check if a string contains only some characters

I'm working on a java program that converts the Roman numbers. The user enters a string, and I need to check to make sure that it contains MDCLXVI and if he doesn't I will get them the input again string. I thought I'd do a while loop but I'm not sure if it's the smart way to make or the syntax to perform the check.

Here was a thought on the control with a while loop, but I've never used it before and maybe build evil.
while (!Pattern.matches("MDCLXVI", firstRoman))
        System.out.print("Not a valid Roman Number please try again");
        firstRoman = firstRoman.toUpperCase();
My Code is as follows:
// Ask for user to input firstRoman Number
        System.out.print("Enter your first Roman Number:");
        // add the Roman Number to the String variable
        firstRoman = keyboard.nextLine();
        firstRoman = firstRoman.toUpperCase();
Once they enter in the it, I want to check to make sure that it has characters MDCLXVI and if it contains any other characters then I will provide a new object Scanner keyboard to try again and if it fails again, it will go to the option to try again until they put in a string that contains only the characters above. I don't know where to go here to get the while loop has worked. New to Java and I got my program work properly when I put good known numbers of novel, but I want to take incorrect entries.

Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you

I put the code for my main program and my class below just in case. I have already met the requirements of the teacher if the project is done, I'm just trying to improve.
 * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
 * and open the template in the editor.
package myname.project.pkg6;

import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

 * @author wsteadma
public class mynameProject6 {

     * @param args the command line arguments
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Used for testing
        String firstRoman;
        String secondRoman;
        Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(;

        // Ask for user to input firstRoman Number
        System.out.print("Enter your first Roman Number:");
        // add the Roman Number to the String variable
        firstRoman = keyboard.nextLine();
        firstRoman = firstRoman.toUpperCase();
        // Ask for user to input secondRoman Number
        System.out.print("Enter your second Roman Number:");
        // add the Roman Number to the String variable
        secondRoman = keyboard.nextLine(); // Add the name input into the name variable
        secondRoman = secondRoman.toUpperCase();
        //Creating first instance of Roman Numbers class
        Roman firstNumber = new Roman(firstRoman);
        Roman secondNumber = new Roman(secondRoman);
        System.out.println("Printout of the created roman numbers");
        //Prints out the Roman Number
        // Convert Roman to Decimal
        System.out.println("Viewing the Decimal values for the two defined instances");
        //Prints decimal Numbers
        System.out.println("Adding the Roman Numbers and returning new Roman value");
        Roman romanAdd;
        romanAdd = firstNumber.addRoman(secondNumber);

        System.out.println("Subtracting the Roman Numbers and return new Roman value");
        Roman romanSub;
        romanSub = firstNumber.subRoman(secondNumber);
 * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
 * and open the template in the editor.
package myname.project.pkg6;

 * @author wsteadma
public class Roman {

    private String romNumber;
    private int decNumber;

    public Roman(String rNumber) {
        romNumber = rNumber;

    public String getRoman() {
        return romNumber;
    public int getDecimal()
    return decNumber;

    public void printRoman() {
        System.out.println("The Roman Number is " + romNumber);

    public void printDecimal() {
        System.out.println("The Decimal Number is " + decNumber);

    // Converts a roman number string into a decimal value
    public int setDecimal(String romNum) {
        int charValue = 0;
        char[] characters = new char[romNum.length()];

        //System.out.println("romNum length is " + romNum.length());
        for (int counter = 0; counter < romNum.length(); counter++) {
            characters[counter] = romNum.charAt(counter);

        for (int sCounter = 0; sCounter < romNum.length(); sCounter++) {
            if (characters[sCounter] == 'M'  || characters[sCounter] == 'm') {
                charValue += 1000;
            } else if (characters[sCounter] == 'D' || characters[sCounter] == 'd') {
                charValue += 500;
            } else if (characters[sCounter] == 'C' || characters[sCounter] == 'c') {
                charValue += 100;
            } else if (characters[sCounter] == 'L' || characters[sCounter] == 'l') {
                charValue += 50;
            } else if (characters[sCounter] == 'X' || characters[sCounter] == 'x') {
                charValue += 10;
            } else if (characters[sCounter] == 'V' || characters[sCounter] == 'v') {
                charValue += 5;
            } else if (characters[sCounter] == 'I' || characters[sCounter] == 'i') {
                charValue += 1;
        decNumber = charValue;
        return charValue;

    // Converts a decomal number to a roman number
    public String setDec2Roman(int decNum) {
        String newRoman = "";

        while (decNum >= 1000) {
            newRoman += "M";
            decNum -= 1000;

        while (decNum >= 500) {
            newRoman += "D";
            decNum -= 500;

        while (decNum >= 100) {
            newRoman += "C";
            decNum -= 100;

        while (decNum >= 50) {
            newRoman += "L";
            decNum -= 50;

        while (decNum >= 10) {
            newRoman += "X";
            decNum -= 10;

        while (decNum >= 5) {
            newRoman += "V";
            decNum -= 5;

        while (decNum > 0) {
            newRoman += "I";
            decNum -= 1;
        return newRoman;

    public Roman addRoman(Roman newRom) {
        int totRom = newRom.setDecimal(newRom.romNumber) + decNumber;
        romNumber = newRom.setDec2Roman(totRom);
        return new Roman(romNumber);
    public Roman subRoman(Roman subRom) {
        int totRom = decNumber - subRom.setDecimal(subRom.romNumber);
        romNumber = subRom.setDec2Roman(totRom);
        return new Roman(romNumber);

