_c2', ' images/manna_premier_me nu_r16_c2_f3.jpg', 1); "onMouseOver =" MM_nbGroup ('over', 'manna_premier_menu_r16_c2',' images/manna_premier_menu_r16 _c2_f2.jpg','images/manna_premier_menu_r16_c2_f4.jpg',1);"onMouseOut =" MM_nbGroup ('out'); "" > < img name = "manna_premier_menu_r16_c2" src = "images/manna_premier_menu_r16_c2.jpg" width = "151" height = "36" border = "0" id = "manna_premier_menu_r16_c2" alt ="" / > < /a > < table >
"< td rowspan ="2"> < img name ="manna_premier_menu_r16_c11"src ="images/manna_premier_menu_r16_c11.jpg"width ="4"height ="42"border ="0"id ="manna_premier_menu_r16_c11"alt =" "/ > < table >
"< td > < img src ="images/spacer.gif"width ="1"height ="36"border ="0"alt =" "/ > < table >
< /tr >
< b >
"< td colspan ="9"> < img name ="manna_premier_menu_r17_c2"src ="images/manna_premier_menu_r17_c2.jpg"width ="151"height ="6"border ="0"id ="manna_premier_menu_r17_c2"alt =" "/ > < table >
"< td > < img src ="images/spacer.gif"width ="1"height ="6"border ="0"alt =" "/ > < table >
< /tr >
< / table > < table >
< td width = "73%" valign = "top" > < table border = "0" align = "center" cellpadding = "0" cellspacing = "0" >
< b >
< td colspan = "3" > < div align = "center" class = "style1 style2" > STATUS of territory MANAGER < / div > < table >
< /tr >
< b >
< td colspan = "3" valign = "top" > < cfoutput query = 'CheckUser' > < div align = "center" >
< div align = "center" > < span class = "style7" > Welcome back #UserFirstName # #UserLastName #!
Your last login was #DateFormat(LastLogin, "mmm dd, yyyy") # to #TimeFormat (LastLogin, "h: mm tt") # PST.
You have logged in to the site a total of #TotalLogins # time. </span > < / div >
< / cfoutput >
< cfform method = "post" action = "log_entry.cfm" >
< div align = "center" > < cfoutput >
< input type = "hidden" name = "LogDate" value = "#DateFormat (Now (), ' mm/dd/yyyy') #" >
< / cfoutput >
< table width = "525" border = "0" align = "center" cellpadding = "0" cellspacing = "0" >
< b >
< td width = "177" align = "left" class = "style8 style15" > Territory Manager: < table >
< td width = "363" height = "16" align = "left" > < span class = "style12" >
< label > < cfoutput query = 'CheckUser' >
< input name = "TerritoryManager" type = "text" id = "TerritoryManager" value = "" #UserFirstName # #UserLastName # "/ >"
< / label >
</span > < / cfoutput > < table >
< /tr >
< b >
< td align = "left" bgcolor = "#CCCCCC" class = "style8 style15" > status: < table >
< height td = '20' bgcolor = "#CCCCCC" class = "style12" >
< label > < / label > < table >
< /tr >
< b >
< td align = "left" class = "style8 style16" > < strong >
< input name = "Status" type = "radio" value = "in the field" / >
In the field < facilities > < table >
< class td 'style12' = >
< label > < / label > < table >
< /tr >
< b >
< td align = "left" bgcolor = "#CCCCCC" class = "style8 style16" > < strong >
< input name = "Status" type = "radio" value = "Vacation" / >
Holiday < facilities > < table >
< td bgcolor = "#CCCCCC" > < table >
< /tr >
< b >
< td align = "left" > < blockquote >
< class p = "style16 style8" > < strong > start date:
< facilities > < / p >
< / blockquote > < table >
< td align = "left" > < input type = "text" onclick = "ds_sh (this); "name ="VacStart"style =" "cursor: text" / > < table > "
< /tr >
< b >
< td align = "left" > < blockquote >
< class p = "style16 style8" > < strong > end date:
< facilities > < / p >
< / blockquote > < table >
< td align = "left" > "> < input type ="text"onclick =" ds_sh (this); "name ="VacEnd"style =" "cursor: text" / > < table > "
< /tr >
< b >
< td align = "left" class = "style8 style16" > < strong >
< label >
< input name = "Status" type = "radio" value = "Sick day" / >
< / label >
Sick day < / strong > < table >
< td > < table >
< /tr >
< b >
< td align = "left" class = "style8 style16" > < strong >
< label >
< input name = "Status" type = "radio" value = "Admin Day" / >
< / label >
Admin Day < facilities > < table >
< td > < table >
< /tr >
< b >
< td align = "left" class = "style8 style16" > < strong >
< input name = "Status" type = "radio" value = "DSR Ride Along" / >
DSR Ride Along < facilities > < table >
< td align = "left" > < label >
< input name = "DSRName" type = "text" id = "DSRName" / >
< / label > < table >
< /tr >
< b >
< td align = "left" class = "style8 style16" > < strong >
< label >
< input name = "Status" type = "radio" value = 'ServiceCall' / >
< / label >
Calls for service < facilities > < table >
< td align = "left" > < label >
< input type = "text" name = "ServiceName" / >
< / label > < table >
< /tr >
< b >
< td align = "left" > < table >
< td align = "left" > < table >
< /tr >
< b >
< td colspan = "2" align = "center" > < label >
< input type = "submit" value = "Submit" / >
< / label >
< label >
< input type = "reset" value = "Reset" / >
< / label > < table >
< /tr >
< /table >
< / div >
< / cfform >
< p align = "center" class = "style7" > < br / >
< a href = "TM_launch.html" target = "_self" > continue without updating of status. " < /a > < /p >
< / div > < table >
< /tr >
< b >
< td colspan = "3" > < p > < / p >
< p > < / p > < p > < / p > < table >
< /tr >
< b >
< td colspan = "3" bordercolor = "#000000" > < table >
< /tr >
< tr valign = "top" >
< td colspan = "3" > < div align = "center" class = "style8" > < / div > < table >
< /tr >
< b >
< td > < table >
< td > < table >
< td > < table >
< /tr >
< / table > < table >
< /tr >
< /table >
< / body >
< / html >