While (!.) Pattern.Matches ("MDCLXVI", firstRoman))

Try "[MDCLXVI] *" and see if it's better

System.out.Print ("a valid Roman Number please try again");
firstRoman = firstRoman.toUpperCase ();

My Code is as follows:

// Ask for user to input firstRoman Number
System.out.print("Enter your first Roman Number:");
// add the Roman Number to the String variable
firstRoman = keyboard.nextLine();
firstRoman = firstRoman.toUpperCase();

Once they enter in the it, I want to check to make sure that it has characters MDCLXVI and if it contains any other characters then I will provide a new object Scanner keyboard to try again and if it fails again, it will go to the option to try again until they put in a string that contains only the characters above. I don't know where to go here to get the while loop has worked. New to Java and I got my program work properly when I put good known numbers of novel, but I want to take incorrect entries.

Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you

I put the code for my main program and my class below just in case. I have already met the requirements of the teacher if the project is done, I'm just trying to improve.

* To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
* and open the template in the editor.
package myname.project.pkg6;

import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

* @author wsteadma
public class mynameProject6 {

* @param args the command line arguments
public static void main(String[] args) {

// Used for testing
String firstRoman;
String secondRoman;

Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(;

// Ask for user to input firstRoman Number
System.out.print("Enter your first Roman Number:");
// add the Roman Number to the String variable
firstRoman = keyboard.nextLine();
firstRoman = firstRoman.toUpperCase();

// Ask for user to input secondRoman Number
System.out.print("Enter your second Roman Number:");
// add the Roman Number to the String variable
secondRoman = keyboard.nextLine(); // Add the name input into the name variable
secondRoman = secondRoman.toUpperCase();

//Creating first instance of Roman Numbers class
Roman firstNumber = new Roman(firstRoman);
Roman secondNumber = new Roman(secondRoman);

System.out.println("Printout of the created roman numbers");
//Prints out the Roman Number

// Convert Roman to Decimal

System.out.println("Viewing the Decimal values for the two defined instances");
//Prints decimal Numbers

System.out.println("Adding the Roman Numbers and returning new Roman value");
Roman romanAdd;
romanAdd = firstNumber.addRoman(secondNumber);

System.out.println("Subtracting the Roman Numbers and return new Roman value");
Roman romanSub;
romanSub = firstNumber.subRoman(secondNumber);


* To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
* and open the template in the editor.
package myname.project.pkg6;

* @author wsteadma
public class Roman {

private String romNumber;
private int decNumber;

public Roman(String rNumber) {
romNumber = rNumber;

public String getRoman() {
return romNumber;

public int getDecimal()
return decNumber;

public void printRoman() {
System.out.println("The Roman Number is " + romNumber);

public void printDecimal() {
System.out.println("The Decimal Number is " + decNumber);

// Converts a roman number string into a decimal value
public int setDecimal(String romNum) {
int charValue = 0;
char[] characters = new char[romNum.length()];

//System.out.println("romNum length is " + romNum.length());
for (int counter = 0; counter < romNum.length(); counter++) {
characters[counter] = romNum.charAt(counter);

for (int sCounter = 0; sCounter < romNum.length(); sCounter++) {
if (characters[sCounter] == 'M'  || characters[sCounter] == 'm') {
charValue += 1000;
} else if (characters[sCounter] == 'D' || characters[sCounter] == 'd') {
charValue += 500;
} else if (characters[sCounter] == 'C' || characters[sCounter] == 'c') {
charValue += 100;
} else if (characters[sCounter] == 'L' || characters[sCounter] == 'l') {
charValue += 50;
} else if (characters[sCounter] == 'X' || characters[sCounter] == 'x') {
charValue += 10;
} else if (characters[sCounter] == 'V' || characters[sCounter] == 'v') {
charValue += 5;
} else if (characters[sCounter] == 'I' || characters[sCounter] == 'i') {
charValue += 1;

decNumber = charValue;
return charValue;

// Converts a decomal number to a roman number
public String setDec2Roman(int decNum) {
String newRoman = "";

while (decNum >= 1000) {
newRoman += "M";
decNum -= 1000;

while (decNum >= 500) {
newRoman += "D";
decNum -= 500;

while (decNum >= 100) {
newRoman += "C";
decNum -= 100;

while (decNum >= 50) {
newRoman += "L";
decNum -= 50;

while (decNum >= 10) {
newRoman += "X";
decNum -= 10;

while (decNum >= 5) {
newRoman += "V";
decNum -= 5;

while (decNum > 0) {
newRoman += "I";
decNum -= 1;
return newRoman;

public Roman addRoman(Roman newRom) {
int totRom = newRom.setDecimal(newRom.romNumber) + decNumber;
romNumber = newRom.setDec2Roman(totRom);
return new Roman(romNumber);

public Roman subRoman(Roman subRom) {
int totRom = decNumber - subRom.setDecimal(subRom.romNumber);
romNumber = subRom.setDec2Roman(totRom);
return new Roman(romNumber);


Tags: Java

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           instr(error_row,'Invoice no:') + 12,
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    Assume that "quantity:' does not always follow ' invoice No. :'-> looking for the first comma after" invoice No.:'

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    You can create Validation based on return Boolean and returns a False when the element has charecters other than 'A - Z' (charecters upper and lower) and - (hifen).

    if trim(translate(upper(:P1_ENAME), 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ-'
                                                      '                                                  ') is null then
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       return false;
    end if;

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      2                               '                           ')),'Null Value')
      3     from dual;
    Null Value
    sql> ed
    Wrote file afiedt.buf
      1  select nvl(trim(translate(upper('9999Asf---'), 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ-',
      2                               '                           ')),'Null Value')
      3*    from dual
    sql> /
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    What about using a script?

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    Try something like
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    Thanks in advance,
    Date of birth
    instr (str, '/') > 0

    as in

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      2  as
      3  (select 'this first string contains / a slash' str from dual union all
      4   select 'this second string contains / a slash' str from dual union all
      5   select 'this third does not' str from dual
      6  )
      7  select *
      8    from test
      9   where instr (str, '/') > 0
     10  /
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    this second string contains / a slash
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    Original title: can't do user account
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    Try these steps to create a new account:
    a. log on under an account that has administrator privileges.
    b. Click Start.
    c. type the three letters cmd in the search box.
    d. press Ctrl + Shift + Enter
    e. click "Run as Administrator".
    f. type the following commands and press ENTER after each one:
    net users
    NET user 'Jack' xxyyzz / add
    net localgroup administrators/add ' Jack'

    The first command displays all existing account names.
    The second command creates an account named 'Jack' with a password of "xxyyzz".
    The third command will make Jack administrator.

    Check the link for more help:
    Create a user account
  • Decoding UTF - missing some characters


    I get a JSON from the server as

    "title": "Nice!â\u0084¢ Honey",
    "totalinterestexposureratio": "",
     "vo": "item" }

    I use the following method of decoding UTF-8

    public static String UTF8Decode(byte in[], int offset, int length) {
            StringBuffer buff = new StringBuffer();
            int max = offset + length;
            for (int i = offset; i < max; i++) {
                char c = 0;
                if ((in[i] & 0x80) == 0) {
                    c = (char) in[i];
                } else if ((in[i] & 0xe0) == 0xc0) // 11100000
                    c |= ((in[i] & 0x1f) << 6); // 00011111
                    c |= ((in[i] & 0x3f) << 0); // 00111111
                } else if ((in[i] & 0xf0) == 0xe0) // 11110000
                    c |= ((in[i] & 0x0f) << 12); // 00001111
                    c |= ((in[i] & 0x3f) << 6); // 00111111
                    c |= ((in[i] & 0x3f) << 0); // 00111111
                } else if ((in[i] & 0xf8) == 0xf0) // 11111000
                    c |= ((in[i] & 0x07) << 18); // 00000111 (move 18, not 16?)
                    c |= ((in[i] & 0x3f) << 12); // 00111111
                    c |= ((in[i] & 0x3f) << 6); // 00111111
                    c |= ((in[i] & 0x3f) << 0); // 00111111
                } else {
                    c = '?';
            return buff.toString();

    But I do get some characters (eg. sign of registration).

    Knowledge appropriate algorithms

    String myString;

    try {}

    myString = new String (inBytes, "UTF - 8");

    } catch (Exception e) {}


    If the characters appear as black squares, then it is possible that the police does not contain the correct symbol.  If you see the "?", this usually indicates a failure of the conversion.

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    In my rtf model, I'm changing the background color according to the value of a security of people. I am unable to verify the exact values, but all of the titles are the same, but contain the same value in the full title (e.g. Secretary main vs vs Support Secretary Executive Secretary). So instead of checking where TITLE = 'Secretary', I need to know how to check where the TITLE contains "Secretary". I don't understand the syntax.
    Any help would be appreciated!

    One way is to test instring Secretary.

    The instr function returns the location of a substring in a string. The syntax of the instr function is:

    InStr (string1, string2, [start_position], [nth_appearance])

    string1 is the string to search for.

    string2 is the substring to search for in string1.

    start_position is the position in string1 where the search will begin. The first position in the string is 1. If the start_position is negative, the function account back start_position number of characters from the end of string1, then research toward the start of string1.

    nth appearance is the appearance of Nth of string2.

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