See... Here's a deal at the point of why it's good to NPA as little as possible (while making sure that all the code is displayed.  "It is a delicate balance sometimes).  I don't at all look @ your original code and did not notice that you rolled your own calendar control.

Now, my first reaction is the reason why you do not use for this: ?

Second... I'm not sure what you're asking, it's actually a ColdFusion question, possibly more JS or DHTML question.

Yet, a few thoughts:

* is your calendar control actually enter a date correctly on the client?  IE: when you choose a date, is - this one) actually save a value (pop up you can an alert() with the correct value); (b) is the value in a form control.  I'm not going to study your logic to follow what is happening, but at some point, he must put a value into a form field.  I guess it is a hidden... change to an input text to ensure that it is actually be filled.

* the value gives thanks to the action page?  Replace your current action code by .  Are the dates it?

* How will you put the data in the Database?  A bit of code that you do not publish is the action page.

If there is a problem with the first point above, it's really a matter of JS is not a question of CF.



Tags: ColdFusion

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    Try creating a new profile as a test to check whether your profile is the source of the problems.

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    My mistake - missed you ask on an option button - they are more delicate with javascript because they are stored under a range of choices, then a simple $x () .value won't.

    You can also make use of $s () to set the value of the elements of the ApEx, which is actually cleaner than $x () .value as it automatically represents the different types of items:


    Hope this helps,

    If you find this information useful, please do not forget to mark the 'useful' or 'correct' post so that others benefit as well.

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    I never tried to download a calendar on an iPhone directly.  But if you have a Mac, I downloaded calendars here successfully:

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    E-mail address is removed from the privacy *.

    Thank you.

    See patch here:

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    Please make all below even if you have done some before as it is often the set of operations which solves
    the question.

    Try this - Panel - Device Manager - CD/DVD - double-click on the device - driver tab - click
    Update the drivers (this will probably do nothing) - then RIGHT click the drive - UNINSTALL - REBOOT
    This will refresh the default driver stack. Even if the reader does not appear to continue below.

    Then, work your way through these - don't forget the drive might be bad, could be a loose cable or
    slight corrosion on the contacts (usually for a laptop) and other issues.

    Your CD or DVD drive is missing or is not recognized by Windows or other programs - a Mr Fixit

    Try this fix manually if the Fixit 314060 does not work

    Your CD or DVD drive is missing or is not recognized by Windows or other programs-
    a Mr Fixit

    The CD drive or the DVD drive does not work as expected on a computer that you upgraded to Windows Vista

    When you insert a CD or a DVD, Windows Vista may not recognize the disc

    Your CD or DVD drive cannot read or write media - A Mr Fixit

    CD/DVD drive does not appear in Windows Vista, or you receive this error during the installation of Windows Vista after booting from the DVD (AHCI)
    Drive CD - R or CD - RW Drive is not recognized as a recordable device

    Hardware devices not detected or not working - A Mr Fixit

    Another possibility is that the cables are loose. Remove ALL power, then make sure that the cables in both
    ends. Remove and replace, do not just tight. For laptops, you can often clean power and
    contacts data with a pencil eraser.


    Also check with your system manufacturer to see if there are any updated drivers for your DVD. Or even if it
    are you can reinstall the 'old'. Many use Windows default drivers however some special aura
    ones. Also check the website of the manufacturer of the car.

    Look at the sites of the manufacturer for drivers - and the manufacturer of the device manually.

    Hope these helps.

    Rob Brown - MS MVP - Windows Desktop Experience: Bike - Mark Twain said it right.

Maybe you are looking for